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Western Hypocrisy...

Old Chap Raasclaat

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2 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

Even though Russia has been the recent aggressor, and the 'n-word' has been mentioned by Putin, I still consider Xi-Jinwank a bigger threat.  

Indeed. I don't know if my opinion is coloured by xenophobia or Western propaganda, but I'm far more worried about the intentions and mindset of the Chinese than the Russians.

Both cultures are alien to our western sensibilities, but I think there's more of a gap between the way we perceive geopolitics compared to the Chinese. My gut feeling is that there are sensible heads within the Russian administration who would act to stop Putin should he consider pressing the red button. I'm not so sure that anyone within the ruling elite in China would err on the side of caution to help prevent nuclear armageddon.



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56 minutes ago, White Cunt said:

Russian billions have been under close influence of comrade Putin and that money is largely under his control- we know what happens to the free rangers who disobey the master. The wealth in mind is what is permitted to float around and it is the target of governments, really nothing new here.

Chinks are really shitting themselves: they have been hoarding food and instructed the pleb to do so too. They have supplies from all over the world, but large part of it comes from Russia and they saw the writing on the wall very early on. They are in a tricky spot; Trump started their headaches and things are not getting any better with current world developments. As they are heavily invested all over the world and purchased a lot of farm land, food processing and ports, the West can really screw them put by taking over their assets and doing the dollar war. Their currency input in the basket of trade is fuck all, around two to three percent, western currencies are around seventy five. They will be careful not to piss off the West but they need Russia too.

So what you're saying is that we've got two nuclear capable superpowers, both led by fading old men with something to prove, who are each surrounded by spineless yes men and largely complacent publics by the short and curlies.

But we can only use sock puppets to fight them.

This can only end well.


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25 minutes ago, Roadkill said:


But we can only use sock puppets to fight them.

This can only end well.


I would suggest Gordon The Gopher for any suicide missions. Emotionally scarred and consumed by rage ever since the daily sexual abuse he endured at the hands of Schofield in the broom cupboard. He just doesn't give a fuck anymore.


Rodent Extremely Dangerous 

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7 hours ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

The only thing I give a fuck about is, why have I got to pay an extra 10p per litre of fuel? 

It’s only 20p extra on a 2 litre bottle of White Lightning. Around £10 a day more than your pre Putin budget.

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3 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I would suggest Gordon The Gopher for any suicide missions. Emotionally scarred and consumed by rage ever since the daily sexual abuse he endured at the hands of Schofield in the broom cupboard. He just doesn't give a fuck anymore.


Rodent Extremely Dangerous 

Sorry but I still don't think he's gay. A boring cunt yes, but an uphill gardner? No.  

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3 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I would suggest Gordon The Gopher for any suicide missions. Emotionally scarred and consumed by rage ever since the daily sexual abuse he endured at the hands of Schofield in the broom cupboard. He just doesn't give a fuck anymore.


Rodent Extremely Dangerous 

I suggest Sooty. If he's captured he won't say fuck all under torture. 

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4 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Sorry but I still don't think he's gay. A boring cunt yes, but an uphill gardner? No.  

Schofield? Bender or not, I'd still like to shove his little square head into a wood-chipper. I'd turn it off before it killed him, but leave him helplessly trapped, blind and probably deaf to give him plenty of time to suffer.

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7 hours ago, Frank said:

You’re way out of your depth commenting on this shit Raasters. Refrain. 


So you refer to people dying, losing their homes and war crimes as 'this shit' do you? Yet more confirmation of your twisted mind or are you trying to sound tough? Go and put a wig on a make another video...nothing weird about a near 60 year old doing that is there? Lol. 


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8 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

So you refer to people dying, losing their homes and war crimes as 'this shit' do you? Yet more confirmation of your twisted mind or are you trying to sound tough? Go and put a wig on a make another video...nothing weird about a near 60 year old doing that is there? Lol. 


Certainly not, Raasters. I'm referring to your inability to string a coherent sentence together.. even when repeatedly stating the bleeding obvious. Do you now what I mean?

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50 minutes ago, Frank said:

Certainly not, Raasters. I'm referring to your inability to string a coherent sentence together.. even when repeatedly stating the bleeding obvious. Do you now what I mean?

No, you referred to my nominations subject matter as 'this shit' so were you dismissing this most serious of topics as shit and not worthy of debate, or trying to sound tough and a bit 'street' also using words like 'thickster'. Frank you'll be able to get a free bus pass soon, don't you think it's time you acted your age?

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22 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

No, you referred to my nominations subject matter as 'this shit' so were you dismissing this most serious of topics as shit and not worthy of debate, or trying to sound tough and a bit 'street' also using words like 'thickster'. Frank you'll be able to get a free bus pass soon, don't you think it's time you acted your age?

You’re clearly upset and it’s probably best we both take a breather before I stamp on your little head. 🇨🇺 

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8 minutes ago, Frank said:

You’re clearly upset and it’s probably best we both take a breather before I stamp on your little head. 🇨🇺 

I'm having a great day Frank, not upset at all. I'm not sure I can say the same for you, threatening violence etc. Could it be that you are upset and losing your cool? 

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39 minutes ago, Frank said:

You’re clearly upset and it’s probably best we both take a breather before I stamp on your little head. 🇨🇺 

Don't bother Frank. I think someone said on here that RatsCack was like a cockroach, which means you could chop his head off and he'd still plague the site. Well, it was either that or he likes cock, I can't fucking remember to be honest.

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11 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

So you refer to people dying, losing their homes and war crimes as 'this shit' do you? Yet more confirmation of your twisted mind or are you trying to sound tough? Go and put a wig on a make another video...nothing weird about a near 60 year old doing that is there? Lol. 


To be fair, what are punters supposed to refer to it as?

We can't all just call it "the Russia/Ukraine conflict" every time we mention it. On here that's fairy talk and will get you glassed. 

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12 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

To be fair, what are punters supposed to refer to it as?

We can't all just call it "the Russia/Ukraine conflict" every time we mention it. On here that's fairy talk and will get you glassed. 

Putin's European Tour? Been there, done that, had the t-shirt.


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2 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

No, you referred to my nominations subject matter as 'this shit' so were you dismissing this most serious of topics as shit and not worthy of debate, or trying to sound tough and a bit 'street' also using words like 'thickster'. Frank you'll be able to get a free bus pass soon, don't you think it's time you acted your age?

Serious indeed but you you are just a thickster raking over hot coal. No comprehension of the background to Russia's paranoia about the potential threat (real or not) from Western Europe countries invading it .. to it Ukraine is a barrier protecting it from invasion .. read your history books before using this topic like a free bus pass.

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4 hours ago, Frank said:

Certainly not, Raasters. I'm referring to your inability to string a coherent sentence together.. even when repeatedly stating the bleeding obvious. Do you now what I mean?

Franklin, after reading some of the drivel that Garry Kasparov has been spewing out about this conflict, it led me down the rabbit hole to Bobby Fischer's Wikipedia page.

Were you aware that he was a tremendous anti-Semite?

Do svidanya.

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2 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Franklin, after reading some of the drivel that Garry Kasparov has been spewing out about this conflict, it led me down the rabbit hole to Bobby Fischer's Wikipedia page.

Were you aware that he was a tremendous anti-Semite?

Do svidanya.

I took my forever ungrateful kids to see Simply Red at the 02 on Wednesday. The place was packed to the rafters with decaying old folk like me. It made me feel ill. Mind, that Mick has a fabulous voice. Faultless.

The Clipper from Westminster Pier to North Greenwich, one way, was £58.80 for the three of us. 

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