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200,000 Ukrainians

Cap'n Cunt

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13 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Thank you for this fascinating trip down memory lane. Could you give us your first hand recollections of the Crewe town crier disseminating the news prior to the invention of the printing press and mass literacy?


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1 hour ago, Decimus said:

Thank you for this fascinating trip down memory lane. Could you give us your first hand recollections of the Crewe town crier disseminating the news prior to the invention of the printing press and mass literacy?

Could I draw your attention to this gaff in the Ukrainian thread ..  "It may sound like hyperbole, but the rise of the Christian right in America would terrify me if I lived their."?

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28 minutes ago, Penelope Alive said:

Could I draw your attention to this GAFF in the Ukrainian thread ..  "It may sound like hyperbole, but the rise of the Christian right in America would terrify me if I lived their."?

Oh, the irony...

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11 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

...or maybe I said something similar to this...



You can have eye-rolling emojis coming out of your arse for all I care, and you can attempt to manipulate as much as you see fit, but neither comment appears to be what I was looking for. That particular discourse seems to have disappeared...

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13 hours ago, Penelope Alive said:

ITV (and Sky) are every bit as bad as the BBC .. all of them are reporting opinion rather than simply information about what is happening. I don't want the news to always agree with my opinion, I want news to be truthful and unbiased. The BBC needs to slim down some departments and focus less on international opinion and focus more on regional news within the UK. I do remember the end of the era of "Here is the news read by Alvar Liddel" .. at that time the "news" as reported would be concise and factual with little if any hint of the broadcaster or newsreaders opinions. News broadcasts would generally last about 10 minutes. If you wanted to read opinion or muck-raking you would buy a newspaper.

I wouldn’t believe anything the BBC broadcast, except maybe a three hour, real time, never before filmed, journey around your Mount Everest sized cock.

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11 hours ago, Wolfie said:

You can have eye-rolling emojis coming out of your arse for all I care, and you can attempt to manipulate as much as you see fit, but neither comment appears to be what I was looking for. That particular discourse seems to have disappeared...

That discourse may well have been said, but not by me.

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  • 2 months later...

Well one of these families are housed in a flat next door to where I'm doing work in Diss,Norfolk. The landlady told me yesterday that she had one payment of £350 but has seen fuck all since May. Apparently the mum has been enrolled in a college course starting next month and her kids are already in at the local school all paid for by taxpayers. I asked her if we could enter the flat as part of our work and she told me that it will be fine as the family have gone on holiday. I commented that they must be doing OK having had to flee the war but can still go away, the cunts have gone back to the Ukraine to the very place they lived in prior to be 'rescued' by the good 'ol UK. She informed me that the place they've gone is well away from the 'Warzone' and that they're re-uniting with family. What a fucking shit show, they'll be back in 3 weeks to undertake their college courses and no doubt eventually will be housed by the local council. You couldn't fucking make it up!. 

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1 hour ago, Neil said:

Well one of these families are housed in a flat next door to where I'm doing work in Diss,Norfolk. The landlady told me yesterday that she had one payment of £350 but has seen fuck all since May. Apparently the mum has been enrolled in a college course starting next month and her kids are already in at the local school all paid for by taxpayers. I asked her if we could enter the flat as part of our work and she told me that it will be fine as the family have gone on holiday. I commented that they must be doing OK having had to flee the war but can still go away, the cunts have gone back to the Ukraine to the very place they lived in prior to be 'rescued' bt the good 'ol UK. She informed me that the place they've gone is well away from the 'Warzone' and that they're re-uniting with family. What a fucking shit show, they'll be back in 3 weeks to undertake their college courses and no doubt eventually will be housed by the local council. You couldn't fucking make it up!. 

This is absolutely shocking Neil. You have to work?

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3 hours ago, Neil said:

Well one of these families are housed in a flat next door to where I'm doing work in Diss,Norfolk. The landlady told me yesterday that she had one payment of £350 but has seen fuck all since May. Apparently the mum has been enrolled in a college course starting next month and her kids are already in at the local school all paid for by taxpayers. I asked her if we could enter the flat as part of our work and she told me that it will be fine as the family have gone on holiday. I commented that they must be doing OK having had to flee the war but can still go away, the cunts have gone back to the Ukraine to the very place they lived in prior to be 'rescued' bt the good 'ol UK. She informed me that the place they've gone is well away from the 'Warzone' and that they're re-uniting with family. What a fucking shit show, they'll be back in 3 weeks to undertake their college courses and no doubt eventually will be housed by the local council. You couldn't fucking make it up!. 

Fucking Ukranians. Coming over here and nicking all our gas and electric.

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3 hours ago, Neil said:

Well one of these families are housed in a flat next door to where I'm doing work in Diss,Norfolk. The landlady told me yesterday that she had one payment of £350 but has seen fuck all since May. Apparently the mum has been enrolled in a college course starting next month and her kids are already in at the local school all paid for by taxpayers. I asked her if we could enter the flat as part of our work and she told me that it will be fine as the family have gone on holiday. I commented that they must be doing OK having had to flee the war but can still go away, the cunts have gone back to the Ukraine to the very place they lived in prior to be 'rescued' bt the good 'ol UK. She informed me that the place they've gone is well away from the 'Warzone' and that they're re-uniting with family. What a fucking shit show, they'll be back in 3 weeks to undertake their college courses and no doubt eventually will be housed by the local council. You couldn't fucking make it up!. 

Thick as a brick. 

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13 hours ago, King Billy said:

Fucking Ukranians. Coming over here and nicking all our gas and electric.

Bill. Our refugee is about to get fucked off after being here for nearly three hideous months. Mrs Cnut hates her. There was a skid mark left in the master bathroom bog that the wife ‘monitored’ for three fucking days, the fucker goes through a whole bog roll a day and the wife’s become so obsessed that she’s timing her showers (3 a day now!) Her record is a 21 minute shower ffs! She speaks decent English but asked the wife to ‘paint her head’ yesterday! I haven’t got the nerve to tell the wife, but I’m also concerned about the refugee’s diet, her gussets taste distinctly salty. I’m fucked here mate, I’ve even broken a promise that I made to Ape last year and I’m back on the ale. PM me with any ideas.

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5 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

If you can't measure it, you can't manage it.


I've just noticed that @camberwell gypsy has somehow wormed her way onto the "All Time" board. For fuck's sake, other cunts, up your game!

What's this hostility towards Gypsy CB ? As far as i can see, she is not an aggressive member like me and others, can't say i have seen her start any abuse (i could be wrong).

Tables are just for the ego, they only really support the amount of time any given cunt spends on here.

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