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Britain’s Biggest Eyebrows

Last Cunt Standing

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1 hour ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

I think Denis still has his own teeth and not some replacement Turkish plastic ones.

I’ll have you know that I’m off to Budapest (capital of Turkey) on the 21st of this month for a week, to have my long overdue replacement plastic (zirconium and porcelain) tombstones fitted. I haven’t taken umbridge with your slanderous remarks as I appreciate that teeth are probably not your expert subject, guessing that cheap nasty cider takes very little chewing before making its way rapidly down your esophagus.

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12 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Our mothers couldn’t tell us apart and they never even knew each other.

The irony of this nonsense exchange is that Denis Healy was famous for using the phrase 'Silly Billy' to harangue the opposition in parliament. I liked him. And Tony Benn. Proper socialists without the hand wringing snowflakery.

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18 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

The irony of this nonsense exchange is that Denis Healy was famous for using the phrase 'Silly Billy' to harangue the opposition in parliament. I liked him. And Tony Benn. Proper socialists without the hand wringing snowflakery.

Indeed, the old left who I grew up and identified with. Unfortunately they don't seem to exist as a substantial force within any party these days, so I feel a bit disenfranchised to say the least. If anything, I've found myself drifting further right along the political spectrum because I can't abide the identity politics which dominates the leftist agenda these days.

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26 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Indeed, the old left who I grew up and identified with. Unfortunately they don't seem to exist as a substantial force within any party these days, so I feel a bit disenfranchised to say the least. If anything, I've found myself drifting further right along the political spectrum because I can't abide the identity politics which dominates the leftist agenda these days.

It isn't you who's drifting. Its the fucking spectrum itself - shit is literally being invented out of thin air specifically to be a problem by sad little imagineers who need to convince themselves that they're special.

Back in the day, when people actually had real problems to worry about, these cunts would have had to adapt to society or be left to quietly off themselves in dark rooms because they couldn't accept reality. Now, for some fucking reason, they seem to be at the controls.

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7 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

It isn't you who's drifting. Its the fucking spectrum itself - shit is literally being invented out of thin air specifically to be a problem by sad little imagineers who need to convince themselves that they're special.

Back in the day, when people actually had real problems to worry about, these cunts would have had to adapt to society or be left to quietly off themselves in dark rooms because they couldn't accept reality. Now, for some fucking reason, they seem to be at the controls.

These were the weak cunts who got beaten up at school. I wasn't a hard kid at school, but I got left alone. I was picked on for about 2 weeks when I started secondary. One day I'd had enough, he'd thrown a marking gauge at my head in the woodwork room. I waited until he had his back to me and batted the side of his head with a two foot bit of 4x2. I got a fortnight at home and a lecture from the fat policeman that did the school talks, and when I went back, everyone thought I was a fucking psycho and avoided me.

People who haven't got the instinct to do things like that for themselves are weak and inadequate and end up gay.

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3 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

These were the weak cunts who got beaten up at school. I wasn't a hard kid at school, but I got left alone. I was picked on for about 2 weeks when I started secondary. One day I'd had enough, he'd thrown a marking gauge at my head in the woodwork room. I waited until he had his back to me and batted the side of his head with a two foot bit of 4x2. I got a fortnight at home and a lecture from the fat policeman that did the school talks, and when I went back, everyone thought I was a fucking psycho and avoided me.

People who haven't got the instinct to do things like that for themselves are weak and inadequate and end up gay.

It does seem to form from a sort of low self-confidence. They all talk about pride in their racial or sexual orientation of choice, about representation in the media and politics - I can't say I've ever felt particularly proud to be a straight white male. Not ashamed either. It just is what it is.

I don't give a fuck if an actor, a politician or a singer is a straight white male - and I'm certainly not fucking insecure or childish enough to imagine that I'm being represented by any of the cunts who show up on the telly. How the fuck could you operate as a productive member of society needing that sort of crutch for your ego?

If that's the way a person perceives the world then its their fucking problem, not everyone else's. 

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Guest judgetwi

Good old Skippy! His hatred of the British working class is perfectly displayed here. Nobody cares about this ridiculous painted old slag except some cunt looking to make a point. We all know she voted for Brexit don’t we Skippy? No doubt she would laugh at your tiny little winkle if she ever had the misfortune to stumble across it. You remember tarts like her at school don’t you mate? You never got over it did you? Sad.

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Guest judgetwi
2 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

These were the weak cunts who got beaten up at school. I wasn't a hard kid at school, but I got left alone. I was picked on for about 2 weeks when I started secondary. One day I'd had enough, he'd thrown a marking gauge at my head in the woodwork room. I waited until he had his back to me and batted the side of his head with a two foot bit of 4x2. I got a fortnight at home and a lecture from the fat policeman that did the school talks, and when I went back, everyone thought I was a fucking psycho and avoided me.

People who haven't got the instinct to do things like that for themselves are weak and inadequate and end up gay.

Good one Hardman. I remember facing  the school bully over the park after school. Obviously I got battered but I did enough damage to the fat cunt that he didn’t come near me again. Bullies prefer the easy targets.

However, going home with a black eye and a fat lip is not the same as getting stabbed and bleeding to death on the street. It’s a different world now Hardman. You and I have been left behind. I was a hero then but I’d be a dead fucking hero now that’s for sure.

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7 hours ago, King Billy said:

I’ll have you know that I’m off to Budapest (capital of Turkey) on the 21st of this month for a week, to have my long overdue replacement plastic (zirconium and porcelain) tombstones fitted. I haven’t taken umbridge with your slanderous remarks as I appreciate that teeth are probably not your expert subject, guessing that cheap nasty cider takes very little chewing before making its way rapidly down your esophagus.

Zirconium?? FFS, I'm now expecting you to come back looking like a genetically modified Wolverine / Duane Dibley character.

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13 hours ago, judgetwi said:

Good one Hardman. I remember facing  the school bully over the park after school. Obviously I got battered but I did enough damage to the fat cunt that he didn’t come near me again. Bullies prefer the easy targets.

However, going home with a black eye and a fat lip is not the same as getting stabbed and bleeding to death on the street. It’s a different world now Hardman. You and I have been left behind. I was a hero then but I’d be a dead fucking hero now that’s for sure.

Then evolve with it. Keep a Kubotan or brass knuckle duster in your hand and don't give them the chance. I'm quite happy to do 3 months for breaking Achmed's jaw.. if the alternative is spending a lifetime shitting through a tube, courtesy of Achmed's carving knife. 

You have to take responsibility for your own safety. Because the government and police are firmly on the side of the enemy. They need their votes.

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28 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

He was never going to be described as a handsome man, but at least he made the best of it by choosing a cool hairstyle.

I can imagine it now... 

Richard Kiel walks into a barber and the poncey stylist asks how he'd like his hair. 

Richard replies "make me look a stupid fucking cunt". 

Job done. 

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On 02/03/2022 at 18:52, ProfB said:

denis healy - I love him & his brows - he might not be everyone's Cup of Tea.


I half expected some cunt to beat me to the pun regarding Dennis Healy. Good stuff, Prof, but in all honesty I had some better Dennis based material lined up...

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20 hours ago, Decimus said:

Indeed, the old left who I grew up and identified with. Unfortunately they don't seem to exist as a substantial force within any party these days, so I feel a bit disenfranchised to say the least. If anything, I've found myself drifting further right along the political spectrum because I can't abide the identity politics which dominates the leftist agenda these days.

Indeed. The Tony Blair government was where the rot really set in for me and the lines became blurred. The last true left wing politician to hold any position of power was John Prescott bar Corbyn who's just too far to the left for me.

Although the Blair government did stick to traditional left wing ideals such as the building of affordable and social housing, numerous new hospitals, schools, and transport projects.

However, New Labour became a watered down Tory Party who's list of fuck ups are to numerous to get into here, but we're all aware of them. We now have a joke of a party that's split in half and hasn't a snowballs chance of winning the next election unless things drastically change.

I despise the Tories tax breaks to the super rich, austerity, neglect of the NHS, university fees, and surprisingly their handling of criminal justice system.

Immigration policy is a case of shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted, and videos of the old bill being forced back into their cars when confronted by a group of little ethnic cunts.

This country is fucked and I'm actually glad to reach middle age as things ain't gonna get any better.

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On 01/03/2022 at 22:39, Last Cunt Standing said:

A retired gynaecologist mate of mine forwarded this to me with the caption “I’ve seen some massive cunts in my time, but…”, and surprisingly it wasn’t a picture of a member of the Cabinet.

Take a long hard look at this fucking creature. Tell me that civilisation isn’t in it’s dying days.


This looks like a poorly executed attempt at blackface to me. Naturally, she should be taken into the street and beaten to death for this heinous crime. I doubt she'll be missed. 

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On 01/03/2022 at 22:39, Last Cunt Standing said:

A retired gynaecologist mate of mine forwarded this to me with the caption “I’ve seen some massive cunts in my time, but…”, and surprisingly it wasn’t a picture of a member of the Cabinet.

Take a long hard look at this fucking creature. Tell me that civilisation isn’t in it’s dying days.


When things get dull, and the passion has gone from a relationship I usually end up giving the Mrs one from behind (which avoids eye contact and allows me to imagine it's Eva Green) however this monstrosity would require some kind of Glory hole set up.

What a fucking disgrace. 

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18 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

When things get dull, and the passion has gone from a relationship I usually end up giving the Mrs one from behind (which avoids eye contact and allows me to imagine it's Eva Green) however this monstrosity would require some kind of Glory hole set up.

What a fucking disgrace. 

I can't get on board with this OCR. There's something very disturbing about the way her jaw moves at a million miles an hour whilst she's talking, but English seems to be produced at a normal words per minute rate. She stinks of fembot to me and I suspect when you pull your cock out it's going to stink of WD40 rather than haddock. 

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2 minutes ago, Goober said:

I can't get on board with this OCR. There's something very disturbing about the way her jaw moves at a million miles an hour whilst she's talking, but English seems to be produced at a normal words per minute rate. She stinks of fembot to me and I suspect when you pull your cock out it's going to stink of WD40 rather than haddock. 

You must have seen her after she'd spent the weekend sharing an eighth of Columbia's finest with Raas. She is a bit of a lightweight.

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