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Last Cunt Standing

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As the World slips nearer the abyss, it’s comforting to know that when the alien archaeologists pick through our detritus in a thousand years, they will see we spent our last years of life fucking about with green and yellow squares in order to guess a five letter word. It’s basically Mastermind, that game with coloured pegs and the hot oriental bird on the box from the 1970’s. Beloved of middle class bores the world over. What hope is there for a species who can’t begin anything productive for the day until they’ve cracked the not-very enigma code and high-five over their Soy Chai Latte in a sippy cup.

Take the two cunts I observed sitting under a tree in Kings Park this morning. Were they taking in the view on a gorgeous Summer morning, or perhaps partaking of a bit of morning Yoga like the group to their left? No, they were hunched over their iPads giving us all a loud running commentary on how today’s code was so much easier than yesterday, and that they’d cracked it in three, like it was Fermat’s Last Theorem. The nominally male cunt with an inevitable man bun occasionally put down the device to tend to his gurgling offspring.

Pausing over my bacon roll to contemplate how many witnesses there were should I throw my chair at the Cunt, I made a brief mental list of all the five letter accidents which could befall the twats as they made their way home. Death, Snake, and Dingo were all quite immediate, but I settled on Sarin, in the hope some deranged Japanese cult leader might bump into them on the train.

Cunts. Also five fucking letters. 

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55 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

As the World slips nearer the abyss, it’s comforting to know that when the alien archaeologists pick through our detritus in a thousand years, they will see we spent our last years of life fucking about with green and yellow squares in order to guess a five letter word. It’s basically Mastermind, that game with coloured pegs and the hot oriental bird on the box from the 1970’s. Beloved of middle class bores the world over. What hope is there for a species who can’t begin anything productive for the day until they’ve cracked the not-very enigma code and high-five over their Soy Chai Latte in a sippy cup.

Take the two cunts I observed sitting under a tree in Kings Park this morning. Were they taking in the view on a gorgeous Summer morning, or perhaps partaking of a bit of morning Yoga like the group to their left? No, they were hunched over their iPads giving us all a loud running commentary on how today’s code was so much easier than yesterday, and that they’d cracked it in three, like it was Fermat’s Last Theorem. The nominally male cunt with an inevitable man bun occasionally put down the device to tend to his gurgling offspring.

Pausing over my bacon roll to contemplate how many witnesses there were should I throw my chair at the Cunt, I made a brief mental list of all the five letter accidents which could befall the twats as they made their way home. Death, Snake, and Dingo were all quite immediate, but I settled on Sarin, in the hope some deranged Japanese cult leader might bump into them on the train.

Cunts. Also five fucking letters. 

Mark McGowan is an absolute cunt.👎

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3 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

As the World slips nearer the abyss, it’s comforting to know that when the alien archaeologists pick through our detritus in a thousand years, they will see we spent our last years of life fucking about with green and yellow squares in order to guess a five letter word. It’s basically Mastermind, that game with coloured pegs and the hot oriental bird on the box from the 1970’s. Beloved of middle class bores the world over. What hope is there for a species who can’t begin anything productive for the day until they’ve cracked the not-very enigma code and high-five over their Soy Chai Latte in a sippy cup.

Take the two cunts I observed sitting under a tree in Kings Park this morning. Were they taking in the view on a gorgeous Summer morning, or perhaps partaking of a bit of morning Yoga like the group to their left? No, they were hunched over their iPads giving us all a loud running commentary on how today’s code was so much easier than yesterday, and that they’d cracked it in three, like it was Fermat’s Last Theorem. The nominally male cunt with an inevitable man bun occasionally put down the device to tend to his gurgling offspring.

Pausing over my bacon roll to contemplate how many witnesses there were should I throw my chair at the Cunt, I made a brief mental list of all the five letter accidents which could befall the twats as they made their way home. Death, Snake, and Dingo were all quite immediate, but I settled on Sarin, in the hope some deranged Japanese cult leader might bump into them on the train.

Cunts. Also five fucking letters. 

I've still got that fucking mastermind game with the old Bond Villain getting a lap-job off the slope. The board is made of seriously 70s bronze effect plastic. Last played it when I was about 8.

I had a 'Stylophone' as well. The box had a picture of Rolf on it, he was in my fucking bedroom! Can I get compensation for being sort of nonced up by aggressive marketing?

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8 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

I tried it for 2 days before realising it's a pile of shit for brain dead morons.

Mrs Baws loves it - nuff said.

A few weeks ago, one of her distant Facebook acquaintances claimed to have guessed it in one. Charitably assuming that this was only a 10,000-1 shot, that's entirely possible. A week later, she claimed to have done it again. I'm now tending to the view that she's just a fucking dumb cunt liar.

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9 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I've still got that fucking mastermind game with the old Bond Villain getting a lap-job off the slope.

I once wrote a program that played the five-peg version of Mastermind, just for a laugh. It didn't have that much intelligence in it, relying more on random brute-force, but as long as you marked its guesses correctly it would crack your code every time in well under a thousandth of a second of processing.


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21 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

Mrs Baws loves it - nuff said.

A few weeks ago, one of her distant Facebook acquaintances claimed to have guessed it in one. Charitably assuming that this was only a 10,000-1 shot, that's entirely possible. A week later, she claimed to have done it again. I'm now tending to the view that she's just a fucking dumb cunt liar.

1 in 12,972.

I would prefer it if you had rounded up to 4 decimal places rather than down to 5 dp. 

In actual fact though I understand the Wordle game only has approximately 2,500 varied words to guess.

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4 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

In actual fact though I understand the Wordle game only has approximately 2,500 varied words to guess.

That makes sense given its American origin, being thus aimed firmly at the lowest common denominator.

On which note, the answer a while back was "FAVOR", and Mrs Baws was subsequently about as raging as I've ever seen her!

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2 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

I once wrote a program that played the five-peg version of Mastermind, just for a laugh. It didn't have that much intelligence in it, relying more on random brute-force, but as long as you marked its guesses correctly it would crack your code every time in well under a thousandth of a second of processing.


When you die, and if there's a heaven. I'm pretty certain that you'll be in a different section to Keith Moon, John Belushi and Lemmy.

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21 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Pausing over my bacon roll to contemplate how many witnesses there were should I throw my chair at the Cunt, I made a brief mental list of all the five letter accidents which could befall the twats as they made their way home. Death, Snake, and Dingo were all quite immediate, but I settled on Sarin, in the hope some deranged Japanese cult leader might bump into them on the train.

Cunts. Also five fucking letters. 

Well this is a surprise. I incorrectly had assumed you for an insanely healthy, vegan, lentil-farting and lactose-intolerant leftwing Guardianista, so this news comes as a welcome revelation.          

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21 hours ago, King Billy said:

Mark McGowan is an absolute cunt.👎

I’m not getting into this with you Bill, your seemingly endless interactions with the Roopsfuhrer are beyond tedious at this point.  

Neither am I here to defend the Premier, but this week WA passed a milestone in its Covid response which is worth a moment of reflection. We’ve entered double figures in deaths; 10 in 2 years. 

It’s less, I imagine, than the staff turnover in your whorehouse.

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5 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

I very much doubt I'm going to heaven, Eric. Under any circumstances.

A Glasgow relative has assured me the new definition of eternal damnation is touring primary schools with a saw to take six inches off every door, while the kids take the piss out of you mercilessly over their play pieces. 

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1 hour ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

A Glasgow relative has assured me the new definition of eternal damnation is touring primary schools with a saw to take six inches off every door, while the kids take the piss out of you mercilessly over their play pieces. 

That's one of Fandabadozie Sturgeon's idea to circulate air. Now I'm no scientist, but I know that doors come with very handy things called 'hinges'. This allows said door to be opened. No doubt she listened to some fucking 'expert'. If this happens and doors in schools have six inches shaved off them, then these 'experts' need to be taken out and strung up from every fucking lampost we can find. 

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9 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

That's one of Fandabadozie Sturgeon's idea to circulate air. Now I'm no scientist, but I know that doors come with very handy things called 'hinges'. This allows said door to be opened. No doubt she listened to some fucking 'expert'. If this happens and doors in schools have six inches shaved off them, then these 'experts' need to be taken out and strung up from every fucking lampost we can find. 

But think of the fun for some pupils who will be able to set mice loose beneath the doors into the classroom and listen to the squealing.

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11 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

A Glasgow relative has assured me the new definition of eternal damnation is touring primary schools with a saw to take six inches off every door, while the kids take the piss out of you mercilessly over their play pieces. 

Good luck with that on a fire door. They should just hinge it at the top so all doors function as 7ft high cat flaps to circulate air.

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5 hours ago, Dead Penelope said:

But think of the fun for some pupils who will be able to set mice loose beneath the doors into the classroom and listen to the squealing.

Think of the fun for the paedophiles who will love the 'glory gaps' being provided for them. The LGBTXYZ perverts aren't content with installing pointless tampax dispensers in the boys toilets... they now want to implement 'Open Plan Cottaging'.


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1 hour ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Think of the fun for the paedophiles who will love the 'glory gaps' being provided for them. The LGBTXYZ perverts aren't content with installing pointless tampax dispensers in the boys toilets... they now want to implement 'Open Plan Cottaging'.


Ah come on now Eric! 

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