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Cat Kicking Kurt Zouma

Guest Parabolic Cunting

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Not very wise from a man who makes his living playing football to kick the single most grudge bearing creature on the planet.

He should be thanking the RSPCA. It's just saved him the humiliation of a career ending injury by way of pussy. Only a matter of time until the cat decided "fuck it" and fought back - just imagine the spectacle of the cunt having to call it quits after an emergency amputation due to sepsis.

Hopefully some cunt his own size is still planning to make it a reality.

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6 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

What an absolute cunt Zouma is eh? What kind of coward harms an animal. Never liked the former Chelsea wanker and he looks a bit simple to me. Let's hope he dies soon. 

Raasters, speaking of simple, would you kindly give me a brief low-down on what exactly has been happening here during my absence. Keep in mind I’m only really interested in members with a brain. 

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15 minutes ago, Frank said:

Raasters, speaking of simple, would you kindly give me a brief low-down on what exactly has been happening here during my absence. Keep in mind I’m only really interested in members with a brain. 

It's been a total mess Frank, and will no doubt get worse with your 401st 'return'. 

Was driving around West London earlier Frank, what a fucking great city London is eh? I'm so lucky to live there and being able to enjoy the place. 

Anyways are you going to spice it up a bit here? A nomination, or video perhaps?


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That middle aged Doris who gave her horse a thump because it didn’t want to get into the box was subjected to death threats and lost her employment. Bit fucking racist innit?

As an aside, on The Jam’s song That’s Entertainment, there is a reference to a cat going out with a kick in the balls. At my late maternal grandmother’s residence in the homogeneous Wandsworth, the cat frequently was put out at night along with the milk bottles.. Back in the 60’s, it’s name was a reference to a brown colour. Not much has changed for cats, only its namesake is one delivering the boot in the cobblers.

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Enough already, a media driven frenzy followed by fuckwits unable to make up their own minds. Its a non story and it happens every fucking day to all types of animals and inflicted by all types of cunts. Easy target for brain dead media whores. Get fucked and I couldn't give a flying fuck about any animal other than the medium rare one on my plate.

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2 hours ago, Neil said:

Enough already, a media driven frenzy followed by fuckwits unable to make up their own minds. Its a non story and it happens every fucking day to all types of animals and inflicted by all types of cunts. Easy target for brain dead media whores. Get fucked and I couldn't give a flying fuck about any animal other than the medium rare one on my plate.

I didn't know you ate your victims! Have you always or are these  times hard? 

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Well someone asked another footballist their opinion on this fuck-storm, and it was none other than team-mate Michail Antonio so don't expect an enlightened response. Fuckwit No2, Michail retorted with his own question, "Is it any worse than racism?" How can physical harm be compared to racism? Or is Michail not bothered because it was a cat?  I've think you've been practicing too many headers you thick cunt.

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1 hour ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

Well someone asked another footballist their opinion on this fuck-storm, and it was none other than team-mate Michail Antonio so don't expect an enlightened response. Fuckwit No2, Michail retorted with his own question, "Is it any worse than racism?" How can physical harm be compared to racism? Or is Michail not bothered because it was a cat?  I've think you've been practicing too many headers you thick cunt.

I can meet with Antonio and test it. First I can call him a black cunt and then kick him square in the bollocks. Then he can tell me which is worse.

Just to let you know, I'm not a racist or owt. 

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Guest Gronda Gronda
On 10/02/2022 at 07:56, Frank said:

Despicable black fucking cunt. Can’t think of anything worse. Fuck off. 

Did you mean anything worse than what he did, or anything worse than being black? 

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