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Vladimir Putin

Stubby Pecker

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8 hours ago, Decimus said:

I can sort of understand his viewpoint re Finland, but Sweden is a step too far. He can't encroach beyond the historic boundaries of the Russian Empire/Soviet Union as far as I'm concerned.

I don't agree with us or any other NATO ally making a stand against him shoring up his borders, but Sweden is a step too far. 

Stationing ballistic missiles in Ukraine pointing Vlad's way is akin to the Russians striking a deal with Ireland to do the same to us. Obviously if the Paddy's weren't in the EU, and I can't be arsed to check if they're a Nato member or not.

I honestly didn't think they'd invade, but after his demands being refused he obviously thought fuck it. Now there's several reasons why they did such as Western Europe's addiction to cheap ruskie gas and oil, neither the UK or US public would put up with the coffins of young men returning home after 20 years of the same from pointless wars. He knows all this.

I also believe that he has a mutual defense treaty with the Chinese.

I'm also pretty sure that the Ukraine's joined the Third Reich in WW2.

On an interesting side note - did you know that German army officially surrended at the end of WW2 but the Third Reich didn't?

Most of the latest designs of U-Boats seemed to have just vanished or were reported as sunk. You then have just about every high ranking SS member's living it up in South America, and @King Billy strange phenomena being reported in Antarctica. The krauts had been going there since the late 1930's. The Yanks even sent a carrier battle-group to investigate it in the 1950's under the name operation High Jump.


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On 04/02/2022 at 23:39, Goober said:

So is Ming, but she's still with us and providing valuable service to wider society by keeping a hairy backed swarthy cunt away from the bushes of your local park. 

Who knew Putin is actually Greek? 

Ming's about as alive as Otsi the Iceman thanks to Frank's chest freezer. I'd imagine she's currently the colour of piss frozen snow given the amount of times he's partially defrosted her for a rogering.

Rumour has it that he uses her sphincter as a cock ring after it detached during one of his semi frozen coitus episodes. I believe he took it for rapid embalming in a coolbox filled with icecubes.

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On 24/02/2022 at 18:53, Decimus said:

Just wait until some Cressida or Hugo cunt starts connecting the dots and finds the dubious etymology of the word 'Slav' online.

Ten minutes after it's been posted on Twitter there will be murals of some hideous Ukrainian serf with Vlad's knee pressed against his goitered neck all over exclusively white middle class villages around the country.

Meanwhile in deprived areas where eastern European scum actually live and infest, the last 6 percent of the native British population will be overjoyed at the thought of one subhuman cunt killing another, and praying like any other sensible cunt that we don't stick our dangerously over extended beak into the matter.



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I would argue that the soviet union "communist" system never really went away .. it simply shrank back to its Russian centre with the same people in charge and now they are trying to re-establish themselves and expand back to where they were before the so-called "fall of the Soviet Union". The Baltic states and peoples identities were never properly absorbed but the likes of the Ukraine and Georgia became part and parcel of the Soviet Union to the point of some soviet leaders being Ukrainian and Georgian. In some ways it was a bit like the UK, many Ukrainians and Georgians seeing themselves as Soviets but not Russian but nevertheless part of the Soviet national identity in the same way that many Welsh, Scots and Northern Irish not feeling English (or even British) but still feeling that they are part of whatever the UK national identity now is.

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The Finns kept the Ivans at bay in 1939 and they've been sticking two fingers up at them ever since.

Using a poorly trained and motivated consript army against committed irregulars who are defending their home has never gone well. You can't control a modern country with disafected cannon-fodder and it doesn't seem likely that Ukranian collaborators will be forthcoming in any number.

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29 minutes ago, Hammer of Cunts said:

The Finns kept the Ivans at bay in 1939 and they've been sticking two fingers up at them ever since.

Using a poorly trained and motivated consript army against committed irregulars who are defending their home has never gone well. You can't control a modern country with disafected cannon-fodder and it doesn't seem likely that Ukranian collaborators will be forthcoming in any number.

Took you lot centuries to learn that lesson in Ireland..lol


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9 hours ago, Dead Penelope said:

but still feeling that they are part of whatever the UK national identity now is.

During your former career as a railway ticket inspector, did you ever work on the TransSiberian Express? And if so which toilet did you use while at work?

You stupid geriatric freak.

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3 minutes ago, King Billy said:

I’ve heard these rumours too Major. If they’re true I’ll let you know.

Im just going out. I may be some time.

It's common knowledge. The Nazis have an underground complex beneath Antarctica. They preserved Hitler's head cryogenically in 1945, and transplanted it into a giant killer robot. 

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2 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

Ironically, he looks like Hitler might have done after a stint in Belsen. 

The Fuhrer would be ranting uncontrollably in his grave right now at the price of gas. His maniacal hatred of all things Slavic finally justified for all the doubters and naysayers to see.

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Just now, The Beast said:

Whatever the background to this wholly unnecessary war, I take comfort in the fact our media will always keep cunts accurately informed.


Its the gas, innit? Maybe a bit of wanting to narrow the entrance of the plains into Russia, with some NATO paranoia and Soviet nostalgia sprinkled on top.

Add in a generic "strong man" slowly fading with age who wants the world to remember him and you've got a Ukraine shit cake.  

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8 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

Its the gas, innit? Maybe a bit of wanting to narrow the entrance of the plains into Russia, with some NATO paranoia and Soviet nostalgia sprinkled on top.

Add in a generic "strong man" slowly fading with age who wants the world to remember him and you've got a Ukraine shit cake.  

It's well known that Putin fancies himself the hard cunt. Judo videos with stooge breakfall artists, shirtless horse riding etc'. If he's in the mood for a scrap, why not challenge Klitchko to a straightener in the snow? That'd impress a few cunts.

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29 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

It's well known that Putin fancies himself the hard cunt. Judo videos with stooge breakfall artists, shirtless horse riding etc'. If he's in the mood for a scrap, why not challenge Klitchko to a straightener in the snow? That'd impress a few cunts.

Who can blame Putin for laughing at us when MI5 and MI6 bosses are sending memos to staff about the importance of ‘white privilege awareness, gender pronouns, and diversity and inclusivity’, on the very day he sent his troops into Ukraine.

He thinks we’re cunts and he’s 100% right.

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1 hour ago, The Beast said:

Whatever the background to this wholly unnecessary war, I take comfort in the fact our media will always keep cunts accurately informed.


Anyone remember that Covid 19 thing they were going on about for the last two years? Thank fuck that’s gone, just in time for the war. 😂

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Guest Gronda Gronda
8 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

It's well known that Putin fancies himself the hard cunt. Judo videos with stooge breakfall artists, shirtless horse riding etc'. If he's in the mood for a scrap, why not challenge Klitchko to a straightener in the snow? That'd impress a few cunts.

Klitchko from B-wing? 

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16 hours ago, Hammer of Cunts said:

We've been there since the pope asked us to stop you cunts killing each other. It went quite well for the first 800 years. We gave you spuds, what more do you want? ungrateful bog-trotters.

You must have gone to the same school as sputters where the globes still had large bits of the world coloured pink..dullard ..lol


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16 hours ago, Hammer of Cunts said:

We've been there since the pope asked us to stop you cunts killing each other. It went quite well for the first 800 years. We gave you spuds, what more do you want? ungrateful bog-trotters.

Not forgetting that Éamon de Valera was a yank, and his first name was not Éamon but George.

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