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The Island of Ireland


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On 04/02/2022 at 18:48, Cunty BigBollox said:

I think they refer to it as an island just to reassure all the viewers and listeners that normal people are relatively secure from the gene pool  seeing as it is surrounded by a good stretch of water. Obviously not wide enough in my opinion.

It's ok, they'll have to cross the genetic minefields of Wales before reaching civilisation.

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6 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

In the Irish language, wales is called an bhretain beag or little england..even the ancients couldn't tell ya apart..lol


Panzer you incredibly thick cunt, the ancients would not have been able to tell them apart because most of them were fucking Celts .. int fact they would not have been able to tell them from the cunts who were in what is now fucking Ireland because most of them were fucking Celts as well.

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4 hours ago, Trucking Funt said:

Not at all. The Paddies were then like they are now. A bunch of thick cunts. 

Tukky baby..have ya finally managed to move 10 feet in the tail back at Dover.. How's all that lovely halibut doin in the back..I'd say its only fit for the fields now...if only ya had some people to pick whatever sprouts from them..lol


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@PANZER MURPHY I'm in need of a holiday and I've always wanted to experience Ireland. I heard some cunt on the telly saying you can only go in a pub there for 90 minutes and only if you've had the jab? I've had a T-shirt made up saying 'No cunts, English or Daaaags' , had the EU flag tattooed on my bellend and had 17 jabs. Do you think they'll let me so I can  get some Craic?

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3 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

@PANZER MURPHY I'm in need of a holiday and I've always wanted to experience Ireland. I heard some cunt on the telly saying you can only go in a pub there for 90 minutes and only if you've had the jab? I've had a T-shirt made up saying 'No cunts, English or Daaaags' , had the EU flag tattooed on my bellend and had 17 jabs. Do you think they'll let me so I can  get some Craic?

I'd recommend the auld triangle on Dorset street ole chappy baby.. or noctors pub.. specially with that T shirt ..fáilte.


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7 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Tukky baby..have ya finally managed to move 10 feet in the tail back at Dover.. How's all that lovely halibut doin in the back..I'd say its only fit for the fields now...if only ya had some people to pick whatever sprouts from them..lol


All part of the plan to force these fuckers to find domestic and non-EU markets Paddy. The added bonus is that it's pissing the Road Haulage Association off after the panic buying of petrol they incited a few months back. Nobody will be shedding any tears when Rod McKenzie and his greedy cunt friends are in bankruptcy court.  

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35 minutes ago, Trucking Funt said:

All part of the plan to force these fuckers to find domestic and non-EU markets Paddy. The added bonus is that it's pissing the Road Haulage Association off after the panic buying of petrol they incited a few months back. Nobody will be shedding any tears when Rod McKenzie and his greedy cunt friends are in bankruptcy court.  

A plan ya say...a sorta  self supporting brexitland/north korea utopia set up....fascinating..non EU markets ya say..how is that goin by the way..last I heard the lovey jacinda told bozo to comply with the brexit deal he signed and didn't read or his application to the ttp thing is dead in the water..lol..


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12 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

A plan ya say...a sorta  self supporting brexitland/north korea utopia set up....fascinating..non EU markets ya say..how is that goin by the way..last I heard the lovey jacinda told bozo to comply with the brexit deal he signed and didn't read or his application to the ttp thing is dead in the water..lol..


You shouldn't listen to malicious gossip Paddy. The CPTPP commission agreed unanimously on June 2nd 2021 to set up the accession committee that will oversee UK entry. Our Kiwi brothers and sisters were even kind enough to lend us their head man on trade for 30 years Crawford Falconer to do our talking for us. Won't be long until the yanks join as well meaning old Blighty will have an enhanced FTA with Uncle Sam.

The speech that Jacinda made which got you thick cunts excited referred specifically to China's master plan to box off the South China Sea. This is a direct threat to New Zealand's national interests. She said fuck all about Brexit or the NI protocol because Commonwealth realms don't piss in each other's ponds, which is why the UK has never got the big stick out with NZ for taking the piss over the Treaty of Waitangi.

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1 hour ago, Trucking Funt said:

You shouldn't listen to malicious gossip Paddy. The CPTPP commission agreed unanimously on June 2nd 2021 to set up the accession committee that will oversee UK entry. Our Kiwi brothers and sisters were even kind enough to lend us their head man on trade for 30 years Crawford Falconer to do our talking for us. Won't be long until the yanks join as well meaning old Blighty will have an enhanced FTA with Uncle Sam.

The speech that Jacinda made which got you thick cunts excited referred specifically to China's master plan to box off the South China Sea. This is a direct threat to New Zealand's national interests. She said fuck all about Brexit or the NI protocol because Commonwealth realms don't piss in each other's ponds, which is why the UK has never got the big stick out with NZ for taking the piss over the Treaty of Waitangi.


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2 hours ago, Trucking Funt said:

You shouldn't listen to malicious gossip Paddy. The CPTPP commission agreed unanimously on June 2nd 2021 to set up the accession committee that will oversee UK entry. Our Kiwi brothers and sisters were even kind enough to lend us their head man on trade for 30 years Crawford Falconer to do our talking for us. Won't be long until the yanks join as well meaning old Blighty will have an enhanced FTA with Uncle Sam.

The speech that Jacinda made which got you thick cunts excited referred specifically to China's master plan to box off the South China Sea. This is a direct threat to New Zealand's national interests. She said fuck all about Brexit or the NI protocol because Commonwealth realms don't piss in each other's ponds, which is why the UK has never got the big stick out with NZ for taking the piss over the Treaty of Waitangi.

Dunno tukky baby..everyone who maybe reads more than the express seem to think it meant that if ya want in they've rules an you lot apparently aren't rule takers..and sort yerself out with the EU before ya come near us but hey time will tell ..are ya nearly at the ferry yet?..lol


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54 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Dunno tukky baby..everyone who maybe reads more than the express seem to think it meant that if ya want in they've rules an you lot apparently aren't rule takers..and sort yerself out with the EU before ya come near us but hey time will tell ..are ya nearly at the ferry yet?..lol


Any fuckwit who actually listens to the speech will realise who it's directed at. I know you spud munchers think everyone is in your corner but nothing could be further from the truth. Even senile Joe the phoney Irishman has gone silent as the grave on the subject and has sent the Queen a grovelling letter congratulating her on her 70th year on the throne. The EU Commission can fuck off and so can their arse licking serfs in Dublin. They're going to have a lot more to worry about than the NI protocol when Vlad Stalin switches their gas off and rolls across Ukraine toward the Polish border. The Krauts will be shitting themselves at the prospect of a 1945 style rape party in Berlin. No doubt we'll get the usual desperate pleas from the continentals to come and save them from their own stupidity. I hope our politicos tell them to get fucked. It will be piss funny watching the EU get reduced to rubble.

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5 hours ago, Trucking Funt said:

Any fuckwit who actually listens to the speech will realise who it's directed at. I know you spud munchers think everyone is in your corner but nothing could be further from the truth. Even senile Joe the phoney Irishman has gone silent as the grave on the subject and has sent the Queen a grovelling letter congratulating her on her 70th year on the throne. The EU Commission can fuck off and so can their arse licking serfs in Dublin. They're going to have a lot more to worry about than the NI protocol when Vlad Stalin switches their gas off and rolls across Ukraine toward the Polish border. The Krauts will be shitting themselves at the prospect of a 1945 style rape party in Berlin. No doubt we'll get the usual desperate pleas from the continentals to come and save them from their own stupidity. I hope our politicos tell them to get fucked. It will be piss funny watching the EU get reduced to rubble.

The brave freedom fighters Martin and  Varadka will already have drafted a barely legible declaration  of neutrality,  scribbled in green white and gold crayon, on the back of one of the latest ‘Sorry, we’ve told you not to keep asking us to pay tax. Get Fucked.’ replies from Apple, Amazon or Google etc. The dynamic duo are no doubt rubbing their hands in anticipation of another 1940s style boom coming to Cork harbour. Those French subs will need loads of spud based biodiesel and 80 year old rusty parts. The Brits will of course be blamed for the inevitable potato famine which will be sung about for decades. It’s almost as if this has all happened before.

’Pint of that biodiesel please Seamus. I’m fucking starving.’

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1 hour ago, King Billy said:

The brave freedom fighters Martin and  Varadka will already have drafted a barely legible declaration  of neutrality,  scribbled in green white and gold crayon, on the back of one of the latest ‘Sorry, we’ve told you not to keep asking us to pay tax. Get Fucked.’ replies from Apple, Amazon or Google etc. The dynamic duo are no doubt rubbing their hands in anticipation of another 1940s style boom coming to Cork harbour. Those French subs will need loads of spud based biodiesel and 80 year old rusty parts. The Brits will of course be blamed for the inevitable potato famine which will be sung about for decades. It’s almost as if this has all happened before.

’Pint of that biodiesel please Seamus. I’m fucking starving.’

Lol! They've already opted out of the mutual defence clause in the Lisbon Treaty. Typical we'll have our cake and eat it hypocrisy from these cunts. Happy to line their pockets by facilitating tax scams that rip off the rest of the EU but are too cowardly to defend it. They slag off the UK but that prick Coveney was on the phone to London faster than an a Catholic priest can get his strides off in a boys dormitory after the Russian consul in Dublin told him to fuck off when he complained about Russian bombers violating ROI airspace causing civilian flights to be redirected. It was 2 years before the Irish government was forced to confess to the people that it's paying the RAF to defend their skies. How fucking embarrassing!

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21 minutes ago, Trucking Funt said:

Lol! They've already opted out of the mutual defence clause in the Lisbon Treaty. Typical we'll have our cake and eat it hypocrisy from these cunts. Happy to line their pockets by facilitating tax scams that rip off the rest of the EU but are too cowardly to defend it. They slag off the UK but that prick Coveney was on the phone to London faster than an a Catholic priest can get his strides off in a boys dormitory after the Russian consul in Dublin told him to fuck off when he complained about Russian bombers violating ROI airspace causing civilian flights to be redirected. It was 2 years before the Irish government was forced to confess to the people that it's paying the RAF to defend their skies. How fucking embarrassing!

‘One more fecking plane over Dublin Mr Putin and our special (needs) forces will blow up every corner shop in Moscow before you even have a chance to surrender. So get off that fecking horse and put your shirt back on.  Roight!’

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43 minutes ago, King Billy said:

‘One more fecking plane over Dublin Mr Putin and our special (needs) forces will blow up every corner shop in Moscow before you even have a chance to surrender. So get off that fecking horse and put your shirt back on.  Roight!’

It's not the Russians, it's the Chinese they're after. 

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5 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

The norn iron protocol is going nowhere..neither is bozo..I like him..he suits y'all


Boris will be gone when the police report on covid breaches is released. Hosting a piss up in Downing street the night before Prince Philip's funeral will be the career killer. As for the protocol, the Unionists are going to bring it before the Supreme court who love nothing more than shooting Boris down. If it rules that he exceeded his authority in even negotiating the Withdrawal Agreement with the intention of nullifying Article VI of the Act of Union, the NI protocol is well and truly fucked because the Supreme court has already ruled that UK law overrides UK international treaty commitments.  

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6 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

The norn iron protocol is going nowhere..neither is bozo..I like him..he suits y'all


🎶Everybody needs good neighbours🎶
You’d be well advised to think about that Panzybaby. After all, it hasn’t exactly worked out great for you lot in the past when you’ve irritated us a little too much, and we’ve stopped being good neighbours temporarily to remind you who lives in the grand stately home and who lives in the rusty prefab across the lake with their seventeen unwashed kids and a donkey.

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3 hours ago, Trucking Funt said:

Boris will be gone when the police report on covid breaches is released. Hosting a piss up in Downing street the night before Prince Philip's funeral will be the career killer. As for the protocol, the Unionists are going to bring it before the Supreme court who love nothing more than shooting Boris down. If it rules that he exceeded his authority in even negotiating the Withdrawal Agreement with the intention of nullifying Article VI of the Act of Union, the NI protocol is well and truly fucked because the Supreme court has already ruled that UK law overrides UK international treaty commitments.  

The courts in norn iron have already ruled that protocol is legal n therefore the uk is obliged to enforce it ..anyway bozo should bin it ..its too boring with all the shite about cake n party's..we need the torys to ignite a trade war with the EU and America..oo..we see yer new brexit minster Mr moog whose company is now in Ireland is now responsible for brexit opportunities..should be a quiet gig..lol


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15 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

The courts in norn iron have already ruled that protocol is legal n therefore the uk is obliged to enforce it ..anyway bozo should bin it ..its too boring with all the shite about cake n party's..we need the torys to ignite a trade war with the EU and America..oo..we see yer new brexit minster Mr moog whose company is now in Ireland is now responsible for brexit opportunities..should be a quiet gig..lol


That was the High Court. The Court of Appeal is still considering its judgement on that ruling and is taking its time which is a clear sign that there is discord on the bench. Doesn't bode well Paddy. Even if the original ruling is upheld, the Supreme court can still overturn it and they might just do that if the Unionists can also prove that Boris didn't advise the Queen correctly on the matter before she gave the Withdrawal Act royal assent. If that is the case, it won't just be a resignation matter, it will mean impeachment before the House of Lords because lying to the Queen when it comes to constitutional matters is serious shit.

Brexit opportunities is right up the Mogg's street. He used to be an investment banker after all and the UK has more start ups than Germany, France and Italy combined. Just look at how Blighty has cornered the market in fintech and lawtech. Lots of dosh flowing into the City of London at the mo Paddy. So much for the UK economic collapse! 

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