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LIKE............fucking cunts, mainly young ones, who fucking overuse it in verbal communication

Dave Umbongo

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Saying it out loud is bad enough, but worse still are the cunts who constantly feel the need to actually type it out. Same goes for "uh...", "erm...", etc. The fuckers need their hands held in liquid nitrogen and their fingers kicked off. Then the remainder of them set fire to, naturally.

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8 hours ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

I've just watch a 20 second BBC interview with a Bristolian school child and counted the word 'like' used unnecessarily 8 fucking times!! It seems to have substituted 'erm'.

I fucking hate Likes.

It’s just as well, as you won’t be getting any for this fucking dreadful nomination.

lol LOL fuck off.

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1 minute ago, Wolfie said:

Ah, so Frank's mother has been behind everything, including the recent avatar reversions which at first appeared to be Roops 'hacking' into his account.

@cunt – you unbelievably vapid, bird brained, Trigger-like dimwit. 

Has it occurred to you that Gene Cunt/Larry/Keith/Jean, is actually @The Beast, amusing himself after a gloomy and depressing war of attrition with the Vulcan supreme commander? 

He would know most of the stuff about former members etc'....

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