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The French

Dave Umbongo

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9 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

I did, I remember the day well. A some harrumphing from the more insecure puntership ensued - one bod announced he too was also a member but had since resigned, another said he satisfied the qualification requirements but "never got around to completing the paperwork".

Stupid cunt.

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Well, if you must stomp all over the site, threatening members, grasping at minutiae to points score and pompously boasting of your intellectual and academic ability, perhaps you should take a little time to proof read what you are posting before pressing the ‘submit reply’ button. Then again, a verbose talent such as you undeniably are, shouldn’t need to anymore than they’d need a faulty spell checking facility. While I’m at it, kindly use correct quotation marks…lazy cow!

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On 19/12/2021 at 12:16, PANZER MURPHY said:

Thats the spirit tukky baby..stick it to those frogs ...the gate keepers of yer access to mainland Europe...and im sure yer farmers will be cheering those aussie ships laden with lamb n beef...the Welsh valleys will be alive with the sound o laffin farmers...an while i have ya here who ya gonna sell all this aussie beef to..mores to the point how ya gonna get it off yer island..load it into a wanked out hercules and air drop it at night?..lol


Panzer Murphy how are you this fine winters day? What with your constant digs at the UK, and telling us how shit we are doing etc I can only imagine the Emerald Isle is the place to be? Are the streets paved with gold, kindly donated by the Brussels mafia? Are Brits flocking to Ireland to get work etc... (the total opposite of whats happened for the last few centuries if not millennium)? Shall I get myself over there? Always liked a bit of Celtic cunt if I'm honest, however the last time was awful...I was pissed (probably high as well) and shot my load prematurely. She was a proper beauty. 


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3 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Well, if you must stomp all over the site, threatening members, grasping at minutiae to points score and pompously boasting of your intellectual and academic ability, perhaps you should take a little time to proof read what you are posting before pressing the ‘submit reply’ button. Then again, a verbose talent such as you undeniably are, shouldn’t need to anymore than they’d need a faulty spell checking facility. While I’m at it, kindly use correct quotation marks…lazy cow!

Stomping over the site 24/7 clutching a spell & grammar check device screams more about your eggshell ego than any non-point you think you are making. We're posting to a niche Bitch 'n' Moan site, not writing a report to the directors of a Footsie 100 company. Consider yourself downgraded from minnow to maggot.

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3 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Stomping over the site 24/7 clutching a spell & grammar check device screams more about your eggshell ego than any non-point you think you are making. We're posting to a niche Bitch 'n' Moan site, not writing a report to the directors of a Footsie 100 company. Consider yourself downgraded from minnow to maggot.

Secoué. Prattle on as much as you want, love…but an algorithm isn’t a logarithm, Amsterdam will never be on the Rhöne and you’re still an unbearable cuntess. The vultures are circling.

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48 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Secoué. Prattle on as much as you want, love…but an algorithm isn’t a logarithm, Amsterdam will never be on the Rhöne and you’re still an unbearable cuntess. The vultures are circling.

I don't think there's any need to worry myself about vultures, do you? Besides, maggot is an easier prey...

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1 hour ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Educate yers better than you were spudders baby give them a fighting chance in life...lol


They’ve completed a couple of years of primary school so they’ve beaten you already, at least on the use of the English language you simple brained bog dwelling spud sambo

What was the name of the priest who inflicted the first “it’s going to need stitches” arsehole tearing event on the young Panzy?

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1 hour ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Education is the key spudders baby..now you need to practice pointing at yer throat n croaking when they ask ya what the world is like..dont send them down the bleak cul de sac you inhabit...the ignorance dies with ya 


The ignorance dies with all those who gladly allowed their children to be buggered senseless by the Catholic Church in Ireland 

The old man had to take it up the shitter so wee Ryan has to as well

Just when you lot get wise to this scam you vote in a fucking shit stabber to the top job. Only in Ireland, you thick cunts


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 28/12/2021 at 00:29, Stubby Pecker said:

The ignorance dies with all those who gladly allowed their children to be buggered senseless by the Catholic Church in Ireland 

The old man had to take it up the shitter so wee Ryan has to as well

Just when you lot get wise to this scam you vote in a fucking shit stabber to the top job. Only in Ireland, you thick cunts


Ya should have a listen to nick abbot's fone in ..its on YouTube.. there for posterity so future generations can listen to the numpties that destroyed the nation....Brian from Stockport..yer a legend...lol


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On 27/12/2021 at 21:49, Stubby Pecker said:

They’ve completed a couple of years of primary school so they’ve beaten you already, at least on the use of the English language you simple brained bog dwelling spud sambo

What was the name of the priest who inflicted the first “it’s going to need stitches” arsehole tearing event on the young Panzy?

Father Gerald Fistpatrick. Or is it Fistgerald?  Well, Fist was involved.

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49 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Related to the Scottish homosexuals, Ben Doon and Phil MaCavitty.



Check out this for famous Scots. Your attention is directed to the second 'Scot' in the list. I mean if they were desperate to get a black person in there why not the bloke out of Porridge ?

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