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The French

Dave Umbongo

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7 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Bally baby...yer people are in crisis..frosty baby has walked..one of the last ears theyll ever have is gone.... all they've left is the honey monster..but don't worry hes a man o his word n never skips out on anything...lol


That's global warming for yer Spanzy., frost disappearing in winter.

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16 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

That's global warming for yer Spanzy., frost disappearing in winter.

Disappearing into the sunset with a nice fat pension before the 1st of January when the frogs can really go to town at the ports..frosty will probably buy a chateau beside withers ..lol


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51 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Disappearing into the sunset with a nice fat pension before the 1st of January when the frogs can really go to town at the ports..frosty will probably buy a chateau beside withers ..lol


That's ok. I'm sure UK fishing licence database can "accidently" erase every frog in it. A few Frog trawlers getting "accidently" pulled down to the bottom of the Channel by Royal Navy subs snagging their nets should have the cheese munching inbreds engaged in furious gallic arm movements by the end of January. Meanwhile Irish farmers are still going out of business when all that lovely Aussie beef gets here.  

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9 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Bally baby...yer people are in crisis..frosty baby has walked..one of the last ears theyll ever have is gone.... all they've left is the honey monster..but don't worry hes a man o his word n never skips out on anything...lol


For once you are correct. Losing Lord Frost is a major blow for Boris. Frost is a skilled negotiator, understood the Euro mentality and ran rings around his adversaries to the benefit of the UK. Boris' other big problem is that until now there was never an obvious choice to replace him. He must be rueing the day he appointed Rishi as Chancellor.

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3 hours ago, Trucking Funt said:

That's ok. I'm sure UK fishing licence database can "accidently" erase every frog in it. A few Frog trawlers getting "accidently" pulled down to the bottom of the Channel by Royal Navy subs snagging their nets should have the cheese munching inbreds engaged in furious gallic arm movements by the end of January. Meanwhile Irish farmers are still going out of business when all that lovely Aussie beef gets here.  

Thats the spirit tukky baby..stick it to those frogs ...the gate keepers of yer access to mainland Europe...and im sure yer farmers will be cheering those aussie ships laden with lamb n beef...the Welsh valleys will be alive with the sound o laffin farmers...an while i have ya here who ya gonna sell all this aussie beef to..mores to the point how ya gonna get it off yer island..load it into a wanked out hercules and air drop it at night?..lol


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4 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Thats the spirit tukky baby..stick it to those frogs ...the gate keepers of yer access to mainland Europe...and im sure yer farmers will be cheering those aussie ships laden with lamb n beef...the Welsh valleys will be alive with the sound o laffin farmers...an while i have ya here who ya gonna sell all this aussie beef to..mores to the point how ya gonna get it off yer island..load it into a wanked out hercules and air drop it at night?..lol


We've been importing New Zealand lamb for more than a century and it hasn't touched the Welsh market simply because they can't supply enough to meet demand. The Welsh stuff is at the higher end of the market and tends to get served up in gourmet restaurants rather than onto the plates of single mums on council estates in Liverpool. NZ lamb is what you get in Asda. It will be the same with Aussie beef which will fall into bracket where your farmers flog theirs. 

We're not going to sell it, we're going to eat it instead of yours because one it's cheaper and two so we can laugh when your farmers start blowing their brains out with their handy shotguns as the orders from our supermarkets fucking evaporate. 

As for exportation in general, we've bypassed France several times in the past such as during their illegal ban on British beef. Necessity is the mother of all invention as they say Paddy. The other thing to note here is that not only will this speed up the UK's diversification of non-EU export markets but will increase the need for businesses to create new ones at home. After all, we have a population of 67000000 and are not entirely dependent on exports like you over there in potato land and as 84% of the UK economy is services, we do most of our exporting in cyberspace anyway so the frogs can get fucked. 

On a different note, how's things going for when your tax haven gets shut down as the GCTR kicks in? I heard your finance minister tried to blag an opt out from the yanks and got told in no uncertain terms to fuck off. So much for Irish influence in Washington. Never mind Paddy, it's looking increasingly likely that big Donald will be back in a couple of years, maybe you can ask him but then again, he will tell you to fuck off as well because he's half British and a self declared Anglophile.

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6 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

For once you are correct. Losing Lord Frost is a major blow for Boris. Frost is a skilled negotiator, understood the Euro mentality and ran rings around his adversaries to the benefit of the UK. Boris' other big problem is that until now there was never an obvious choice to replace him. He must be rueing the day he appointed Rishi as Chancellor.

TBH, I don't think Sunak will swing it. If JRM doesn't throw his hat into the ring then Michael Gove will have the ERG behind him then all he has to do is shaft Liz Truss by exposing her for the fake she really is. He's been very quiet recently and something tells me the sneaky Scotsman has been waiting in the wings for Boris to well and truly fuck up. 


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3 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Donald trunks comin back ya say...will he lift all the tarrifs off yer goods that he stuck on as a sign o friendship to the honey monster?..did you go to the same upstairs college that dc went to..lol..


He didn't raise them on us specifically, he raised them on the EU which we was still shackled to at the time. It's the fake Irishman who has kept them in place but he can't for long or British steel producers will sue the fuck out of the US via the WTO. Not that steel exports mean much to the UK anymore. It's 2021, not 1921. 

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33 minutes ago, Trucking Funt said:

He didn't raise them on us specifically, he raised them on the EU which we was still shackled to at the time. It's the fake Irishman who has kept them in place but he can't for long or British steel producers will sue the fuck out of the US via the WTO. Not that steel exports mean much to the UK anymore. It's 2021, not 1921. 

Far as i know they were lifted off EU produce.. d'ya know what..i think the badly made single shot possibly loaded model article 16 pistola should be placed in the greezy goves hand and he needs to pull the trigger ..as for tax issues an stuff..i know little of them as i havnt paid any for over 20 years 


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21 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

The English Roses would have been no different, as witnessed by the famed Jerrybags of Jersey. Had the Hun made it off the beaches of Kent and into the Garden of England, they’d have been more than well supplied in English tarts offering to service their bratwurst. As for the Eastern Europeans, they took more German Sausage than Aldi, including a surprising number of Jewess girls who fucked for their lives. You don’t read about that in the Anne Frank museum. Unfortunately. 

I disagree 

Had the krauts invaded and avoided the certain bloodbath on kentish beaches, those that made it inland and past any formal defenders would have been opposed by every housewife with a bread knife and rolling pin. No English version of the Vichy could ever have existed as the population would have happily ‘taken one with them’

Went the day well


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2 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

.as for tax issues an stuff..i know little of them as i havnt paid any for over 20 years 


The Big Issue has long been exempt from any tax liability, as are the filthy unfortunate wretches who sell it, in between shooting up brown and jerking off fat drunk American tourists called Peyton or Cooper. So I’m pretty sure you’ve got nothing to worry about on that score Panzy.

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8 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

We see lizzy has been given frostys job..and when she sees the mizerable hand of cards shes been asked to play she'll be branded a remainer/remainiac/traitor/saboteur..etc.. etc..it gets better n better as each week passes..lol


Dull, one-trick donkey. Check your crop you third world bore.

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32 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Holy Jesus. Mensa, you say? 

I did, I remember the day well. Some harrumphing from the more insecure puntership ensued - one bod announced he too was also a member but had since resigned, another said he satisfied the qualification requirements but "never got around to completing the paperwork".

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4 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

I did, I remember the day well. A some harrumphing from the more insecure puntership ensued - one bod announced he too was also a member but had since resigned, another said he satisfied the qualification requirements but "never got around to completing the paperwork".

Linguistics and Deductive Reasoning a big fat F today, your Worship. Did they let you in just to make the sandwiches?

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