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Misti Leitz

Uncle Meatus

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8 hours ago, Dead Penelope said:

As likely as not is that it is just pure good luck that your immune system has proven to be effective against this virus and perhaps you have also passed this immunity on to your children. It might well be a case of everyone is right and everyone is wrong about this virus.

Could be luck, could be a genetic component. Could be dead next week.

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8 hours ago, Roadkill said:

Thoughts on the front page BBC News article claiming boosters give 75% immunity, but double jabs are fucked?

Seems a bit pushy considering they've already made it clear the vaccines are going to need to be updated to be effective against Omicron, yet one jab, six months later, of an obsolete vaccine still works?


All seems a bit rushed... again.

There are some concerns about something called high zone tolerance. More of the same may not always be better. Who knows? My advice remains the same..... if you are fit and well under 60 years of age, steer well clear of these injections.

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1 minute ago, The Beast said:

All seems a bit rushed... again.

There are some concerns about something called high zone tolerance. More of the same may not always be better. Who knows? My advice remains the same..... if you are fit and well under 60 years of age, steer well clear of these injections.

I actually agree. Call me a hypocrite if you must considering I've followed the program so far, but it just seems a bit suspect that the old vaccines are still being pushed. Its coming across as damage control to reduce panic until the new jabs come out - people are going to get very tired of being injected so much, more idiots are going to think they're immune again once they get their booster and there's going to be less people willing to take a new vaccine when it does show up, regardless of whether it works or not because "I just got jabbed three fucking months ago".

Infection will increase, cunts will only get more angry and sceptical, the government will have to implement mandatory vaccines or lockdowns, then every cunt is going to kick off. Its fucked either way you look at it.

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40 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

I actually agree. Call me a hypocrite if you must considering I've followed the program so far, but it just seems a bit suspect that the old vaccines are still being pushed. Its coming across as damage control to reduce panic until the new jabs come out - people are going to get very tired of being injected so much, more idiots are going to think they're immune again once they get their booster and there's going to be less people willing to take a new vaccine when it does show up, regardless of whether it works or not because "I just got jabbed three fucking months ago".

Infection will increase, cunts will only get more angry and sceptical, the government will have to implement mandatory vaccines or lockdowns, then every cunt is going to kick off. Its fucked either way you look at it.

Interestingly, the population of the Earth has increased since the ‘pandemic’ started nearly 2 years ago.

Pretty piss poor existential threat to the human race, which is what we were told, all that time ago when people were allowed to question such life changing government orders.

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52 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

I actually agree. Call me a hypocrite if you must considering I've followed the program so far, but it just seems a bit suspect that the old vaccines are still being pushed. Its coming across as damage control to reduce panic until the new jabs come out - people are going to get very tired of being injected so much, more idiots are going to think they're immune again once they get their booster and there's going to be less people willing to take a new vaccine when it does show up, regardless of whether it works or not because "I just got jabbed three fucking months ago".

Infection will increase, cunts will only get more angry and sceptical, the government will have to implement mandatory vaccines or lockdowns, then every cunt is going to kick off. Its fucked either way you look at it.

Try to think of a booster akin to putting the country on high terror alert. It primes the body for an unspecified attack that is likely to be similar, but not identical, to previous attacks (i.e dusky people wearing bomb laden vests in public places). 

Think of the cold that's been going around for the last few months which has incorrectly been reported as some kind of super cold. The truth is that most people have been exposed to no germs of significance during their isolation / lockdown. The body's immune system gets rather lazy under such circumstances and therefore diseases take a firmer hold before the fight back begins. The immune memory wanes. 

There is value in a booster. Given that it's not tuned to the latest highly mutated variant it's probably not going to stop people from being infected, but it will, without doubt, prevent hospitalisations and deaths. 

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36 minutes ago, Goober said:

Try to think of a booster akin to putting the country on high terror alert. It primes the body for an unspecified attack that is likely to be similar, but not identical, to previous attacks (i.e dusky people wearing bomb laden vests in public places). 

Think of the cold that's been going around for the last few months which has incorrectly been reported as some kind of super cold. The truth is that most people have been exposed to no germs of significance during their isolation / lockdown. The body's immune system gets rather lazy under such circumstances and therefore diseases take a firmer hold before the fight back begins. The immune memory wanes. 

There is value in a booster. Given that it's not tuned to the latest highly mutated variant it's probably not going to stop people from being infected, but it will, without doubt, prevent hospitalisations and deaths. 

Or if that’s a bit too much to think about. Just think Pfizer Covid vax profits for 2021…$80billion.
Pfizer Covid vax profits + boosters for 2022….$40billion + $40b+$40b+$40b+++++++

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11 hours ago, The Beast said:

All seems a bit rushed... again.

There are some concerns about something called high zone tolerance. More of the same may not always be better. Who knows? My advice remains the same..... if you are fit and well under 60 years of age, steer well clear of these injections.

A problem though is that a lot of people under 60 are not actually fit and well due to substance abuse (excess alcohol use, recreational drug use and smoking) but they have not seen a doctor in many years and might think that they are fit and well. Between the ages of 20 and 45 I had seen a doctor perhaps less than a dozen times. It was the company medical I had a 45 that reveal my diabetes although I had actually had the symptoms for at least three years. Really the message should be for people to first find out whether they are actually truly  fit and well before making the decision .. as a qualified medic you should already have this information but other non medical staff may not.

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22 hours ago, The Beast said:

Such a spurious list that you can’t break it down as false. The pseudo barrack room lawyer analogy, one of your known and over used fall back positions doesn’t cut the mustard. 

Other than a small study on household transmission which only indicates a very marginal decrease in transmission, usually up to 12 weeks post 2 vaccination, doesn’t address the biggest area of transmission, nosocomial infections, where many of the cases will have at least a moderate illness, hence why they are hospitalised. If the vaccine prevented transmission in any meaningful way we would not have 50,000 cases per day in an adult population that is over 80 % vaccinated.

As for anti vaccination, I am certainly not. I have received every other vaccine offered to me as have my 5 children. So lazy nomenclature on your part again. 

Covid denier, well as you can see through my previous comments, I have stated how awful this disease is in the inflammatory stage countless times. My intention is to avoid this disease. As far as I am aware, despite coming into contact with symptomatic patients most days for the last 21 months, both vaccinated and unvaccinated, I have remained symptom free. 

On the plus side, you haven’t used a “fact checker”.

Yes, "fact checking" does seem to be inconvenient for some...

The barrack room lawyer analogy has been used by me only when rebutting punters' points of order on the way the site is administrated and moderated. Out of 5.5k posts and starting October 2015 I have used the term four times so I am not too clear where you get off by saying its "one of [my] known and over used fall back positions".

I also note that you are quibbling about not breaking down a comprehensive list of assertions comprising of short sentence bullet points. It appears you expect detailed rebuttals to be supported by data and/or links that was incumbent on you to back up with in the first place. If you want to party, then lay out the tables and put up the glitter balls.

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12 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Yes, "fact checking" does seem to be inconvenient for some...

The barrack room lawyer analogy has been used by me only when rebutting punters' points of order on the way the site is administrated and moderated. Out of 5.5k posts and starting October 2015 I have used the term four times so I am not too clear where you get off by saying its "one of [my] known and over used fall back positions".

I also note that you are quibbling about not breaking down a comprehensive list of assertions comprising of short sentence bullet points. It appears you expect detailed rebuttals to be supported by data and/or links that was incumbent on you to back up with in the first place. If you want to party, then lay out the tables and put up the glitter balls.

In an effort to try and get some humourous non argumentative banter from you Mrs Roops...who do you thinks going to win the F1 championship today? Feel free to call me a cunt or tell me to fuck off...all I simply ask is for you to say something that demonstrates you are human and capable of having a laugh. C'mon it's Christmas. 

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36 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Yes, "fact checking" does seem to be inconvenient for some...

The barrack room lawyer analogy has been used by me only when rebutting punters' points of order on the way the site is administrated and moderated. Out of 5.5k posts and starting October 2015 I have used the term four times so I am not too clear where you get off by saying its "one of [my] known and over used fall back positions".

I also note that you are quibbling about not breaking down a comprehensive list of assertions comprising of short sentence bullet points. It appears you expect detailed rebuttals to be supported by data and/or links that was incumbent on you to back up with in the first place. If you want to party, then lay out the tables and put up the glitter balls.

You do know that punters on here are just pulling your chain to get a reaction? 

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13 hours ago, King Billy said:

The MSM were jumping with joy yesterday at the news that 58,000 odd new cases of Kungflu had been confirmed in the previous 24hr period. The highest number since 28th January (slightly). Just what was needed to stoke up the fear factor and convince the 🐑 that another period of house arrest is unavoidable soon to save the NHS again, (‘although absolutely not what anyone, especially all of us at the BBC, Sky News, etc. etc. (fill in your own choice of fake news liars) wants’.

The fact that this frightening figure was obtained from over 1.2 million tests conducted, and the slightly lower January figure from only around 1/2 million test results. Blatant and fully intentional propaganda to push the already decided agenda.

Even a complete fucking 🐑such as yourself Luv must have some niggling  doubts about the narrative which you’ve bought into up to now? If not then you must be just as daft as DC said you are in a PM the other night. 🐑😷💉😂

Even by your own standards, this is 24 carat gold plated paranoia. How was the MSM "jumping with joy"? Did they precede the articles with "great news, readers" Were there photos on the front pages of The Telegraph and Mail of smiling fruity young things showing bare midriffs clutching the latest Covid press release figures? Assuming your figure of 58,000 is correct that can equate to 1,740,000 cases per month if no corrective action is taken. 58,000 cases a per day is not sustainable under any circumstances.

But wait, the foil-clad BS continues...

11 hours ago, King Billy said:

Or if that’s a bit too much to think about. Just think Pfizer Covid vax profits for 2021…$80billion.
Pfizer Covid vax profits + boosters for 2022….$40billion + $40b+$40b+$40b+++++++

The ¾ year figures you quote are for revenues not profits, also they relate to world trading activity not covid vaccines. One would have thought an experienced businessman that you purport to be would be able to differentiate turnover and profit, but no worries.

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13 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

But shouldn't you support the British driver? If Lewis wins it could cheer the nation up...you know stop everyone talking about fucking Covid 19 and all that. I know you don't care but I did actually ask who you think will win?

I'm not interested in F1, not since the halcyon days of Mansell. I don't like Hamilton. I did like him but then he came out with all this "poor little black boy" BS despite it being his colour that helped him in his karting days when he weren't even the best around. 


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Just now, camberwell gypsy said:

I'm not interested in F1, not since the halcyon days of Mansell. I don't like Hamilton. I did like him but then he came out with all this "poor little black boy" BS despite it being his colour that helped him in his karting days when he weren't even the best around. 


You might like Lando Norris. He isn't a poor little black boy and he's doing quite well for himself on the track - certainly future champion material. I don't think he can grow a Mansell 'stache yet though...

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20 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

But shouldn't you support the British driver? If Lewis wins it could cheer the nation up...you know stop everyone talking about fucking Covid 19 and all that. I know you don't care but I did actually ask who you think will win?

A British driver you say...Oh...Yay Lewis! I don't know who's going to win 'cos I don't care.

I might as well ask you who think will win the Woman's X Country World Athletics Championship in Bathurst, Australia in 2023, that is if it eventually happens, a sport I used to participate in at local level.

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5 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

A British driver you say...Oh...Yay Lewis! I don't know who's going to win 'cos I don't care.

I might as well ask you who think will win the Woman's X Country World Athletics Championship in Bathurst, Australia in 2023, if it eventually happens, a sport I used to participate in at local level.

My money is on the one with the cock that everyone is too afraid to point out.

There'll undoubtedly be one...

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34 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

But shouldn't you support the British driver? If Lewis wins it could cheer the nation up...you know stop everyone talking about fucking Covid 19 and all that. I know you don't care but I did actually ask who you think will win?

She's Welsh, OCR. Unless King Arthur arose from his tomb and jumped into a car, she couldn't give less of a shit.

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