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Misti Leitz

Uncle Meatus

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9 hours ago, Ape™️ said:

It’s such a shame that you haven’t got a better platform to share this vital information on. Who’d have thought that a relatively insignificant NHS employee could know so very much more about the trajectory of the virus than the entire scientific community of the civilised world. Oh, and please elaborate on the “fraud” that’s being committed, and to what end. 

You go along with the government narrative, I wouldn't trust the cunts to organise a raffle.

Research from Hong Kong indicates the Omicron replicates in the Bronchial passages at 70 times the rate of delta. However, in the alveoli it replicates 10 times less than the delta. In short, this is an upper respiratory tract infection and not, as in previous waves, a lower respiratory tract infection.

As I have said previously, in South Africa 24% of 17 to 74 year olds are immunocompromised from HIV and many are living cheek-by-jowl in Townships. The UK plc government know all this yet have ratchetted up the fear. Utterly despicable in my opinion.

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3 hours ago, White Cunt said:

There was an article on the BBC, if I recall correctly, that “remote monitoring” of covid patients in their homes is the next move. Questions should be asked about the plan; I presume that patients will not be given pharmaceuticals and much of equipment, testing and monitoring. In practice, it seems like a potential can of worms - distancing of responsibility and professional treatment. What’s your opinion?

In the first wave, people were told to go home if they turned up at A&E and their oxygen saturations were not below 95%. This was bad advice. People deteriorated rapidly with the legacy strains, normal saturations would turn to hypoxia with saturations in the 50%'s within minutes. This rapid deterioration was less apparent with the delta, but severe disease was obviously still a thing.

Letting people manage at home is OK if they have something they can start to take when symptoms start, vitamin D, zinc, doxycycline, inhaled budesonide, Ivermectin. These cheap and effective drugs will not be recommended in the UK. If they had been the last 18 months, countless lives would have been saved.

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9 hours ago, The Beast said:

You go along with the government narrative, I wouldn't trust the cunts to organise a raffle.

Research from Hong Kong indicates the Omicron replicates in the Bronchial passages at 70 times the rate of delta. However, in the alveoli it replicates 10 times less than the delta. In short, this is an upper respiratory tract infection and not, as in previous waves, a lower respiratory tract infection.

As I have said previously, in South Africa 24% of 17 to 74 year olds are immunocompromised from HIV and many are living cheek-by-jowl in Townships. The UK plc government know all this yet have ratchetted up the fear. Utterly despicable in my opinion.

Sources please. 

9 hours ago, The Beast said:

In the first wave, people were told to go home if they turned up at A&E and their oxygen saturations were not below 95%. This was bad advice. People deteriorated rapidly with the legacy strains, normal saturations would turn to hypoxia with saturations in the 50%'s within minutes. This rapid deterioration was less apparent with the delta, but severe disease was obviously still a thing.

Letting people manage at home is OK if they have something they can start to take when symptoms start, vitamin D, zinc, doxycycline, inhaled budesonide, Ivermectin. These cheap and effective drugs will not be recommended in the UK. If they had been the last 18 months, countless lives would have been saved.

You know why, surely?

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14 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

I’m on record (and via PMs which I know you have access to) in saying the job you do is pretty much thankless: trying to referee a mob of foul mouthed miscreants who’d happily go full Bernard Manning and paedo accusations given half the chance.

However, most here have a well developed sense of self depreciation and very similar senses of humour. We go beyond ripping the piss out of each other and world and all find it funny. I’d have thought by now you’d have worked that out and factored it into your dry and ineffectual rebukes which I’m sure get you damp around hell hole by thinking we’re all shitting a brick at these slaps on the wrist.

I remember with misty eyes some of the lively debates here between yourself, wolfie and other clearly intelligent types but when these died out and the inane unfunny abuse took over I fucked off for over a year. You’ll never convince a tin hatter like KB to see your point of view and it’s highly likely the silly cunt is doing it to get under your skin. Why not just throw a ton of abuse at him and tell him to fuck off?

Gosh, well, I'll have to take your word for it, but I suspect the PM discourse is merely a microcosm of the brittleness and paranoia that appears on the boards as evidenced by the activity of the last 24 hours. There are genuine but rare moments of self depreciation but this is matched by a few who attempt wriggle off the petards they've hung themselves on.

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22 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Well of course you joined in - you always do. Way to go though, attempt to engage a serious point but start and finish by talking like an over-sugared fourth former. Firstly, you seem incapable of separating punters who are passionate about a issue and those who simply log in for a bout of personal abuse. As for your roll-call of people you don't like, one is in long term incarceration (as far as I can tell, no release date is set) another is in a similar review to Bubba - that particular bod was kicked off-site but pleaded via a third-party to be let back in on a personal surety to behave. To date has failed to live up to his promise.


Rules are rules, but a Vulcan must learn to feel and sense with perception and intuition if they are to successfully interact with humans. Otherwise, by culling some of your best commenters, all you'll be left with are the aforementioned trio and those of their ilk.

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10 hours ago, The Beast said:

You go along with the government narrative, I wouldn't trust the cunts to organise a raffle.

Research from Hong Kong indicates the Omicron replicates in the Bronchial passages at 70 times the rate of delta. However, in the alveoli it replicates 10 times less than the delta. In short, this is an upper respiratory tract infection and not, as in previous waves, a lower respiratory tract infection.

As I have said previously, in South Africa 24% of 17 to 74 year olds are immunocompromised from HIV and many are living cheek-by-jowl in Townships. The UK plc government know all this yet have ratchetted up the fear. Utterly despicable in my opinion.

…now…about them dead pilots?

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11 hours ago, The Beast said:

I don't know what autoimmune disease you have and that is private matter for you. 

Type 1 Diabetes. Sadly for roops, and most of the corner, I’m fighting fit and going nowhere for some time. 

I’m more interested in your learned opinion as to what severity of medical condition someone is deemed to be at risk in your eyes? And (not taking the piss) what makes you more qualified than anyone else? 

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1 hour ago, Bubba C said:

Type 1 Diabetes. Sadly for roops, and most of the corner, I’m fighting fit and going nowhere for some time. 

I’m more interested in your learned opinion as to what severity of medical condition someone is deemed to be at risk in your eyes? And (not taking the piss) what makes you more qualified than anyone else? 

I would never under estimate type 1 diabetes. 

Obesity, diabetics, immunocompromised, interstitial lung disease, cardiac failure ..... to name a few. 

I don't believe anyone has been right about everything. I give my opinion and it isn't worth shit, but I would not knowingly and wilfully steer people into danger. I stand by the assertion those fit and well under the age of 60 should avoid these poisons.

What is evident and has been for some time, is those who control the fear narrative do not seem scared themselves.

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1 hour ago, The Beast said:

This is literally the last sentence of the “source” you point to:

Therefore, taken together with our recent studies showing that the Omicron variant can partially escape immunity from vaccines and past infection, the overall threat from Omicron variant is likely to be very significant.’ 

Not sure it fits with your general position of minimising the potential risk from Omicron. Or maybe my reading comprehension is on the blink. 

I also question your figure for HIV prevalence in RSA adults. World Bank and UNAids data put prevalence at 20.4% in 2020, and the majority are on cheap HAART. I’d like a source for the assertion that Covid deaths are higher among HIV patients with undetectable viral load (which is a hefty proportion of SA HIV population), or for the idea that population density has much to do with Covid transmission. Singapore and Taiwan have rather busted this myth.

Lastly your flag waving for doxycycline, ivermectin and zinc reveals you to be an evidence free zone. 

You’ll be advocating IV disinfectant next. Next please.

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1 hour ago, The Beast said:

I would never under estimate type 1 diabetes. 

Obesity, diabetics, immunocompromised, interstitial lung disease, cardiac failure ..... to name a few. 

I don't believe anyone has been right about everything. I give my opinion and it isn't worth shit, but I would not knowingly and wilfully steer people into danger. I stand by the assertion those fit and well under the age of 60 should avoid these poisons.

What is evident and has been for some time, is those who control the fear narrative do not seem scared themselves.

This, I agree with. It’s just the outlandish claims that Bill Gates is thinning the herd (amongst others) that ends up with the majority of anti-vaxxers coming across as slightly unhinged, and very retarded. 

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1 hour ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

This is literally the last sentence of the “source” you point to:

Therefore, taken together with our recent studies showing that the Omicron variant can partially escape immunity from vaccines and past infection, the overall threat from Omicron variant is likely to be very significant.’ 

Not sure it fits with your general position of minimising the potential risk from Omicron. Or maybe my reading comprehension is on the blink. 

I also question your figure for HIV prevalence in RSA adults. World Bank and UNAids data put prevalence at 20.4% in 2020, and the majority are on cheap HAART. I’d like a source for the assertion that Covid deaths are higher among HIV patients with undetectable viral load (which is a hefty proportion of SA HIV population), or for the idea that population density has much to do with Covid transmission. Singapore and Taiwan have rather busted this myth.

Lastly your flag waving for doxycycline, ivermectin and zinc reveals you to be an evidence free zone. 

You’ll be advocating IV disinfectant next. Next please.

Calm down tit. You have been singing from the same propaganda sheet for 2 years. We are no further forward, less so in fact, given the rise in all cause mortality the last 5 months in the UK. 

All HIV people are immunocompromised and these people are at higher risk of this virus. That is incontrovertible, yet you haggle over 20 or 24%, it is a considerable number with a significant risk factor. 

Your disregard of cheap prophylactics is nothing but ignorance. See Uttar Pradesh in India. 

Either way doc, do you seriously think Omicron is a lower respiratory tract infection that will kill in large numbers? You wouldn't have the nuts to put your house and swimming pool on it.

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1 hour ago, Bubba C said:

It’s just the outlandish claims that Bill Gates is thinning the herd (amongst others) that ends up with the majority of anti-vaxxers coming across as slightly unhinged, and very retarded. 

The Illuminati are using the excuse of a global pandemic to ground flights so that nobody can see the great ice wall at the end of the flat Earth. Wake up, Sheeple!

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43 minutes ago, The Beast said:

Calm down tit. You have been singing from the same propaganda sheet for 2 years. We are no further forward, less so in fact, given the rise in all cause mortality the last 5 months in the UK. 

All HIV people are immunocompromised and these people are at higher risk of this virus. That is incontrovertible, yet you haggle over 20 or 24%, it is a considerable number with a significant risk factor. 

Your disregard of cheap prophylactics is nothing but ignorance. See Uttar Pradesh in India. 

Either way doc, do you seriously think Omicron is a lower respiratory tract infection that will kill in large numbers? You wouldn't have the nuts to put your house and swimming pool on it.

Isn't the age expectancy much lower in RSA as well the obesity rate than in the UK? So there's not so many crumblies or tubbies to take out. This may be a reason hospitisation is much lower.

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1 hour ago, Cuntybaws said:

The Illuminati are using the excuse of a global pandemic to ground flights so that nobody can see the great ice wall at the end of the flat Earth. Wake up, Sheeple!

Did you hear about the pilots? Apparently they have a jab and fly into The Bermuda Triangle. Very peculiar. 

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42 minutes ago, Bubba C said:

Did you hear about the pilots? Apparently they have a jab and fly into The Bermuda Triangle. Very peculiar. 

If you think that's strange, wait until you hear about the tip off I received regarding the disappearance of flight MH370.

My inside source (King Billy), has confirmed that every crew member and passenger had been double jabbed and boosted SIX YEARS prior to the pandemic and the development of the vaccines.

A coincedence? I don't fucking think so.

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I've hitherto said very little about the positives and negatives of the effects of the vaccine, and I'm feeling something of a coward because of it, especially after watching Proper defend his corner so diligently, so here's my unqualified stance on things.

I have not opted to have the vaccine – and neither has my family. If any of my nearest and dearest decide otherwise, I will not stand in their way. I am not an anti-vaxxer by any means; nor am I pro-vaccine. If someone wishes to have an underdeveloped substance which has varying levels of success (depending on age, natural immunity and ethnicity) injected into their body, that is fine. It is also fine to not have the vaccine, if you so wish. What's not alright is having it insidiously forced upon you, as currently demonstrated by the UK government with its vaccine passport scheme, with the internet being used by authorities as a tool to monitor COVID-19 immunity & passport status.

Whether Proper is a doctor or not is irrelevant. I see someone who's had first-hand experience of patients suffer from the virus (as well as the fatality of his mother), which in my eyes places him in an excellent position to comment on the validity of having/not having the vaccine. My sister also works for the NHS, as she has done for over 25 years, and has also opted to avoid having the vaccine based on data she has seen. I think it is unfair to enforce a program not yet fully evolved upon those who don't wish to have it; this is the sort of behaviour one might expect from a communist government such as with China or Russia (or Nazi Germany), but not that of a free-thinking Western democracy.

One of our business partners, 57, opted to not have the vaccine. He contracted coronavirus at the beginning of November, and described it as an 'appalling fucking cold', while another colleague, aged 55, who had both jabs, suffered terribly from something she 'wouldn't ever wish on her worst enemy'. With the current transmission rates, a synthetic substitute used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against a mutating virus, prepared from the causative agent of a disease, is never going to protect an individual as successfully as a body which reacts naturally and responds by building its own antibodies without assistance.

I still find it hard to accept our government is attempting to enforce a blanket-cover for everybody – despte obvious differences in age, general health, ethnicity etc. which affects different people with varying degrees of success. In my opinion, children and healthy adults are not in need of the vaccine, especially because it camouflages many coronavirus symptoms while still being transmissible. Offering more jabs and boosters clearly isn't the solution because it's not working: you cannot control a virus if transmission is still possible and, among other reasons, is mutating. Personally, I think the vaccine should be aimed squarely at those aged 60 and over. There is a good argument for it to be mandatory among this demographic because it is the one most in need based on current mortality rates. I also agree with the wearing of facemasks, which I believe does have positive effects providing they are new or clean. I cannot see what harm they cause, and at the very least provide the elderly – many brainwashed by the media – confidence when shopping in public. 

This government's prime intention is to get voted back into power, so it wishes to be seen to be doing something both drastic and productive. If it mattered to them so much, and if they really cared, the two protagonists involved in the lockdown design and vaccine program – Dominic Cummings and Matt Handcock – wouldn't have breached their own rules so readily, and nor would No.10 be holding garden parties amidst any given lockdown situation.

While the vaccine is not a requirement for my job (unlike tens of thousands who are having it forced upon them to keep theirs), I find myself slowly getting squeezed into a corner against my will. My mother, who is in her mid-70s and mostly lives in southern Spain, desperately needs my help to sell her house, not to mention medical treatment when she returns to the UK, and I cannot help her if I do not get vaccinated. For me, and I consider myself fit and healthy, I would rather let my body fight this thing as nature intended, and have the confidence to travel based on organic immunity, without the need to have still-developing synthetic substances injected into my body with a growing risk of potential side-effects.

While I think the vaccine has undoubtedly saved lives among certain groups of the demographic, as a healthy adult I do not wish to be part of a program which is driving the medical industry at the expense of common sense and self-governance. 

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8 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Gosh, well, I'll have to take your word for it, but I suspect the PM discourse is merely a microcosm of the brittleness and paranoia that appears on the boards as evidenced by the activity of the last 24 hours. There are genuine but rare moments of self depreciation but this is matched by a few who attempt wriggle off the petards they've hung themselves on.

Mrs Roops, on a lighter note, is that you in your avatar? In my mind's eye I fancy the top bit resembles that Anglophile from The X Files, Karen Anderson. Don't disappointment now as I'm on the vinegar strokes.

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2 hours ago, Decimus said:

If you think that's strange, wait until you hear about the tip off I received regarding the disappearance of flight MH370.

My inside source (King Billy), has confirmed that every crew member and passenger had been double jabbed and boosted SIX YEARS prior to the pandemic and the development of the vaccines.

A coincedence? I don't fucking think so.

I fucking knew it.

Did you know JFK was on his way home from his pre-pandemic booster jab when his head exploded? And if you rearrange the letters in Lee Harvey Oswald you get ‘arse holely waved’

I’ll let you fill in the blanks…

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