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Misti Leitz

Uncle Meatus

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41 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

You have this remarkable ability to ignore the vista and make out that a molehill is in fact a mountain. You're like the fidgety minnow splashing in a tidal pool who thinks he's a blue water apex predator.

…and, as if to prove my point.

Incidentally, another piss-poor analogy from our residential intellectual powerhouse? A ‘minnow’ is a fresh water fish…in a ‘tidal pool?’ Daft cuntess.


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1 hour ago, Mrs Roops said:

You have this remarkable ability to ignore the vista and make out that a molehill is in fact a mountain. You're like the fidgety minnow splashing in a tidal pool who thinks he's a blue water apex predator.


26 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

…and, as if to prove my point.

Incidentally, another piss-poor analogy from our residential intellectual powerhouse? A ‘minnow’ is a fresh water fish…in a ‘tidal pool?’ Daft cuntess.


...and at that...I rest my case.

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1 hour ago, Decimus said:

I'm not saying that Pen's move to the South West has seen reports of 'The Hairy Hands' of Dartmoor phenomena triple in frequency. Just as I'm also not saying that after a stint living in Oregon during the 1920s, completely coincedentally of course, Big Foot took on the temporary sobriquet of Big Dick.

I'm hoping this snippet of information didn't come to you as a biproduct of a Google search for something unrelated. 

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4 hours ago, Decimus said:

I'm not saying that Pen's move to the South West has seen reports of 'The Hairy Hands' of Dartmoor phenomena triple in frequency. Just as I'm also not saying that after a stint living in Oregon during the 1920s, completely coincedentally of course, Big Foot took on the temporary sobriquet of Big Dick.

Pen went into a Subway and ordered a club sandwich; the guy asked “would you like a foot long”, pen replied “no thanks, I’ve already got one”. 

Lol. Lol. 

Fuck off @Dead Penelope



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9 hours ago, Dead Penelope said:

Stunningly unimportant lives and minds discussing an imaginary penis.

🎶 Imagine there’s no penis.                 It isn’t hard to do.                          Nothing to tuck away now. 
No Velcro to undo.                               No daily hormone blockers.                 To keep his beard subdued.

Imagine all the people.                       Not staring down below.

Ooh Ooh Ooh oh.                                You may say he’s a weirdo.               You’d be absolutely right.                      I hope some day soon he’ll fuck off.

Or hang himself would be allright 🎶


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8 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

You have this remarkable ability to ignore the vista and make out that a molehill is in fact a mountain. You're like the fidgety minnow splashing in a tidal pool who thinks he's a blue water apex predator.

That’s told him and no mistake.

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8 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

…and, as if to prove my point.

Incidentally, another piss-poor analogy from our residential intellectual powerhouse? A ‘minnow’ is a fresh water fish…in a ‘tidal pool?’ Daft cuntess.


Careful DC. The last thing you want to do is ‘fact check’ the corners self appointed ‘fact-checker general’. 
That’s akin to asking Matthew Hopkins, ‘Where’s your broomstick mate?’ The repercussions could be worse than the Covid pandemic.

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23 hours ago, King Billy said:

The NHS which sucks the lifeblood out of the U.K. taxpayer year after year

Indeed it does. Our tax money being shelled out on fattys, druggies, thick cunt chavs and the general poor class who are unhealthy to a cunt. Not to mention 18 trillion child refugees with full beards and a degree in rape rocking up at Dover every cunting week in full knowledge us kindly folk with look after them and the 14 shit kids who swam being the dingy.

I can’t be fucked to check the facts but I’ll bet my left bollock the majority of money (at the sharp end) is spent on geriatric old cunts being kept alive when they’d probably rather die because their bodies are fucked up and worn out. Compulsory euthanasia at 80 makes a lot of sense 

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47 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Careful DC. The last thing you want to do is ‘fact check’ the corners self appointed ‘fact-checker general’. 
That’s akin to asking Matthew Hopkins, ‘Where’s your broomstick mate?’ The repercussions could be worse than the Covid pandemic.

Fuck me, we could do with a few 1000 Matty Hopkins to roam the land a have a good burn up of the human scum that live and breed here with impunity

I’d say at least 20% of the UKs population (much higher in Scotland, wales and off the scale in Northern Ireland) should be mercy killed, ideally by fire

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37 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Indeed it does. Our tax money being shelled out on fattys, druggies, thick cunt chavs and the general poor class who are unhealthy to a cunt. Not to mention 18 trillion child refugees with full beards and a degree in rape rocking up at Dover every cunting week in full knowledge us kindly folk with look after them and the 14 shit kids who swam being the dingy.

I can’t be fucked to check the facts but I’ll bet my left bollock the majority of money (at the sharp end) is spent on geriatric old cunts being kept alive when they’d probably rather die because their bodies are fucked up and worn out. Compulsory euthanasia at 80 makes a lot of sense 

All this never ending ‘Save the NHS’ by giving up your rights and fucking up the future for generations of young people, is becoming very very tiresome now. The uncriticisable  NHS which has currently 6% of its hospital beds occupied by patients with Covid, not necessarily that Covid is the reason they’re there. Just that they have tested positive while they’re in there for any number of reasons.

At the same time people are waiting on trolleys or outside A and E  in ambulances for 10 hours or more, GPs suspending most routine appointments to spend all day every day sticking needles in arms for £15 a shot, while the patients they’re legally contracted to look after have been told to fuck off and ring back next summer if they’re still alive.

The same NHS which is now headed by a woman with absolutely zero medical qualifications, who exaggerated the number of hospitalised Covid patients by tens of thousands in a TV interview a few weeks ago, and then claimed that she’d misunderstood the question when she was called out as the disingenuous cunt she showed herself to be on live TV.

The same NHS which has stood by silently and allowed 140,000 of their staff to be thrown to the wolves, for daring to insist on their right to refuse to be guinea pigs for the experimental vaccines.

The same NHS which has allowed an estimated 750,000 undiagnosed cancers to eat their way through the bodies of people who can’t see a doctor, and racked up a backlog of an estimated 14 million routine hospital procedures in 20 months of Covid insanity.

OK some of the tik tok synchronised dance videos have probably exhausted the poor boys, girls and the other 99 genders on the frontline but something is completely fucked up in our wonderful NHS in my opinion.

I just hope Chris Whittys autopsy is live streamed soon, while he’s still alive would be great.

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5 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

I would comment but I haven't a fucking clue what you're on about! 

Leave him to me, Gyppo. You may stink like a rancid dead rat that's been festering in a hay bale for the past three months, but you're one of ours and I'll not have some fly by night spastic besmirching your already incredibly tenuous honour.

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12 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Leave him to me, Gyppo. You may stink like a rancid dead rat that's been festering in a hay bale for the past three months, but you're one of ours and I'll not have some fly by night spastic besmirching your already incredibly tenuous honour.

Thankyou..."sniff"....that's beautiful. 😥

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13 minutes ago, Uncle Meatus said:


If I bring anything to this cess pit it's this. Watch your back. There's 3 Santa's. Oh...and fuck off you spectrum spastic hand rubbing retard. Fuck off.

meaty, thanks for your continued posting. The fact you’ve stayed logged in for this long has allowed us to locate your IP and you will be dealt with by some locals who will have no trouble in providing you with exactly what you deserve. 

By the way, your curtains are fucking awful. 

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