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Misti Leitz

Uncle Meatus

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13 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

you've just rendered all your future arguments as utterly worthless.

I always knew I’d win eventually. Just know that I’m not going to think any worse of you, now that you’ve finally woken up to the futility of your ridiculous antics. 😘

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35 minutes ago, White Cunt said:

That is the case. He also has some issues with some unruly Saudis, who dare to sell their oil to the highest bidders.

Interesting times.


My experience of NHS nurses suggests there's plenty of slack in the system. Not that I'm suggesting Proper can easily accommodate a watermelon up his chuff. 

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18 hours ago, The Beast said:

The author is a well known attack dog that goes after anyone who says anything in opposition to the current hapless strategy. He even tries to lecture the Peter McCullough on cardiology. His twitter feed is totally vile.

As for University that issued this rebuttal, one of the biggest philanthropic donors are the Temerty fund, founders of Northland Power. One Bill gates has his fingers in this company. As usual, follow the trail and it comes back to this creature.

"Like a soldier who only starts loading his weapon once he has arrived on the battlefield" | Voice for Science and Solidarity

Ah, invoking the name of Gates in a tenuous guilt by association ploy. That'll whip up the Tin-foil brethren.

In fact the Temerty fund donated the money to Toronto University, not McGill.

All things considered I think you been selling a pup to the puntership with this Dutch fella

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14 hours ago, King Billy said:

No need for you to sit up all night frantically ‘debunking’ them then.
Your work is done.

I stand before you, publicly ‘debunked’, my head hung in the shame and humiliation of my own foolishness. I just hope you can find a tiny grain of mercy in your stone cold black heart for someone you’ve mercilessly broken beyond repair.

Yours hopefully, the remains of KB.


12 hours ago, King Billy said:

I always knew I’d win eventually. Just know that I’m not going to think any worse of you, now that you’ve finally woken up to the futility of your ridiculous antics. 😘

Three to five key words in a search engine command line is all it takes to counter your nonsense. Appropriating relevance to the results takes a few seconds. Its all calm and clinical, hardly "frantic".

Billy, your just another in a long line of saps who chanced upon The Corner and compensates his unremarkable life by parading an amazing insight that avoids the rest of us mere mortals. Clearly devoid of original thought or even a modicum of critical thinking you merely regurgitate other peoples' nonsense - a gullible mug who swallows hook, line, sinker and the whole goddamn boat. Get over yourself.

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1 hour ago, Mrs Roops said:

Ah, invoking the name of Gates in a tenuous guilt by association ploy. That'll whip up the Tin-foil brethren.

In fact the Temerty fund donated the money to Toronto University, not McGill.

All things considered I think you been selling a pup to the puntership with this Dutch fella

You are right to correct me that the Temerty family gave their dough to Toronto university, but as you know a google search "Bill gates Mcgill University" makes it all clear.

Of course Vanden Bossche could be wrong about many things, but on escape mutations evading vaccines he appears to be near the mark.

We have kept discourse civil, avoiding profanities, but the anti vaxxer, tin foil jobbies and covid denier are not appropriate, as I am not in these categories, just as you are not sheep, cattle or vaccine shill. 

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9 hours ago, Dead Penelope said:

I have just got back from the vax queue I was in it for 45 minutes wih no prospect of getting the jab for at least two hours, before concluding that being in the line up increased my risk of getting this Omicron infection.

If you’d got your cock out, the bellend would have been right up at the front of the queue. Jib jab, job done.

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10 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Billy, your just another in a long line of saps who chanced upon The Corner and compensates his unremarkable life by parading an amazing insight that avoids the rest of us mere mortals. Clearly devoid of original thought or even a modicum of critical thinking you merely regurgitate other peoples' nonsense - a gullible mug who swallows hook, line, sinker and the whole goddamn boat. Get over yourself.


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17 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

Billy, are you thinking of asking for a rebate on your National Insurance for not taking up the offer of a Covid vaccine?

My life isn’t, never has been, and never will be for the sole purpose of ‘saving the NHS’, the political football which has been elevated to cult status  during the ‘pandemic’. The NHS which sucks the lifeblood out of the U.K. taxpayer year after year, top heavy with layer after layer of overpaid management, bottom heavy with underpaid left leaning activists, and constantly in some stage of major reform, which never improves the value for money outcome of the patients who lap up the propaganda churned out by whichever of the 2 dishonest parties happen to be in opposition,  and fake outrage at the other party which is enslaving the population at any given time?

Nah mate. I don’t buy into the clapping hands and banging saucepans malarkey. Not really my thing.

Dr Hillary is a massive cunt.

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1 hour ago, King Billy said:

If you’d got your cock out, the bellend would have been right up at the front of the queue. Jib jab, job done.

Just imagine if the nurse administering Pen's Omicron booster slipped and pierced her cock instead. I wonder if it would ever standup in court, lol.

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18 hours ago, Bubba C said:

Fascinating. Fuck off. 

It's a good job for the local pensioners that Pen has the eyesight and intelligence of a mole rat alongside the crippling touch sensory issues associated with severe autism. Any other 6'4 fucking bruiser with a jaw that you could bust marble on would have elbowed their way to the front of the queue, smashing Doris's and breaking hips left right and centre.

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37 minutes ago, Decimus said:

It's a good job for the local pensioners that Pen has the eyesight and intelligence of a mole rat alongside the crippling touch sensory issues associated with severe autism. Any other 6'4 fucking bruiser with a jaw that you could bust marble on would have elbowed their way to the front of the queue, smashing Doris's and breaking hips left right and centre.

I can imagine it now, rocking up at the local football stadium looking like Hulk Hogan, but with a worse wig and a bigger cock, screaming “I can’t see, I can’t see, I’m disabled, gimme me fecking jab!”, then boring everybody in a 10 mile radius to tears with stories of cataracts and photography before going into the men’s for a piss. 

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On 14/12/2021 at 10:36, The Beast said:

You are right to correct me that the Temerty family gave their dough to Toronto university, but as you know a google search "Bill gates Mcgill University" makes it all clear.

Of course Vanden Bossche could be wrong about many things, but on escape mutations evading vaccines he appears to be near the mark.

We have kept discourse civil, avoiding profanities, but the anti vaxxer, tin foil jobbies and covid denier are not appropriate, as I am not in these categories, just as you are not sheep, cattle or vaccine shill. 

Yes well, we're the adults in this menagerie.

The Dutch fella on mutations evading vaccines is hardly ground-breaking. That viruses mutate is why dealing with them is so problematic. Aside from the ability to jump species, The Covid-19 has shown to be more contagious and lethal compared to say, seasonal flu. Even the seasonal flu vaccine has a time limit in its efficacy and as you know, the composition of the flu jab changes year to year depending on which strains are most common.

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23 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Yes well, we're the adults in this menagerie.

The Dutch fella on mutations evading vaccines is hardly ground-breaking. That viruses mutate is why dealing with them is so problematic. Aside from the ability to jump species, The Covid-19 has shown to be more contagious and lethal compared to say, seasonal flu. Even the seasonal flu vaccine has a time limit in its efficacy and as you know, the composition of the flu jab changes year to year depending on which strains are most common.

Hardly. He clearly is & is highlighting your casual propensity for insulting members who hold a different opinion to yours. Pseud Twat.

On 14/12/2021 at 10:36, The Beast said:

We have kept discourse civil, avoiding profanities, but the anti vaxxer, tin foil jobbies and covid denier are not appropriate, as I am not in these categories, just as you are not sheep, cattle or vaccine shill. 

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50 minutes ago, Bubba C said:

I can imagine it now, rocking up at the local football stadium looking like Hulk Hogan, but with a worse wig and a bigger cock, screaming “I can’t see, I can’t see, I’m disabled, gimme me fecking jab!”, then boring everybody in a 10 mile radius to tears with stories of cataracts and photography before going into the men’s for a piss. 

I'm not saying that Pen's move to the South West has seen reports of 'The Hairy Hands' of Dartmoor phenomena triple in frequency. Just as I'm also not saying that after a stint living in Oregon during the 1920s, completely coincedentally of course, Big Foot took on the temporary sobriquet of Big Dick.

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24 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Hardly. He clearly is & is highlighting your casual propensity for insulting members who hold a different opinion to yours. Pseud Twat.

You have this remarkable ability to ignore the vista and make out that a molehill is in fact a mountain. You're like the fidgety minnow splashing in a tidal pool who thinks he's a blue water apex predator.

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