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Misti Leitz

Uncle Meatus

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22 minutes ago, Goober said:

This is a wind up, surely? Please tell me you're not buying this steaming pile of manure? It's garbage and laughable. He doesn't even seem to understand the basis of selection which should be well with the grasp of any life sciences undergrad. 

Either he's being deliberately misleading, he doesn't have the first fucking idea what he's talking about, or he's pushing some agenda that will ultimately line his own pockets. 

The bloke should stick to neutering people's pets. Not sure I'd want him treating my animals though. 

Jesus fucking wept. 

Looking in from the outside of this bollocks, old Geert Vanden Bossche seems to be the Del Boy of the medical world:




He's also a fucking veterinarian, with post-doctorate training and a PHD in virology, but not a people doctor.

This is giving me flashbacks of when they were about to start the Large Hardon Collider at CERN and some chemist was screeching about it sucking the planet into a black hole. Poor fucking Stephen Hawking had to sit there and take what must've been three days to explain that he was talking bollocks... 


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12 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

Looking in from the outside of this bollocks, old Geert Vanden Bossche seems to be the Del Boy of the medical world:




He's also a fucking veterinarian, with post-doctorate training and a PHD in virology, but not a people doctor.

This is giving me flashbacks of when they were about to start the Large Hardon Collider at CERN and some chemist was screeching about it sucking the planet into a black hole. Poor fucking Stephen Hawking had to sit there and take what must've been three days to explain that he was talking bollocks... 


He's going to need some very friendly referees to get that nonsense published in a peer reviewed journal.

He talks about time required to finalise his manuscript and how this is likely to arrive too late. He also mentions this being a summary of his findings. Unfortunately, there are no findings, as it's pure postulation and theorising built on numerous inaccuracies and misunderstanding on his part. As such, this could be submitted as comment or an opinion piece that could be turned around and accepted for publication in weeks if it had merit. I guess he's been too busy with his arm up cow's arses to find time to prepare something worthy of publication in the last year. 

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47 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Had a read. Short version, "I know stuff. But I'm not going to show you the data to back up my claims".

Here's a rebuttal piece from McGill University 

Particularily interesting was the chapter headed, "Pattern Recognition". I append a snippet below:-


The author is a well known attack dog that goes after anyone who says anything in opposition to the current hapless strategy. He even tries to lecture the Peter McCullough on cardiology. His twitter feed is totally vile.

As for University that issued this rebuttal, one of the biggest philanthropic donors are the Temerty fund, founders of Northland Power. One Bill gates has his fingers in this company. As usual, follow the trail and it comes back to this creature.

"Like a soldier who only starts loading his weapon once he has arrived on the battlefield" | Voice for Science and Solidarity

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54 minutes ago, Goober said:

This is a wind up, surely? Please tell me you're not buying this steaming pile of manure? It's garbage and laughable. He doesn't even seem to understand the basis of selection which should be well with the grasp of any life sciences undergrad. 

Either he's being deliberately misleading, he doesn't have the first fucking idea what he's talking about, or he's pushing some agenda that will ultimately line his own pockets. 

The bloke should stick to neutering people's pets. Not sure I'd want him treating my animals though. 

Jesus fucking wept. 

To assert he doesn't understand the basis of selection is laughable. Having worked for GAVI and the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation your claim is nonsense. 

Stick to the family therapy doc.

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2 minutes ago, The Beast said:

The author is a well known attack dog that goes after anyone who says anything in opposition to the current hapless strategy. He even tries to lecture the Peter McCullough on cardiology. His twitter feed is totally vile.

As for University that issued this rebuttal, one of the biggest philanthropic donors are the Temerty fund, founders of Northland Power. One Bill gates has his fingers in this company. As usual, follow the trail and it comes back to this creature.

"Like a soldier who only starts loading his weapon once he has arrived on the battlefield" | Voice for Science and Solidarity

Now you're obviously taking the piss considering his actual profession. And he hasn't been peer reviewed since 1995.

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Just now, The Beast said:

Follow the money RK. 

I'm not sure if I want to go any further. It seems your entire profession revolves around a more evolved version of Corner clique tribal warfare. You mad cunts are the ones that we trust to treat our illnesses and you're a bunch of crazy, bickering fuckers.

It makes a lot more sense that you created this website now anyway. I'm starting to think Covid started when some Chink virologist threw a vial of Alpha at his mate for calling him a nonce. Fucking hell.

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13 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

I'm not sure if I want to go any further. It seems your entire profession revolves around a more evolved version of Corner clique tribal warfare. You mad cunts are the ones that we trust to treat our illnesses and you're a bunch of crazy, bickering fuckers.

It makes a lot more sense that you created this website now anyway. I'm starting to think Covid started when some Chink virologist threw a vial of Alpha at his mate for calling him a nonce. Fucking hell.

Yes, we are all cunts, but take a look at the public health policy in this country today. There appears to be mass panic with people clambering to get another dose of the same thing that has not reduced anything. Doing the same thing over and again expecting a different outcome. It’s a farce. 

I have avoided taking these shots because there is not any benefit for me to do so. I get the fact we haven’t got time to dick about with personal tailored health care strategies and risk assessment, but would you seriously let any of these clueless charlatans in government decide what is best for your health? Fuck that.

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Just now, The Beast said:

Yes, we are all cunts, but take a look at the public health policy in this country today. There appears to be mass panic with people clambering to get another dose of the same thing that has not reduced anything. Doing the same thing over and again expecting a different outcome. It’s a farce. 

I have avoided taking these shots because there is not any benefit for me to do so. I get the fact we haven’t got time to dick about with personal tailored health care strategies and risk assessment, but would you seriously let any of these clueless charlatans in government decide what is best for your health? Fuck that.

I think we're just on different wavelengths... The closest I've ever gotten to a PHD in virology is the correct chemical/water mixture for "pink stuff" and "blue stuff" that I use to wipe surfaces. I can tell cunts where I clean time and again that pink stuff, chemicals, cloths and mops are only to be used in the toilets - and I fucking guarantee every day I come in some fucking tit has walked right into my cupboard and grabbed a pink cloth to do the dishes in the staff room.

They simply can't comprehend that they're potentially cross contaminating their break time meals with fecal matter and toxic chemicals,  and they've been doing it for years. No cunt has died of dysentery yet, so they happily go about their business in the warehouse completely ignorant of the fact that they've literally had hot shit for breakfast.

Maybe, in this case, you're the cleaner - pointing out the obvious, but no cunt so far knows anyone personally who's died from a vaccine (apart from @King Billy's make-believe mate). The situation will have to get a lot worse before cunts will listen to you, but until then you're just spinning your wheels, so what's the point?

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21 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

I think we're just on different wavelengths... The closest I've ever gotten to a PHD in virology is the correct chemical/water mixture for "pink stuff" and "blue stuff" that I use to wipe surfaces. I can tell cunts where I clean time and again that pink stuff, chemicals, cloths and mops are only to be used in the toilets - and I fucking guarantee every day I come in some fucking tit has walked right into my cupboard and grabbed a pink cloth to do the dishes in the staff room.

They simply can't comprehend that they're potentially cross contaminating their break time meals with fecal matter and toxic chemicals,  and they've been doing it for years. No cunt has died of dysentery yet, so they happily go about their business in the warehouse completely ignorant of the fact that they've literally had hot shit for breakfast.

Maybe, in this case, you're the cleaner - pointing out the obvious, but no cunt so far knows anyone personally who's died from a vaccine (apart from @King Billy's make-believe mate). The situation will have to get a lot worse before cunts will listen to you, but until then you're just spinning your wheels, so what's the point?

I have seen the Covid deaths and vaccine deaths at the sweat shop. My own mother died at the beginning of the pandemic from pneumonia, likely to have been Covid. I have a family member that had pericarditis and a pericardial effusion post 2nd Pfizer. I have a keen interest. I also keep my eye on those seeking to implement the vaccine passport who are wishing to exploit the current situation. The way people behave is probably the most fascinating part of this. 

People may not be keeling over on the spot after having these injections, but many people have been injured when they had no clinical need to take the thing.


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Just now, The Beast said:

I have seen the Covid deaths and vaccine deaths at the sweat shop. My own mother died at the beginning of the pandemic from pneumonia, likely to have been Covid. I have a family member that had pericarditis and a pericardial effusion post 2nd Pfizer. I have a keen interest. I also keep my eye on those seeking to implement the vaccine passport who are wishing to exploit the current situation. The way people behave is probably the most fascinating part of this. 

People may not be keeling over on the spot after having these injections, but many people have been injured when they had no clinical need to take the thing.


Genuinely sorry to hear about your mam, for whatever some cunt on the internet telling you so is worth, condolences.

This debate, though, simply isn't going to end. There's too many cunts with an opinion and no intention of changing it. It seems to have evolved past simple cunting long ago and its getting into soapbox standing and petty sniping at the highest levels of Corner management.

The court is now mud-wrestling in front of the peasants over a meaningless argument that will never be won, when they should be presenting a united front and keeping the skeevy cunts in check. All this is accomplishing is giving some future troublemaker more ammo to stir shit when you or @Mrs Roops has to tell them to behave, whilst also sucking the traffic away from topics that are actually beneficial to the stated main purpose of the site - calling people cunts.

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5 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

Genuinely sorry to hear about your mam, for whatever some cunt on the internet telling you so is worth, condolences.

This debate, though, simply isn't going to end. There's too many cunts with an opinion and no intention of changing it. It seems to have evolved past simple cunting long ago and its getting into soapbox standing and petty sniping at the highest levels of Corner management.

The court is now mud-wrestling in front of the peasants over a meaningless argument that will never be won, when they should be presenting a united front and keeping the skeevy cunts in check. All this is accomplishing is giving some future troublemaker more ammo to stir shit when you or @Mrs Roops has to tell them to behave, whilst also sucking the traffic away from topics that are actually beneficial to the stated main purpose of the site - calling people cunts.

I think I stated something similar a few weeks ago, albeit it in a less agreeable and more aggressive tone.

I literally couldn't give a flying fuck if some idiot agrees to get jabbed 467 times and still cowers and complies when the government insists that they need a 468th "just to be sure". I also don't particularly care if another idiot wants to prowl around licking surfaces on public transport to prove that they're well hard and Covid can't touch them.

It's just another load of tedious fucking bollocks like Brexit that's been absolutely argued to death both on here and in real life. Fact checking, rebuttals, Google detective work, twisting of figures and outright lies. None of it is going to change anyone's mind once they've adopted a position so everyone should just shut the fuck up about it.

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45 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I think I stated something similar a few weeks ago, albeit it in a less agreeable and more aggressive tone.

I literally couldn't give a flying fuck if some idiot agrees to get jabbed 467 times and still cowers and complies when the government insists that they need a 468th "just to be sure". I also don't particularly care if another idiot wants to prowl around licking surfaces on public transport to prove that they're well hard and Covid can't touch them.

It's just another load of tedious fucking bollocks like Brexit that's been absolutely argued to death both on here and in real life. Fact checking, rebuttals, Google detective work, twisting of figures and outright lies. None of it is going to change anyone's mind once they've adopted a position so everyone should just shut the fuck up about it.

I have my own thoughts on this and I've kept my gob shut on here because I just can't be asked to get into bunfights. What is clear to me is that people in the government are lying bunch of shits and their leader is the biggest turd in the bowl and  cannot be trusted.

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11 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

you've just rendered all your future arguments as utterly worthless.

No need for you to sit up all night frantically ‘debunking’ them then.
Your work is done.

I stand before you, publicly ‘debunked’, my head hung in the shame and humiliation of my own foolishness. I just hope you can find a tiny grain of mercy in your stone cold black heart for someone you’ve mercilessly broken beyond repair.

Yours hopefully, the remains of KB.

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9 hours ago, The Beast said:

Turning a relatively harmless virus into a bio weapon that’ll eradicate huge swathes of the population?

What utter fucking horse shite

If the Dutch cunt wants present some data as to why these vaccines are rendering our immune systems useless, others might read it compared to the few dozen that will

What obscure nonsense 

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2 hours ago, Roadkill said:

(apart from @King Billy's make-believe mate)

That hurts RK. My make-believe mates  funeral hasn’t even taken place yet as apparently there’s still a huge backlog.

His make-believe wife, who I’ve spoken to on the phone a couple of times since his passing, is quite angry that no one appears remotely interested in listening to her, when she voices her concerns about what, if any, part the vaccine played in his unexpected death?

Ive decided not to attempt any carnal manoeuvres with her for now, as I don’t think she’s in a strong enough place mentally to cope with the mind blowing horrors  regarding Covid vaccines, which I would feel morally obliged to share with her. And I also wouldn’t want things to turn nasty if she insisted I wear a mask in what was her and my imaginary friends marital bed.

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13 minutes ago, King Billy said:

That hurts RK. My make-believe mates  funeral hasn’t even taken place yet as apparently there’s still a huge backlog.

His make-believe wife, who I’ve spoken to on the phone a couple of times since his passing, is quite angry that no one appears remotely interested in listening to her, when she voices her concerns about what, if any, part the vaccine played in his unexpected death?

Ive decided not to attempt any carnal manoeuvres with her for now, as I don’t think she’s in a strong enough place mentally to cope with the mind blowing horrors  regarding Covid vaccines, which I would feel morally obliged to share with her. And I also wouldn’t want things to turn nasty if she insisted I wear a mask in what was her and my imaginary friends marital bed.

In such a situation it would be safer to wear a condom over your head. Safe sex, Bill, just try not to make it last too long. 

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9 hours ago, Dead Penelope said:

I'm 70 next year. I always wanted to die at home anyway.

That’s an easy way out, Pen. I dread a scenario of having a stroke and being carted off to a piss-stained sanatorium hovel.

Mrs WC has strict instructions on how to deal with the situation should it come to pass. Let’s just say - it doesn’t comprise of any “life” extension “treatments”. It’s very unfortunate that our barbaric laws don’t provide any options for legally ending one’s life at home.

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12 hours ago, The Beast said:

Long wait for emergency admission. Ambulances always queuing. 1 Covid ward, 24 beds. The HDU is converted an ITU to take Covid patients that need critical care, so the main ITU can stay green. The issue since mid spring has been volume of people attending and the increased number of older people requiring admission for chronic disease issues. I think the reason why Alexander Johnson shit the bed yesterday evening is because there isn't any slack in the system whatsoever, there isn't much usually in the run up to Christmas.

I guess another lockdown is imminent so people can die at home out of the gaze of the public, rather than in a crowded hospital.

That is the case. He also has some issues with some unruly Saudis, who dare to sell their oil to the highest bidders.

Interesting times.


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