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Misti Leitz

Uncle Meatus

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7 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

The ‘thread’ subject was some woodwork cunt. What I’ve ‘slighted’ is your constant hijacking of them and engaging in, what is clearly a vendetta targeting one particular member’s opinions on what is clearly your pet subject. After your recent car-crash posts I’d have thought you’d have taken member’s advice and fucked off for a bit, but you don’t seem to be able to help yourself do you? Pack it in…

Don’t encourage her to pack it in DC.

It tickles me that she’s obsessed with ‘fact checking’ lol everything I say on here, particularly as I’ve previously stated that, ‘half of what I say is true, two thirds is probably not, and the remaining quarter is definitely not.

Id be up all night every night if I had to fact check my own posts.

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1 minute ago, King Billy said:

Don’t encourage her to pack it in DC.

It tickles me that she’s obsessed with ‘fact checking’ lol everything I say on here, particularly as I’ve previously stated that, ‘half of what I say is true, two thirds is probably not, and the remaining quarter is definitely not.

Id be up all night every night if I had to fact check my own posts.

She was told, early doors, that her chain was being yanked but she wouldn’t have it. Bizarre Bint.

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19 hours ago, The Beast said:

I am not sure how far they will threaten people, but I don't think they will have the bollocks to make injections mandatory. Too many people are aware they are being slow cooked.

There will be no end point to this pandemic whilst these arseholes fuck with mother nature to the extent they are doing. The vaccines are not going to lead us out of this. 

Here we go Dr quacky and his wacky theories 

The Covid vaccines were not developed too quickly and won’t cause perfectly healthy people to flid out and drop dead, and they certainly won’t be a time bomb for a few years with all the sheep who’ve had it getting ill and crocking it. There is a wealth of proven scientific even evidence out there saying it’s safe, whereas your anecdotal horse shit of associated problems with this killer jab have zero data to back them up. Number never lie “Doc”(?)

Lots of very clever people have worked their tits off to get this done, saving countless 1000s and 1000s in the process. Clearly you’re not one of them.

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17 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Here we go Dr quacky and his wacky theories 

The Covid vaccines were not developed too quickly and won’t cause perfectly healthy people to flid out and drop dead, and they certainly won’t be a time bomb for a few years with all the sheep who’ve had it getting ill and crocking it. There is a wealth of proven scientific even evidence out there saying it’s safe, whereas your anecdotal horse shit of associated problems with this killer jab have zero data to back them up. Number never lie “Doc”(?)

Lots of very clever people have worked their tits off to get this done, saving countless 1000s and 1000s in the process. Clearly you’re not one of them.

It’s a shame that the government doesn’t have the expertise of @King Billy and @The Beast to call upon in this time of crisis. 

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1 hour ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Here we go Dr quacky and his wacky theories 

The Covid vaccines were not developed too quickly and won’t cause perfectly healthy people to flid out and drop dead, and they certainly won’t be a time bomb for a few years with all the sheep who’ve had it getting ill and crocking it. There is a wealth of proven scientific even evidence out there saying it’s safe, whereas your anecdotal horse shit of associated problems with this killer jab have zero data to back them up. Number never lie “Doc”(?)

Lots of very clever people have worked their tits off to get this done, saving countless 1000s and 1000s in the process. Clearly you’re not one of them.

Good evening Dr. Hillary.

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43 minutes ago, Ape™️ said:

It’s a shame that the government doesn’t have the expertise of @King Billy and @The Beast to call upon in this time of crisis. 

I’d gladly help if asked Ape, but they’re doing a sterling job of fucking up  everything they touch without my assistance. 😷

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13 hours ago, King Billy said:

Don’t encourage her to pack it in DC.

It tickles me that she’s obsessed with ‘fact checking’ lol everything I say on here, particularly as I’ve previously stated that, ‘half of what I say is true, two thirds is probably not, and the remaining quarter is definitely not.

Id be up all night every night if I had to fact check my own posts.


13 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

She was told, early doors, that her chain was being yanked but she wouldn’t have it. Bizarre Bint.

Its a bit futile for you two strange bedfellows to cop out with the "I was only joking" patter given that one of you is repeatedly taken for a mug by Messrs Slackjaw & Co but nonetheless casts aside his half-baked principles for reasons of personal vanity whilst being unably assisted by a brittle fantasist and obsequious toad who flits from coat-tail to coat-tail in seeking personal validation... 

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10 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:


Its a bit futile for you two strange bedfellows to cop out with the "I was only joking" patter given that one of you is repeatedly taken for a mug by Messrs Slackjaw & Co but nonetheless casts aside his half-baked principles for reasons of personal vanity whilst being unably assisted by a brittle fantasist and obsequious toad who flits from coat-tail to coat-tail in seeking personal validation... 

Rattled…on what appears to be a daily basis.

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17 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Here we go Dr quacky and his wacky theories 

The Covid vaccines were not developed too quickly and won’t cause perfectly healthy people to flid out and drop dead, and they certainly won’t be a time bomb for a few years with all the sheep who’ve had it getting ill and crocking it. There is a wealth of proven scientific even evidence out there saying it’s safe, whereas your anecdotal horse shit of associated problems with this killer jab have zero data to back them up. Number never lie “Doc”(?)

Lots of very clever people have worked their tits off to get this done, saving countless 1000s and 1000s in the process. Clearly you’re not one of them.

Buyer's regret getting bad?

How many more lies are you going to swallow?

Where do you think this ends? 3 more shots for the Omicron and then?

Read the yellow card reporting system, or the USA VAERS data system.

Thrombotic thrombocytopaenia.... missed. Numerous dead and injured. Not very rare or rare.

Endothelial wall damage..... missed. Numerous dead and injured.

Toxicology studies in pregnancy...... Zero. 

Study in children, less than 4000. Underpowered, will not pick up a 1 in 10,000 event.

Fully tested, you say?

44,000 cunts in main Pfizer trials. More dead in control arm than placebo. Evidence of criminality reported in trials in various sites, reported in the BMJ, not in comics like the Express or Mail.

Manufacturers so sure of their product, they will not sell to any country without liability shield.

Manufactures claims when product first administered. 

Will prevent transmission. False

Will prevent infection. False. Breakthrough cases were a "rare" event circa February 2021. 

Will prevent disease. False

Will prevent severe disease. Only in some.

Product efficacy starts to wane after 4 months, not mentioned at outset, probably because the full and safe testing didn't identify this.

Latest UKHSA Vaccine surveillance report indicates you are more likely to acquire Covid-19 if vaccinated in all age cohorts above 18 to 69 years.

Zero data you say? 

COVID-19 vaccine surveillance report - week 49 (publishing.service.gov.uk)

Read the article below by a vaccinologist and vaccine developer, formerly worked for GAVI and the Bill and Melinda Gates. foundation. He predicted correctly back in May there would be a an escape variant hybrid that becomes dominant, exactly what the Omicron is and will be. And if you think the Omicron is the end of this shit show, I think you will be disappointed.

Will mass vaccination against Omicron give the final blow? | Voice for Science and Solidarity



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54 minutes ago, The Beast said:

Buyer's regret getting bad?

How many more lies are you going to swallow?

Where do you think this ends? 3 more shots for the Omicron and then?

Read the yellow card reporting system, or the USA VAERS data system.

Thrombotic thrombocytopaenia.... missed. Numerous dead and injured. Not very rare or rare.

Endothelial wall damage..... missed. Numerous dead and injured.

Toxicology studies in pregnancy...... Zero. 

Study in children, less than 4000. Underpowered, will not pick up a 1 in 10,000 event.

Fully tested, you say?

44,000 cunts in main Pfizer trials. More dead in control arm than placebo. Evidence of criminality reported in trials in various sites, reported in the BMJ, not in comics like the Express or Mail.

Manufacturers so sure of their product, they will not sell to any country without liability shield.

Manufactures claims when product first administered. 

Will prevent transmission. False

Will prevent infection. False. Breakthrough cases were a "rare" event circa February 2021. 

Will prevent disease. False

Will prevent severe disease. Only in some.

Product efficacy starts to wane after 4 months, not mentioned at outset, probably because the full and safe testing didn't identify this.

Latest UKHSA Vaccine surveillance report indicates you are more likely to acquire Covid-19 if vaccinated in all age cohorts above 18 to 69 years.

Zero data you say? 

COVID-19 vaccine surveillance report - week 49 (publishing.service.gov.uk)

Read the article below by a vaccinologist and vaccine developer, formerly worked for GAVI and the Bill and Melinda Gates. foundation. He predicted correctly back in May there would be a an escape variant hybrid that becomes dominant, exactly what the Omicron is and will be. And if you think the Omicron is the end of this shit show, I think you will be disappointed.

Will mass vaccination against Omicron give the final blow? | Voice for Science and Solidarity




That second source seems a bit fucky, Beast.

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6 hours ago, The Beast said:

Buyer's regret getting bad?

How many more lies are you going to swallow?

Where do you think this ends? 3 more shots for the Omicron and then?

Read the yellow card reporting system, or the USA VAERS data system.

Thrombotic thrombocytopaenia.... missed. Numerous dead and injured. Not very rare or rare.

Endothelial wall damage..... missed. Numerous dead and injured.

Toxicology studies in pregnancy...... Zero. 

Study in children, less than 4000. Underpowered, will not pick up a 1 in 10,000 event.

Fully tested, you say?

44,000 cunts in main Pfizer trials. More dead in control arm than placebo. Evidence of criminality reported in trials in various sites, reported in the BMJ, not in comics like the Express or Mail.

Manufacturers so sure of their product, they will not sell to any country without liability shield.

Manufactures claims when product first administered. 

Will prevent transmission. False

Will prevent infection. False. Breakthrough cases were a "rare" event circa February 2021. 

Will prevent disease. False

Will prevent severe disease. Only in some.

Product efficacy starts to wane after 4 months, not mentioned at outset, probably because the full and safe testing didn't identify this.

Latest UKHSA Vaccine surveillance report indicates you are more likely to acquire Covid-19 if vaccinated in all age cohorts above 18 to 69 years.

Zero data you say? 

COVID-19 vaccine surveillance report - week 49 (publishing.service.gov.uk)

Read the article below by a vaccinologist and vaccine developer, formerly worked for GAVI and the Bill and Melinda Gates. foundation. He predicted correctly back in May there would be a an escape variant hybrid that becomes dominant, exactly what the Omicron is and will be. And if you think the Omicron is the end of this shit show, I think you will be disappointed.

Will mass vaccination against Omicron give the final blow? | Voice for Science and Solidarity



Alright keep your tin foil y fronts on PK. 
The piles of rotting corpses of brain dead sheeple I had a step over in the Co-op today proves you’re correct

In fact, more silly cunts have died taking the vaccine than from COVID-19 

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11 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:


Its a bit futile for you two strange bedfellows to cop out with the "I was only joking" patter given that one of you is repeatedly taken for a mug by Messrs Slackjaw & Co but nonetheless casts aside his half-baked principles for reasons of personal vanity whilst being unably assisted by a brittle fantasist and obsequious toad who flits from coat-tail to coat-tail in seeking personal validation... 

I didn’t say or even infer that ‘I was only joking’. Just that it’s a source of great amusement to me that you are patently obsessed with debunking everything I post. You probably spend more time ‘fact checking’ my comments than I do making some of them up. 😂

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11 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

A friend of mine did a few GMBtv episodes with him and reckoned that all the orange twat was worried about was if he looked good on the box "is my hair ok"? " Does this suit make me look fat"? "Is my face too shiny"?


I knew him first so fuck off.

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7 hours ago, The Beast said:

Buyer's regret getting bad?

How many more lies are you going to swallow?

Where do you think this ends? 3 more shots for the Omicron and then?

Read the yellow card reporting system, or the USA VAERS data system.

Thrombotic thrombocytopaenia.... missed. Numerous dead and injured. Not very rare or rare.

Endothelial wall damage..... missed. Numerous dead and injured.

Toxicology studies in pregnancy...... Zero. 

Study in children, less than 4000. Underpowered, will not pick up a 1 in 10,000 event.

Fully tested, you say?

44,000 cunts in main Pfizer trials. More dead in control arm than placebo. Evidence of criminality reported in trials in various sites, reported in the BMJ, not in comics like the Express or Mail.

Manufacturers so sure of their product, they will not sell to any country without liability shield.

Manufactures claims when product first administered. 

Will prevent transmission. False

Will prevent infection. False. Breakthrough cases were a "rare" event circa February 2021. 

Will prevent disease. False

Will prevent severe disease. Only in some.

Product efficacy starts to wane after 4 months, not mentioned at outset, probably because the full and safe testing didn't identify this.

Latest UKHSA Vaccine surveillance report indicates you are more likely to acquire Covid-19 if vaccinated in all age cohorts above 18 to 69 years.

Zero data you say? 

COVID-19 vaccine surveillance report - week 49 (publishing.service.gov.uk)

Read the article below by a vaccinologist and vaccine developer, formerly worked for GAVI and the Bill and Melinda Gates. foundation. He predicted correctly back in May there would be a an escape variant hybrid that becomes dominant, exactly what the Omicron is and will be. And if you think the Omicron is the end of this shit show, I think you will be disappointed.

Will mass vaccination against Omicron give the final blow? | Voice for Science and Solidarity



I’m not sure the NHS is the best place for you to be working. Ever thought of selling Christmas trees from the back on an M4?

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8 hours ago, The Beast said:

Buyer's regret getting bad?

How many more lies are you going to swallow?

Where do you think this ends? 3 more shots for the Omicron and then?

Read the yellow card reporting system, or the USA VAERS data system.

Thrombotic thrombocytopaenia.... missed. Numerous dead and injured. Not very rare or rare.

Endothelial wall damage..... missed. Numerous dead and injured.

Toxicology studies in pregnancy...... Zero. 

Study in children, less than 4000. Underpowered, will not pick up a 1 in 10,000 event.

Fully tested, you say?

44,000 cunts in main Pfizer trials. More dead in control arm than placebo. Evidence of criminality reported in trials in various sites, reported in the BMJ, not in comics like the Express or Mail.

Manufacturers so sure of their product, they will not sell to any country without liability shield.

Manufactures claims when product first administered. 

Will prevent transmission. False

Will prevent infection. False. Breakthrough cases were a "rare" event circa February 2021. 

Will prevent disease. False

Will prevent severe disease. Only in some.

Product efficacy starts to wane after 4 months, not mentioned at outset, probably because the full and safe testing didn't identify this.

Latest UKHSA Vaccine surveillance report indicates you are more likely to acquire Covid-19 if vaccinated in all age cohorts above 18 to 69 years.

Zero data you say? 

COVID-19 vaccine surveillance report - week 49 (publishing.service.gov.uk)

Read the article below by a vaccinologist and vaccine developer, formerly worked for GAVI and the Bill and Melinda Gates. foundation. He predicted correctly back in May there would be a an escape variant hybrid that becomes dominant, exactly what the Omicron is and will be. And if you think the Omicron is the end of this shit show, I think you will be disappointed.

Will mass vaccination against Omicron give the final blow? | Voice for Science and Solidarity



Pfizers profit from their Covid vaccine will this year be around 70 billion dollars. Why on Earth would they want this ‘pandemic’ to continue indefinitely? I can’t for the life of me see any reason.

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Guest Parabolic Cunting
14 minutes ago, King Billy said:

I didn’t say or even infer that ‘I was only joking’. Just that it’s a source of great amusement to me that you are patently obsessed with debunking everything I post. You probably spend more time ‘fact checking’ my comments than I do making some of them up. 😂

Dear @Mrs Roops. You are a plague ridden undead hummingbird, sucking the nectar of sanity and reason from the world. Run the fucking gaunlet like the rest of us and make a fucking nomination so the crows of the corner can pick at your carcass.

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5 minutes ago, Parabolic Cunting said:

Dear @Mrs Roops. You are a plague ridden undead hummingbird, sucking the nectar of sanity and reason from the world. Run the fucking gaunlet like the rest of us and make a fucking nomination so the crows of the corner can pick at your carcass.

She can’t hear you. She’s submerged in the ‘deep end’ apparently.

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3 minutes ago, Ape™️ said:

I’m not sure the NHS is the best place for you to be working. Ever thought of selling Christmas trees from the back on an M4?

Some cunt came in today with a mask on, looking at my trees. I told him that none of them were for sale and that he was breaching our social distancing policy anyway. ‘What do you mean?’ the soppy cunt asked. ‘Fuck off now, at least a mile down the road, or I’ll have the Covid Police onto you.’ I told him. ‘Come back tomorrow without that nappy on your stupid fucking face, and if you apologise I might let you buy a tree’.



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9 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

She can’t hear you. She’s submerged in the ‘deep end’ apparently.

Give her a bit of slack DC. She must be under a lot of pressure at the moment. I mean these latest vaccines for the ‘omicron’ variant wont tweak themselves, and all these new electric cars won’t design their own electronic systems and suspension settings. And all those conspiracy theories won’t debunk themselves either. Give the girl a break. I doubt she’s even got the time to get her growler out for a selfie these days.

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