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Uncle Meatus

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23 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

As has been suggested by others…take this to the PM facility, it’s mind achingly dull and whilst I don’t agree with Billy’s vaccine views and opine towards your’s, you’re getting on my tits, frankly…so…fuck off eh?

Then don't read them :rolleyes:

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7 minutes ago, King Billy said:

I quoted the Nuremberg code and the UN declaration of Geneva I think. I’m sure you must remember informing  me that there was no plan to force people to be vaccinated, or likelihood of it happening,  and that as usual I was indulging in mad conspiracy theories. No doubt I’ll log in tomorrow and see that I haven’t quoted you verbatim followed by the usual head shaking and tut tutting. Unless of course you look up the conversation in question and delete any posts which might not show off your vastly superior knowledge and self proclaimed genius.

If only I could be bothered to look them up myself and screenshot them.

Or could I?

All you had to do was use the multi-quote facility which would bring in the past post. Surely that's not beyond  the capabilities of an eminent bio-chemist such as your self?

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13 minutes ago, King Billy said:

I quoted the Nuremberg code and the UN declaration of Geneva I think. I’m sure you must remember informing  me that there was no plan to force people to be vaccinated, or likelihood of it happening,  and that as usual I was indulging in mad conspiracy theories. No doubt I’ll log in tomorrow and see that I haven’t quoted you verbatim followed by the usual head shaking and tut tutting. Unless of course you look up the conversation in question and delete any posts which might not show off your vastly superior knowledge and self proclaimed genius.

If only I could be bothered to look them up myself and screenshot them.

Or could I?

Found them.

On 26/02/2021 at 21:23, King Billy said:

Article 7 of the 1966 Geneva Convention International covenant on civil and political rights states that ‘No one shall be subjected without his free consent to medical or scientific experimentation. 

As all of the Covid 19 vaccinations are undoubtedly experimental, having been fast tracked for approval and the first ever Coronavirus vaccines in history, the idea that children would be put at risk by such experimentation certainly contravenes this surely?

The UN Universal declaration of human rights Article 12 states that ‘No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his family, privacy or home. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference.’ 

Mandated vaccines or the threat or implied threat of a loss of previously enjoyed rights are therefore a clear violation of Article 12.

Article 18 states that ‘’Any law mandating vaccines that calls for the quarantine or banishment of “the unvaccinated” from a public space such as a school or market simply for exercising their right to practice their religious or personal beliefs through a vaccine exemption is a violation of article 18.

Article 25 more of the same.

Mandated or non mandated but with the threat of loss of civil liberties for non compliance is also questionably a violation of the Hippocratic Oath, so there are many issues that these ‘experimental’ procedures bring  into play.

Simply brushing aside and ridiculing anyone who has  genuine concerns as a Q Anon follower or other such nonsense is rather poor if you wish to continue your charade of above average intelligence, which I don’t doubt you are, albeit that the average has significantly been dropping in recent years.





On 27/02/2021 at 10:37, Mrs Roops said:

Bless you Billy, you certainly are a trier...

Just a small point of order; you are quoting from the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights as agreed and passed by the UN General Assembly 1966, which has nothing to do with the Geneva Conventions on humanitarian treatment in war.

In some ways I feel bad as you have pointlessly spent time googling followed by some industrial copy & pasting.  Firstly, I would disagree with your over-emotive phrase, "As all of the Covid 19 vaccinations are undoubtedly experimental..." and secondly no-one is being forced to have the vaccine against his or her will.

So what's your point?

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24 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

And you've been very defensive since inadvertently admitting being jabbed to the hilt, presumably by the not so experimental AZ vaccine, but lame attempt to deflect noted.

The fact that you keep poking me with this even more lame stick tells me that you really don’t have any idea about anything in the real world at all, except the garbage that Google throws up to you as fact. 

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30 minutes ago, King Billy said:

The fact that you keep poking me with this even more lame stick tells me that you really don’t have any idea about anything in the real world at all, except the garbage that Google throws up to you as fact. 

Google catalogues data whether they are "facts" or not. Its up to the individual to analyse the veracity and relevance of the search results. As a rabid Google user you would be aware of this.

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9 minutes ago, King Billy said:

My point. You did ask.

What point? Is there legislation forcing people to be vaccinated? More to the point, what has this to do with the baseless claims you've made about Covid 19 or the vaccination process thus far, aside from macro-deflecting?

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Guest Parabolic Cunting
13 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

What point? Is there legislation forcing people to be vaccinated? More to the point, what has this to do with the baseless claims you've made about Covid 19 or the vaccination process thus far, aside from macro-deflecting?

Hmmmm. Macro-deflecting. How infuriatingly cunty that sounds in my head. You really are quite good at being an absolute fucking wasp.

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The fact that Johnson refused to rule it out tonight when asked directly, is my point. ‘There may be a need in the coming months for a public discussion  about mandatory vaccinations’ couldn’t be any clearer indication that it’s a done deal. Could it? After all,  these lying traitorous cunts have ruled out further lockdowns, vaccine passports, injecting kids with the experimental poison and lots more. Only to then do exactly what they’ve said they wouldn’t.

I honestly don’t understand why you fucking sheep have bought into the stupid idea that you’re ever getting back the freedoms you used to enjoy, and your total submission to the tyranny of the last 20 months which you can’t seem to get enough of.


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11 minutes ago, King Billy said:

The fact that Johnson refused to rule it out tonight when asked directly, is my point. ‘There may be a need in the coming months for a public discussion  about mandatory vaccinations’ couldn’t be any clearer indication that it’s a done deal. Could it? After all,  these lying traitorous cunts have ruled out further lockdowns, vaccine passports, injecting kids with the experimental poison and lots more. Only to then do exactly what they’ve said they wouldn’t.

I honestly don’t understand why you fucking sheep have bought into the stupid idea that you’re ever getting back the freedoms you used to enjoy, and your total submission to the tyranny of the last 20 months which you can’t seem to get enough of.



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8 minutes ago, King Billy said:

The fact that Johnson refused to rule it out tonight when asked directly, is my point. ‘There may be a need in the coming months for a public discussion  about mandatory vaccinations’ couldn’t be any clearer indication that it’s a done deal. Could it? After all,  these lying traitorous cunts have ruled out further lockdowns, vaccine passports, injecting kids with the experimental poison and lots more. Only to then do exactly what they’ve said they wouldn’t.

I honestly don’t understand why you fucking sheep have bought into the stupid idea that you’re ever getting back the freedoms you used to enjoy, and your total submission to the tyranny of the last 20 months which you can’t seem to get enough of.


I am not sure how far they will threaten people, but I don't think they will have the bollocks to make injections mandatory. Too many people are aware they are being slow cooked.

There will be no end point to this pandemic whilst these arseholes fuck with mother nature to the extent they are doing. The vaccines are not going to lead us out of this. 

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55 minutes ago, King Billy said:

The fact that Johnson refused to rule it out tonight when asked directly, is my point. ‘There may be a need in the coming months for a public discussion  about mandatory vaccinations’ couldn’t be any clearer indication that it’s a done deal. Could it? After all,  these lying traitorous cunts have ruled out further lockdowns, vaccine passports, injecting kids with the experimental poison and lots more. Only to then do exactly what they’ve said they wouldn’t.

I honestly don’t understand why you fucking sheep have bought into the stupid idea that you’re ever getting back the freedoms you used to enjoy, and your total submission to the tyranny of the last 20 months which you can’t seem to get enough of.


If you die trying to escape your mandatory jab, or from the resulting side effects, can I have your stuff?

I've flipped my coin three times now and survived the gauntlet, so I'm probably the best option on here for cunts with too much stuff to put into their will and your family won't have to worry about clearing the house out.

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6 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Google catalogues data whether they are "facts" or not. Its up to the individual to analyse the veracity and relevance of the search results. As a rabid Google user you would be aware of this.

If you were a bit thick, you could always utilise a logarithm, y’know, like Twitter do?

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16 hours ago, Uncle Meatus said:

"Just call me by my street name, Deccy two cliques."

Put a LIVE 12 Gauge Cartridge in each barrel and try again...hopefully no clique.

One of the many insults thrown at you during your pant wetting meltdown last week was that English was your ninth language. I'm now convinced it's your twelfth.

Fucking idiot.


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20 hours ago, Uncle Meatus said:

"Just call me by my street name, Deccy two cliques."

Put a LIVE 12 Gauge Cartridge in each barrel and try again...hopefully no clique.

LIVE ya say....no clique ya say eh...you've obviously kept a hold of the wrong bit of the sawn off..silly proto bally baby..lol


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2 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

If I was even thicker I would contribute to a thread that I had previously slighted.

The ‘thread’ subject was some woodwork cunt. What I’ve ‘slighted’ is your constant hijacking of them and engaging in, what is clearly a vendetta targeting one particular member’s opinions on what is clearly your pet subject. After your recent car-crash posts I’d have thought you’d have taken member’s advice and fucked off for a bit, but you don’t seem to be able to help yourself do you? Pack it in…

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1 hour ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

The ‘thread’ subject was some woodwork cunt. What I’ve ‘slighted’ is your constant hijacking of them and engaging in, what is clearly a vendetta targeting one particular member’s opinions on what is clearly your pet subject. After your recent car-crash posts I’d have thought you’d have taken member’s advice and fucked off for a bit, but you don’t seem to be able to help yourself do you? Pack it in…

A quick perusal would show you 'hijacking' this thread long before I joined in the fray. You are a lost soul, DC so let me help you - the shallow end is that👉way.

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Guest Lairy Larry
1 hour ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

The ‘thread’ subject was some woodwork cunt. What I’ve ‘slighted’ is your constant hijacking of them and engaging in, what is clearly a vendetta targeting one particular member’s opinions on what is clearly your pet subject. After your recent car-crash posts I’d have thought you’d have taken member’s advice and fucked off for a bit, but you don’t seem to be able to help yourself do you? Pack it in…

You seem angry, is everything ok at home?

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