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Misti Leitz

Uncle Meatus

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21 hours ago, Parabolic Cunting said:

They debunked the commonly understood lower oxygen intake makes the body vulnerable to infection? Sorry, which part of what I wrote was debunked?

The whole damn premise.

Look, I try to avoid playing with the food where newbies are concerned so we'll skip the foreplay and go straight to the conclusion...

On 07/12/2021 at 01:30, Parabolic Cunting said:

... but I can say with absolute certainty that wearing masks for longer than a couple of hours should be considered a very risky proposition and the potential implications far outweigh the risks posed by a coronavirus.

So how many deaths have been attributed to mask-wearing mandated by covid regs? How does that compare to deaths attributed to Covid-19?

Whilst you're collating the data here's a debunking article, one of many I might add.

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51 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

Get well soon, Pen. You've had a hard time on here lately, but no cunt deserves to go through that nasty virus shit.

How the fuck do you get through the eye treatment you mentioned when you're scared of needles? Must be pure fucking misery.

Even greater fear of going blind

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17 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

How’s the pond water today Dr Mallard? I’m off to watch @Ape™️s lecture on the mass genocide of the human race by the evil lizards and their human stooges. @King Billyis bringing the beers and I’ve got a fucking massive stash of rohypnol 

Where have I mentioned lizard people or mass genocide?

I just point out anyone who is fit and well under the age of 60 who takes these injections is a stupid cunt, as per you.

I think these poisons must be getting to your tiny cognitive function. 

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Guest Lairy Larry
2 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

The whole damn premise.

Look, I try to avoid playing with the food where newbies are concerned so we'll skip the foreplay and go straight to the conclusion...

So how many deaths have been attributed to mask-wearing mandated by covid regs? How does that compare to deaths attributed to Covid-19?

Whilst you're collating the data here's a debunking article, one of many I might add.

You can play with my cocktail sausage anytime you like luv.

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1 hour ago, Bubba C said:

I want them all dead, rk. 

I think the hypertension on both sides of the debate might see to that sooner than you think (but not sooner than you'd like), Bubba. Its like one of those toxic underground coal mine fires that necessitates abandoning an entire town and never goes out.

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3 hours ago, Bubba C said:

I want them all dead, rk. 

Bubba, in a case of life imitating The Corner, I've had a rather strange day. 

I have been tipped the wink that a departed member of staff was slating me at their leaving drinks last Friday. Apparently I preside over a clique who made their life intolerable.

Just call me by my street name, Deccy two cliques.

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17 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Bubba, in a case of life imitating The Corner, I've had a rather strange day. 

I have been tipped the wink that a departed member of staff was slating me at their leaving drinks last Friday. Apparently I preside over a clique who made their life intolerable.

Just call me by my street name, Deccy two cliques.

"Just call me by my street name, Deccy two cliques."

Put a LIVE 12 Gauge Cartridge in each barrel and try again...hopefully no clique.

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41 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Bubba, in a case of life imitating The Corner, I've had a rather strange day. 

I have been tipped the wink that a departed member of staff was slating me at their leaving drinks last Friday. Apparently I preside over a clique who made their life intolerable.

Just call me by my street name, Deccy two cliques.

Never mind that shite sugar beat bollocks; have you read propers uncalled for attack on me after a little light ribbing? It’s not like I’ve taken a dump in duck pond or anything.

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2 hours ago, Decimus said:

Bubba, in a case of life imitating The Corner, I've had a rather strange day. 

I have been tipped the wink that a departed member of staff was slating me at their leaving drinks last Friday. Apparently I preside over a clique who made their life intolerable.

Just call me by my street name, Deccy two cliques.

I don’t really see the problem in this? Either fall in line or get fucked in the arse. 

By order of The Cliquey Fucking Blinders. 

PS- I’m glad they’re dead, in an employment sense. 

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7 hours ago, Dead Penelope said:

I continue to wear a mask in the appropriate places, and distance in the appropriate places.

Just stay a cocklength away from other people and you should be OK.

Im sure the other people wouldn’t disagree, except the majority of them probably wishing you didn’t come anywhere fucking near them, ever.

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8 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Secondly, I cannot give an explanation as to why graphene oxide is "present in the mix" for the simple reason that, not for the first time, you have been duped, hook, line and sinker by Sid Slackjaw. There is no such compound "in the mix", there never has been.

US Patent no. 10,703,789 B2

Date of patent  July 7 2020 💉

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17 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

We see bozo of clowning street has announced mandatory mask wearing except for singin and exercising..

You’d be exempt on both counts then Pansy. High pitched indecipherable screeching (what passes for talking in Bogland) would tick the singing box, and walking like an absolute spastic (which most people would assume was some form of weird aerobics routine).

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11 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

In other words you haven't a sodding clue what the patent is for.

In the meantime here's an explanation how you were taken for a mug by your mate, S Slackjaw.

Ooh you are a bit tense and irritable tonight Sweetie. Calm yourself down.

You’ve been acting very aggressively to me since you had that totally safe (and definitely not experimental) booster jab. Probably just coincidence. I do hope so.

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20 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Ooh you are a bit tense and irritable tonight Sweetie. Calm yourself down.

You’ve been acting very aggressively to me since you had that totally safe (and definitely not experimental) booster jab. Probably just coincidence. I do hope so.

And you've been very defensive since inadvertently admitting being jabbed to the hilt, presumably by the not so experimental AZ vaccine, but lame attempt to deflect noted.

15 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Remember about a year ago when I spoke about mandatory vaccinations coming soon? Could you remind me what you said about that again?

The first time you mentioned the word "mandatory" was February this year and that was about a sixth month prison sentence on an other issue., but no I don't remember so please elucidate.

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2 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

And you've been very defensive since inadvertently admitting being jabbed to the hilt, presumably by the not so experimental AZ vaccine, but lame attempt to deflect noted.

The first time you mentioned the word "mandatory" was February this year and that was about a sixth month prison sentence on an other issue., but no I don't remember so please elucidate.

As has been suggested by others…take this to the PM facility, it’s mind achingly dull and whilst I don’t agree with Billy’s vaccine views and opine towards your’s, you’re getting on my tits, frankly…so…fuck off eh?

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Just now, Mrs Roops said:

And you've been very defensive since inadvertently admitting being jabbed to the hilt, presumably by the not so experimental AZ vaccine, but lame attempt to deflect noted.

The first time you mentioned the word "mandatory" was February this year and that was about a sixth month prison sentence on an other issue., but no I don't remember so please elucidate.

I quoted the Nuremberg code and the UN declaration of Geneva I think. I’m sure you must remember informing  me that there was no plan to force people to be vaccinated, or likelihood of it happening,  and that as usual I was indulging in mad conspiracy theories. No doubt I’ll log in tomorrow and see that I haven’t quoted you verbatim followed by the usual head shaking and tut tutting. Unless of course you look up the conversation in question and delete any posts which might not show off your vastly superior knowledge and self proclaimed genius.

If only I could be bothered to look them up myself and screenshot them.

Or could I?

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