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Misti Leitz

Uncle Meatus

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2 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Considering how according to this I probably had more chance of dying by being hunted down and buggered to death by Frank, I'm more than slightly peeved at the general fucking inconvenience this shit has caused me over the last 21 months.

Not that I'm advocating the genocide of my elders, but perhaps crumbly cunts should have been locked up for months on end whilst the rest of us were allowed to go about our daily business with the total lack of fear these figures indicated we should have had.

What a shit show.

This is probably quite a high probability as he’s allegedly got his hands on proper’s whizz-bang IP locator, and is a sinister fucking creep to boot. 

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9 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

It has been successfully employed in treating influenza and MERS which is another type of coronavirus. Its newish but hardly "experimental". Back to you professor.

Was it only me or did anyone else get  fed up last year listening to every so-called ‘expert’ informing us that we might have to wait many years for a vaccine, if it ever happens, as there had never been one developed for a Coronavirus? 

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14 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Considering how according to this I probably had more chance of dying by being hunted down and buggered to death by Frank, I'm more than slightly peeved at the general fucking inconvenience this shit has caused me over the last 21 months.

Not that I'm advocating the genocide of my elders, but perhaps crumbly cunts should have been locked up for months on end whilst the rest of us were allowed to go about our daily business with the total lack of fear these figures indicated we should have had.

What a shit show.

And before any cunt decides to indulge in whatiffery by snidely stating it could have been worse if measures weren't put in place to protect my age demographic as well, I'd suggest this- Prove it with facts and statistics that can be verified with anything other than speculation.


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37 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Considering how according to this I probably had more chance of dying by being hunted down and buggered to death by Frank, I'm more than slightly peeved at the general fucking inconvenience this shit has caused me over the last 21 months.

Not that I'm advocating the genocide of my elders, but perhaps crumbly cunts should have been locked up for months on end whilst the rest of us were allowed to go about our daily business with the total lack of fear these figures indicated we should have had.

What a shit show.

Could you translate all of that numbery shit to Northern cleaner levels for me, Decs?

I think we're about the same age, but I've got no fucking clue what I'm looking at.

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8 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

Could you translate all of that numbery shit to Northern cleaner levels for me, Decs?

I think we're about the same age, but I've got no fucking clue what I'm looking at.

I've actually got no idea, RK, truly.

It's rare that a protracted argument full of bile and spite spirals out of control on The Corner without me taking part, so I decided I had to get involved in this out of principle and tradition.

I just wanted a piece of the action and to get into a row which would end in me inevitably calling someone a nonce.


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3 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I've actually got no idea, RK, truly.

It's rare that a protracted argument full of bile and spite spirals out of control on The Corner without me taking part, so I decided I had to get involved in this out of principle and tradition.

I just wanted a piece of the action and to get into a row which would end in me inevitably calling someone a nonce.


Fuck. Not at all - my apologies for nonce blocking you.


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8 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I've actually got no idea, RK, truly.

It's rare that a protracted argument full of bile and spite spirals out of control on The Corner without me taking part, so I decided I had to get involved in this out of principle and tradition.

I just wanted a piece of the action and to get into a row which would end in me inevitably calling someone a nonce.


If you’re using a phone, and have been drinking/got sausage fingers, then ‘nonce’ is very close to ‘mince’ when typed, so autocorrect could go either way. 

I only know this as I had to delete a message to the missus earlier as her heart must’ve stopped when I asked her to pick me up some nonce pies from Waitrose. 

I’m sure that’ll help you explain anything to the mods. As you were. 

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6 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

Fuck. Not at all - my apologies for nonce blocking you.


“Nonce blocking” is one of the very few things that’s made me laugh on the corner recently. 

Thanks for the DM about dyslexic cunt’s weakness, I’ll circle back around and deal with him later on this week. 

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7 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

'Wah'? I remember them. So to 'wah the dishes' do I pile them in the sink and sing "The story of the blues" to them? 

I'd rather stick them in the dishwasher or get my Latvian help to do them. It saves the vocal cords. 

Fuck off with this shite gypo, you know it’s completely unnecessary 


6 hours ago, Parabolic Cunting said:

They debunked the commonly understood lower oxygen intake makes the body vulnerable to infection? Sorry, which part of what I wrote was debunked?

Lack of oxygen intake also turns you into a total bender. Considering every other twat under 30 these days is a poof, lebo, non fucking binary or transitioning into and undercover nonce, the human race could well go extinct in 20 years.


1 hour ago, The Beast said:

If you look at the latest vaccine surveillance report week 48 from the UKHSA, in all age groups the unvaccinated are under represented in case numbers. This cytotoxic crap suppresses the innate immune system. No cunt seems to pay attention to the fact the overwhelming majority dodged this virus for almost a year without vaccines, then they get the disease once double jabbed. The whole thing is inside out. If mugs want to keep taking it, these cunts will keep serving it.

How’s the pond water today Dr Mallard? I’m off to watch @Ape™️s lecture on the mass genocide of the human race by the evil lizards and their human stooges. @King Billyis bringing the beers and I’ve got a fucking massive stash of rohypnol 

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1 hour ago, Bubba C said:

This is probably quite a high probability as he’s allegedly got his hands on proper’s whizz-bang IP locator, and is a sinister fucking creep to boot. 

Fucking hardly. I’d imagine being chased by a randy frank you’d be more likely to die laughing than and serious threat of a forced buggering. The ‘mince’ cunt weighs 8 stone and couldn’t out run a George A Romero zombie 

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12 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

I’ve got a fucking massive stash of rohypnol 

I feel that now I’ve been outed by ‘her who must be obeyed’ as a nasty piece of work in the RW, I can say ‘You lucky fucking bastard’. Make every one of them a night to remember (or not, if you know what I mean).

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Guest Parabolic Cunting
25 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Lack of oxygen intake also turns you into a total bender. Considering every other twat under 30 these days is a poof, lebo, non fucking binary or transitioning into and undercover nonce, the human race could well go extinct in 20 years.

Coronaviruses are a product of our chemical universe. In most cases, they have very high survival rates. The chemical universe introduces these viruses into our ecological settings PRECISELY to kill the old and those with compromised immune systems (usually due to self inflicted and/or abuse of the bodily chemical environment). If you introduce a way to combat a disease with a 99% survival rate outside of naturally occurring chemistry, you are preventing the decay it needs to balance ecologies and pressures on them. A chemical cause and effect system will find some other way to balance any ecological system or it will simply wipe it out and start it again. The more that live, the more risk there is that chemical cause and effect will unleash something truly deadly. Taking vaccines for diseases with high survival rates is not only fuckin idiotic, but also hugely irresponsible. People have to die.

I'm looking for some support here Stubby for @Mrs Roops nonsensical spastic talk about 'debunking'. You know as well as I do what introducing species into / reducing species in environments does long term to those ecologies. It's no different for our species. 


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23 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Fucking hardly. I’d imagine being chased by a randy frank you’d be more likely to die laughing than and serious threat of a forced buggering. The ‘mince’ cunt weighs 8 stone and couldn’t out run a George A Romero zombie 

I see what you did there, very good. 

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2 hours ago, Parabolic Cunting said:

Coronaviruses are a product of our chemical universe. In most cases, they have very high survival rates. The chemical universe introduces these viruses into our ecological settings PRECISELY to kill the old and those with compromised immune systems (usually due to self inflicted and/or abuse of the bodily chemical environment). If you introduce a way to combat a disease with a 99% survival rate outside of naturally occurring chemistry, you are preventing the decay it needs to balance ecologies and pressures on them. A chemical cause and effect system will find some other way to balance any ecological system or it will simply wipe it out and start it again. The more that live, the more risk there is that chemical cause and effect will unleash something truly deadly. Taking vaccines for diseases with high survival rates is not only fuckin idiotic, but also hugely irresponsible. People have to die.

I'm looking for some support here Stubby for @Mrs Roops nonsensical spastic talk about 'debunking'. You know as well as I do what introducing species into / reducing species in environments does long term to those ecologies. It's no different for our species. 


Indeed. The survival of the fittest no longer works for the human race, countless billions of third world children being shitted out every day is testament to that- they all now survive to have 10 themselves. When medicine came along over here we stopped having 6 kids but the bongo bongo types haven’t worked this out yet and probably never will.

I’ve never won an argument with Roops as she simply won’t let me, what with her last word tactics. I’ve been trying to find a way to take her on with environmental topics but she never rises to it as I’m always correct on such matters. 

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15 hours ago, Roadkill said:

Couldn't you factor simple age into those results though? Probably far more elderly, naturally vulnerable people fully jabbed and boosted at this point.

As prosaic as your explanation is, that's precisely it. Also, with the vaccination programme in full swing and with the relaxation of lockdown rules the Great British public dropped their guard by being careless with social distancing guidelines and mingled as if Covid never happened. The inevitable result ensued.

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15 hours ago, King Billy said:

I assume you are referring to the piece in the recent book by Mark Meadows?

President Trump has stated that he did test positive but two further tests were negative, so the first was deemed to be a false result. The second of the two negative tests was performed a few hours before the debate with pissy pants Biden. 
As usual CNN, the NYT etc. and the fake news Guardian, Independent etc. in the U.K. felt something they’d been missing for a while, a tiny erection stirring in the crotches of their ‘soy boy’ skinny jeans, at the thought of a new ‘Orange man bad’ story to satisfy the hunger of their dwindling, retarded readership. Suddenly ‘anonymous sources’ (that old faithful) were confirming the depravity and monstrous behaviour of the evil ‘Cheeto man’.

Mark Meadows has confirmed Donald Trumps explanation to be correct, and has described the MSM twisting of the  facts and totally ignoring the context,  as “absolutely fake news”.

Getting back to masks briefly. Last year the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) published a peer reviewed study into the effects of mask wearing on children. The findings are very interesting, but apparently not worthy of hardly any MSM reporting, for reasons you’ve probably guessed by now. 
And finally, the patents for the Moderna Covid 19 vaccine show that they contain both graphene oxide, graphene hydroxide and a nanosenser.

Perhaps you can explain to me why graphene oxide, which many many doctors and professors say shreds the insides of arteries, like tiny razor blades, is present in the mix? And why more and more medical experts are now openly voicing their genuine fears about the safety of these vaccines? The manner in which the Big Tech social media oligarchs have suppressed debate and censored the views of anyone, no matter how qualified to speak on the subject, who expressed an opinion which wasn’t on message, should have made anyone with an open mind think. The genie is out of the bottle now however, and they seem to have realised that they can’t silence everyone who questions the all too apparent failed handling of what is now obviously not the existential threat to humanity that we were all led to believe. 
I will add that I am not an anti vaxxer and never have been. I’ve had numerous vaccinations throughout my life and it’s only these Covid jabs that I have serious concerns about. It’s my absolute right to have concerns and it’s also my absolute right to refuse to have them without threat of punishment or loss of any civil rights. Just as it’s yours and everyone else’s right to exercise their choice either way.

I have resisted the urge to name call and mock you for once, so I hope this post clarifies my position.
PS don’t forget to fuck right off.



14 hours ago, King Billy said:

If you tried putting some drawers on when you go out during winter, then the local youths would have to think of something else to shout at you.

Your word is clearly of no importance to you but I guess that's part and parcel of being an unpleasant piece of work...

Pleasantries aside, lets look at the two gunshot wounds you've self-administered to your feet.

Firstly you don't say which JAMA report you are referring to; there are scores of papers on the subject, here's one of them picked at random. Scroll down to the 'Conclusions' - long story short, no issues. Your non-point is moot, at least in England & Wales (I couldn't be arsed to look up NI & Scotland) as children have been exempt from masking regulations.

Secondly, I cannot give an explanation as to why graphene oxide is "present in the mix" for the simple reason that, not for the first time, you have been duped, hook, line and sinker by Sid Slackjaw. There is no such compound "in the mix", there never has been.

Billy, I peeled an onion on reading your tub-thumping "rights of Billy" paragraph and of course, how you live your life is entirely your own business even if guided by fake science and false information. However, the moment you impart fake science and false information on a public forum then it becomes my business. I appreciate you find that frustrating but that's too bad. Tough.

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19 hours ago, Bubba C said:

At the risk of this site slowly dying due to the utter bollocks constantly posted between roadkill, billy, dyslexic and roops; is there even the slightest chance that you could all give it a fucking rest for a bit? 

Or, set yourselves up a group chat and not send the other corner members to sleep with this shit? 

Many thanks, 

Everyone else on the corner  


Great comment, Bubba; shame that the majority of the thick cunts who continue to post ignored it. 

Those of you continuing with this bollocks, please, please, please, please, fuck right off. 

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4 minutes ago, Bubba C said:

Great comment, Bubba; shame that the majority of the thick cunts who continue to post ignored it. 

Those of you continuing with this bollocks, please, please, please, please, fuck right off. 

Its a brick wall, Bubs. I fucking told you.

If anything you're just risking being pulled in by the vortex.

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I know where, how and who I caught covid from. I caught it from very stupid and selfish woman who had a mild dose of the virus but ignored the symptoms and chose to ignore some basic rules. Three weeks later in the same place the same woman was doing the same things and saying that the virus was fake. Me now 12 days posting testing negative are still suffering after effects. Things get better each day but it is a long slog. I find wearing a mask uncomfortable but I continue to wear a mask in the appropriate places, and distance in the appropriate places. If I see someone wearing a mask where they might not nned to do so I do not mock them. As to jabs I am scared of needle but I will get my booster in line with the guidance. King Billy I hate your fucking guts, you are a very nasty piece of work but I do not wish even you to go what I have gone through with covid. King Billy, mask up when you are driving your private hire taxis and better still keep your stupid gob shut and stop being reckless with the poor cunts stupid enough to ride in your cab.

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1 minute ago, Dead Penelope said:

I know where, how and who I caught covid from. I caught it from very stupid and selfish woman who had a mild dose of the virus but ignored the symptoms and chose to ignore some basic rules. Three weeks later in the same place the same woman was doing the same things and saying that the virus was fake. Me now 12 days posting testing negative are still suffering after effects. Things get better each day but it is a long slog. I find wearing a mask uncomfortable but I continue to wear a mask in the appropriate places, and distance in the appropriate places. If I see someone wearing a mask where they might not nned to do so I do not mock them. As to jabs I am scared of needle but I will get my booster in line with the guidance. King Billy I hate your fucking guts, you are a very nasty piece of work but I do not wish even you to go what I have gone through with covid. King Billy, mask up when you are driving your private hire taxis and better still keep your stupid gob shut and stop being reckless with the poor cunts stupid enough to ride in your cab.

Get well soon, Pen. You've had a hard time on here lately, but no cunt deserves to go through that nasty virus shit.

How the fuck do you get through the eye treatment you mentioned when you're scared of needles? Must be pure fucking misery.

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