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>33 French floaters

Dave Umbongo

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5 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

And another fucking thing; the reason people don’t want hordes of uneducated foreigners here is that just 2 generations ago our ancestors fought tooth and nail to keep goose stepping nazi square heads, who were literally on the brink of invasion, off our shores. Now we see these child migrants with full beards, smart phones and sexual desires for children rocking up to put strain on our infrastructure, hospitals, schools etc without any right. Send the cunts back or simply tow them out into the mountainous seas to fucking drown

‘Hello Rotherham taxis’

‘Hi. Who am I spesking to?’

‘I’m Ali the boss man’

’I have a complaint to make.’

’Im sorry sir. What is the problem?’

’’Well, my 13 year old daughter has just been dropped off by one of your drivers and she appears to have had three ugly brown kids on the way home from school, and looks about 9 months pregnant too.’

’Oh dear, I’m very sorry sir. What time did she order the taxi sir?’

’Three fucking years ago you noncing  cunt. I think?’ 

‘Please don’t swear at me sir or I’ll have to phone the police and have you arrested for racist abuse.’

’Sorry about that but the main reason I’ve called is that Mahmoud the nice young driver forgot to charge her for the journey. I’ll send her down to your office with the money on the bus, as soon as she farts out no.4 little charwallah on the living room floor’ Allekum Salam.’


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17 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

The EU commissioner has said that its up to the UK to police its own borders..sendin them back is a non starter..the fat lad took y'all out of the EU identity program to see where the brown people first registered and now that yer outside the Dublin protocol ya cant send em back to frog land either..lol


Not too sure how I'd feel about being part of a political alliance that's happy to weaponize immigrants and let them cross over into foreign territory at the risk of their lives, Panzy. Even "brown people". The rest of the world might take a very negative outlook on such a thing, especially considering they're currently moaning to high heaven about Belarus doing the exact same thing to them, and currently receiving help from the UK to keep the Polish border from collapsing against the onslaught:   https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/nov/18/british-soldiers-to-give-more-support-to-poland-amid-belarus-border-crisis.

You could say we're well within our rights to remove that support if our own borders are in need of it. Let's not forget its an election year coming up for Macron and he's desperate to save face - his entire excuse for his pissy attitude is that Boris posted a letter on Twitter, proving he was at least willing to open debate on the issue and Macron didn't like the fact that it was made public and robbed him of any potential chances to point the finger of blame back at us.

Considering you lot seem to rate even lower than Poland in the grand EU plan, and you're also struggling under far more long term border issues yourself, I'd be seriously worried about what the heavyweights of France and Germany might be planning to do with your little political pawn of a "state" in the near future just because we've got their frilly little knickers in a twist again.

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2 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Nobody cares about brown people..take yer troops out of Poland..bojo should trigger article 16 and be done with it..trade war with the EU and America..i mean a two front war worked really well for napoleon the Kaiser n adolf ..


Must be a bit shit to only have examples that got their arses kicked by the same cunts you're trying to cunt...

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1 minute ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Nobody cares about brown people..take yer troops out of Poland..bojo should trigger article 16 and be done with it..trade war with the EU and America..i mean a two front war worked really well for napoleon the Kaiser n adolf ..


Hopefully it won’t come to that Panzyboy. But if it does, do you intend to break your lockdown curfew, slip on your mask,and sneak out of your thatched cottage to sign up for the British Army, in the certain knowledge that you’ll be on the winning side?

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2 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Hopefully it won’t come to that Panzyboy. But if it does, do you intend to break your lockdown curfew, slip on your mask,and sneak out of your thatched cottage to sign up for the British Army, in the certain knowledge that you’ll be on the winning side?

He could be the Patrick Harper to your Richard Sharpe, Billy. @Cillian Murphy can be Hakeswill.

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3 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Hopefully it won’t come to that Panzyboy. But if it does, do you intend to break your lockdown curfew, slip on your mask,and sneak out of your thatched cottage to sign up for the British Army, in the certain knowledge that you’ll be on the winning side?

I see the fat lad is reintroducing face masks n restrictions despite takin the uk out of the covid ..lol


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Just now, PANZER MURPHY said:

If ya dont learn from history yer doomed to repeat it..trigger article 16..build that wall..lol


... So we'll kick their teeth in again? We've been doing it for centuries, Panzy. Just like you lot have spent the last few millennia being a bunch of tribal, moaning bog dwellers.

You're still one of my favourites though. 

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6 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

If ya dont learn from history yer doomed to repeat it.

What a terrifying prospect that would be.
For you obviously. 

Our history, as a small island nation who conquered, ruled and civilised most of the planet, despite having an annoying and festering, but actually  insignificant boil on our arse called Ireland, plus inventing almost everything that has constantly advanced the human race, I’d opt for repeating our history as opposed to yours, which is probably not up amongst the greats.

Your call Spud.

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10 minutes ago, King Billy said:

What a terrifying prospect that would be.
For you obviously. 

Our history, as a small island nation who conquered, ruled and civilised most of the planet, despite having an annoying and festering, but actually  insignificant boil on our arse called Ireland, plus inventing almost everything that has constantly advanced the human race, I’d opt for repeating our history as opposed to yours, which is probably not up amongst the greats.

Your call Spud.

Im gonna hazard a guess this is the dogma still spouted down the lodge these days bally baby..ironically from people like yerself born n bred on the insignificant boil..anyway..past glories won't put stock on the shelves and fuel in the tank...the brown tide will only increase..yer on yer own here baby..so much taking back control...lol


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12 hours ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

We need to take a leaf out of Israels book, they're banning all foreigners from entering the country. Just imagine if we did that here, the sale of knives would plummet and under 12 yr old girls would feel safer on the streets.

Yeah but what would James O’Brien and Jeremy Vine do every day with nothing to talk about?

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