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Saint Billiam of Gates, multi billionaire philanthropist and absolutely not presently being divorced because of his past close association with Jeffrey Epstein.

King Billy

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56 minutes ago, The Beast said:

Not necessarily. The meningitis b vaccine was introduced less than 7 years ago into the UK vaccination programme. Rates of infants presenting with severe disease and death have decreased.

Isn't that the case with Covid, though? The death rate hasn't increased or maintained since mass vaccination came in.

I'm playing Devil's advocate because as you know I remain unvaccinated, so I haven't got a pro-vaccine agenda. But it's either unquantifiable or you could state the same thing as you did with MenB, the death rate is down as is serious health complications. That surely proves its efficacy.

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On 04/05/2022 at 14:48, Eric Cuntman said:

"If it takes a man 26 minutes to chop up an old lady, how long does it take the same man to fuck a rabbit?"

Our local butcher is married to a lady 30 years older than him, and I often buy a skinned and dissected rabbit from him to make stew. As far as I’m aware he’s never mistakenly got his conjugal duties and his work arse about tit. I will ask him if he knows the answer to your mathematical question next time I pop in for a bag of liver, when the missus is away at her Mums.

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10 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Well done, given that 142 million doses of covid vaccine have been administered in the UK thus far, you have just confirmed how safe the immunisation programme is. You've also confirmed how utterly clueless you are. Before you splutter some convoluted nonsense/issue a retaliatory personal insult/post a multi-emoji, you should know three thousand people die in the UK per year from taking aspirin.

Tell that to the widow of Dr Stephen Wright (38 no underlying health conditions). I’m sure she’ll feel so much better after speaking to you, and she can tell the kids to just forget him.

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YouTube… GBNews channel…..Matt Hancock gives evidence……..

In case any of you sheep were still under the illusion that our so called ‘government’ acted in our best interests and had the slightest intention of saving anyones fucking life in the fake Covid 19 plandemic, watch this autistic lying cunt and see if you still think the same.

The weasel mouthed cunt even tries to plug his forthcoming book at least four times during a 30 minute interview. And Dan Wooten the fake news MSM schill wasn’t even giving the spasticated cunt anywhere near the hard grilling a real journalist would have.

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7 minutes ago, King Billy said:

YouTube… GBNews channel…..Matt Hancock gives evidence……..

In case any of you sheep were still under the illusion that our so called ‘government’ acted in our best interests and had the slightest intention of saving anyones fucking life in the fake Covid 19 plandemic, watch this autistic lying cunt and see if you still think the same.

The weasel mouthed cunt even tries to plug his forthcoming book at least four times during a 30 minute interview. And Dan Wooten the fake news MSM schill wasn’t even giving the spasticated cunt anywhere near the hard grilling a real journalist would have.

A shower of bastards there, father…

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8 hours ago, The Beast said:

 The aspirin doesn't kill anybody, it is the wrong prescription that kills, whether filled by a clinician or self prescribed.

 How many lives have been saved by giving the injections for Covid-19?

Sadly, the data is absolutely horrific.

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18 minutes ago, King Billy said:

YouTube… GBNews channel…..Matt Hancock gives evidence……..

In case any of you sheep were still under the illusion that our so called ‘government’ acted in our best interests and had the slightest intention of saving anyones fucking life in the fake Covid 19 plandemic, watch this autistic lying cunt and see if you still think the same.

The weasel mouthed cunt even tries to plug his forthcoming book at least four times during a 30 minute interview. And Dan Wooten the fake news MSM schill wasn’t even giving the spasticated cunt anywhere near the hard grilling a real journalist would have.

Handcock lied to his wife and kids, so why wouldn't he bullshit the rest of us?

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8 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

Handcock lied to his wife and kids, so why wouldn't he bullshit the rest of us?

Some of us saw through this window licker from day one. Some didn’t because they were hiding under their beds, frantically trying to order ten years supply of hand sanitizer, latex gloves and face nappies, worrying wether or not they’d already killed Granny, and if so would their forthcoming bounce back loan be enough to pay for the old bags socially distanced funeral.

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12 hours ago, King Billy said:

Tell that to the widow of Dr Stephen Wright (38 no underlying health conditions). I’m sure she’ll feel so much better after speaking to you, and she can tell the kids to just forget him.

I appreciate you're a little red-faced after unintentionally confirming just how safe the current covid vaccines are but the onion-peeling, ambulance chasing antics and subsequent fatuous opining is making you look desperate and unhinged.

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2 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

I appreciate you're a little red-faced after unintentionally confirming just how safe the current covid vaccines are but the onion-peeling, ambulance chasing antics and subsequent fatuous opining is making you look desperate and unhinged.

Get up those stairs!  

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12 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

I appreciate you're a little red-faced after unintentionally confirming just how safe the current covid vaccines are but the onion-peeling, ambulance chasing antics and subsequent fatuous opining is making you look desperate and unhinged.

Dear Mrs Wright 

All of us here at Pfizer were very sad to learn of the sudden and extremely painful death of your previously healthy 38 year old husband, as a direct result of his selfless participation in our current ‘totally safe and totally effective’ medical experiment. Our thoughts go out to your children at what must be a challenging time for them. It’s probably no comfort but at least he won’t have to spend the rest of his life worrying about catching Covid64 and dying horribly on a ventilator in around 45 years time, in his eighties.

Please could you ring the family of Lisa Shaw and pass on our sympathies as we’re all so rich now that we’re implementing our new policy of honesty and openness, which means that your late husband is the final victim who we’re legally obligated to pretend we give a flying fuck about.

Always in our thoughts 

Saint Billiam of Gates.

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On 07/05/2022 at 08:31, Mrs Roops said:

I appreciate you're a little red-faced after unintentionally confirming just how safe the current covid vaccines are but the onion-peeling, ambulance chasing antics and subsequent fatuous opining is making you look desperate and unhinged.

Clearly tone deafness and ego coupled with an inability to let go of an issue prompted your embarrassing attempt at satire...

12 hours ago, King Billy said:

Dear Mrs Wright 

All of us here at Pfizer were very sad to learn of the sudden and extremely painful death of your previously healthy 38 year old husband, as a direct result of his selfless participation in our current ‘totally safe and totally effective’ medical experiment. Our thoughts go out to your children at what must be a challenging time for them. It’s probably no comfort but at least he won’t have to spend the rest of his life worrying about catching Covid64 and dying horribly on a ventilator in around 45 years time, in his eighties.

Please could you ring the family of Lisa Shaw and pass on our sympathies as we’re all so rich now that we’re implementing our new policy of honesty and openness, which means that your late husband is the final victim who we’re legally obligated to pretend we give a flying fuck about.

Always in our thoughts 

Saint Billiam of Gates.

You actually don't give a toss about the personal tragedy. If you did you would have stated Dr Wright's correct reported age at death (32) and that he died after receiving the AZ jab. Most egregious of all is that Dr Wright's widow is on record in supporting the national roll-out of the vaccines and would no doubt be alarmed at an ill-informed nut-job making making conspiracy capital from her personal grief. You are a parasite, Billy - feeding on and misreporting stories to promulgate baseless theories on a virus that clearly you have no idea about so put away your onion peeler and cease with the faux virtue signalling.

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42 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Clearly tone deafness and ego coupled with an inability to let go of an issue prompted your embarrassing attempt at satire...

You actually don't give a toss about the personal tragedy. If you did you would have stated Dr Wright's correct reported age at death (32) and that he died after receiving the AZ jab. Most egregious of all is that Dr Wright's widow is on record in supporting the national roll-out of the vaccines and would no doubt be alarmed at an ill-informed nut-job making making conspiracy capital from her personal grief. You are a parasite, Billy - feeding on and misreporting stories to promulgate baseless theories on a virus that clearly you have no idea about so put away your onion peeler and cease with the faux virtue signalling.

Let’s set a date 🥰

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8 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Most egregious of all is that Dr Wright's widow is on record in supporting the national roll-out of the vaccines and would no doubt be alarmed at an ill-informed nut-job making making conspiracy capital from her personal grief. You are a parasite, Billy -

‘Have you rethought your views on the vaccine and whether people should have it?’

’Yes I have. I feel that if people make the decision to have it they should be informed with all the relevant information and they’re not. It’s not available and being shared. So my views on these vaccinations have changed because I don’t believe they’re telling us everything they need to.’ 
Mark Steyn interviewing Mrs Wright on GB News on Thursday 5th May 2022.

Do try and keep up luv before getting on your high horse and lecturing me about anything.

Fuck off.

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7 hours ago, Eddie said:

Let’s set a date 🥰

This is the first time I’ve ever heard of someone volunteering to become a slave Ed. Oh and where the fuck are my brake pads? I’ve been using the handbrake to slow down my imaginary M4 for weeks now. If you’ve spent the money I sent you on crack again just tell me and I’ll know where I stand, and I can get Dyslexic Cnut to rob me some. I won’t be paying him up front obviously, as he’s from Merseyside.

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11 minutes ago, King Billy said:

This is the first time I’ve ever heard of someone volunteering to become a slave Ed. Oh and where the fuck are my brake pads? I’ve been using the handbrake to slow down my imaginary M4 for weeks now. If you’ve spent the money I sent you on crack again just tell me and I’ll know where I stand, and I can get Dyslexic Cnut to rob me some. I won’t be paying him up front obviously, as he’s from Merseyside.

You will get your brake pads when you are nice to my bird, not a moment sooner. 

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