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Saint Billiam of Gates, multi billionaire philanthropist and absolutely not presently being divorced because of his past close association with Jeffrey Epstein.

King Billy

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13 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Früh…alcohol-free kraut beer. Bearable-ish but £3.45 for half a pint or so is an utter piss-take. Around 3 weeks in now and 9lb lighter. Sleeping better and I’m sure you’ve noticed, no 3am pissed up rants. Your call.

Did you get a 'Budbomb' in the end? I try and use it to cut down on tobacco, but you can fit 0.6g in it, so it's fucking expensive.

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20 hours ago, Goober said:

Yes, let bygones be bygones. Nothing to see here. 

Bill, I've heard (157.5 long wave) that Brexit could cause a tin foil shortage soon. I don't understand it myself something to do with big red lorry drivers. Or is it yellow lorries, or yellow lorry drivers not getting visas. 

Anyway, don't fear. I've stockpiled 500,000 metres of heavy duty 80cm wide turkey foil that I'll be offering to corner members at a heavily discounted rate (just £50 for 5 metres) should the worst happen. I've got you covered. 

You could do worse than invest your life savings in tinfoil. People laughed at the Bitcoin trailblazers not so long ago. My great, great, great etc. Grandad bought our ancestral castle on the Shankill Rd. next to the UVF club, for the princely sum of 3 tulip bulbs and a pair of clogs in 1636, the day after he returned from a stag weekend in Amsterdam. 
A wise investor should always look for the bubble, jump straight in and then back out before it goes bang.

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23 hours ago, Roadkill said:

Well according to @Dyslexic cnut, he was only sucking his cock for a laugh... so, apparently, jokes on @Frank...

Bollocks was he…


23 hours ago, Bubba C said:

Frank is a sinister faggot at the best of times. The fact that he’s groomed DC into becoming his corner rent boy doesn’t surprise me. Tales of yacht travels and fantasy holidays only arouse the Greek piece of shit further.

I remember when Alfie Noakes regaled him with a bullshit story about “dropping off a friends boat” that had kleftiko drooling and rubbing his shrivelled cashew cock like a possessed baboon. 

The only thing Greek about frank is the natural yogurt he uses to lube up his pathetic pecker before he pokes is up DCs shite encrusted arsehole. 

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South Africa’s Health Minister Joe Something or other was interviewed on TV yesterday and said there was no evidence that the new ‘Omygod’ variant was any more or less resistant to the current vaccines and that only mild symptoms were being reported by patients infected with it in SA. He added that the international panic and travel bans were unjustified.

Dr Angelique Coetzee, Chairperson of the SA Medical Association yesterday called it a ‘storm in a teacup’, saying that her surgery was in the epicentre of the outbreak and so far she had only seen or knew of very mild illness in infected patients.

So I guess the real question is why are the usual suspects ( the WHO, the tyrannical lockdown fanatics masquerading as health officials, the power mad heads of western governments, and yes surprise surprise….the lying fearmongering fakestream media whipping the public into a brand new state of impending doom?

Oh that’s right, it’s nearly Christmas and they won’t want to leave it too late to lock every daft cunt in their homes again. Best not to leave it to the last minute like last year. Get the sheep rounded up early and locked in their pens. 
Merry Christmas……Baaaaa🐑

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5 hours ago, King Billy said:

South Africa’s Health Minister Joe Something or other was interviewed on TV yesterday and said there was no evidence that the new ‘Omygod’ variant was any more or less resistant to the current vaccines and that only mild symptoms were being reported by patients infected with it in SA. He added that the international panic and travel bans were unjustified.

Dr Angelique Coetzee, Chairperson of the SA Medical Association yesterday called it a ‘storm in a teacup’, saying that her surgery was in the epicentre of the outbreak and so far she had only seen or knew of very mild illness in infected patients.

So I guess the real question is why are the usual suspects ( the WHO, the tyrannical lockdown fanatics masquerading as health officials, the power mad heads of western governments, and yes surprise surprise….the lying fearmongering fakestream media whipping the public into a brand new state of impending doom?

Oh that’s right, it’s nearly Christmas and they won’t want to leave it too late to lock every daft cunt in their homes again. Best not to leave it to the last minute like last year. Get the sheep rounded up early and locked in their pens. 
Merry Christmas……Baaaaa🐑

I have given up on the latest “updates” on the pandemic. The world (including this country) had gone from a blaze, pig ignorant attitude, to almost fascist (not quite Austria, yet), frenzied, crazed neuroticism. Difficult to get the true data, between the companies protecting their huge profits and real, on the ground damage from the virus, there is lack of transparency everywhere.

When Mrs WC reported her issues from the vaccines, there was a wall of silence at her surgery, but they ran all the essential tests and asked for more samples of blood and urine to look deeper.

Talking to many friends in the medical field: consultants, GP docs, there is a lot of silencing going on. Most of them have stashed Ivermectin, steroids , etc. for private use, but are unable to prescribe. It’s fucked up out there.

 The system reeks.

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1 hour ago, King Billy said:

South Africa’s Health Minister Joe Something or other was interviewed on TV yesterday and said there was no evidence that the new ‘Omygod’ variant was any more or less resistant to the current vaccines and that only mild symptoms were being reported by patients infected with it in SA. He added that the international panic and travel bans were unjustified.

Dr Angelique Coetzee, Chairperson of the SA Medical Association yesterday called it a ‘storm in a teacup’, saying that her surgery was in the epicentre of the outbreak and so far she had only seen or knew of very mild illness in infected patients.

So I guess the real question is why are the usual suspects ( the WHO, the tyrannical lockdown fanatics masquerading as health officials, the power mad heads of western governments, and yes surprise surprise….the lying fearmongering fakestream media whipping the public into a brand new state of impending doom?

Oh that’s right, it’s nearly Christmas and they won’t want to leave it too late to lock every daft cunt in their homes again. Best not to leave it to the last minute like last year. Get the sheep rounded up early and locked in their pens. 
Merry Christmas……Baaaaa🐑

Sky news took the cake, the table cloth and the entire fucking table by describing it as the "worst" variant yet right off the bat.


The media fucking love this virus and they'll keep stoking the fires for as long as they can. 

Already in the UK, I see. Why are cunts so scared of washing their hands?

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1 hour ago, King Billy said:

South Africa’s Health Minister Joe Something or other was interviewed on TV yesterday and said there was no evidence that the new ‘Omygod’ variant was any more or less resistant to the current vaccines and that only mild symptoms were being reported by patients infected with it in SA. He added that the international panic and travel bans were unjustified.

Dr Angelique Coetzee, Chairperson of the SA Medical Association yesterday called it a ‘storm in a teacup’, saying that her surgery was in the epicentre of the outbreak and so far she had only seen or knew of very mild illness in infected patients.

So I guess the real question is why are the usual suspects ( the WHO, the tyrannical lockdown fanatics masquerading as health officials, the power mad heads of western governments, and yes surprise surprise….the lying fearmongering fakestream media whipping the public into a brand new state of impending doom?

Oh that’s right, it’s nearly Christmas and they won’t want to leave it too late to lock every daft cunt in their homes again. Best not to leave it to the last minute like last year. Get the sheep rounded up early and locked in their pens. 
Merry Christmas……Baaaaa🐑

Omicron what the fuck is that name all about? Sounds like that evil corporation in Robocop. That egg head cunt Javid was on the TV trying his best not to laugh when describing it as potentially much more vaccine resistant yet insisting we get our jabs. What the fuck is going on here? Viruses mutate as they want to survive and have been around way before the true virus (humans) arrived. 

What a pile of cunt. 

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12 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Omicron what the fuck is that name all about? Sounds like that evil corporation in Robocop. That egg head cunt Javid was on the TV trying his best not to laugh when describing it as potentially much more vaccine resistant yet insisting we get our jabs. What the fuck is going on here? Viruses mutate as they want to survive and have been around way before the true virus (humans) arrived. 

What a pile of cunt. 

They were supposed to call it the "Nu" variant, but it didn't sound intimidating enough.

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2 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Omicron what the fuck is that name all about? Sounds like that evil corporation in Robocop. That egg head cunt Javid was on the TV trying his best not to laugh when describing it as potentially much more vaccine resistant yet insisting we get our jabs. What the fuck is going on here? Viruses mutate as they want to survive and have been around way before the true virus (humans) arrived. 

What a pile of cunt. 

Thank you Louis Pasteur. Fuck off…imbecile.

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Some of you guys have short memories. After the first coronavirus wave swept around the world, many governments were castigated for the response and actions that were deemed as too little, too late. One two-time popular vote loser failed to get re-elected as leader of his country partly as a result of his inept leadership over the handling of the pandemic. Governments do not wish to repeat the same mistake. South Africa's response to B.1.1.529 is disappointing as the attitudes of Health Minister Joe Phaahla and SAMA's Dr Angelique Coetzee show that a mindset of "virus, what virus?" was partly responsible for that country becoming the world epicentre for HIV/Aids (20% of South Africans are HIV positive) and tuberculosis. Given past and present circumstances any country that fails to slap a travel ban on South Africa would be guilty of negligence bordering on criminality.

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14 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Some of you guys have short memories. After the first coronavirus wave swept around the world, many governments were castigated for the response and actions that were deemed as too little, too late. One two-time popular vote loser failed to get re-elected as leader of his country partly as a result of his inept leadership over the handling of the pandemic. Governments do not wish to repeat the same mistake. South Africa's response to B.1.1.529 is disappointing as the attitudes of Health Minister Joe Phaahla and SAMA's Dr Angelique Coetzee show that a mindset of "virus, what virus?" was partly responsible for that country becoming the world epicentre for HIV/Aids (20% of South Africans are HIV positive) and tuberculosis. Given past and present circumstances any country that fails to slap a travel ban on South Africa would be guilty of negligence bordering on criminality.

Indeed. After the hapless clowns delayed over the Indian/Delta variant for knocking on two weeks (leading to Hancock having to admit, 2 months later that 96% of hospitalisations were with with said variant) they had no choice. Even bumbling incompetents occasionally learn lessons. Looks like my latest cruise out of Cape Town sailing down the Mississippi is fucked.

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6 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Some of you guys have short memories. After the first coronavirus wave swept around the world, many governments were castigated for the response and actions that were deemed as too little, too late. One two-time popular vote loser failed to get re-elected as leader of his country partly as a result of his inept leadership over the handling of the pandemic. Governments do not wish to repeat the same mistake. South Africa's response to B.1.1.529 is disappointing as the attitudes of Health Minister Joe Phaahla and SAMA's Dr Angelique Coetzee show that a mindset of "virus, what virus?" was partly responsible for that country becoming the world epicentre for HIV/Aids (20% of South Africans are HIV positive) and tuberculosis. Given past and present circumstances any country that fails to slap a travel ban on South Africa would be guilty of negligence bordering on criminality.

On one hand, they have woken up to the horrific danger of international travel in the face of pandemic. On the other, many high profile international meetings are still going on, with the pandemic in full swing.

We can also add to it the private small aviation activity, which is ongoing and rather substantial,  plus the multiplier of air shipping, with mixed international staff onboard, with medical checks/ no checks lottery - as many operators switched to moving goods by air, due to container delay and other shipping issues. 

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20 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

virus, what virus?" was partly responsible for that country becoming the world epicentre for HIV/Aids

Nothing to do  with the Roman Catholic Church doubling down on their ‘use a condom, go straight to hell’ doctrine then? Even when it was unarguable that unprotected sex, especially anal was the major cause of    cross infection, the missionaries were still bribing the poverty stricken and uneducated masses to join up, with promises of everlasting life in the land of milk and honey. 
The ‘two time popular vote loser’ you mentioned was also the recipient of more votes than any candidate in history. Of course I mean legitimate votes, not the millions of fraudulent votes for the ‘most popular President ever’, pissy pants Joe Biden, who’s polling numbers are now under 40%, compared to  Donald Js at over 50%, less than a year into the destruction of America his puppet masters had planned from the start. 
The popular vote in the US means absolutely nothing as you well know. The electoral college was designed to give all states a fair representation in the federal gov. which it does very well. If the popular vote was the deciding factor the citizens who don’t live in the major cities (predominantly Democrat) might aswell not bother voting as the result would be a foregone conclusion every time. It’s not much different to our electoral system, which recognises the same difficulty by dividing the country into constituencies with one parliamentary seat, rather than everyone in the country has one vote and the winner takes it all. It’s not rocket science is it?

I don’t mind having a reasonable debate with you once in a while but usually your off the scale arrogance and school mam rhetoric puts me off the idea.


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1 hour ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Indeed. After the hapless clowns delayed over the Indian/Delta variant for knocking on two weeks (leading to Hancock having to admit, 2 months later that 96% of hospitalisations were with with said variant) they had no choice. Even bumbling incompetents occasionally learn lessons. Looks like my latest cruise out of Cape Town sailing down the Mississippi is fucked.

I'd be surprised if you could successfully navigate a toy duck in your bathtub let alone sail and dock a 17 ton, 55' Beneteau given the chapter and verse you gave on your shoulder injury.

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2 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Some of you guys have short memories. After the first coronavirus wave swept around the world, many governments were castigated for the response and actions that were deemed as too little, too late. One two-time popular vote loser failed to get re-elected as leader of his country partly as a result of his inept leadership over the handling of the pandemic. Governments do not wish to repeat the same mistake. South Africa's response to B.1.1.529 is disappointing as the attitudes of Health Minister Joe Phaahla and SAMA's Dr Angelique Coetzee show that a mindset of "virus, what virus?" was partly responsible for that country becoming the world epicentre for HIV/Aids (20% of South Africans are HIV positive) and tuberculosis. Given past and present circumstances any country that fails to slap a travel ban on South Africa would be guilty of negligence bordering on criminality.

It’s too late. It has seeded in multiple countries. The government has to give the appearance of doing something. In reality it’s about as much use as a 2 foot tall Perspex screen on a shop counter.

The main question is it more pathogenic? Given that this mutation has been knocking about at least for one month, the answer to this is probably known.


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