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Saint Billiam of Gates, multi billionaire philanthropist and absolutely not presently being divorced because of his past close association with Jeffrey Epstein.

King Billy

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2 minutes ago, Decimus said:

We all know that Proper's Wizz-Bang IP detector can locate a punter's location give or take two thousand square miles. What of it?

If you've got something new to add to the equation, spit it out. If not, fuck right off.

There’s nothing to add apart from the fact that DC is a compulsive liar. I have the info at my fingertips and that’s where it will remain. 

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27 minutes ago, Frank said:

I’ve got my eye on VB.. if he gets here. Beadle took an early bath, AngryofBrum was me, and DCI Gene I’ve destroyed. What have you got on Dustin Shelves? 

I had high hopes for Renton Flange after his one and only contribution some months back. VB, however, strikes me as what might happen if Rothers had a prolonged series of mini-strokes, followed by "the big one". 

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12 minutes ago, Frank said:

I’ve got my eye on VB.. if he gets here. Beadle took an early bath, AngryofBrum was me, and DCI Gene I’ve destroyed. What have you got on Dustin Shelves? 

Beadle isn't allowed to use the internet as part of his parole conditions. The chancing Sidney cunt tried the age old beast trick of circumventing that with a proxy, but he was sniffed out by more than one member on here.

I've got a lovely new multi you may be interested in job sharing with me, I'll PM you the details.

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11 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

There’s a snag in your logic here Roops. I had the 2nd jab and the associated QR code sent to me in May this year. I have travelled throughout Europe since. At check-in, security and passport control (differs throughout Europe) not once was the QR code scanned and just a visual and cursory glance at a photo of it sufficed. As of ten days ago, that was also the case in most shops and all bars and restaurants in Germany. So the 30 day thing is easily bypassed and it is entirely possible that Billy has travelled unvaccinated. Like I’ve said, these students are flitting in and out of Europe unjabbed for the princely sum of £400 (Corner discount still applies folks!)

There’s no point trying to tell her anything DC. Once she tells you you’re wrong then that’s that and she’ll wag the knowing  finger at you until you can’t be bothered any more. She’s a one trick pony mate, and the trick involves her gob and her bosses cock.

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9 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

So the side effects of the Covid vaccine include; heart attack, arthritis, brain hemorrhage, homosexuality, runny shits, death, arse cancer, ingrowing toenails, more homosexuality at week ends and reading franks posts here. 

How come these piles of fresh corpses which are building up as a result of the jabs aren’t well publicized or reported in the media? And don’t get me the King Billy tin foil bullshite that the media is controlled by lizard people and their evil human lackeys. I accept that many medications have side effects but fail to believe the current vaccine program is culling the population and is part of some conspiracy to do so.

You’re weird.

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47 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Beadle isn't allowed to use the internet as part of his parole conditions. The chancing Sidney cunt tried the age old beast trick of circumventing that with a proxy, but he was sniffed out by more than one member on here.

I've got a lovely new multi you may be interested in job sharing with me, I'll PM you the details.

Its sounding like its that, or @Uncle Meatus. Bottom of the barrel stuff.

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5 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Which is exactly what the scientific community has with regard to what negative and possibly fatal side effects may result from this in 4 years time. 

large.4E98A6E3-C88B-4A05-8197-4CB939EDFE5C.jpeg.f6357cae61663b2bbc77ae4140e64a97.jpegTwitter have been censoring this article today, saying that the vaccines are considered safe for the majority of people by most doctors. So if 49% of people were dropping dead that statement would get the all clear from the fake news fact checkers, providing 51% of doctors considered it safe.

I wonder if Sergio Aguerro agrees with the ginger know all on the safety of mRNA vaccines? Somehow I think not.


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Just now, King Billy said:

large.4E98A6E3-C88B-4A05-8197-4CB939EDFE5C.jpeg.f6357cae61663b2bbc77ae4140e64a97.jpegTwitter have been censoring this article today, saying that the vaccines are considered safe for the majority of people by most doctors. So if 49% of people were dropping dead that statement would get the all clear from the fake news fact checkers, providing 51% of doctors considered it safe.

I wonder if Sergio Aguerro agrees with the ginger know all on the safety of mRNA vaccines? Somehow I think not.


What concerns me the most about all of this, Billy, is just what the fuck do you have smeared on your phone's camera?

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11 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

So the side effects of the Covid vaccine include; heart attack, arthritis, brain hemorrhage, homosexuality, runny shits, death, arse cancer, ingrowing toenails, more homosexuality at week ends and reading franks posts here. 

How come these piles of fresh corpses which are building up as a result of the jabs aren’t well publicized or reported in the media? And don’t get me the King Billy tin foil bullshite that the media is controlled by lizard people and their evil human lackeys. I accept that many medications have side effects but fail to believe the current vaccine program is culling the population and is part of some conspiracy to do so.

So where are the piles of bodies from the pandemic?

Gibraltar, 1 Covid death pre vaccination. Since vaccination, 99% vaccine uptake, now 100 deaths. Vietnam, again big increases with Covid deaths after vaccines rolled out, 35 now over 20,000. 

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13 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

This professor is a very clever man...very clever. This professor is very clever with his choice of words insofar that it's telling what he doesn't say rather than what he does say. I wonder if this professor has something to sell? :rolleyes:

Yeah, I can't think of anyone else trying to sell a certain product right now and for the next 4 years.

So what doesn't he say? Is it censored? 

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6 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

One of my lads made one his seldom visits last week. New watch & expensive clothes etc. We were worried about possible drug dealing, etc. He stayed up until 3am to buy something called ‘NFTs’ on the Bored Ape Yacht Club…he spent, basically, £6k on cartoon pictures of fuckin monkeys that are selling like hot cakes globally. I don’t get it at all and told my daughter to take no notice of his so-called crypto tips. Turns out I was behind the drag curve again as she gave the little fucker £5k in the summer to buy crypto stuff and he turned into £8k in two months. Baffles the fuck out of me as I can’t see how it won’t end in tears. Cartoon monkeys? Wtf? 

Tell him I'll draw monkeys for him for only £2k. They'll all be of dead monkeys, though, I don't like the cunts.

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14 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Which is exactly what the scientific community has with regard to what negative and possibly fatal side effects may result from this in 4 years time. 

Really? I think we can both agree that the scientific community understands how vaccines work. Best leave it at that.

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