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Guest AngryofBrum

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18 hours ago, King Billy said:

The mind boggles…. A photo album of pictures of you with the head cut off?

A court injunction ordering you not to  phone the Samaritans ever again under penalty of immediate imprisonment?

A collection of death threats from your primary school classmates and teachers?

A reply from Dear Deirdre advising her to drown you and flush your dismembered corpse down the outside toilet?

Sorry Frank, but hard as I try I’m really struggling to be a true friend to you. Don’t feel bad. It’s not you it’s me.

When did you become Billy-Two-Jabs?


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7 hours ago, Frank said:

When did you become Billy-Two-Jabs?


I’m going to PM you my medical records Frank. As you’re the only one on here I truly regard as a friend and a gentleman, I’m trusting you not to post them on here or anywhere else online that you lurk. Just bear in mind that your well documented enthusiasm for playing the pink oboe doesn’t necessarily mean that you would be warmly received as a whistleblower.

This is cunts corner Frank, not the Washington Post.

Carl Bernstein is a fat cunt and you’re a skinny cunt. I hope that’s cleared everything up for you. 


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3 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Two Japs up his arse for 20% discount at his local sushi takeaway probably.

I 5 foot 2 jap and his tiddly little pecker wouldn’t even register up franks wrong ‘un let alone touch the sides. This explains why there’s a black man sleeping in his bed most mornings 

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