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Guest AngryofBrum

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3 hours ago, Ape™️ said:

Is there a way to pay off a mortgage NOT IN FULL? Fucking idiot.

Depends if you want to maintain a credit history that will help if you want to apply for any other financial product in the future, or even other mortgages for rental properties like I have. I might even have one for you if you've outgrown your bedsit.

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5 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

Depends if you want to maintain a credit history that will help if you want to apply for any other financial product in the future, or even other mortgages for rental properties like I have. I might even have one for you if you've outgrown your bedsit.

Fascinating. Fuck off.

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3 hours ago, Frank said:

This is not working out for you Bubs. No sir. Quincy is remembered by no more than three punters, and last posted about 5 years ago. The rest of the board have no clue what you're on about. Are you ill?

He’s made me laugh more recently than any of your dogshit posts have, you fat fucking has-been. 

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20 minutes ago, Bubba C said:

He’s made me laugh more recently than any of your dogshit posts have, you fat fucking has-been. 

Imagine the ignominy of being considered less humourous than a fat fucking wastrel who was found dead in an estate agent's toilet with a shit inside his toothless gob.

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7 hours ago, Frank said:

the recent sale of my mother’s property.

The mind boggles…. A photo album of pictures of you with the head cut off?

A court injunction ordering you not to  phone the Samaritans ever again under penalty of immediate imprisonment?

A collection of death threats from your primary school classmates and teachers?

A reply from Dear Deirdre advising her to drown you and flush your dismembered corpse down the outside toilet?

Sorry Frank, but hard as I try I’m really struggling to be a true friend to you. Don’t feel bad. It’s not you it’s me.

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38 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Imagine the ignominy of being considered less humourous than a fat fucking wastrel who was found dead in an estate agent's toilet with a shit inside his toothless gob.

Frank could only dream of being as fondly remembered as that slithering worm, quincy.

If I see another Rocky video, I’m going to end his stay on the corner.  

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25 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

I’m desperately trying to think of awful snooker related puns that link to your curb crawling, prostitute strangling, knicker tearing antics 

All I can manage is Alain Rapeidoux

Help me out someone 

The (C)oral U.K. semi finalist?

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