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Revisionist History


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Boris Johnson may not be able to wipe his fat fucking arse without smearing shit half way up his back, but he does know a fair bit about classical history.

Attending the G20 in Rome, he has likened the mass migration that will probably result from devastating climate change to the vast movements of people that were a key factor in bringing down the western Roman Empire. Keen to politicise history to anachronistically reflect modern left wing thinking, academics and D grade GCSE History students have labelled his statement as inaccurate and rayyyycist. 

The reasons for the fall of Roman civilisation in the west were of course multi-faceted, but it's generally accepted that the mass migration of barbarian Germanic tribes across the Empire's border, along with their infiltration into the imperial army, was a huge factor in the downfall of Rome.

Whilst this inconvenient fact may upset refugee loving NIMBY types who dogmatically approve of open borders just so long as the foreign hordes are housed 150 miles away from their leafy suburbs, it's the cold hard truth. Boris may be a fucking idiot, but he's clever enough to recognise that history can teach us valuable lessons. His critics would rather open the floodgates, tear down statues and throw themselves willingly upon the knives of incoming Somali hordes in the name of racial equality than accept anything that goes against what the Guardian has brainwashed them into believing.

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2 hours ago, Decimus said:

Boris Johnson may not be able to wipe his fat fucking arse without smearing shit half way up his back, but he does know a fair bit about classical history.

Attending the G20 in Rome, he has likened the mass migration that will probably result from devastating climate change to the vast movements of people that were a key factor in bringing down the western Roman Empire. Keen to politicise history to anachronistically reflect modern left wing thinking, academics and D grade GCSE History students have labelled his statement as inaccurate and rayyyycist. 

The reasons for the fall of Roman civilisation in the west were of course multi-faceted, but it's generally accepted that the mass migration of barbarian Germanic tribes across the Empire's border, along with their infiltration into the imperial army, was a huge factor in the downfall of Rome.

Whilst this inconvenient fact may upset refugee loving NIMBY types who dogmatically approve of open borders just so long as the foreign hordes are housed 150 miles away from their leafy suburbs, it's the cold hard truth. Boris may be a fucking idiot, but he's clever enough to recognise that history can teach us valuable lessons. His critics would rather open the floodgates, tear down statues and throw themselves willingly upon the knives of incoming Somali hordes in the name of racial equality than accept anything that goes against what the Guardian has brainwashed them into believing.

Our borders are safe finally. The French coastguard have eventually  realised how much they love us, and owe us Brits after their totally predictable WW2 capitulation, Be in no doubt that once they’ve boarded and impounded all our fishing boats in the Channel and blockaded all their ferry ports, that we will be in the driving seat at the negotiating table to agree how many billions of pounds we can pay them to be on the lookout for those pesky dinghy convoys from Calais every half hour. 
Fucking frogs. Don’t they know Britannia rules the waves?

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6 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

I'm sure we'll be hearing in Britain's cities "Aloo akbar" and "Kerblaaaam" soon enough. Why, it'll be like fucking Belfast in the 70s. At least the Micks weren't dumb as fuck to be anywhere near the cunt when it went off  

I bet Panze was, that's how he lost both legs and is now in a wheelchair.

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13 hours ago, Decimus said:

n the name of racial equality than accept anything that goes against what the Guardian has brainwashed them into believing.

It is actually different than the 1960s & 1970s and it is no longer racial .. it is cultural. multi cultural rather than integration, divisive rather than cohesive. It is not longer simply black & white.

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21 hours ago, Decimus said:

Boris Johnson may not be able to wipe his fat fucking arse without smearing shit half way up his back,

I feel it's my public duty to point out that there regularly appears to be a shit reference in your posts.

For a someone who loves pointing the finger, you always manage to overlook your own scatological interests.

How do you sleep?

You obviously have no consience, you hypocritical cunt.

You and the dog wiper have a lot in common, oblivious to your own obsessions with excreta.



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13 minutes ago, and said:

I feel it's my public duty to point out that there regularly appears to be a shit reference in your posts.

For a someone who loves pointing the finger, you always manage to overlook your own scatological interests.

How do you sleep?

You obviously have no consience, you hypocritical cunt.

You and the dog wiper have a lot in common, oblivious to your own obsessions with excreta.



Wolfie and I have been conferring via PM and we both concur that you're no longer welcome here.

Just this once I'll ask nicely that you leave of your own accord. If you don't I can promise you that there will be serious repercussions.

You've been warned.

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4 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Wolfie and I have been conferring via PM and we both concur that you're no longer welcome here.

Strange that, you mentioned before that you and Woofles sent each other love letters on a regular basis, when you get your own site, then you get to make ultimatums.

Until then, go fuck yourself (and your boyfriend)

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26 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Wolfie and I have been conferring via PM and we both concur that you're no longer welcome here.

Just this once I'll ask nicely that you leave of your own accord. If you don't I can promise you that there will be serious repercussions.

You've been warned.

Breach of Rule 8.

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Guest judgetwi
On 01/11/2021 at 19:55, Decimus said:

Boris Johnson may not be able to wipe his fat fucking arse without smearing shit half way up his back, but he does know a fair bit about classical history.

Attending the G20 in Rome, he has likened the mass migration that will probably result from devastating climate change to the vast movements of people that were a key factor in bringing down the western Roman Empire. Keen to politicise history to anachronistically reflect modern left wing thinking, academics and D grade GCSE History students have labelled his statement as inaccurate and rayyyycist. 

The reasons for the fall of Roman civilisation in the west were of course multi-faceted, but it's generally accepted that the mass migration of barbarian Germanic tribes across the Empire's border, along with their infiltration into the imperial army, was a huge factor in the downfall of Rome.

Whilst this inconvenient fact may upset refugee loving NIMBY types who dogmatically approve of open borders just so long as the foreign hordes are housed 150 miles away from their leafy suburbs, it's the cold hard truth. Boris may be a fucking idiot, but he's clever enough to recognise that history can teach us valuable lessons. His critics would rather open the floodgates, tear down statues and throw themselves willingly upon the knives of incoming Somali hordes in the name of racial equality than accept anything that goes against what the Guardian has brainwashed them into believing.

A very teleological view of history, if I may say so, and a rather confusing, almost contradictory, narrative from somebody who is constantly crying about “the poor Palestinian children”. 

You can’t pick and choose your barbarian hordes, Countryboy.

Well, YOU can because you don’t know what the fuck you are talking about do you? 

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14 hours ago, judgetwi said:

A very teleological view of history, if I may say so, and a rather confusing, almost contradictory, narrative from somebody who is constantly crying about “the poor Palestinian children”. 

You can’t pick and choose your barbarian hordes, Countryboy.

Well, YOU can because you don’t know what the fuck you are talking about do you? 

It wasn't the Palestinians who descended on another people's territory in hordes and stole all their land. Of course, your magical religious book tells you that you were all there 2000 years ago so of course that gives you a right to squat there indefinitely forever more.

I hope you'd extend the same respect to the Welsh if they ever flood out of the valleys to reclaim Llogeyr whilst murdering English children.

Thick cunt.

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On 01/11/2021 at 19:55, Decimus said:

Boris Johnson may not be able to wipe his fat fucking arse without smearing shit half way up his back, but he does know a fair bit about classical history.

Attending the G20 in Rome, he has likened the mass migration that will probably result from devastating climate change to the vast movements of people that were a key factor in bringing down the western Roman Empire. Keen to politicise history to anachronistically reflect modern left wing thinking, academics and D grade GCSE History students have labelled his statement as inaccurate and rayyyycist. 

The reasons for the fall of Roman civilisation in the west were of course multi-faceted, but it's generally accepted that the mass migration of barbarian Germanic tribes across the Empire's border, along with their infiltration into the imperial army, was a huge factor in the downfall of Rome.

Whilst this inconvenient fact may upset refugee loving NIMBY types who dogmatically approve of open borders just so long as the foreign hordes are housed 150 miles away from their leafy suburbs, it's the cold hard truth. Boris may be a fucking idiot, but he's clever enough to recognise that history can teach us valuable lessons. His critics would rather open the floodgates, tear down statues and throw themselves willingly upon the knives of incoming Somali hordes in the name of racial equality than accept anything that goes against what the Guardian has brainwashed them into believing.

These are but the children of the empire coming home to the mother country izall decco baby



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  • 4 months later...

'Slavery was abhorrent' says Prince William in rare remarks during Jamaica speech .. strangely enough this was being taught in English schools back in the 1950s. A question for Jamaicans would you 1) rather now be in Jamaica and a Jamaican or 2) would you rather be back in Africa where those ancestors of yours were taken from  200 years ago? At one point the USA returned some slaves to the continent from which their ancestors came and they formed a wonderful free and democratic country called Liberia.

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5 hours ago, Dead Penelope said:

'Slavery was abhorrent' says Prince William in rare remarks during Jamaica speech .. strangely enough this was being taught in English schools back in the 1950s. A question for Jamaicans would you 1) rather now be in Jamaica and a Jamaican or 2) would you rather be back in Africa where those ancestors of yours were taken from  200 years ago? At one point the USA returned some slaves to the continent from which their ancestors came and they formed a wonderful free and democratic country called Liberia.

I like Mozambique. It has the bestest flag.

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