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The strange and recent phenomena of people who seemed healthy and wouldn’t in normal times be OK one day and 3 days later be dead.

King Billy

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16 hours ago, King Billy said:

The concept of choosing never to closely associate with known kidfuckers is something which would appear to be ‘somewhat alien’ to Billyboy Gates (who you keep defending, for reasons known only to yourself) so maybe I should just be thankful that I’m simply far too stupid to understand the complexities of the everyday lives of the paedo super rich elites. And also too poor now that I’ve apparently blown the lot on dental implants...

Not defending the person per se, merely countering the nonsensical output of an obsession which at times borders on the psychotic.

16 hours ago, King Billy said:

...Which still leaves the original point unanswered. Coincidence or Peter Crouch/Abbey Clancy level stroke of luck investing in BioNTech in Sept 2019?

The answer is of course is neither which I am happy to expand on once you have cleared the backlog of questions which you have persistently avoided.

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12 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Not defending the person per se, merely countering the nonsensical output of an obsession which at times borders on the psychotic.

The answer is of course is neither which I am happy to expand on once you have cleared the backlog of questions which you have persistently avoided.

Absolutely staggering even for you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Where the fuck is The Vulcan?

It’s been two weeks since all her fellow lizard people slithered back into their private jets at Davos with this years instructions from Klaus Schwab safely packed away in their official WEF briefcases, then hurtling upwards towards the clouds through a peasoup of CO2 and headed back to every corner of the Earth to implement the latest set of tyrannical restrictions on the everyday lives of us 99.9% of humanity who they rely on to pay for their heroic leadership.

I genuinely hope she hasn’t succumbed to the inevitable side effects from her latest booster dose of the lifesaving and ‘totally safe and totally effective’ mRNA miracle jab, because if that were to be the case, then not only would she be dead but she’d also be unable to apologise to me for these last several years that I’ve tried to stop her making any more of a fool of herself than she already was.

I do hope she’s OK. (sort of).

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  • 3 weeks later...
26 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

Well, Bill, it turns out your conspiracy theories were all bollocks, and Covid was actually just racist.

Put race at centre of Covid enquiry

That Dilbert chap will be pleased.


Poor old COVID. There he was minding his own business after being genetically engineered by Bill Gates in a Chinese lab, when someone suggested he could do with a holiday. Three years later a few blacks are dead and now he's Hitler. 

Meanwhile, Sickle Cell Anaemia is sat there with a huge grin on his face because he's got away with it for another year.

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On 09/02/2023 at 21:59, King Billy said:

Where the fuck is The Vulcan?

It’s been two weeks since all her fellow lizard people slithered back into their private jets at Davos with this years instructions from Klaus Schwab safely packed away in their official WEF briefcases, then hurtling upwards towards the clouds through a peasoup of CO2 and headed back to every corner of the Earth to implement the latest set of tyrannical restrictions on the everyday lives of us 99.9% of humanity who they rely on to pay for their heroic leadership.

I genuinely hope she hasn’t succumbed to the inevitable side effects from her latest booster dose of the lifesaving and ‘totally safe and totally effective’ mRNA miracle jab, because if that were to be the case, then not only would she be dead but she’d also be unable to apologise to me for these last several years that I’ve tried to stop her making any more of a fool of herself than she already was.

I do hope she’s OK. (sort of).

I'm concerned about her KB... She was never the same after the 4th jab, she's now on her 41st booster and it's not looking good is it. On a different note, I've noticed in all the 'during Covid' recordings of Salvage Hunters and other shows, how stupid social distancing is/was Lol, they're all stood there about 2 metres apart... In the same fucking building lol, with no handshaking etc. I'll never forget meeting up with this lovely red head during Covid, early thirties and a great body. Met up with her in a restaurant and I was sat there, no mask on and looking the part... She appeared at the entrance, stopped and put a fucking mask on to walk all of 7 yards to my table lol... It was in that moment I knew it wasn't going to last. Don't get me wrong, I gave her loads of pounding over a pleasant month or so, however she let herself down with that sheep like behaviour. A damn shame. 

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On 10/02/2023 at 02:59, King Billy said:

Where the fuck is The Vulcan?

It’s been two weeks since all her fellow lizard people slithered back into their private jets at Davos with this years instructions from Klaus Schwab safely packed away in their official WEF briefcases, then hurtling upwards towards the clouds through a peasoup of CO2 and headed back to every corner of the Earth to implement the latest set of tyrannical restrictions on the everyday lives of us 99.9% of humanity who they rely on to pay for their heroic leadership.

I genuinely hope she hasn’t succumbed to the inevitable side effects from her latest booster dose of the lifesaving and ‘totally safe and totally effective’ mRNA miracle jab, because if that were to be the case, then not only would she be dead but she’d also be unable to apologise to me for these last several years that I’ve tried to stop her making any more of a fool of herself than she already was.

I do hope she’s OK. (sort of).

Bill I’ve blown the budget on a Maldives trip for Roops and I. My wife in waiting does not know it yet l, but I’m going to live stream a proposal of marriage, I think it’s a done deal but wish me luck. 

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11 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:


Well, Bill, it turns out your conspiracy theories were all bollocks,


Probably, but I’ve given all that up, now that I’ve learned that ‘bollocks’ (like gender) are nothing more than a social construct and part of the historical male/white/heterosexual/ Judaeo Christian hierarchy, which has brutally oppressed the helpless freaks, layabouts, degenerate perverts , mentally deficients and just about every other type of loser on Earth, until very recently when the internet age has exposed their nefarious activities for all to see.

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3 hours ago, Eddie said:

Bill I’ve blown the budget on a Maldives trip for Roops and I. My wife in waiting does not know it yet l, but I’m going to live stream a proposal of marriage, I think it’s a done deal but wish me luck. 

Good luck Ed. I hope the weathers nice at least.

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7 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

I'm concerned about her KB... She was never the same after the 4th jab, she's now on her 41st booster and it's not looking good is it.

I’m sure she’ll be OK. She’s got the bingo wings to take another 41 boosters at least. But seriously though I hope she’s dead.

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7 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

I'm concerned about her KB... She was never the same after the 4th jab, she's now on her 41st booster and it's not looking good is it. On a different note, I've noticed in all the 'during Covid' recordings of Salvage Hunters and other shows, how stupid social distancing is/was Lol, they're all stood there about 2 metres apart... In the same fucking building lol, with no handshaking etc. I'll never forget meeting up with this lovely red head during Covid, early thirties and a great body. Met up with her in a restaurant and I was sat there, no mask on and looking the part... She appeared at the entrance, stopped and put a fucking mask on to walk all of 7 yards to my table lol... It was in that moment I knew it wasn't going to last. Don't get me wrong, I gave her loads of pounding over a pleasant month or so, however she let herself down with that sheep like behaviour. A damn shame. 

During the height of the batflu insanity I used to see all these fit looking Doris’s going about their business masked up, and the only thing I could think of in mitigation of their obvious stupidity was ‘I’d like to fuck that with just her mask on’.

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  • 2 months later...

Probably nothing but The Independant are reporting that deaths from blood clots in the U.K. are up 20 odd percent from the pre Covid average numbers. And the NHS which stopped regularly publishing the statistics during the ‘pandemic’ around the same time as the Astra Zennica experiment was being linked to a rise in blood clots (and then mysteriously disappeared without explanation from the list of available ‘safe and effective’ jibby jabbies), are still very reluctant to publish any regular data on this subject, even after repeated requests from ‘Thrombosis U.K.’ I guess it’s just a similar non story like the 20% + increase in excess deaths across the world which has been thoroughly debunked when any questions have been asked. ‘Shut up and stop asking questions’ is the ‘scientific and political consensus’ which seems to have put that one to bed. And thank fuck too. I mean what is going on nowadays when lunatics like Andrew Bridgen MP can stand up in the House of Commons and politely ask for an urgent parliamentary debate on the excess deaths in his and every other constituency across the country? Thank God for Penny Mordaunt (WEF Cocksucker General) who co authored a book with Klauss Schwab 🙏 and also possesses a fine pair of tits, putting this dangerous scaremonger with no expertise on this subject (apart from a degree in biochemistry lol) in his place and ridiculing his preposterous request. 
It’s almost as if the lizard people are afraid of something, but that would be silly wouldn’t it?


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Guest Shitpipe Sid
9 hours ago, King Billy said:

Probably nothing but The Independant are reporting that deaths from blood clots in the U.K. are up 20 odd percent from the pre Covid average numbers. And the NHS which stopped regularly publishing the statistics during the ‘pandemic’ around the same time as the Astra Zennica experiment was being linked to a rise in blood clots (and then mysteriously disappeared without explanation from the list of available ‘safe and effective’ jibby jabbies), are still very reluctant to publish any regular data on this subject, even after repeated requests from ‘Thrombosis U.K.’ I guess it’s just a similar non story like the 20% + increase in excess deaths across the world which has been thoroughly debunked when any questions have been asked. ‘Shut up and stop asking questions’ is the ‘scientific and political consensus’ which seems to have put that one to bed. And thank fuck too. I mean what is going on nowadays when lunatics like Andrew Bridgen MP can stand up in the House of Commons and politely ask for an urgent parliamentary debate on the excess deaths in his and every other constituency across the country? Thank God for Penny Mordaunt (WEF Cocksucker General) who co authored a book with Klauss Schwab 🙏 and also possesses a fine pair of tits, putting this dangerous scaremonger with no expertise on this subject (apart from a degree in biochemistry lol) in his place and ridiculing his preposterous request. 
It’s almost as if the lizard people are afraid of something, but that would be silly wouldn’t it?


Let's be honest here. Bridgen actually has a pretty good pair of tits too.

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18 hours ago, King Billy said:

Probably nothing but The Independant are reporting that deaths from blood clots in the U.K. are up 20 odd percent from the pre Covid average numbers. And the NHS which stopped regularly publishing the statistics during the ‘pandemic’ around the same time as the Astra Zennica experiment was being linked to a rise in blood clots (and then mysteriously disappeared without explanation from the list of available ‘safe and effective’ jibby jabbies), are still very reluctant to publish any regular data on this subject, even after repeated requests from ‘Thrombosis U.K.’ I guess it’s just a similar non story like the 20% + increase in excess deaths across the world which has been thoroughly debunked when any questions have been asked. ‘Shut up and stop asking questions’ is the ‘scientific and political consensus’ which seems to have put that one to bed. And thank fuck too. I mean what is going on nowadays when lunatics like Andrew Bridgen MP can stand up in the House of Commons and politely ask for an urgent parliamentary debate on the excess deaths in his and every other constituency across the country? Thank God for Penny Mordaunt (WEF Cocksucker General) who co authored a book with Klauss Schwab 🙏 and also possesses a fine pair of tits, putting this dangerous scaremonger with no expertise on this subject (apart from a degree in biochemistry lol) in his place and ridiculing his preposterous request. 
It’s almost as if the lizard people are afraid of something, but that would be silly wouldn’t it?


Sausage fingers full speed swamp dredging, looking for this gem of utter cunt. 

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  • 3 months later...

This paper is well beyond my scope of knowledge. However, it appears spike production is still occurring long after the injection. An important comparison group would be those who have had infection, but not the poison. 
Either way, the more I get the idea these bastards don’t really know what these injections do nor did they care before given regulatory approval.


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9 hours ago, The Beast said:

This paper is well beyond my scope of knowledge. However, it appears spike production is still occurring long after the injection. An important comparison group would be those who have had infection, but not the poison. 
Either way, the more I get the idea these bastards don’t really know what these injections do nor did they care before given regulatory approval.


I can't believe your spinning out this anti-vaccine paranoia well after the virus has receded. You're just moping on about the inevitable ripple effects on public health of the disease not the remedies. Why don't you get on your high horse about the lack of MRI Scanners compared to other countries so this useful new way of prostrate Screening is well and truly fucked at the outset by lack of funding as with everything fucking else in this country. Go and fucking make an argument about something useful or fuck off. 

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11 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

I can't believe your spinning out this anti-vaccine paranoia well after the virus has receded. You're just moping on about the inevitable ripple effects on public health of the disease not the remedies. Why don't you get on your high horse about the lack of MRI Scanners compared to other countries so this useful new way of prostrate Screening is well and truly fucked at the outset by lack of funding as with everything fucking else in this country. Go and fucking make an argument about something useful or fuck off. 

Shut the cunt up and choke yourself.

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11 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

I can't believe your spinning out this anti-vaccine paranoia well after the virus has receded. You're just moping on about the inevitable ripple effects on public health of the disease not the remedies. Why don't you get on your high horse about the lack of MRI Scanners compared to other countries so this useful new way of prostrate Screening is well and truly fucked at the outset by lack of funding as with everything fucking else in this country. Go and fucking make an argument about something useful or fuck off. 



Fuck off.

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53 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

I can't believe your spinning out this anti-vaccine paranoia well after the virus has receded. You're just moping on about the inevitable ripple effects on public health of the disease not the remedies. Why don't you get on your high horse about the lack of MRI Scanners compared to other countries so this useful new way of prostrate Screening is well and truly fucked at the outset by lack of funding as with everything fucking else in this country. Go and fucking make an argument about something useful or fuck off. 

I’d happily check your prostate with a blow-torch on a jack-hammer soaked in acid. Fucking bellwipe cunt.




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