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The strange and recent phenomena of people who seemed healthy and wouldn’t in normal times be OK one day and 3 days later be dead.

King Billy

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14 minutes ago, Frank said:

When I lay it on a plate.. an open goal like the above, I expect you to make me laugh. Up your game, imp. 

I’m sailing again, Francis. I’ve just dined in The Gato Nero in Burano. The fennel drenched soft-shell crab I’ve just eaten had a higher IQ than you and was marginally more relevant to this site. Do feel free to fuck off.

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14 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Your post and the proceeding post about Astra Zeneca

Proceeding? MENSA?🤣

Sorry Luv but it’s blindingly obvious that you aren’t the big brained super genius that you’d like everyone to think you are. It pains me to say it but you don’t know your o’s from your e’s , never mind your Alans from your Andrews, so give it a rest, have a word with yourself in a dark room and hope that Panzy and Pen will still be there for you when (or if) you feel you’re ready for a comeback.😘

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8 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

I’m sailing again, Francis. I’ve just dined in The Gato Nero in Burano. The fennel drenched soft-shell crab I’ve just eaten had a higher IQ than you and was marginally more relevant to this site. Do feel free to fuck off.

I don't know what it is about you, DC. I've tried to like you.. god knows we need something on here. You just come across like a tosser. 

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12 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

I’m sailing again, Francis. I’ve just dined in The Gato Nero in Burano. The fennel drenched soft-shell crab I’ve just eaten had a higher IQ than you and was marginally more relevant to this site. Do feel free to fuck off.

Frank will be having dinner and a good bumming by some drunken fat businessman at the moment. Bent over the rodent infested dumpster behind the filthy kebab shop opposite his bedsit (which he luckily inherited the council tenancy of due to Mitch’s sudden self inflicted demise when he just couldn’t live with the shame of being allegedly involved in Frank’s creation any longer.

Im sure he’ll get back to you when his belly and his arsehole are full to the brim and I don’t doubt that his response will prove once and for all that he’s the best on here (not).

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49 minutes ago, Frank said:

When I lay it on a plate.. an open goal like the above, I expect you to make me laugh. Up your game, imp. 

A carefully laid trap more like, you stupid old bastard.

It doesn't to take a genius to work out that whenever you ask a question, it's guaranteed to be loaded.

Cretinous Alec Baldwin cunt.

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8 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Frank will be having dinner and a good bumming by some drunken fat businessman at the moment. Bent over the rodent infested dumpster behind the filthy kebab shop opposite his bedsit (which he luckily inherited the council tenancy of due to Mitch’s sudden self inflicted demise when he just couldn’t live with the shame of being allegedly involved in Frank’s creation any longer.

Im sure he’ll get back to you when his belly and his arsehole are full to the brim and I don’t doubt that his response will prove once and for all that he’s the best on here (not).

Jazz-esque. Dopey little eggy-faced runt. 

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12 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Project Veritas, an extreme far-right organisation with links to the Proud Boys has been discussed previously.

Let’s discuss it a bit more then, shall we? At the time of speaking now the video of the Pfizer bender running his mouth off, hoping to get a bumfuck shortly afterwards has gone viral (35m+) and Pfizer have stopped posting on all their social media accounts, blocked all comments and don’t seem to want to respond to numerous requests for a statement about the video. 💉👎

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4 hours ago, King Billy said:

It’s a sure sign that a story is important when Google overnight erase almost everything about the lead player, hoping that the millions of searches that come up with almost nothing except the odd (unrelated to Pfizer) mention of the cunt will sway the narrative in the direction they want ie He’s nobody, nothing to see here. This is the manipulative power that big tech has nowadays. They can and do decide what people are allowed to know. Even when the truth comes out they know they can make it disappear or if not that they can smear and discredit the source of the story. You just have to look at The Vulcan for proof of their ability to make people of average (or slightly below in her case) intelligence, think and act exactly how it’s been decided for them.

It does seem like an own goal when the videos and the poof's employment history, qualifications and research papers are being put up on twitter.


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5 hours ago, Frank said:

Jazz-esque. Dopey little eggy-faced runt. 

That keyboard entry. Where you want me baby? Where ya want me? Une, deux, trois..  Call the fucking cops. 

You're the man, you're the man, you're twisting, twisting to fucccccckkkkk.

Ya talk so hiiiiippppppp

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On 27/01/2023 at 00:43, The Beast said:

Re the project veritas videos. I get the feeling my pisser is being pulled.

The brown bum boy isn't a big shot, or at least I hope he is not.  He never did much in medicine as a hospital clinician. Pfizer haven't denied the poof works for them either.

How much knowledge of Pfizer's strategy he has, fuck knows.

Saying he lied on a date to impress? Of course if you want sex then this is one way of getting it. Making these claims seems a weird way to impress someone. Doesn't make him look smart whatsoever, just a nasty piece of shit. 

It is clear the gain of function work was US government sponsored. It is also clear Pfizer and Moderna are just contractors supplying products for a Department of Defence project. 

Re the stopping of the primary course here in UK plc on 12th February.

Deaths by vaccination status data is long overdue, none published since July last year, which covered period up to May 2022. Problems with census data and people not included, plus delays in collation due to booster. Whether tis is true or not, that's what we are being told. Next tranche of data is due out February. I know it won't look good for vaccinated. Logically, if the unvaccinated were dying off disproportionately, particularly in the younger age ranges, it would be rubbed in our faces 24/7 by same MSM that has been smearing the unvaccinated the last 2 years. I see absolutely no evidence of it in clinical practice either.


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On 27/01/2023 at 17:54, King Billy said:

You’re the one whose blind faith in the so called ‘factcheckers’ ensures that you are constantly mugged off. However I don’t believe for one minute that you’re quite stupid enough not to know that there’s something very very wrong with these experimental treatments. Imo it’s just your enormous ego that fuels your ‘Im right, you’re an idiot. Shut up’ narrative, and stops you admitting (even to yourself) that a hell of a lot of people are waking up to the reality that Covid 19 is and has been from the start a con trick played out on billions of people by a handful of powerful super rich tyrants, who think they have the right to decide the future of the world and all it’s population.

Talking of ‘powerful super rich tyrants’ I commented a week or so ago on Billyboy Gates investing hundreds of millions of dollars in brand new start up company BioNTech in Sept 2019, and then ‘holy moley’ before you can say Epstein Island, right on cue Covid 19 comes along and Pfizer partner up with BioNTech to save the world with a basically untried and untested experimental treatment. Can you see why some people might think that Mr. Gates is up to his lizard neck in the scam? He sold most of his BioNTech stock just recently, needless to say earning himself a vast profit, but probably because he now realises that it’s quickly becoming not the best idea to be closely connected to Pfizer going forward, with the GOP in the majority in congress. 

Cue…. ‘You’re an idiot. I’m right. Shut up Billy.’ 🤣

...and yet you've never managed to disprove or at least counter any of the "fact checks" which rather makes your POV irrelevant. When you mention a "hell of a lot of people" I presume this is another vid cobbled together by Sid Slackjaw of a dozen bods extolling "global conspiracy" which you see as representative of the informed majority?

As for Gates, he did sell a portion of his BioNtec shares but still retains a major shareholding. I'd wager he sold a derivative position which he has done several times over (buying and selling) with other holdings including Microsoft. This is standard procedure in the world of asset management and Gates would be no different as he has several portfolios including two Trusts. This is standard portfolio rebalancing. In your defence I appreciate such concepts would be somewhat alien to a person who's most expensive asset is his own teeth.

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14 hours ago, King Billy said:

Proceeding? MENSA?🤣

Sorry Luv but it’s blindingly obvious that you aren’t the big brained super genius that you’d like everyone to think you are. It pains me to say it but you don’t know your o’s from your e’s , never mind your Alans from your Andrews, so give it a rest, have a word with yourself in a dark room and hope that Panzy and Pen will still be there for you when (or if) you feel you’re ready for a comeback.😘

Well, you've just shot yourself in the foot but your either too dense or rattled (maybe both) to realise it. :rolleyes:

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11 hours ago, King Billy said:

Let’s discuss it a bit more then, shall we? At the time of speaking now the video of the Pfizer bender running his mouth off, hoping to get a bumfuck shortly afterwards has gone viral (35m+) and Pfizer have stopped posting on all their social media accounts, blocked all comments and don’t seem to want to respond to numerous requests for a statement about the video. 💉👎

You appear to answered on behalf of Pfizer, haven't you? Why get into to the sordid motivations of one of their employees when there are gobshites doing the work for them?

As for search engines nixing content, a quick perusal of same would suggest otherwise. Project Veritas appear to be giving it large on their YouTube channel and I'm presuming this the same YouTube that is wholly owned by um...Google!

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8 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

I appreciate such concepts would be somewhat alien to a person who's most expensive asset is his own teeth.

The concept of choosing never to closely associate with known kidfuckers is something which would appear to be ‘somewhat alien’ to Billyboy Gates (who you keep defending, for reasons known only to yourself) so maybe I should just be thankful that I’m simply far too stupid to understand the complexities of the everyday lives of the paedo super rich elites. And also too poor now that I’ve apparently blown the lot on dental implants. 
Which still leaves the original point unanswered. Coincidence or Peter Crouch/Abbey Clancy level stroke of luck investing in BioNTech in Sept 2019?

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8 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Why get into to the sordid motivations of one of their employees when there are gobshites doing the work for them?


You’re being a bit hard on yourself luv. I’ve never considered you a gobshite. Keep your chin up and it’ll all feel better tomorrow. 😘

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