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The strange and recent phenomena of people who seemed healthy and wouldn’t in normal times be OK one day and 3 days later be dead.

King Billy

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On 17/01/2023 at 18:50, King Billy said:

Surely there’s a 2 mile long vaccination queue somewhere that you could be standing in, where you’d feel a bit less bored. 💉🤣

I dont cue billy thats for serfs ,I just send my bin lorry into the crowd its up to them to move away for my bill gates jab.

If I take them out in process france nice style ,ive owned the deepstate.

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20 minutes ago, Snowy said:

I dont cue billy thats for serfs ,I just send my bin lorry into the crowd its up to them to move away for my bill gates jab.

If I take them out in process france nice style ,ive owned the deepstate.

I've got absolutely no idea what you're going on about, Snowy, but I'm beaked out of my fucking mind and it made me laugh none the less. 

Do you enjoy the musical stylings of Haddaway and Mark Morrison?

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13 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

What you know was established many years ago and is a matter of public record.

I see that the JCVI have just recommended that the under 50s are not offered mRNA vaccines from 12th Feb. I guess they don’t want to see the excess death rate go up any higher than it already is, as a few of the gutless and hitherto silent MPs have started to ask awkward questions which the tyrants (Whitty, Johnson, Hancock etc. really don’t want to ever answer.

Oh I almost forgot. YouTube 

Project Veritas

’Pfizer Exposed…….’

“Come on now. just roll that sleeve up. You can trust us. We’re Pfizer.” 

What Id like to know is, Are you 
still OK being a Guinea Pig to ensure their record profits keep rising?

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3 minutes ago, King Billy said:

I see that the JCVI have just recommended that the under 50s are not offered mRNA vaccines from 12th Feb. I guess they don’t want to see the excess death rate go up any higher than it already is, as a few of the gutless and hitherto silent MPs have started to ask awkward questions which the tyrants (Whitty, Johnson, Hancock etc. really don’t want to ever answer.

Oh I almost forgot. YouTube 

Project Veritas

’Pfizer Exposed…….’

“Come on now. just roll that sleeve up. You can trust us. We’re Pfizer.” 

What Id like to know is, Are you 
still OK being a Guinea Pig to ensure their record profits keep rising?

That’s it. I’ve changed my mind. I would like to be murdered by feral blacks.

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3 hours ago, King Billy said:

I see that the JCVI have just recommended that the under 50s are not offered mRNA vaccines from 12th Feb. I guess they don’t want to see the excess death rate go up any higher than it already is, as a few of the gutless and hitherto silent MPs have started to ask awkward questions which the tyrants (Whitty, Johnson, Hancock etc. really don’t want to ever answer.

Oh I almost forgot. YouTube 

Project Veritas

’Pfizer Exposed…….’

“Come on now. just roll that sleeve up. You can trust us. We’re Pfizer.” 

What Id like to know is, Are you 
still OK being a Guinea Pig to ensure their record profits keep rising?

Re the project veritas videos. I get the feeling my pisser is being pulled.

The brown bum boy isn't a big shot, or at least I hope he is not.  He never did much in medicine as a hospital clinician. Pfizer haven't denied the poof works for them either.

How much knowledge of Pfizer's strategy he has, fuck knows.

Saying he lied on a date to impress? Of course if you want sex then this is one way of getting it. Making these claims seems a weird way to impress someone. Doesn't make him look smart whatsoever, just a nasty piece of shit. 

It is clear the gain of function work was US government sponsored. It is also clear Pfizer and Moderna are just contractors supplying products for a Department of Defence project. 

Re the stopping of the primary course here in UK plc on 12th February.

Deaths by vaccination status data is long overdue, none published since July last year, which covered period up to May 2022. Problems with census data and people not included, plus delays in collation due to booster. Whether tis is true or not, that's what we are being told. Next tranche of data is due out February. I know it won't look good for vaccinated. Logically, if the unvaccinated were dying off disproportionately, particularly in the younger age ranges, it would be rubbed in our faces 24/7 by same MSM that has been smearing the unvaccinated the last 2 years. I see absolutely no evidence of it in clinical practice either.

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16 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:


Please, just fucking stop. Billy on the naughty step, Roops on the haughty step.. and both stay there until you’ve thought about how many years you’ve wasted on this shit and one of you grows up enough to desist.


Do pipe down - as one of the key instigators and major contributor to the site's most infantile thread you are in no position to preach about growing up.

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10 hours ago, King Billy said:

I see that the JCVI have just recommended that the under 50s are not offered mRNA vaccines from 12th Feb. I guess they don’t want to see the excess death rate go up any higher than it already is, as a few of the gutless and hitherto silent MPs have started to ask awkward questions which the tyrants (Whitty, Johnson, Hancock etc. really don’t want to ever answer.

Oh I almost forgot. YouTube 

Project Veritas

’Pfizer Exposed…….’

“Come on now. just roll that sleeve up. You can trust us. We’re Pfizer.” 

What Id like to know is, Are you 
still OK being a Guinea Pig to ensure their record profits keep rising?

The JCVI actually said that those under 50 who are not in clinical risk groups, front line medical and social occupations will not be offered mRNA vaccines.

Your post and the proceeding post about Astra Zeneca are non-stories or rather not in the vein of the conspiracy nonsense you've continually spewed out from the outset. Recent variants of Covid whilst still contagious are resulting in much milder symptoms and long-term effects. This should be simple to understand by all except the simple-minded. Someone has mugged you off again...

Project Veritas, an extreme far-right organisation with links to the Proud Boys has been discussed previously.

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2 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Do pipe down - as one of the key instigators and major contributor to the site's most infantile thread you are in no position to preach about growing up.

Do as you’re fucking told for once. If your argument is.. “but.. but.. you did flidspack so shut up!”, you haven’t got one.

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1 minute ago, Frank said:

Decs I'll be in Cromer over the weekend and was hoping you could suggest a good authentic Indian. I'm up for an eyeball if you can muster up the courage to finally put a face to the name. I'd bet my life on you not having any shoulders. 

Was this funnier when you first used it in 2014? 

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1 hour ago, Frank said:

Decs I'll be in Cromer over the weekend and was hoping you could suggest a good authentic Indian. I'm up for an eyeball if you can muster up the courage to finally put a face to the name. I'd bet my life on you not having any shoulders. 

You'll hear a lot of good things said about 'Indian on the Cliff'. Namely that it's none of your Bangladeshi shit because the darky that owns it is a Punjabi. Despite the thought of "authentic" Indian cuisine no doubt appealing to a pretentious cunt such as yourself, do yourself a favour and avoid.

If you were to ask a cunt like Neil who believes that Pataks is the peak of the subcontinent's cuisine, you'll probably be pointed to Labone in Sheringham. I know you've got a few quid from Mitch's royalties, but I'd save your money there as well.

The best thing you can do is to remain at least two hundred miles away from me at all times and knock up a plagiarised Vivek Singh recipe in your Barbican one-bed.

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44 minutes ago, Decimus said:

You'll hear a lot of good things said about 'Indian on the Cliff'. Namely that it's none of your Bangladeshi shit because the darky that owns it is a Punjabi. Despite the thought of "authentic" Indian cuisine no doubt appealing to a pretentious cunt such as yourself, do yourself a favour and avoid.

If you were to ask a cunt like Neil who believes that Pataks is the peak of the subcontinent's cuisine, you'll probably be pointed to Labone in Sheringham. I know you've got a few quid from Mitch's royalties, but I'd save your money there as well.

The best thing you can do is to remain at least two hundred miles away from me at all times and knock up a plagiarised Vivek Singh recipe in your Barbican one-bed.


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2 hours ago, Decimus said:

I've often wondered if they realise the irony of their chosen moniker sounding like the gayest fucking name in history. 


Re. re-criminalize sodomy.

Where would the Greeks, French and Italians be without it?

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7 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Project Veritas, an extreme far-right organisation with links to the Proud Boys has been discussed previously.

You’re the one whose blind faith in the so called ‘factcheckers’ ensures that you are constantly mugged off. However I don’t believe for one minute that you’re quite stupid enough not to know that there’s something very very wrong with these experimental treatments. Imo it’s just your enormous ego that fuels your ‘Im right, you’re an idiot. Shut up’ narrative, and stops you admitting (even to yourself) that a hell of a lot of people are waking up to the reality that Covid 19 is and has been from the start a con trick played out on billions of people by a handful of powerful super rich tyrants, who think they have the right to decide the future of the world and all it’s population.

Talking of ‘powerful super rich tyrants’ I commented a week or so ago on Billyboy Gates investing hundreds of millions of dollars in brand new start up company BioNTech in Sept 2019, and then ‘holy moley’ before you can say Epstein Island, right on cue Covid 19 comes along and Pfizer partner up with BioNTech to save the world with a basically untried and untested experimental treatment. Can you see why some people might think that Mr. Gates is up to his lizard neck in the scam? He sold most of his BioNTech stock just recently, needless to say earning himself a vast profit, but probably because he now realises that it’s quickly becoming not the best idea to be closely connected to Pfizer going forward, with the GOP in the majority in congress. 

Cue…. ‘You’re an idiot. I’m right. Shut up Billy.’ 🤣







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17 hours ago, The Beast said:

The brown bum boy isn't a big shot, or at least I hope he is not.  He never did much in medicine as a hospital clinician. Pfizer haven't denied the poof works for them either.


It’s a sure sign that a story is important when Google overnight erase almost everything about the lead player, hoping that the millions of searches that come up with almost nothing except the odd (unrelated to Pfizer) mention of the cunt will sway the narrative in the direction they want ie He’s nobody, nothing to see here. This is the manipulative power that big tech has nowadays. They can and do decide what people are allowed to know. Even when the truth comes out they know they can make it disappear or if not that they can smear and discredit the source of the story. You just have to look at The Vulcan for proof of their ability to make people of average (or slightly below in her case) intelligence, think and act exactly how it’s been decided for them.

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6 hours ago, Decimus said:

You'll hear a lot of good things said about 'Indian on the Cliff'. Namely that it's none of your Bangladeshi shit because the darky that owns it is a Punjabi. Despite the thought of "authentic" Indian cuisine no doubt appealing to a pretentious cunt such as yourself, do yourself a favour and avoid.

If you were to ask a cunt like Neil who believes that Pataks is the peak of the subcontinent's cuisine, you'll probably be pointed to Labone in Sheringham. I know you've got a few quid from Mitch's royalties, but I'd save your money there as well.

The best thing you can do is to remain at least two hundred miles away from me at all times and knock up a plagiarised Vivek Singh recipe in your Barbican one-bed.

When I lay it on a plate.. an open goal like the above, I expect you to make me laugh. Up your game, imp. 

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