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The strange and recent phenomena of people who seemed healthy and wouldn’t in normal times be OK one day and 3 days later be dead.

King Billy

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2 hours ago, Penny Farthing said:

He was so fit and healthy .. there was no reason for him to die.

When we've killed Wiffles and Dickless we'll just have to invent some reasons, although it won't matter that much, nobody gives a fuck about that pair of cunts.⚰️⚰️🧸

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9 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Of course, you do realise that your vid was cobbled together by the World Council for Health which have presented itself as a not for profit worldwide public health agency when in reality its an anti-vax pressure group promoting bogus science such as "post-covid injection syndrome" and "spike protein detox"? Of course not. That's because you've let the likes of Seamus and Sid Slackjaw do your thinking for you. Jeeze, you're so gullible you even got your knickers in a twist over Alan Tate being released.

Leaving aside your ludicrous assertions about the dozens of highly qualified people in the video who are only a few of the ever increasing number of people now publicly raising huge concerns about, and calling for a halt to these vaccines, risking their careers and their reputations in doing so, I’d be grateful if you’d let me know who the fuck Alan Tate is, from what or where exactly has he been released, and when precisely did I get my knickers in a twist about this event?

Seek help. You definitely need it. 😘

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1 hour ago, cunt said:

When we've killed Wiffles and Dickless we'll just have to invent some reasons, although it won't matter that much, nobody gives a fuck about that pair of cunts.⚰️⚰️🧸

Its odd how King Billy always has to post twice.

Its odd how King Billy always has to post twice.

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13 hours ago, King Billy said:

Leaving aside your ludicrous assertions about the dozens of highly qualified people in the video who are only a few of the ever increasing number of people now publicly raising huge concerns about, and calling for a halt to these vaccines, risking their careers and their reputations in doing so, I’d be grateful if you’d let me know who the fuck Alan Tate is, from what or where exactly has he been released, and when precisely did I get my knickers in a twist about this event?

Seek help. You definitely need it. 😘

Gosh, "Dozens" of highly qualified people in the video - I can appreciate what a stupendous game-changer that must be to those afflicted by a myopic mindset. The reality is that the 18 doctors (some ex-doctors) are relying on personal anecdotal observations, none of which have backed up their findings with hard science nor comparative data. As someone who blindly follows whatever slackjaw narrative you been told to think and promulgate I wonder what do the other 120,000 UK registered "highly qualified people" say on the matter? I would suggest you purchase a sturdy flannel to wipe off the powdered egg that's been permanently encrusted on your idiot face these past few years.

As for the Tate saga:-

On 30/12/2022 at 21:47, King Billy said:

Come on Doc. I thought you were a bit smarter than to fall for this deep state takedown so quickly. As usual nowadays the MSM are all over this because Tate has had the bollocks to stick his head above the parapet but let’s see what they have to say (nothing 🤔) when this very conveniently timed ‘breaking fake news’ story quickly runs out of clicks and the climate goblin Greta’s Twitter team have called off the hounds.


On 03/01/2023 at 20:18, King Billy said:

Him and his brother have now been released from custody. Expect all accusations to quietly disappear with only the deafening sound of crickets from the MSM.

Don't act obtuse, you incorrectly stated that Andrew Tate (not Alan, my typo) had been released and for good measure invoked the usual MSM trope of "deafening sounds of crickets". In fact Tate had been placed in a 30 day pre-trial detention. Strange you never came back to correct the slackjaw lie. The words "deafening" and "crickets" spring to mind.  

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19 hours ago, Penny Farthing said:

Its odd how King Billy always has to post twice.

Its odd how King Billy always has to post twice.

Maybe he has to post it twice to convince himself it's the truth?

(or as close to the truth that he'll ever get)😇

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10 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

I wonder what do the other 120,000 UK registered "highly qualified people" say on the matter?

A good question, and their continuing silence says more about them actually. But slowly and surely more of them are finding the courage to raise genuine concerns, knowing they will be labelled as the enemy and might not have a career any more. The tide is turning against the criminal elite who’ve waged war on the population of the world for the last 3 years, and their propagandists (including you and the rest of the pom pom waving cheerleaders) will be held to account. 
What do you think about the GMCs statement that they won’t be be taking any disciplinary action against Dr Aseem Molhatra regarding his statements on this subject in numerous TV interviews recently? Just another highly qualified, highly experienced and in pre 2020 normal times highly respected medical professional who’s decided to become a  tinfoil hatter? 

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On 21/01/2023 at 18:41, Witheredscrote said:

You'd have more luck pushing a kilo of butter up your arsehole, than that happening.  Bon chance.

Withers, I’m watching the departed, I do believe ray fucking winstone is probably the worst actor ever. A true cunt, thoughts?

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12 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

I wonder what do the other 120,000 UK registered "highly qualified people" say on the matter?

Oh them? The ones who were constantly threatened with the sack if they didn’t roll up their sleeves like good little Guinea Pigs and not ask any questions? Like all cowards throughout history most of the cunts are saying absolutely nothing.and hoping they’ll be forgiven because there’s so many of them who were ‘just doing their job’. Imo hanging is too good for them.

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12 hours ago, King Billy said:

A good question, and their continuing silence says more about them actually. But slowly and surely more of them are finding the courage to raise genuine concerns, knowing they will be labelled as the enemy and might not have a career any more. The tide is turning against the criminal elite who’ve waged war on the population of the world for the last 3 years, and their propagandists (including you and the rest of the pom pom waving cheerleaders) will be held to account. 
What do you think about the GMCs statement that they won’t be be taking any disciplinary action against Dr Aseem Molhatra regarding his statements on this subject in numerous TV interviews recently? Just another highly qualified, highly experienced and in pre 2020 normal times highly respected medical professional who’s decided to become a  tinfoil hatter? 


10 hours ago, King Billy said:

Oh them? The ones who were constantly threatened with the sack if they didn’t roll up their sleeves like good little Guinea Pigs and not ask any questions? Like all cowards throughout history most of the cunts are saying absolutely nothing.and hoping they’ll be forgiven because there’s so many of them who were ‘just doing their job’. Imo hanging is too good for them.

Billy, a conversation that you instigated hasn't gone well for you so you resort to the usual conspiracy dog-whistles without any evidence to back up your assertions - a single case of whataboutery will not add one iota of heft to your narrative either. Quoting the same quote twice, no doubt after spending one hour trawling the slackjaw news service between posts sorta gives your game away. Tuck your brittle ego away and come back when your "dozens" becomes tens of thousands then, maybe then you might have something to bleat about.

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14 hours ago, Eddie said:

Withers, I’m watching the departed, I do believe ray fucking winstone is probably the worst actor ever. A true cunt, thoughts?

I suggest you stop looking at a screen, and start jogging, you fat cunt. Changing the subject entirely, I have been reading up about Heteropaternal Superfecundation. It is very interesting. Have you any white siblings Ed?

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3 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:


Billy, a conversation that you instigated hasn't gone well for you so you resort to the usual conspiracy dog-whistles without any evidence to back up your assertions - a single case of whataboutery will not add one iota of heft to your narrative either. Quoting the same quote twice, no doubt after spending one hour trawling the slackjaw news service between posts sorta gives your game away. Tuck your brittle ego away and come back when your "dozens" becomes tens of thousands then, maybe then you might have something to bleat about.

Or maybe it’s just reading the reposts of jumped up know all cunts like you that make it all worthwhile. Run along now Luv. Catch you later.😘

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15 hours ago, Eddie said:

Withers, I’m watching the departed, I do believe ray fucking winstone is probably the worst actor ever. A true cunt, thoughts?

Ed, I’ll tell you something and else tell you nothing less, Winsters is a top man, in all the years that I’ve known him, he never ducked a round and when he stayed in our cock-loft (mid-80’s) he always paid his rent on time and left the bedsheets spotless. Be careful, he hates darkies btw.

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21 hours ago, King Billy said:

Or maybe I’m talking to someone else both times

Or, maybe you could be looking into a mirror and trying to convince yourself you have a clue WTF you're talking about.

I don't care one way or t'other, it passes the time...🕰️

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6 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Apology accepted (again).

KB, where's that overqualified bellend @Goober these days? I remember he couldn't stop apologising to you, Lol. He hasn't logged in since @Wolfie gave him a kick up the bollocks a while ago. I still want him to explain his bizarre 'I have the most qualifications on here' comments and generally weird behaviour.

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6 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Ed, I’ll tell you something and else tell you nothing less, Winsters is a top man, in all the years that I’ve known him, he never ducked a round and when he stayed in our cock-loft (mid-80’s) he always paid his rent on time and left the bedsheets spotless. Be careful, he hates darkies btw.

Au contraire DC. The decrepit old europerv has never paid for a round of drinks in his already far too long life. Purely because no one has ever been desperate or retarded enough to risk being seen in his company in a bar or anywhere else in public. I reckon Panzy wouldn’t even be tempted, but I might be wrong on that one tbh.

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