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The strange and recent phenomena of people who seemed healthy and wouldn’t in normal times be OK one day and 3 days later be dead.

King Billy

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18 minutes ago, Eddie said:

Danson park, 8am cunt, that’s my bird you’re talking about. 

I’ll make sure he gets there Ed, if you promise to bring my brake pads. And if you’ve got a stick on M4 badge bring it too. Some of my neighbours have been asking why my high performance pride and joy has got 14” steel wheels, no rev counter, wind up windows and vinyl seats. Actually fuck the brake pads, it’s got no engine anyway. I just sit in it with my arm out the window for a couple of hours every day.

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27 minutes ago, King Billy said:

I’ll make sure he gets there Ed, if you promise to bring my brake pads. And if you’ve got a stick on M4 badge bring it too. Some of my neighbours have been asking why my high performance pride and joy has got 14” steel wheels, no rev counter, wind up windows and vinyl seats. Actually fuck the brake pads, it’s got no engine anyway. I just sit in it with my arm out the window for a couple of hours every day.

Stay out of this. 

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On 16/08/2022 at 01:01, King Billy said:

Why is it that anyone, no matter how qualified, who questions the one and only lockdown/wear a mask/wait for the miracle vaccine, no other treatments are available, or even allowed to be discussed narrative for the last two and a half years of the plandemic is labelled a danger to society and a lunatic? Why is it that this existential threat to to the future of mankind, which has been manipulated and weaponised for purely political reasons and yet no one seems to have the slightest interest in actually getting to the truth about its origins and the lies and coverups around its emergence or its unleashing by the CCP to be more accurate.? The real pandemic is the cowardice of the so called leaders of the West and the stupidity of the sheep that they rule over, which allows them to get away with their actions.

'Ere, KB, I haven't had a cold for quite a while now. Do you think it's because I've been careful, or have I just been lucky? Mind you, I haven't been outside the fucking house for two and a half years.

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20 hours ago, Arnold said:

'Ere, KB, I haven't had a cold for quite a while now. Do you think it's because I've been careful, or have I just been lucky? Mind you, I haven't been outside the fucking house for two and a half years.

If you never go out again you’ll probably live forever. Take Pen for instance. He/She/It is at least 170 years old, and hasn’t been outside for at least sixty years (mainly because it gets followed by gangs of youths jeering and chucking stones at it), and it hasn’t been ill (apart from the obvious mental disorders) either, but she/he/it is undoubtedly a freak of nature anyway, so probably not the best example to quote.

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Cheers, KB. £10 received and put to good use in the Brexit Arms. Dame June Raine said in a recent MHRA board meeting that they expect to 'fix it whilst we fly.' a somewhat cavalier attitudue. Hardly surprising, given the naked conflict of interests. Regulator or enabler? Good luck getting a diagnosis. The maxiumum one can expect to receive in the event of a severe advrese reaction is circa 120k....which would not go very far. Still, the purveyors of this miracle 'cure' are fully indemnified from all civil and criminal liability. 

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On 19/08/2022 at 02:29, None of The Above said:

I have observerd this site from afar for several years. I much appreciate the divervse range of opinions. Much hilarity has ensued. I have never felt compelled to comment on any of it. My rudimentary understanding is that a 'vaccine' involves an attenuated virus that primes the immune system to respond. The covid vaccines, as Roops states, use an established mechanism....that has never been deployed on a global population. Can we trust the MHRA? Who collect fees from their paymasters. I'm with KB. Roops is a know-it-all establisment shill. Fact check my ring. We don't need to be experts to understand what 'good science' is. The very principle of the scientific method involves revaluation of hypotheses in the light if new data, examaning the flaws and limitations of a model (Neil Ferguson's computer). Wet the bed and bow down to the church of covid. I found it totally unedifying that we were being urged to rat out friends, neighbours and family alike. Never forget, never forgive. Roops is a cunt.

I grassed on all my neighbours and I'm proud of it .. one got put in the slammer.

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15 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Do you think your actions have added to or diminished your popularity locally?

Keep your peepers peeled and your survival shelter stocked with hand sanitizer and face nappies. ‘Tomato Fever’ is entering the ‘let’s fuck with the sheep’ competition. 
And they laughed at “Attack Of The Killer Tomatoes”


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Can anyone explain to me why a number of major diseases in world history appear to have originated in Asia and Africa? Bubonic plague, avian flu, covid, ebola, HIV, monkeypox, zika, SARS, smallpox, and possibly syphilis since the new world origin of that disease has been largely debunked.

I realise that there are a myriad of disease vectors and numerous points to consider, but at the end of the day could it be that it's just because they're backward, animalistic, dirty fucking pigs?

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8 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Can anyone explain to me why a number of major diseases in world history appear to have originated in Asia and Africa? Bubonic plague, avian flu, covid, ebola, HIV, monkeypox, zika, SARS, smallpox, and possibly syphilis since the new world origin of that disease has been largely debunked.

I realise that there are a myriad of disease vectors and numerous points to consider, but at the end of the day could it be that it's just because they're backward, animalistic, dirty fucking pigs?

Yes. Our new masters are unfamiliar with Radox. 
Hygiene is racist.

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7 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Can anyone explain to me why a number of major diseases in world history appear to have originated in Asia and Africa? Bubonic plague, avian flu, covid, ebola, HIV, monkeypox, zika, SARS, smallpox, and possibly syphilis since the new world origin of that disease has been largely debunked.

I realise that there are a myriad of disease vectors and numerous points to consider, but at the end of the day could it be that it's just because they're backward, animalistic, dirty fucking pigs?

Those brutes are beginning their collapse phase; old and shrinking in numbers, whatever comes out of that rats’ maze will be very brief.

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The rats are jumping from the good ship Covid19 now like there’s no tomorrow. Fauci’s realised that his deep state protection is a dead man walking, the games up and the fake ‘science’ narrative which him and the corrupt organisations such as the NIH and the CDC he’s fronted for half a century, is unravelling in full view of  the still but not for long minority, who’ve been onto this evil cunts game for quite a while now. The WHO has now done a 180 on the mask crap, the CDC now says that vaxxed/unvaxxed is no longer a thing (after 18 months of mandates) ‘science innit’. The cost v benefit analysis of lockdowns coming out of several governments is now being reluctantly reported by even the scum in the MSM who furiously waved their pom poms for more and more of it, at the height of the preplanned psyop.

The CEO of Pfizer has caught Covid again💉despite ‘allegedly’ having had four doses of his own poison. The Astrazenica cocktail, despite (or more likely because of) being hugely less expensive than all the other mRNA jabs, is piling up on pallets in the warehouse, with the phones in the orders dept. eerily silent and all the staff probably off sick with Long Covid 🤣. YouTube have sneakily removed the word masks from its ‘disinformation’ policy. Twitter and Facebook are stealthily permitting more and more users to voice opinions which very recently would have have been censored, obviously hoping that they can slowly adopt the position that they’ve always allowed both sides to speak and the majority of their moronic shrieking users won’t notice that these two platforms are the fucking cancer that’s enabled all of this evil to infect the human race.

So Mrs. Roops. I know it must be very difficult for you at the moment, bearing in mind the two years that you’ve stoically defended the ridiculous narrative that’s now collapsing quicker than the NHS around you (more clapping needed) so it’s probably best that you get yourself fully ‘on message’ with the new ‘180 U turn’ Dr Hillary version 2.0 narrative before coming back at me with a predictable pile of ‘Google fact-checked’ word salad, which up till now has only made you look more of a fucking retard than you started off as (if that’s even possible). Maybe that’s something you could fact check.

To finish though, I’m a reasonable man and a simple acknowledgement that you’ve been wrong all along and I’ve been right would be enough to turn yourself around and get off the Road to Perdition you’ve been hurtling down for far too long now. 
The future’s bright. The future’s orange.

🇱🇷TRUMP 2024🇱🇷MAGA🇱🇷

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8 hours ago, King Billy said:

The rats are jumping from the good ship Covid19 now like there’s no tomorrow. Fauci’s realised that his deep state protection is a dead man walking, the games up and the fake ‘science’ narrative which him and the corrupt organisations such as the NIH and the CDC he’s fronted for half a century, is unravelling in full view of  the still but not for long minority, who’ve been onto this evil cunts game for quite a while now. The WHO has now done a 180 on the mask crap, the CDC now says that vaxxed/unvaxxed is no longer a thing (after 18 months of mandates) ‘science innit’. The cost v benefit analysis of lockdowns coming out of several governments is now being reluctantly reported by even the scum in the MSM who furiously waved their pom poms for more and more of it, at the height of the preplanned psyop.

The CEO of Pfizer has caught Covid again💉despite ‘allegedly’ having had four doses of his own poison. The Astrazenica cocktail, despite (or more likely because of) being hugely less expensive than all the other mRNA jabs, is piling up on pallets in the warehouse, with the phones in the orders dept. eerily silent and all the staff probably off sick with Long Covid 🤣. YouTube have sneakily removed the word masks from its ‘disinformation’ policy. Twitter and Facebook are stealthily permitting more and more users to voice opinions which very recently would have have been censored, obviously hoping that they can slowly adopt the position that they’ve always allowed both sides to speak and the majority of their moronic shrieking users won’t notice that these two platforms are the fucking cancer that’s enabled all of this evil to infect the human race.

So Mrs. Roops. I know it must be very difficult for you at the moment, bearing in mind the two years that you’ve stoically defended the ridiculous narrative that’s now collapsing quicker than the NHS around you (more clapping needed) so it’s probably best that you get yourself fully ‘on message’ with the new ‘180 U turn’ Dr Hillary version 2.0 narrative before coming back at me with a predictable pile of ‘Google fact-checked’ word salad, which up till now has only made you look more of a fucking retard than you started off as (if that’s even possible). Maybe that’s something you could fact check.

To finish though, I’m a reasonable man and a simple acknowledgement that you’ve been wrong all along and I’ve been right would be enough to turn yourself around and get off the Road to Perdition you’ve been hurtling down for far too long now. 
The future’s bright. The future’s orange.

🇱🇷TRUMP 2024🇱🇷MAGA🇱🇷

This is unhinged gibberish. I think your low point, no doubt bourn by desperation, was when you peeled an onion when announcing that a "friend" of twenty years suddenly died three days after receiving his third jab. Nevertheless within 24 hours you had forgotten about the synthetic rage as you ruminated about ravaging your friend's vulnerable widow after the wake. Nice.

It fair to say that every prediction and theory you've regurgitated about the pandemic has turned to shit yet here you are attempting to promote your own specious alternate history of events by someone who admits to making stuff up...

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8 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

no doubt bourn by desperation,

As a self claimed MENSA member, who doesn’t bother opening the publications which they insist on sending you, I’d be grateful for your advice as to whether or not I should apply for membership? It’s obviously not a dealbreaker in the application process, as they allegedly let you join, and now refuse to accept that you’ve ‘been there, done that’, but I’m  pretty handy when it comes to spelling difficult 5 letter words correctly, so what would you advise? 😘


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16 hours ago, King Billy said:

As a self claimed MENSA member, who doesn’t bother opening the publications which they insist on sending you, I’d be grateful for your advice as to whether or not I should apply for membership? It’s obviously not a dealbreaker in the application process, as they allegedly let you join, and now refuse to accept that you’ve ‘been there, done that’, but I’m  pretty handy when it comes to spelling difficult 5 letter words correctly, so what would you advise? 😘


Not for the first time you've bottled it and run away from an argument you can't handle. As for your vehicle of deflection I recently made my thoughts clear on punters who make typos an issue,

On 02/08/2022 at 10:02, Mrs Roops said:

...Personally, I rarely involve myself in such antics as I am prone to make typos as much as the next punter so it would be hypocritical to correct other peoples' spelling and grammar. IMO, making such corrections is just petty point-scoring by beta males.

As for seeking my advices, I would point out that acceptance to MENSA isn't determined by participating in a spelling bee competition. In view of your poor critical thinking and memory issues I would set the bar much, much lower. Perhaps you could find the names and point of contact details of your children and ask if they could sign you up for the Tufty Club?


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10 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Perhaps you could find the names and point of contact details of your children

That could backfire spectacularly on you if I did that, as your children might wonder why you have the phone number of that brasshouse in London that they and their cuck Uni mates frequent when they’ve downed two pints of shandy, and all have little stiffies after watching the Lionesses at Wembley alongside a couple of hundred other testosterone deficient embarrassing Beta Males. 😘

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11 hours ago, King Billy said:

That could backfire spectacularly on you if I did that, as your children might wonder why you have the phone number of that brasshouse in London that they and their cuck Uni mates frequent when they’ve downed two pints of shandy, and all have little stiffies after watching the Lionesses at Wembley alongside a couple of hundred other testosterone deficient embarrassing Beta Males. 😘

A rattled rant so OTT its insipid. You're trying too hard.

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12 hours ago, King Billy said:

that brasshouse in London that they and their cuck Uni mates frequent.

Is that a big demographic for you Bill, or is it still the lonely Pensioners and repressed Asians that are putting bread on your table? I’d have thought your staff are very grateful when a cuck student turns up randy after three shandies. 

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