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The strange and recent phenomena of people who seemed healthy and wouldn’t in normal times be OK one day and 3 days later be dead.

King Billy

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12 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Bill, I’ve steered well clear of this ongoing debate, as I doubt there is any possibility of entrenched views changing on either side. However, it’s surely beyond argument now that globally more than 12 Billion doses of Coronavirus vaccine have been administered, a number rising by six million a day. I can’t keep up on the latest theory from your side of the argument. What’s the current thinking on what happens to the 5.9 Billion people now double vaccinated? What’s the timetable for the consequences we’ve been warned about for two years? Can we expect mass extinction, subfertility, or growing an extra head? When? Is someone going to flick a switch soon or something?

I am genuinely interested in what you think we should be expecting. Short version, please, without the inevitable diversionary references to Dan Andrews or whatever. What’s the theory? I’m only asking as the middle aged guy I saw at the station today with his photocopied leaflets, trestle table and “pure blood” t shirt seemed to have very few answers other than telling me his sperm was now suddenly very valuable. His leaflet wasn’t really helpful, just a list of odd websites all talking about the “great replacement”. All very confusing. 

It’s as I said. If we’re wrong there’s no harm done. All of you Pom Pom wavers can rightly point your fingers and say ‘See we told you so!’. But suppose we’re right? How does your blind faith in Big Pharma, who have a history of massive corruption, reckless profiteering and dangerous malpractice sit, if and when the consequences of these unnecessary experiments become impossible to deny. ie the long term devastation of much of the human race?

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3 minutes ago, King Billy said:

consequences of these unnecessary experiments become impossible to deny. ie the long term devastation of much of the human race?

I was hoping you’d be more specific Bill, but fair enough. I’ve given my views elsewhere on the death of right and wrong, so fuck it, bring on the apocalypse. 

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2 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

I was hoping you’d be more specific Bill, but fair enough. I’ve given my views elsewhere on the death of right and wrong, so fuck it, bring on the apocalypse. 

Why is it that anyone, no matter how qualified, who questions the one and only lockdown/wear a mask/wait for the miracle vaccine, no other treatments are available, or even allowed to be discussed narrative for the last two and a half years of the plandemic is labelled a danger to society and a lunatic? Why is it that this existential threat to to the future of mankind, which has been manipulated and weaponised for purely political reasons and yet no one seems to have the slightest interest in actually getting to the truth about its origins and the lies and coverups around its emergence or its unleashing by the CCP to be more accurate.? The real pandemic is the cowardice of the so called leaders of the West and the stupidity of the sheep that they rule over, which allows them to get away with their actions.

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9 hours ago, The Beast said:

I note the MHRA have approved the use of a new mRNA injection for the upcoming fear campaign of Autumn and Wnter. 

The only research I can find is 437 cunts took it and 400 odd cunts were given the original junk. A good antibody response was noted. This is after 1 month with no further information available.

It is categorised as a bivalent vaccine. Needless to say I am ambivalent

AFAIK, Spikevax was tested in the USA with a randomised, placebo-controlled, observer-blind clinical study involving 30,351 participants aged 18 and over. Its a probability that Covid is here to stay so an annual combined jab dealing with "normal" flu and covid (hence bivalent) makes sense.

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8 hours ago, King Billy said:

...Mr Gates, the former computer software salesman, is simply a clever and absolutely benevolent chap, who's worked hard for years, and now  invests his meagre savings wisely for the good of humanity, and has been quite fortunately rewarded for his efforts...

So you say, but compare and contrast with a former tug saloon proprietor, now seasonal dead tree magnate, whose knowledge of bioscience in general and immunology and virology in particular gleaned from the university of Slackjaw is so learned yet he always fails to provide straight answers to simple questions.

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7 hours ago, King Billy said:

Why is it that anyone, no matter how qualified, who questions the one and only lockdown/wear a mask/wait for the miracle vaccine, no other treatments are available,

Hang on, there is the non-mRNA vaccine, Novovax - as recommended and promoted by you. Part of your problem, Billy is that you spin so much misinformation you cant even remember your own bullshit.

Billy, in response to your general points about questioning and challenging those in authority I have no issue with punters who have different opinions. What I object to is the fake facts, bogus science and lies. Are you so lacking in confidence in your message that you have to bolster your POV with fakery? I also have no issue with your jaundiced view of the MSM so why do you take as gospel "news" sources that repeatedly mug you off and ultimately make you look like a gullible simpleton? Its as if you've immersed yourself in the world of tin-hattery so much that you cant see the wood from the trees.

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1 hour ago, Mrs Roops said:

AFAIK, Spikevax was tested in the USA with a randomised, placebo-controlled, observer-blind clinical study involving 30,351 participants aged 18 and over. Its a probability that Covid is here to stay so an annual combined jab dealing with "normal" flu and covid (hence bivalent) makes sense.

Omicron is a new virus. It's pathophysiology is different to the legacy strains. It's origins are unclear. 437 people is underpowered.

Besides, looking at the twatter responses to the health secretary, some who do not have an antibody response to these mRNA compounds are asking for him to allow Evusheld to be prescribed. Many other European countries do use this medicine. Disgracefully, it seems the very people we needed to protect from the outset are still being ignored.

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55 minutes ago, Jake The Muss said:

Rumour has it that he did have Yuval Noah Harari tied up wearing a gimp mask back at his hotel room.

Rather like former F1 head honcho Max Mosely, whose days ended with shooting his load through his brains rather than up a whore's jacksie from the confines of a kinky SS Nazi outfit, this utterly weird, bitchy fucking cockswinging Kraut faggot's days are surely numbered. Let's hope his ending outshines that of former Conservative MP Stephen Milligan who, in my humble opinion, still holds the prestigious 'Auto-Erotic Asphyxiwank' trophy.

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1 hour ago, Wolfie said:

Rather like former F1 head honcho Max Mosely, whose days ended with shooting his load through his brains rather than up a whore's jacksie from the confines of a kinky SS Nazi outfit, this utterly weird, bitchy fucking cockswinging Kraut faggot's days are surely numbered. Let's hope his ending outshines that of former Conservative MP Stephen Milligan who, in my humble opinion, still holds the prestigious 'Auto-Erotic Asphyxiwank' trophy.

Suspenders and stockings and an orange in the mouth are required by default from MP's..no orange in the mouth, no job.

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20 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Bill, I’ve steered well clear of this ongoing debate, as I doubt there is any possibility of entrenched views changing on either side. However, it’s surely beyond argument now that globally more than 12 Billion doses of Coronavirus vaccine have been administered, a number rising by six million a day. I can’t keep up on the latest theory from your side of the argument. What’s the current thinking on what happens to the 5.9 Billion people now double vaccinated? What’s the timetable for the consequences we’ve been warned about for two years? Can we expect mass extinction, subfertility, or growing an extra head? When? Is someone going to flick a switch soon or something?

I am genuinely interested in what you think we should be expecting. Short version, please, without the inevitable diversionary references to Dan Andrews or whatever. What’s the theory? I’m only asking as the middle aged guy I saw at the station today with his photocopied leaflets, trestle table and “pure blood” t shirt seemed to have very few answers other than telling me his sperm was now suddenly very valuable. His leaflet wasn’t really helpful, just a list of odd websites all talking about the “great replacement”. All very confusing. 

It doesn’t matter how many doses are given. How many are clinically indicated? Very few. Why expose massive numbers when the absolute  risk reduction is so minimal? 


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On 16/08/2022 at 08:29, Mrs Roops said:

Hang on, there is the non-mRNA vaccine, Novovax - as recommended and promoted by you. Part of your problem, Billy is that you spin so much misinformation you cant even remember your own bullshit.

Billy, in response to your general points about questioning and challenging those in authority I have no issue with punters who have different opinions. What I object to is the fake facts, bogus science and lies. Are you so lacking in confidence in your message that you have to bolster your POV with fakery? I also have no issue with your jaundiced view of the MSM so why do you take as gospel "news" sources that repeatedly mug you off and ultimately make you look like a gullible simpleton? Its as if you've immersed yourself in the world of tin-hattery so much that you cant see the wood from the trees.

Cheers. I’ve been wondering where I went wrong.🤣

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On 16/08/2022 at 08:00, Mrs Roops said:

So you say, but compare and contrast with a former tug saloon proprietor, now seasonal dead tree magnate, whose knowledge of bioscience in general and immunology and virology in particular gleaned from the university of Slackjaw is so learned yet he always fails to provide straight answers to simple questions.

‘Consistency’ my dear. It’s something I’ve picked up from you. 😘

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On 16/08/2022 at 20:25, The Beast said:

It doesn’t matter how many doses are given. How many are clinically indicated? Very few. Why expose massive numbers when the absolute  risk reduction is so minimal? 


The super duper Astra Zeneca vaccine which only last year was being praised by our so called government and the fake news MSM as the answer to all our prayers in the fight against Covid 🤣, with knighthoods and honours handed out to all the heroes at AZ HQ like free biros at Ladbrokes on Grand National day, appears to have fallen out of favour with the big knobs at the Ministry of Health. No orders at all have been placed with AZ for booster jabs to protect Granny this winter from the deadly virus which didn’t get her last winter, thanks to 26 booster jabs and two years under the bed beside Grandads rotting, masked up corpse. Even the most hardcore MSM propaganda cheerleaders have moved on to  other stories to satisfy their sheeps rampant fear addiction. Covid 19 gets fuck all airtime now as the ‘unprecedented heatwave’, the ‘unprecedented drought’, the ‘unprecedented floods’ and everything else which used to be normal life, but has suddenly become ‘unprecedented and undeniable proof of imminent extinction’. 

Now as you all know, I’ve never been one to mistrust the totally honest guys and gals who govern us, or the Jeremy Vine/ Dr Hillary media types who selflessly dedicate their lives to keeping us up to date with the important information we all need to stay alive, existing as they do on minimum wages mostly, but in this case I feel an overwhelming urge to say “Something seems not quite right here.” Obviously it’s got nothing to do with the safety aspect of the AZ jib jab becoming increasingly more suspect, due to the ever increasing numbers of guinea pigs reporting serious adverse effects, if the haven’t already dropped dead, that is. 

Just saying.

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I have observerd this site from afar for several years. I much appreciate the divervse range of opinions. Much hilarity has ensued. I have never felt compelled to comment on any of it. My rudimentary understanding is that a 'vaccine' involves an attenuated virus that primes the immune system to respond. The covid vaccines, as Roops states, use an established mechanism....that has never been deployed on a global population. Can we trust the MHRA? Who collect fees from their paymasters. I'm with KB. Roops is a know-it-all establisment shill. Fact check my ring. We don't need to be experts to understand what 'good science' is. The very principle of the scientific method involves revaluation of hypotheses in the light if new data, examaning the flaws and limitations of a model (Neil Ferguson's computer). Wet the bed and bow down to the church of covid. I found it totally unedifying that we were being urged to rat out friends, neighbours and family alike. Never forget, never forgive. Roops is a cunt.

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7 hours ago, None of The Above said:

I have observerd this site from afar for several years. I much appreciate the divervse range of opinions. Much hilarity has ensued. I have never felt compelled to comment on any of it. My rudimentary understanding is that a 'vaccine' involves an attenuated virus that primes the immune system to respond. The covid vaccines, as Roops states, use an established mechanism....that has never been deployed on a global population. Can we trust the MHRA? Who collect fees from their paymasters. I'm with KB. Roops is a know-it-all establisment shill. Fact check my ring. We don't need to be experts to understand what 'good science' is. The very principle of the scientific method involves revaluation of hypotheses in the light if new data, examaning the flaws and limitations of a model (Neil Ferguson's computer). Wet the bed and bow down to the church of covid. I found it totally unedifying that we were being urged to rat out friends, neighbours and family alike. Never forget, never forgive. Roops is a cunt.

Get an avatar you cunt.

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7 hours ago, None of The Above said:

I have observerd this site from afar for several years. I much appreciate the divervse range of opinions. Much hilarity has ensued. I have never felt compelled to comment on any of it. My rudimentary understanding is that a 'vaccine' involves an attenuated virus that primes the immune system to respond. The covid vaccines, as Roops states, use an established mechanism....that has never been deployed on a global population. Can we trust the MHRA? Who collect fees from their paymasters. I'm with KB. Roops is a know-it-all establisment shill. Fact check my ring. We don't need to be experts to understand what 'good science' is. The very principle of the scientific method involves revaluation of hypotheses in the light if new data, examaning the flaws and limitations of a model (Neil Ferguson's computer). Wet the bed and bow down to the church of covid. I found it totally unedifying that we were being urged to rat out friends, neighbours and family alike. Never forget, never forgive. Roops is a cunt.

You've observed from afar for years, yet decided your first comment should be one that helps to perpetuate an argument that we're all sick and fucking tired of hearing about?

You stupid little cunt.

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19 hours ago, None of The Above said:

I have observerd this site from afar for several years. I much appreciate the divervse range of opinions. Much hilarity has ensued. I have never felt compelled to comment on any of it. My rudimentary understanding is that a 'vaccine' involves an attenuated virus that primes the immune system to respond. The covid vaccines, as Roops states, use an established mechanism....that has never been deployed on a global population. Can we trust the MHRA? Who collect fees from their paymasters. I'm with KB. Roops is a know-it-all establisment shill. Fact check my ring. We don't need to be experts to understand what 'good science' is. The very principle of the scientific method involves revaluation of hypotheses in the light if new data, examaning the flaws and limitations of a model (Neil Ferguson's computer). Wet the bed and bow down to the church of covid. I found it totally unedifying that we were being urged to rat out friends, neighbours and family alike. Never forget, never forgive. Roops is a cunt.

I’ll transfer that tenner into your account in the morning. No one must ever find out that you’re my best mate though. 
Roops is a massive cunt.

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20 hours ago, None of The Above said:

I have observerd this site from afar for several years. I much appreciate the divervse range of opinions. Much hilarity has ensued. I have never felt compelled to comment on any of it. My rudimentary understanding is that a 'vaccine' involves an attenuated virus that primes the immune system to respond. The covid vaccines, as Roops states, use an established mechanism....that has never been deployed on a global population. Can we trust the MHRA? Who collect fees from their paymasters. I'm with KB. Roops is a know-it-all establisment shill. Fact check my ring. We don't need to be experts to understand what 'good science' is. The very principle of the scientific method involves revaluation of hypotheses in the light if new data, examaning the flaws and limitations of a model (Neil Ferguson's computer). Wet the bed and bow down to the church of covid. I found it totally unedifying that we were being urged to rat out friends, neighbours and family alike. Never forget, never forgive. Roops is a cunt.

Danson park, 8am cunt, that’s my bird you’re talking about. 

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