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The strange and recent phenomena of people who seemed healthy and wouldn’t in normal times be OK one day and 3 days later be dead.

King Billy

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19 hours ago, Jake The Muss said:

Your latest rambling is the best and most comically rattled to date, you will be pleased to know that i'm done communicating with you for now.

Enjoy your non-reality and don't forget that you can still catch the virus and transmit the virus...but go and get your latest booster, flu, shingles, monkeypox, donkeypox, hippopox, polio and whatever else your pin cushion arm can't take...the more the better i say.


The reality is you intervened in a debate and uploaded a bogus infographic "from the ONS". Clearly smarting from being described as a gullible sap you had a little tantrum and in a display of retaliatory 'whataboutery' exclaimed that you were "proven right" about PCR tests being withdrawn citing and article from the CDC that you had "researched, read and understood" when in fact the article had said the complete opposite. Further incensed at having your idiot face smothered in egg you then directed me to an absolute nut-job who denies the existence of germs. That's the reality, Fends - a man prone to tantrums and poorly thought out knee-jerk reactions. 

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10 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

The reality is you intervened in a debate and uploaded a bogus infographic "from the ONS". Clearly smarting from being described as a gullible sap you had a little tantrum and in a display of retaliatory 'whataboutery' exclaimed that you were "proven right" about PCR tests being withdrawn citing and article from the CDC that you had "researched, read and understood" when in fact the article had said the complete opposite. Further incensed at having your idiot face smothered in egg you then directed me to an absolute nut-job who denies the existence of germs. That's the reality, Fends - a man prone to tantrums and poorly thought out knee-jerk reactions. 


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On 13/08/2022 at 19:55, Jake The Muss said:

The moon i believe was first mentioned in history by the Babylonians about 3,000 years ago...one scholar said that it was easier to explain the moon not being there than being there


You make some valid points here, Bend. I've often sat and pondered the mysteries of the universe and this topic has always been the one that has got me scratching my head. I genuinely believe that the moon is a hollow and artificial satellite based upon the evidence we have at hand.

As you say, it was only first ever mentioned when humans started recording things in writing. I find it more than a little bit suspicious that in the 300,000 years prior to recorded history, no one left any written mention of the moon.

You stupid fucking cunt.

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10 minutes ago, Decimus said:

You make some valid points here, Bend. I've often sat and pondered the mysteries of the universe and this topic has always been the one that has got me scratching my head. I genuinely believe that the moon is a hollow and artificial satellite based upon the evidence we have at hand.

As you say, it was only first ever mentioned when humans started recording things in writing. I find it more than a little bit suspicious that in the 300,000 years prior to recorded history, no one left any written mention of the moon.

You stupid fucking cunt.

The moon is hollow and monkeys live in it. 

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11 minutes ago, Decimus said:

You make some valid points here, Bend. I've often sat and pondered the mysteries of the universe and this topic has always been the one that has got me scratching my head. I genuinely believe that the moon is a hollow and artificial satellite based upon the evidence we have at hand.

As you say, it was only first ever mentioned when humans started recording things in writing. I find it more than a little bit suspicious that in the 300,000 years prior to recorded history, no one left any written mention of the moon.

You stupid fucking cunt.

Look at you, spunking your desperate pent-up load in one fanfare sitting. Breathe, you've nothing to prove and you'll be topping the leaderboard by the weekend. 

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On 13/08/2022 at 19:55, Jake The Muss said:

Many ancient scholars thought the moon was part of a larger construct, then there was accounts of a time before the moon...there's a book by Kameron Williams about this subject. The moon i believe was first mentioned in history by the Babylonians about 3,000 years ago...one scholar said that it was easier to explain the moon not being there than being there...but maybe Roops is right and it's made of cheese (extra mature).


Could you smash the moon with a big lump hammer?

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I note the MHRA have approved the use of a new mRNA injection for the upcoming fear campaign of Autumn and Wnter. 

The only research I can find is 437 cunts took it and 400 odd cunts were given the original junk. A good antibody response was noted. This is after 1 month with no further information available.

It is categorised as a bivalent vaccine. Needless to say I am ambivalent

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On 14/08/2022 at 20:25, King Billy said:



30 minutes ago, The Beast said:

I note the MHRA have approved the use of a new mRNA injection for the upcoming fear campaign of Autumn and Wnter. 

The only research I can find is 437 cunts took it and 400 odd cunts were given the original junk. A good antibody response was noted. This is after 1 month with no further information available.

It is categorised as a bivalent vaccine. Needless to say I am ambivalent

An anticipated 13,000,000 'dual' boosters approved and available after testing on just 437 lab rats, with no long-term effects data available. You'd think the lesson might have been learnt following previous backlashes. And the media is euphemistically polishing it up as though the UK can be proud to be the first country to again put its faith in the latest US pharmaceutical giants' vaccine science. Utter stupidity, and just as worrying as the first time. What a risk.

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10 minutes ago, Wolfie said:


I'm literally staggered by this news; an anticipated 13,000,000 'dual' boosters approved and available after testing on just 437 lab rats, with no long-term effects data available. You'd think the lesson might have been learnt following the first backlash. And the media is euphemistically polishing it up as though the UK can be proud to be the first country to put its faith in the latest US pharmaceutical giants' vaccine science. Utter stupidity, and just as worrying as the first time.

It’s almost as if the MSM lie all the time and the millions of helpless sheep stare wide eyed at the TV, waiting patiently for Professor Jeremy Vine or Dr Hillary VCs daily instructions, (‘science innit’), but that scenario is so ridiculous it’s verging on one of those ‘conspiracy theory’ things, that everyone’s being told are ‘so dangerous’ and a ‘threat to democracy’ if you listen to them, isn’t it?

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39 minutes ago, Wolfie said:


An anticipated 13,000,000 'dual' boosters approved and available after testing on just 437 lab rats, with no long-term effects data available. You'd think the lesson might have been learnt following previous backlashes. And the media is euphemistically polishing it up as though the UK can be proud to be the first country to again put its faith in the latest US pharmaceutical giants' vaccine science. Utter stupidity, and just as worrying as the first time. What a risk.

The definition of insanity is keep doing the same thing and expecting a different result.

Russian roulette with the population comes to mind.

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49 minutes ago, The Beast said:

I note the MHRA have approved the use of a new mRNA injection 

MHRA, mRNA, SAGE, DVLA, HMRC, WHO, WEF, CERN, NASA, RNLI, RSPCA, LIDL, LGBT etc. etc. I could go on, but it’s clear (to me anyway) that all these entities are just pieces of the NWO jigsaw puzzle. 👀

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13 minutes ago, King Billy said:

It’s almost as if the MSM lie all the time and the millions of helpless sheep stare wide eyed at the TV, waiting patiently for Professor Jeremy Vine or Dr Hillary VCs daily instructions, (‘science innit’), but that scenario is so ridiculous it’s verging on one of those ‘conspiracy theory’ things, that everyone’s being told are ‘so dangerous’ and a ‘threat to democracy’ if you listen to them, isn’t it?

Moderna per chance? And who has a licence for that? Well fuck my old boots,  its Billy Gates


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3 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Moderna per chance? And who has a licence for that? Well fuck my old boots,  its Billy Gates


Can't you put a hex on him, so he gets covid 19,20,21,22,23,24,25, monkeypox, foxpox, mammothpox, bollockspox, polio and the bubonic plague all at the same time.

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4 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Moderna per chance? And who has a licence for that? Well fuck my old boots,  its Billy Gates


Steady on now Gypps. Roops has totally fact-checked and 100% debunked all the unfounded and frankly ridiculous Bill Gates conspiracy theories, which I admit I’ve fallen for more times than Frank has died of AIDS. Roops has informed me that Mr Gates, the former computer software salesman, is simply a clever and absolutely benevolent chap, who's worked hard for years, and now  invests his meagre savings wisely for the good of humanity, and has been quite fortunately rewarded for his efforts. I believe he may already be financially secure enough to retire soon (to Epstein Island) and not worry about the rising energy costs or inflation eating away at his small but hard earned nest egg. I believe Melinda is just about managing too, since their recent split, which had nothing whatsoever to do with Bill and Jeffrey’s past dealings, despite Melinda’s lies to the contrary. Women eh? Just can’t be trusted nowadays to keep their gob shut over trivial matters like having an international kid fucker for a husband  etc.

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1 hour ago, King Billy said:

It’s almost as if the MSM lie all the time and the millions of helpless sheep stare wide eyed at the TV, waiting patiently for Professor Jeremy Vine or Dr Hillary VCs daily instructions, (‘science innit’), but that scenario is so ridiculous it’s verging on one of those ‘conspiracy theory’ things, that everyone’s being told are ‘so dangerous’ and a ‘threat to democracy’ if you listen to them, isn’t it?

Bill, I’ve steered well clear of this ongoing debate, as I doubt there is any possibility of entrenched views changing on either side. However, it’s surely beyond argument now that globally more than 12 Billion doses of Coronavirus vaccine have been administered, a number rising by six million a day. I can’t keep up on the latest theory from your side of the argument. What’s the current thinking on what happens to the 5.9 Billion people now double vaccinated? What’s the timetable for the consequences we’ve been warned about for two years? Can we expect mass extinction, subfertility, or growing an extra head? When? Is someone going to flick a switch soon or something?

I am genuinely interested in what you think we should be expecting. Short version, please, without the inevitable diversionary references to Dan Andrews or whatever. What’s the theory? I’m only asking as the middle aged guy I saw at the station today with his photocopied leaflets, trestle table and “pure blood” t shirt seemed to have very few answers other than telling me his sperm was now suddenly very valuable. His leaflet wasn’t really helpful, just a list of odd websites all talking about the “great replacement”. All very confusing. 

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