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The strange and recent phenomena of people who seemed healthy and wouldn’t in normal times be OK one day and 3 days later be dead.

King Billy

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16 hours ago, Jake The Muss said:

Bill, you are preaching to the collective cult mind, you got no chance with stupid mother fuckers like Roops and the like...i wouldn't bother wasting any more time on this Ginger spastic.

I post something and she gets her knickers in a twist. That’s just the way it is now. She could ignore me but you know her ego will never allow that. She seems to still be deluding herself that her opinions matter to me, but her pathetic fact checks, wagging finger and thinly veiled threats amuse me, and that’s the reason I carry it on. She’s fucking priceless. It’s not about winning. Just watching her futile efforts to wind me up every day makes it beautiful for me.

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3 hours ago, King Billy said:

I post something and she gets her knickers in a twist. That’s just the way it is now. She could ignore me but you know her ego will never allow that. She seems to still be deluding herself that her opinions matter to me, but her pathetic fact checks, wagging finger and thinly veiled threats amuse me, and that’s the reason I carry it on. She’s fucking priceless. It’s not about winning. Just watching her futile efforts to wind me up every day makes it beautiful for me.

Fair point Bill, the stupid bint falls for it every time, the daft mare is now posting pictures...looks like she has broke rule 11, about posting your own personal information by sharing family album photos.

Stupid fucking cunt it is.

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6 hours ago, King Billy said:

Keep on drinking the Koolade Baby. 🥤🐑💉😘

You’re still living in the binary world of right and wrong, Billy baby. Get with the program. 

You need to embrace the possibility that two opposing things might both contain some truth, and that it’s all a matter of interpretation. Cognitive dissonance is all so unnecessary. Take a leaf out of our Lupine Gyles Brandreths’ book and embrace the fact that in a post-truth world, arguing about what’s right, wrong, or staring you square in the face is all so passé. You believe what you like chum, ‘cos in the modern age, belief and fact are interchangeable. Words have no fixed meaning. Up is down. Black is white. Orange is Green, and don’t dare oppress me by disagreeing. 

We are, after all, sick of “experts”. Right?

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13 hours ago, King Billy said:

I post something and she gets her knickers in a twist. That’s just the way it is now. She could ignore me but you know her ego will never allow that. She seems to still be deluding herself that her opinions matter to me, but her pathetic fact checks, wagging finger and thinly veiled threats amuse me, and that’s the reason I carry it on. She’s fucking priceless. It’s not about winning. Just watching her futile efforts to wind me up every day makes it beautiful for me.

Nothing screams being nettled more than an iteration of "I was only having a laugh".

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2 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Remind us again how you "proved that the PCR test is not fit for purpose and the CDC also came to that conclusion"

Oh bless you, are you upset that your photo backfired, please don't cry.

On the PCR issue, would you like to provide evidence that the CDC never withdrew their request for PCR and put in a notice for alternatives ?

This was on their website last year...After December 31, 2021, CDC will withdraw the request to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of the CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel, the assay first introduced in February 2020 for detection of SARS-CoV-2 only. CDC is providing this advance notice for clinical laboratories to have adequate time to select and implement one of the many FDA-authorized alternatives.   

I will translate for you...Dear FDA, this PCR is clearly fucking useless, so can you cunts provide an alternative as testing is becoming a nightmare of false fucking positives. Pull your fucking finger out as many people are starting to smell bullshit. Thanks CDC.

Take the last word, the floor is yours.

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45 minutes ago, Jake The Muss said:

Oh bless you, are you upset that your photo backfired, please don't cry.

On the PCR issue, would you like to provide evidence that the CDC never withdrew their request for PCR and put in a notice for alternatives ?

This was on their website last year...After December 31, 2021, CDC will withdraw the request to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of the CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel, the assay first introduced in February 2020 for detection of SARS-CoV-2 only. CDC is providing this advance notice for clinical laboratories to have adequate time to select and implement one of the many FDA-authorized alternatives.   

I will translate for you...Dear FDA, this PCR is clearly fucking useless, so can you cunts provide an alternative as testing is becoming a nightmare of false fucking positives. Pull your fucking finger out as many people are starting to smell bullshit. Thanks CDC.

Take the last word, the floor is yours.

Judging by the response it looks like the image had you both suitably riled...

As for the rest of your rubbish, you do know that the CDC withdrew authorisation for only one particular type of PCR test, the rest are still approved. This was explained to you but you still kicked off in your size 30 clown shoes. You then compounded your idiocy further when I declined your invite to view several hours of bogus science vids, the central premise of which was that all illness is caused by 'bad chemistry' from within. In other words, pathogens, viruses, communicable and contagious disease do not exist. That sort of nonsense ranks with the moon is made of cheese and the earth is flat. Idiot.

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6 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Judging by the response it looks like the image had you both suitably riled...

As for the rest of your rubbish, you do know that the CDC withdrew authorisation for only one particular type of PCR test, the rest are still approved. This was explained to you but you still kicked off in your size 30 clown shoes. You then compounded your idiocy further when I declined your invite to view several hours of bogus science vids, the central premise of which was that all illness is caused by 'bad chemistry' from within. In other words, pathogens, viruses, communicable and contagious disease do not exist. That sort of nonsense ranks with the moon is made of cheese and the earth is flat. Idiot.

Your latest rambling is the best and most comically rattled to date, you will be pleased to know that i'm done communicating with you for now.

Enjoy your non-reality and don't forget that you can still catch the virus and transmit the virus...but go and get your latest booster, flu, shingles, monkeypox, donkeypox, hippopox, polio and whatever else your pin cushion arm can't take...the more the better i say.


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1 hour ago, King Billy said:


Many ancient scholars thought the moon was part of a larger construct, then there was accounts of a time before the moon...there's a book by Kameron Williams about this subject. The moon i believe was first mentioned in history by the Babylonians about 3,000 years ago...one scholar said that it was easier to explain the moon not being there than being there...but maybe Roops is right and it's made of cheese (extra mature).


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8 minutes ago, Penelope Alive said:

The moon was there this morning .. I saw it through the bedroom window .. as long as it stays where it is I don't think that there is much need to worry.

Is that a telescope in your pants? Will you be gazing at Uranus tonight or just the Moon?

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1 hour ago, Cuntybaws said:


I better not mention the octagon star which was reported to have appeared in 1752...or the watery window which appeared in the 60's in the UK.

Brian cunt (might of said that wrong)...think it was Brian Can't was the man behind that fable..would never have believed it..but here it is.



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24 minutes ago, King Billy said:

I’m not sure if it’s an old wives tale that you never see a Baby pigeon, but it sort of made me think, has anyone ever seen an Adult Lonian?

Seen neither but lots of pigeon shit, maybe they are born full size and related in a strange way to the Nephilim.

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