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The strange and recent phenomena of people who seemed healthy and wouldn’t in normal times be OK one day and 3 days later be dead.

King Billy

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‘That’s not the correct slip knot actually! I fact checked it while I was eating my hearty breakfast, and would you mind wearing a mask in the condemned cell. I haven’t had my 18th booster you know. I hope that rope’s been sanitised properly.’

’Shut up ffs and put your growler away. Don’t you think this is unpleasant enough for us without having to fucking look at that too?’

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11 hours ago, Jake The Muss said:

Oh i do research but all you do is parrot the official narrative. Do you believe everything you are told by authority, do you believe everything the paid cunts in media say and do you believe everything the government asks you to do, as they can all be trusted yeah..don't have to answer as i have a very good idea what page you are clearly on.

Best of luck with your corrupt narrative...and by the way, who said i was an anti-vaxxer ? I always believe that it's a choice and this pile of mrna plop is approved through an emergency use. Glad i left it alone as i have seen some of it's damage as i have stated in an earlier comment. We look at different information and i'm happy about that...but feel free to continue wearing 5 masks, getting booster after booster, standing six feet under from everyone and whatever other bollocks you lunatics do.

One last thing, don't make assumptions about me as you know jack shit about me, i could be a woman for all you know, you can't always go by a name on an email you ignoramus..i might be a woman using that email with permission.

You can fuck off now.

Gosh, all that research and you still got it wrong.

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On 28/07/2022 at 09:08, Mrs Roops said:

Considering you've bragged about dumping three wives in succession I don't think you've set the bar very high.

Forget about the height of the bar. Its the hat trick that counts, don’t you think?

PS Would you like to buy an autographed pic of me? (With a personalised message of course).

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13 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Gosh, all that research and you still got it wrong.

Ok Roops, i will leave you with some homework. Here are a couple of interesting videos for you to watch when you get time off from adding your personal views in to the google search engine...you have the typical woke mentally of i'm right and you are wrong...and i don't claim to be right on everything i say, as the truth is always stranger than fiction. Truth is, nobody knows the truth and to make mytopia claims about being right all the time is a very foolish road to be travelling down...i simply look at information from everywhere and go with what makes sense to me and i certainly don't trust authority one tiny bit, their past record isn't good.

Anyway enjoy the videos, they are long so hopefully you can keep up...and have an open mind for once in your compartmentalized life.



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13 hours ago, Jake The Muss said:

Ok Roops, i will leave you with some homework. Here are a couple of interesting videos for you to watch when you get time off from adding your personal views in to the google search engine...you have the typical woke mentally of i'm right and you are wrong...and i don't claim to be right on everything i say, as the truth is always stranger than fiction. Truth is, nobody knows the truth and to make mytopia claims about being right all the time is a very foolish road to be travelling down...i simply look at information from everywhere and go with what makes sense to me and i certainly don't trust authority one tiny bit, their past record isn't good.

Anyway enjoy the videos, they are long so hopefully you can keep up...and have an open mind for once in your compartmentalized life.



This has to be one of the most unhinged, absurd and contradictory posts I've read in a long, long time.

Setting aside I don't think I have ever claimed to "right all the time", let's remember that this current spat kicked off with you incorrectly citing an article in which you claimed that the CDC had withdrawn all PCR tests. You subsequently insisted that you had read the article and that you had "understood" it. You then took umbrage at the suggestion that you were an "anti-vaxxer", yet here you are, espousing germ theory denialism completely oblivious that by default such thinking goes hand in hand with being an anti-vaxxer. Needless to say I will not be spending three and a half hours viewing prime tin-hattery on the recommendation of someone who's feeble-mindedness is so compartmentalised that its border-line retardness.

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4 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

This has to be one of the most unhinged, absurd and contradictory posts I've read in a long, long time.

Setting aside I don't think I have ever claimed to "right all the time", let's remember that this current spat kicked off with you incorrectly citing an article in which you claimed that the CDC had withdrawn all PCR tests. You subsequently insisted that you had read the article and that you had "understood" it. You then took umbrage at the suggestion that you were an "anti-vaxxer", yet here you are, espousing germ theory denialism completely oblivious that by default such thinking goes hand in hand with being an anti-vaxxer. Needless to say I will not be spending three and a half hours viewing prime tin-hattery on the recommendation of someone who's feeble-mindedness is so compartmentalised that its border-line retardness.

There we have it, you refuse to look at some information which could upset your bubble brain...i never denied anything, yet again you failed to see i was only suggesting some alternative information, as one has to have all the perspectives to have an overall picture...i don't agree with anything or disagree with anything 100% (there's always a grey area). As i have said no one knows the whole truth including science, science is always observing and learning.

You keep making assumptions about me all you want but all that does is show you up for the arrogant, ignorant know it all/know fuck all fool you are.

Here's old Jake's advice with the help of Socrates..The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing...and what you think you know, is nothing what there is to know.

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5 hours ago, Jake The Muss said:

Here's old Jake's advice with the help of Socrates..The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing...and what you think you know, is nothing what there is to know.

Can’t argue with that. I rate him higher than Pele in my all time list. 

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18 hours ago, Jake The Muss said:

There we have it, you refuse to look at some information which could upset your bubble brain...i never denied anything, yet again you failed to see i was only suggesting some alternative information, as one has to have all the perspectives to have an overall picture...i don't agree with anything or disagree with anything 100% (there's always a grey area). As i have said no one knows the whole truth including science, science is always observing and learning.

You keep making assumptions about me all you want but all that does is show you up for the arrogant, ignorant know it all/know fuck all fool you are.

Here's old Jake's advice with the help of Socrates..The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing...and what you think you know, is nothing what there is to know.

It's as if your car-crash analysis over the CDC's universal withdrawal of PCR tests never happened. Despite your "research" not only did you reveal a complete lack of knowledge on the subject you also told a couple of fibs as well so I can be forgiven for declining your invitation to view several hours of bogus science.

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On 05/08/2022 at 13:54, Jake The Muss said:

There we have it, you refuse to look at some information which could upset your bubble brain...i never denied anything, yet again you failed to see i was only suggesting some alternative information, as one has to have all the perspectives to have an overall picture...i don't agree with anything or disagree with anything 100% (there's always a grey area). As i have said no one knows the whole truth including science, science is always observing and learning.

You keep making assumptions about me all you want but all that does is show you up for the arrogant, ignorant know it all/know fuck all fool you are.

Here's old Jake's advice with the help of Socrates..The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing...and what you think you know, is nothing what there is to know.

"Not a lot of people know that"!

That's my other Michael Caine impersonation 

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On 06/08/2022 at 08:47, Mrs Roops said:

It's as if your car-crash analysis over the CDC's universal withdrawal of PCR tests never happened. Despite your "research" not only did you reveal a complete lack of knowledge on the subject you also told a couple of fibs as well so I can be forgiven for declining your invitation to view several hours of bogus science.

Now i'm a liar as well as all the other shit, projection is the first sign of insanity...something the far left idiots are good at.

Keep reading the Mad comics Roops, they suit you.

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20 hours ago, Jake The Muss said:

Now i'm a liar as well as all the other shit, projection is the first sign of insanity...something the far left idiots are good at.

Keep reading the Mad comics Roops, they suit you.

I would've thought that the lesson for you is not say that you have researched, read and understood an article when clearly you had not.

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10 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

I would've thought that the lesson for you is not say that you have researched, read and understood an article when clearly you had not.

You wouldn’t dare say that to me, would you? My lawyers are watching.👀🧑‍💼

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9 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Fire them. They recently accidently emailed their entire file on you including brain scan and sperm count.

It wasn’t sent to you accidentally. I suggest you compare my brain scan and sperm count, to your own brain scan and your unfortunate hubbies sperm count, you might finally admit (to yourself at least) that my decision to stay ‘pure blood’ is and has been from day one far more sensible than having my body injected with experimental toxic chemicals, the harmful and deadly effects of which are now becoming more and more impossible to brush under the carpet. More and more countries are finally admitting this and blocking the jib jabs for children and young people. I wonder why the completely ott frenzy to vaccinate every human on the planet has fizzled out like a damp sparkler hanging out of Goobers arse?

Africa, which has had less than 15% of the population medically experimented on, celebrated the opening of their first vaccine ‘manufacturing plant’ recently for the MSM, with some fucking ‘VIP’ cutting the ribbon and declaring the facility ‘open and ready to supply the whole continent’ with the ‘totally safe and totally effective’ lifesaving snake oil. HOORAY!” everyone could be heard to cheer across the continent. Mmmm?
The reality however, is that it wasn’t even a manufacturing plant at all (more MSM lies). Simply a factory which Johnson and Johnson had granted a license to, for packaging and distributing their product (I bet the financial details of that contract never see the light of day). But things haven’t exactly gone to plan. The place is now set to shut, as not one single order has been placed. Oh dear! Saint Billiam of Gates will be furious at this unforeseen public disobedience. It seems the Africans may not be the uneducated savages which  the billionaire elites have always taken for granted that they are. 🤣

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8 hours ago, King Billy said:

It wasn’t sent to you accidentally. I suggest you compare my brain scan and sperm count, to your own brain scan and your unfortunate hubbies sperm count, you might finally admit (to yourself at least) that my decision to stay ‘pure blood’ is and has been from day one far more sensible than having my body injected with experimental toxic chemicals, the harmful and deadly effects of which are now becoming more and more impossible to brush under the carpet. More and more countries are finally admitting this and blocking the jib jabs for children and young people. I wonder why the completely ott frenzy to vaccinate every human on the planet has fizzled out like a damp sparkler hanging out of Goobers arse?

Africa, which has had less than 15% of the population medically experimented on, celebrated the opening of their first vaccine ‘manufacturing plant’ recently for the MSM, with some fucking ‘VIP’ cutting the ribbon and declaring the facility ‘open and ready to supply the whole continent’ with the ‘totally safe and totally effective’ lifesaving snake oil. HOORAY!” everyone could be heard to cheer across the continent. Mmmm?
The reality however, is that it wasn’t even a manufacturing plant at all (more MSM lies). Simply a factory which Johnson and Johnson had granted a license to, for packaging and distributing their product (I bet the financial details of that contract never see the light of day). But things haven’t exactly gone to plan. The place is now set to shut, as not one single order has been placed. Oh dear! Saint Billiam of Gates will be furious at this unforeseen public disobedience. It seems the Africans may not be the uneducated savages which  the billionaire elites have always taken for granted that they are. 🤣

Bill, you are preaching to the collective cult mind, you got no chance with stupid mother fuckers like Roops and the like...i wouldn't bother wasting any more time on this Ginger spastic.

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12 hours ago, King Billy said:

It wasn’t sent to you accidentally. I suggest you compare my brain scan and sperm count, to your own brain scan and your unfortunate hubbies sperm count, you might finally admit (to yourself at least) that my decision to stay ‘pure blood’ is and has been from day one far more sensible than having my body injected with experimental toxic chemicals, the harmful and deadly effects of which are now becoming more and more impossible to brush under the carpet. More and more countries are finally admitting this and blocking the jib jabs for children and young people. I wonder why the completely ott frenzy to vaccinate every human on the planet has fizzled out like a damp sparkler hanging out of Goobers arse?

Africa, which has had less than 15% of the population medically experimented on, celebrated the opening of their first vaccine ‘manufacturing plant’ recently for the MSM, with some fucking ‘VIP’ cutting the ribbon and declaring the facility ‘open and ready to supply the whole continent’ with the ‘totally safe and totally effective’ lifesaving snake oil. HOORAY!” everyone could be heard to cheer across the continent. Mmmm?
The reality however, is that it wasn’t even a manufacturing plant at all (more MSM lies). Simply a factory which Johnson and Johnson had granted a license to, for packaging and distributing their product (I bet the financial details of that contract never see the light of day). But things haven’t exactly gone to plan. The place is now set to shut, as not one single order has been placed. Oh dear! Saint Billiam of Gates will be furious at this unforeseen public disobedience. It seems the Africans may not be the uneducated savages which  the billionaire elites have always taken for granted that they are. 🤣

Aside from skating on thin ice with regards to Rule 12, this is just a diatribe of the usual half-truths and repeated lies so the normal disclaimer applies...

On 12/12/2021 at 23:00, King Billy said:

Considering I made up the figures I quoted...Some of the comments I post are what I believe to be fact, some are just things that I find interesting and don’t really care if they’re factual or not.


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