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The strange and recent phenomena of people who seemed healthy and wouldn’t in normal times be OK one day and 3 days later be dead.

King Billy

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6 hours ago, Parabolic Cunting said:

All totally irrelevant questions if the RNA-PCR is not fit for purpose.

Testing for the presence of an RNA sequence does not detect sickness, only whether it exists within a biological sample (amplification). If you scraped my lungs, you would likely find all manner of diseases (certainly coronaviruses), none of which are a threat unless my system becomes compromised, allowing those microbes an environment to thrive / attack, hence the very low mortality of ALL strains.

Having chosen the convenience of RNA PCR for their psuedo-scientific modelling and emergency response, they have made most of the subsequent data about as useful as I imagine your cold, dead vagina is by now. 

Old people and compromised people die as a part of a complex chemical system. Without coronaviruses, everybody lives and the resulting strain on ecologies will perpetuate the release of a virus that WILL be indiscriminate, to ease the burden on the chemical processes that support life. 

In short, you are as thick as fibrous hippo shit and should leave the intelligent conversation to those managing to feed themselves unassisted. 

This includes any data you have seemingly gathered too @King Billy

I call it moulding. 
Some tend to disguise the smell with lavish quantities of Old Spice (for a heterosexual old git) or Nude Alpha (for a metrosexual poof), but overall the effect is more pronounced than disguising. 
Perhaps scented sachets in every pocket and orifice may solve the problem better.

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6 hours ago, Parabolic Cunting said:

All totally irrelevant questions if the RNA-PCR is not fit for purpose.

Testing for the presence of an RNA sequence does not detect sickness, only whether it exists within a biological sample (amplification). If you scraped my lungs, you would likely find all manner of diseases (certainly coronaviruses), none of which are a threat unless my system becomes compromised, allowing those microbes an environment to thrive / attack, hence the very low mortality of ALL strains.

Having chosen the convenience of RNA PCR for their psuedo-scientific modelling and emergency response, they have made most of the subsequent data about as useful as I imagine your cold, dead vagina is by now. 

Old people and compromised people die as a part of a complex chemical system. Without coronaviruses, everybody lives and the resulting strain on ecologies will perpetuate the release of a virus that WILL be indiscriminate, to ease the burden on the chemical processes that support life. 

In short, you are as thick as fibrous hippo shit and should leave the intelligent conversation to those managing to feed themselves unassisted. 

This includes any data you have seemingly gathered too @King Billy

I wouldn’t know data if it swam  up my piss while I was having a slash, and turned my brain instantly into a quantum super computer. All I know is that these fucking poisonous experimental so called vaccines are killing and maiming huge numbers of people who’ve been coerced and frightened into having them, when they were absolutely not necessary in the vast majority of cases. The truth is slowly but surely coming out, and cunts like Roops, who instead of keeping her gob shut, insist on spewing out the (Google/Dr Fauci) rapidly disintegrating narrative know it. It’s great because Im so looking forward to watching her slowly day by day perform her usual 180’ U turn and then claim she’s been right all along and thicko’s  like me mustn't have understood her vastly superior interpretation of the facts.

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18 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

That high-pitched frequency you’re getting is Cicero, spinning in his headless grave.

The billions of mRNA lemmings across the world, will hear that high pitched frequency for no longer than a Nanosecond, when the 5G network calls out  for them, and they fall to the floor like Drew around 8PM every night. Except none of the sheep will wake up the next morning covered in puke and soaked in 99% alcohol proof piss.

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13 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

1/ What is the rate of deaths due to covid between vaccinated and unvaccinated patients in all age groups?

ONS for April and May 2022 (latest available figures)   

April…vaccinated 3837 (93%)

 April… unvaccinated 282 (7%)

May….vaccinated 1439 (92%)

May…unvaccinated 120 (8%)

Uncannily close (in fact identical) to the percentage of the population who’ve been jabbed (allegedly), so even if you believe that such a high number of idiots have actually been pricked, it’s hard not to see that they’re having no effect at all (apart from killing healthy people).

Statistics eh? Don’t bother waffling on about this, that or the other, that the ‘totally honest’ and ‘totally scientific’ fact checker propagandists tell you. The fucking wonder cure vaccines don’t prevent infection, they don’t prevent spread and they don’t reduce your chance of dying.

Booster anyone? It’s a nice day for queuing up for an hour or two with your mask on and your hands sanitised.

Fuck off.


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4 hours ago, King Billy said:

large.BC53DE84-0557-4942-8CC2-F9D9E3246750.jpeg.b7b8439bc93fd8b7b99c1ce0cf63452b.jpegI hope this answers your long list of questions. If you happen to snap your crayon, or much more likely swallow it before you’ve finished, please let me know and I’ll talk you through how to complete it using your big toe and a palmful of your own shit.

Glad to be of help. 
PS Here’s a little clue if you really really are stuck. 💉

You owe me a new monitor, cunt.

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Guest judgetwi

Mr Roops is like the referee who seizes the opportunity to nod the ball into the empty net and runs back celebrating to the half way line. When the players object he gives them the red card. 
That’s the way it is. 

I wouldn’t like to play golf with Mr Roops…….too many opportunities for the cunt to cheat. Probably nick my wallet in the changing room afterwards. Arsehole.

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19 hours ago, Parabolic Cunting said:

All totally irrelevant questions if the RNA-PCR is not fit for purpose.

Testing for the presence of an RNA sequence does not detect sickness, only whether it exists within a biological sample (amplification). If you scraped my lungs, you would likely find all manner of diseases (certainly coronaviruses), none of which are a threat unless my system becomes compromised, allowing those microbes an environment to thrive / attack, hence the very low mortality of ALL strains.

Having chosen the convenience of RNA PCR for their psuedo-scientific modelling and emergency response, they have made most of the subsequent data about as useful as I imagine your cold, dead vagina is by now. 

Old people and compromised people die as a part of a complex chemical system. Without coronaviruses, everybody lives and the resulting strain on ecologies will perpetuate the release of a virus that WILL be indiscriminate, to ease the burden on the chemical processes that support life. 

In short, you are as thick as fibrous hippo shit and should leave the intelligent conversation to those managing to feed themselves unassisted. 

This includes any data you have seemingly gathered too @King Billy

That assertion might have some minor credence if the vaccines were individually prescribed therapeutics, not a national immunisation roll-out of prophylactics.

This is the second time you have now pontificated wholly incorrect science, the last time when you announced that mask-wearing presented greater risks than the virus. When asked to back up your assertion with evidence, answer there came none...

As for my vagina, it is very much alive, of normal body temperature, in regular use and is as fresh as the morning dew.

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13 hours ago, King Billy said:

I wouldn’t know data if it swam  up my piss while I was having a slash, and turned my brain instantly into a quantum super computer. All I know is that these fucking poisonous experimental so called vaccines are killing and maiming huge numbers of people who’ve been coerced and frightened into having them, when they were absolutely not necessary in the vast majority of cases. The truth is slowly but surely coming out, and cunts like Roops, who instead of keeping her gob shut, insist on spewing out the (Google/Dr Fauci) rapidly disintegrating narrative know it. It’s great because Im so looking forward to watching her slowly day by day perform her usual 180’ U turn and then claim she’s been right all along and thicko’s  like me mustn't have understood her vastly superior interpretation of the facts.

So you're dumber than a bag of rocks, who knew? Your confession goes someway in explaining this,

On 12/12/2021 at 23:00, King Billy said:

Considering I made up the figures...I’ll say it again just for you. ‘Some of the comments I post are what I believe to be fact, some are just things that I find interesting and don’t really care if they’re factual or not...

...which by spooky coincidence brings us to this...

9 hours ago, King Billy said:

ONS for April and May 2022 (latest available figures)   

April…vaccinated 3837 (93%)

 April… unvaccinated 282 (7%)

May….vaccinated 1439 (92%)

May…unvaccinated 120 (8%)

Uncannily close (in fact identical) to the percentage of the population who’ve been jabbed (allegedly), so even if you believe that such a high number of idiots have actually been pricked, it’s hard not to see that they’re having no effect at all (apart from killing healthy people).

Statistics eh? Don’t bother waffling on about this, that or the other, that the ‘totally honest’ and ‘totally scientific’ fact checker propagandists tell you. The fucking wonder cure vaccines don’t prevent infection, they don’t prevent spread and they don’t reduce your chance of dying.

Booster anyone? It’s a nice day for queuing up for an hour or two with your mask on and your hands sanitised.

Fuck off.

You were actually asked as to what is your understanding of "excess deaths", instead as per your usual M.O you avoid the question and deflect.

I think all things considered Billy, we need to see the actual document you refer to. Before you answer that you lack the necessary keyboards skills I note you previously uploaded a diagram, itself an instrument of deflection.

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9 hours ago, judgetwi said:

Mr Roops is like the referee who seizes the opportunity to nod the ball into the empty net and runs back celebrating to the half way line. When the players object he gives them the red card. 
That’s the way it is. 

I wouldn’t like to play golf with Mr Roops…….too many opportunities for the cunt to cheat. Probably nick my wallet in the changing room afterwards. Arsehole.

Well if you must use a footballing analogy this more about a screaming diva prone to extreme diving who has received umpteen yellow cards for his behaviour. I've lost count of the number of players I've sent off thanks to your baiting. I'm only surprised that experienced and valued big beast punters like Decs and Eddie fell for it.

This is the last time you will be involved in the commenting of site management and involving yourself in the internecine warfare between punters. In future the only posts of yours that will survive will be your traditional gammon taxi-driver rants.

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Guest Parabolic Cunting
1 hour ago, Mrs Roops said:

That assertion might have some minor credence if the vaccines were individually prescribed therapeutics, not a national immunisation roll-out of prophylactics.

This is the second time you have now pontificated wholly incorrect science, the last time when you announced that mask-wearing presented greater risks than the virus. When asked to back up your assertion with evidence, answer there came none...

As for my vagina, it is very much alive, of normal body temperature, in regular use and is as fresh as the morning dew.

Fresh as the morning dew? Do you live in the Gobi?

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23 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

When these two cunts are squabbling, if it’s a quiet day with not much wind or traffic noise, open a window and listen towards the south, Killa. That high-pitched frequency you’re getting is Cicero, spinning in his headless grave.

Or maybe that high pitched frequency is radiation poisoning caused by a 5g tower disguised as a penis....strange world init.

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10 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Well if you must use a footballing analogy this more about a screaming diva prone to extreme diving who has received umpteen yellow cards for his behaviour. I've lost count of the number of players I've sent off thanks to your baiting. I'm only surprised that experienced and valued big beast punters like Decs and Eddie fell for it.

This is the last time you will be involved in the commenting of site management and involving yourself in the internecine warfare between punters. In future the only posts of yours that will survive will be your traditional gammon taxi-driver rants.

Pathetic rattled old slag. ‘Shut up or I’ll nuke you’. Consistent as ever. 🤮

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11 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

I think all things considered Billy, we need to see the actual document you refer to.

Deflection you say? I note that you haven’t disputed any of what I said, instead going straight for the deflect option as usual. I’m sure the ONS statistics I quoted are well within your googling capabilities. If not then you’ll just have to hit the ‘turbo deflection’ key, which will probably give you your first orgasm in decades, (especially if you close your eyes and think of me). 😘

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2 hours ago, King Billy said:

Deflection you say? I note that you haven’t disputed any of what I said, instead going straight for the deflect option as usual. I’m sure the ONS statistics I quoted are well within your googling capabilities. If not then you’ll just have to hit the ‘turbo deflection’ key, which will probably give you your first orgasm in decades, (especially if you close your eyes and think of me). 😘

I will add a graph for the Roops cretin in the gallery, i have no idea what she wants as i read one line from her and i start to feel a little nausea. The graph shows covie deaths by vaccine status and she can check it out for herself on the ONS (like you say).

I'm not her researcher...but she can have this one for free and then fuck herself in to the middle of next week.

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On 29/07/2022 at 00:09, judgetwi said:

Mr Roops is like the referee who seizes the opportunity to nod the ball into the empty net and runs back celebrating to the half way line. When the players object he gives them the red card. 
That’s the way it is. 

I wouldn’t like to play golf with Mr Roops…….too many opportunities for the cunt to cheat. Probably nick my wallet in the changing room afterwards. Arsehole.

Eric & I have just bought these, Judge. LCS and the Beast reckon we can get some DNA from the Fürer’s Gentleman’s Relish out of the gusset and do a bit of cloning. Think about it.


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12 hours ago, King Billy said:

Deflection you say? I note that you haven’t disputed any of what I said, instead going straight for the deflect option as usual. I’m sure the ONS statistics I quoted are well within your googling capabilities. If not then you’ll just have to hit the ‘turbo deflection’ key, which will probably give you your first orgasm in decades, (especially if you close your eyes and think of me). 😘

The problem Billy, is that I cannot find any stats on the ONS site that are presented in the manner you describe. Given your habit of lying and making facts up (by your own admittance) its always a red flag when you refuse to provide corroboration so I am grateful to @Jake The Muss for sourcing the document. Neither the graph (and several others like it) nor the figures were issued by the ONS. The graphic was created by messrs Slackjaw & Bonkers for publication on social media where presumably it would be lapped up by gullible saps and the cerebrally-challenged.

Fact Check-Graph showing England’s COVID-19 death statistics misrepresents impact of vaccines | Reuters

On a not entirely unrelated note its quite rare to witness a blue-on-blue incident on The Corner but when a co-conspiracy theorist storms in and inadvertently sinks another's assertion then its a sight to behold.

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3 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:


On a not entirely unrelated note its quite rare to witness a blue-on-blue incident on The Corner but when a co-conspiracy theorist storms in and inadvertently sinks another's assertion then its a sight to behold.

Are Billy and Fender both Smurfs?

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3 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

The problem Billy, is that I cannot find any stats on the ONS site that are presented in the manner you describe. Given your habit of lying and making facts up (by your own admittance) its always a red flag when you refuse to provide corroboration so I am grateful to @Jake The Muss for sourcing the document. Neither the graph (and several others like it) nor the figures were issued by the ONS. The graphic was created by messrs Slackjaw & Bonkers for publication on social media where presumably it would be lapped up by gullible saps and the cerebrally-challenged.

Fact Check-Graph showing England’s COVID-19 death statistics misrepresents impact of vaccines | Reuters

On a not entirely unrelated note its quite rare to witness a blue-on-blue incident on The Corner but when a co-conspiracy theorist storms in and inadvertently sinks another's assertion then its a sight to behold.

Roops old girl, i really don't put a lot of faith in any graph,data no matter where it comes from, it's a simple debate starter and is open to scrutiny from any side of a debate, and more often not air tight, i go with my personal experiences. Since the injection roll out, about 80% in the people i know who have had at least one jab, about half of those have had health issues and all were healthy before. Three have died who were fine before (not that old)..now in those who stayed away from those injections have had no problems and get along just fine. I personally like to take care of my own health and certainly will not put my trust in any government roll outs unless it makes complete sense to do so. Now i have proved that the PRC test is not fit for purpose and the CDC also came to that conclusion. Alas on their website at the end of last year...https://www.cdc.gov/csels/dls/locs/2021/07-21-2021-lab-alert-Changes_CDC_RT-PCR_SARS-CoV-2_Testing_1.html

If the test isn't fit for purpose then how can you have an experimental injection roll out ?

For me that makes NO sense what so ever but if it makes sense to others including you , then fill your boots, i have no problem with these injections being available for the public, as it should always be about choice but there will be consequences for everyone's choices...

You can fuck off now.

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3 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

The problem Billy, is that I cannot find any stats on the ONS site that are presented in the manner you describe. Given your habit of lying and making facts up (by your own admittance) its always a red flag when you refuse to provide corroboration so I am grateful to @Jake The Muss for sourcing the document. Neither the graph (and several others like it) nor the figures were issued by the ONS. The graphic was created by messrs Slackjaw & Bonkers for publication on social media where presumably it would be lapped up by gullible saps and the cerebrally-challenged.

Fact Check-Graph showing England’s COVID-19 death statistics misrepresents impact of vaccines | Reuters

On a not entirely unrelated note its quite rare to witness a blue-on-blue incident on The Corner but when a co-conspiracy theorist storms in and inadvertently sinks another's assertion then its a sight to behold.

You do know that fact checkers just give opinions, was admitted in court.

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3 hours ago, Jake The Muss said:

Roops old girl, i really don't put a lot of faith in any graph,data no matter where it comes from, it's a simple debate starter and is open to scrutiny from any side of a debate, and more often not air tight, i go with my personal experiences. Since the injection roll out, about 80% in the people i know who have had at least one jab, about half of those have had health issues and all were healthy before. Three have died who were fine before (not that old)..now in those who stayed away from those injections have had no problems and get along just fine. I personally like to take care of my own health and certainly will not put my trust in any government roll outs unless it makes complete sense to do so. Now i have proved that the PRC test is not fit for purpose and the CDC also came to that conclusion. Alas on their website at the end of last year...https://www.cdc.gov/csels/dls/locs/2021/07-21-2021-lab-alert-Changes_CDC_RT-PCR_SARS-CoV-2_Testing_1.html

If the test isn't fit for purpose then how can you have an experimental injection roll out ?

For me that makes NO sense what so ever but if it makes sense to others including you , then fill your boots, i have no problem with these injections being available for the public, as it should always be about choice but there will be consequences for everyone's choices...

You can fuck off now.

Firstly, let me congratulate you on your conciseness and the ability to cram so much nonsense in so few words.

Secondly, let me proffer commiserations on not only losing three people "that [you] know" but also having half of your of your jabbed friends experiencing "health issues". Clearly you are a statistical anomaly and you should surrender your person to Porton Down for weaponisation forthwith.

I don't recall you "proving" anything nevertheless, if you had understood the article correctly then the CDC have withdrawn one specific PCR test from Emergency Use Authorisation. The other PCR tests remain approved. Its worth noting that there was nothing wrong or suspect with regards to the withdrawn test, it was simply that newer test kit was lighter, faster and more efficient.

Of course all of this moot as the vaccination roll-out is designed to prepare the body to fight the virus if contracted and is not a therapeutic therefore the use of such tests prior to a prophylactic jab is pointless.

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2 hours ago, Jake The Muss said:

You do know that fact checkers just give opinions, was admitted in court.

I'm afraid you have picked up another fag-end from the anti-vaxxer rumour factory. This story relates to self-styled 'libertarian' John Stossel who was upset that fact-checkers were rubbishing his campaign of disinformation and wanted the courts to ban fact-checking. His legal team made the case that his factual misinformation was in fact 'opinion' and therefore protected by the First Amendment. "Ah" came the response, then surely actual correct information is also "opinion" therefore shouldn't that also be protected by the First Amendment?

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