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The strange and recent phenomena of people who seemed healthy and wouldn’t in normal times be OK one day and 3 days later be dead.

King Billy

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2 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

Yep, the Wakandans - quite undeservedly - get some near-magical super material from outer space, and what do they do? They hide away inside a ghetto of their own making, turn the vibranium into knives and other weapons, and instigate a royal family lineage based on drug-fuelled death matches. No wonder it went down so well with the BLM contingent.

In reality, they would have all slaughtered each other. Arguing over which faction was worshipping the lump of metal correctly. I'm beyond sick and tired of being legally obliged to not consider them an inferior species. 

The WEF can be verified as stating that Caucasian males are 'the most defiant of creatures'. I'm guessing that several big players in the WEF are also prominent in deciding what passes as mass media. 

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13 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Fuck me, Cunto… this has been done to bastard death…months ago.

No DC. He’s asked me a very difficult question, which I’ve been unable to seriously answer, hence the silly reply which I thought would have shown up the glaring error in the question.

How was I able to fly to Turkey unvaccinated for dental treatment? (which I’ve had done in Hungary).

I think he’d have had me but for  that one little error.

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12 hours ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

I see BBC iPlayer have made a programme about it called Turkey Teeth, or something like that. I might watch it later to see if he's in it 

I might be in it, depending on which part of Budapest (the capital of Turkey) it was filmed in.

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15 hours ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

Now I know why you call yourself King, because of all the crowns you have.

I hope my explanation cleared up your query regarding my travel arrangements to Turkey to finish my dental treatment.

I thoroughly recommend that you should visit Budapest some day, not necessarily for medical reasons like me, but as  a tourist destination I’d rate it as the best Pacific coast resort in Turkey bar none. It’s right up there with Jaywick and Atlantic  City. I was going to advise you to go ‘all inclusive’ but I’m pretty sure you know your way around a free bar without any help from me.

No need to thank me CBB.

Tesekkur Ederim.


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The excess death rate (not due  to Covid 19) in England and Wales , according to the ONS is currently around 1000 per week. The figures for Scotland even higher/per capita. The excess deaths since 2021 start to rise in the various age groups as soon as the vaccines  and boosters are rolled out ie excess deaths rise in the older age groups then again in the other age groups as soon as they became the current group to be jabbed, and so it goes on.

Don’t believe me. I’m just a thicko who’ll believe anything apart from the MSM bullshit. But Professor Richard Ennos from the University of Edinburgh has done some interesting analysis of this government data and he’s spoken about his findings, which he simply says (to avoid GB News feeling the wrath of the Ofcom censors) should warrant an honest investigation into these excess deaths and why they coincide exactly with the age related rollouts of the Covid vaccines. He spoke on the Mark Steyn show tonight on GB News around 12 minutes into the show. And before the ginger Antivaxfinder General starts flapping her flippers and points out that Prof E isn’t claiming that this is definitely proof of what Ive believed from the start and tried to tell people, he is categorically stating that there is an easily observable pattern to the age related excess deaths and the age groups of excess deaths as the initial vaccines and boosters were rolled out down the age demographic. And that the Scottish Gov inquiry blatantly ignored this and never even attempted to look at it.

No doubt Roops will ‘fact check’ 🤣 Prof Ennos and unearth some recently discovered (something always turns up when anyone dares to speak out on GB News or against the approved narrative) revelation that the Prof was in the Boy Scouts with David Icke or bought a car from Nigel Farage etc etc etc. That’s the MO now in 2022. If you ask awkward questions you will be mocked, scorned and removed from the conversation permanently. Disinformation innit, not safe, harmful….blah blah blah. Doesn’t matter, you’ll all be dead soon anyway.


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1 hour ago, King Billy said:

No doubt Roops will ‘fact check’ 🤣 Prof Ennos and unearth some recently discovered (something always turns up when anyone dares to speak out on GB News or against the approved narrative) revelation that the Prof was in the Boy Scouts with David Icke or bought a car from Nigel Farage etc etc etc. That’s the MO now in 2022. If you ask awkward questions you will be mocked, scorned and removed from the conversation permanently. Disinformation innit, not safe, harmful….blah blah blah. Doesn’t matter, you’ll all be dead soon anyway.

Abso-fuckin-loutly. Look at what happened to The Don. He called out the chinks for unleashing the Kung Flu upon the world and it cannot be argued that patient zero hailed from China. The participants of the forces games were the first international patients to be infected which funnily enough happened to be hosted in the communist state. He was then royally fucked over by the MSM and the septics ended up with Dementia Joe, a cunt that couldn't even make it up the stairs to Air Force One.

We are now all suffering from the Ukrainian war through astronomical increases in everyday staples. A war which the NATO countries are paying through the fucking nose for. I've no doubt that The Don would have flown to Russia and made a deal with Vlad and the Ukrainians could have avoided the bloodshed.

I reckon he's got a good chance of getting back into the White House.

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1 hour ago, Major Cunt said:

Abso-fuckin-loutly. Look at what happened to The Don. He called out the chinks for unleashing the Kung Flu upon the world and it cannot be argued that patient zero hailed from China. The participants of the forces games were the first international patients to be infected which funnily enough happened to be hosted in the communist state. He was then royally fucked over by the MSM and the septics ended up with Dementia Joe, a cunt that couldn't even make it up the stairs to Air Force One.

We are now all suffering from the Ukrainian war through astronomical increases in everyday staples. A war which the NATO countries are paying through the fucking nose for. I've no doubt that The Don would have flown to Russia and made a deal with Vlad and the Ukrainians could have avoided the bloodshed.

I reckon he's got a good chance of getting back into the White House.

Donald J Trump is the greatest President of the USA ever,  who withstood every invented, malicious investigation and illegal impeachment attempt which the disgustingly corrupt Washington DC swamp, aided and abetted by certain criminals in the FBI and cheered on by the equally corrupt Fake News Media around the world threw at him and his family for five years, and who are still attempting to stop him running in 2024, because they fear they won’t be able to steal the election again like they did in 2020.

Everything he promised, he did his utmost to deliver, with not only the so called Democrats trying to stop him but a lot of so called Republicans (RINOS) who are interested only in self enrichment and maintaining the status quo.  
The globalist puppets who head most governments across the world have no interest whatsoever in acting in the best interests of their citizens. They all act in lockstep to implement the agreed agenda on the public and the people who elected them are always the most to suffer from their policies. They keep the masses, who they despise, in a constant state of uncertainty and for the majority poverty, and when they judge it necessary they invent a crisis (Racism, Covid, Ukraine, Climate change etc etc etc) to terrify and control them until they miraculously find an expensive and unpleasant (for the masses) solution for the problem, to great applause from their pet MSM arselickers. Dissenters are vilified and ridiculed. Those who still refuse to be quiet are persecuted using the full force of the establishment and law enforcement agencies (Alex Jones being a good current example of that in the US and Julian Assange here in the U.K.)

I truly believe every single word of what I’ve just said. The magnificent Donald J Trump ‘MAGA’ tattoo I have on my back  makes me prouder than anything I’ve ever done in my entire life, including marriage and fathering children. 

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2 hours ago, King Billy said:

The excess death rate (not due  to Covid 19) in England and Wales , according to the ONS is currently around 1000 per week. The figures for Scotland even higher/per capita. The excess deaths since 2021 start to rise in the various age groups as soon as the vaccines  and boosters are rolled out ie excess deaths rise in the older age groups then again in the other age groups as soon as they became the current group to be jabbed, and so it goes on.

Don’t believe me. I’m just a thicko who’ll believe anything apart from the MSM bullshit. But Professor Richard Ennos from the University of Edinburgh has done some interesting analysis of this government data and he’s spoken about his findings, which he simply says (to avoid GB News feeling the wrath of the Ofcom censors) should warrant an honest investigation into these excess deaths and why they coincide exactly with the age related rollouts of the Covid vaccines. He spoke on the Mark Steyn show tonight on GB News around 12 minutes into the show. And before the ginger Antivaxfinder General starts flapping her flippers and points out that Prof E isn’t claiming that this is definitely proof of what Ive believed from the start and tried to tell people, he is categorically stating that there is an easily observable pattern to the age related excess deaths and the age groups of excess deaths as the initial vaccines and boosters were rolled out down the age demographic. And that the Scottish Gov inquiry blatantly ignored this and never even attempted to look at it.

No doubt Roops will ‘fact check’ 🤣 Prof Ennos and unearth some recently discovered (something always turns up when anyone dares to speak out on GB News or against the approved narrative) revelation that the Prof was in the Boy Scouts with David Icke or bought a car from Nigel Farage etc etc etc. That’s the MO now in 2022. If you ask awkward questions you will be mocked, scorned and removed from the conversation permanently. Disinformation innit, not safe, harmful….blah blah blah. Doesn’t matter, you’ll all be dead soon anyway.


I have likely said this or  something similar before. As much as I respect Steyn for some of the work he did trying to get acknowledgement about the muslim rape squads in multiple British towns, I find GB news nothing more than controlled opposition. In the case of all the vaccine stuff, it is acting as a safety valve to let a bit of steam out of the kettle.

Much of what is aired on the channel about this subject is something they should have been saying from the very first day they broadcast. The dangers of these vaccines were known then. They didn't. They were doing the opposite by promoting  the fucking thing. They could have prevented many people in the younger age ranges from unnecessarily taking it.

Instead they turn up when the damage is done and stir the pot.

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5 minutes ago, The Beast said:

I have likely said this or  something similar before. As much as I respect Steyn for some of the work he did trying to get acknowledgement about the muslim rape squads in multiple British towns, I find GB news nothing more than controlled opposition. In the case of all the vaccine stuff, it is acting as a safety valve to let a bit of steam out of the kettle.

Much of what is aired on the channel about this subject is something they should have been saying from the very first day they broadcast. The dangers of these vaccines were known then. They didn't. They were doing the opposite by promoting  the fucking thing. They could have prevented many people in the younger age ranges from unnecessarily taking it.

Instead they turn up when the damage is done and stir the pot.

I agree totally but that doesn’t mean that whoever appears on there should be dismissed as liars and crackpots. Most of the presenters are exactly as you describe but Steyn and Neil Oliver for whatever reason are just about the only voices drawing attention to the fucking scandal.

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1 minute ago, King Billy said:

I agree totally but that doesn’t mean that whoever appears on there should be dismissed as liars and crackpots. Most of the presenters are exactly as you describe but Steyn and Neil Oliver for whatever reason are just about the only voices drawing attention to the fucking scandal.

The flotsam that put the money up to launch this channel are the same cunts that have more than a passing interest in long standing MSM outfits. It's going nowhere fast, by design.

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9 hours ago, King Billy said:

...The magnificent Donald J Trump ‘MAGA’ tattoo I have on my back  makes me prouder than anything I’ve ever done in my entire life, including marriage and fathering children. 

Considering you've bragged about dumping three wives in succession I don't think you've set the bar very high.

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11 hours ago, King Billy said:

The excess death rate (not due  to Covid 19) in England and Wales , according to the ONS is currently around 1000 per week. The figures for Scotland even higher/per capita. The excess deaths since 2021 start to rise in the various age groups as soon as the vaccines  and boosters are rolled out ie excess deaths rise in the older age groups then again in the other age groups as soon as they became the current group to be jabbed, and so it goes on.

Don’t believe me. I’m just a thicko who’ll believe anything apart from the MSM bullshit. But Professor Richard Ennos from the University of Edinburgh has done some interesting analysis of this government data and he’s spoken about his findings, which he simply says (to avoid GB News feeling the wrath of the Ofcom censors) should warrant an honest investigation into these excess deaths and why they coincide exactly with the age related rollouts of the Covid vaccines. He spoke on the Mark Steyn show tonight on GB News around 12 minutes into the show. And before the ginger Antivaxfinder General starts flapping her flippers and points out that Prof E isn’t claiming that this is definitely proof of what Ive believed from the start and tried to tell people, he is categorically stating that there is an easily observable pattern to the age related excess deaths and the age groups of excess deaths as the initial vaccines and boosters were rolled out down the age demographic. And that the Scottish Gov inquiry blatantly ignored this and never even attempted to look at it.

No doubt Roops will ‘fact check’ 🤣 Prof Ennos and unearth some recently discovered (something always turns up when anyone dares to speak out on GB News or against the approved narrative) revelation that the Prof was in the Boy Scouts with David Icke or bought a car from Nigel Farage etc etc etc. That’s the MO now in 2022. If you ask awkward questions you will be mocked, scorned and removed from the conversation permanently. Disinformation innit, not safe, harmful….blah blah blah. Doesn’t matter, you’ll all be dead soon anyway.

I have no wish to disparage a retired ecologist who specialises in the genetics of mushrooms.

You are obviously passionate about a subject that you know so little about and I applaud your resolve to ask awkward questions to further your understanding of the subject. With this in mind I have compiled a list of questions that are never asked by Mr Steyn to any of his tame guests, perhaps you could contact GB News and ask the following;

1/ What is the rate of deaths due to covid between vaccinated and unvaccinated patients in all age groups?

2/ What is the rate of deaths attributed to the covid vaccinations compered to the virus in all ages?

3/ What is the incidence of myocarditus of vaccinated people compared to those who have covid?

4/ Why has your preferred choice of vaccine (Novavax) has now been restricted to over 18 year olds in the USA?

5/ What is the rate of myocardits post-vaccine of Novavax compared to the mRNA vaccines?

Finally a question for you Billy, what do you think is meant by "excess deaths"?

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Guest Parabolic Cunting
3 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

I have no wish to disparage a retired ecologist who specialises in the genetics of mushrooms.

You are obviously passionate about a subject that you know so little about and I applaud your resolve to ask awkward questions to further your understanding of the subject. With this in mind I have compiled a list of questions that are never asked by Mr Steyn to any of his tame guests, perhaps you could contact GB News and ask the following;

1/ What is the rate of deaths due to covid between vaccinated and unvaccinated patients in all age groups?

2/ What is the rate of deaths attributed to the covid vaccinations compered to the virus in all ages?

3/ What is the incidence of myocarditus of vaccinated people compared to those who have covid?

4/ Why has your preferred choice of vaccine (Novavax) has now been restricted to over 18 year olds in the USA?

5/ What is the rate of myocardits post-vaccine of Novavax compared to the mRNA vaccines?

Finally a question for you Billy, what do you think is meant by "excess deaths"?

All totally irrelevant questions if the RNA-PCR is not fit for purpose.

Testing for the presence of an RNA sequence does not detect sickness, only whether it exists within a biological sample (amplification). If you scraped my lungs, you would likely find all manner of diseases (certainly coronaviruses), none of which are a threat unless my system becomes compromised, allowing those microbes an environment to thrive / attack, hence the very low mortality of ALL strains.

Having chosen the convenience of RNA PCR for their psuedo-scientific modelling and emergency response, they have made most of the subsequent data about as useful as I imagine your cold, dead vagina is by now. 

Old people and compromised people die as a part of a complex chemical system. Without coronaviruses, everybody lives and the resulting strain on ecologies will perpetuate the release of a virus that WILL be indiscriminate, to ease the burden on the chemical processes that support life. 

In short, you are as thick as fibrous hippo shit and should leave the intelligent conversation to those managing to feed themselves unassisted. 

This includes any data you have seemingly gathered too @King Billy

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12 minutes ago, Parabolic Cunting said:

All totally irrelevant questions if the RNA-PCR is not fit for purpose.

Testing for the presence of an RNA sequence does not detect sickness, only whether it exists within a biological sample (amplification). If you scraped my lungs, you would likely find all manner of diseases (certainly coronaviruses), none of which are a threat unless my system becomes compromised, allowing those microbes an environment to thrive / attack, hence the very low mortality of ALL strains.

Having chosen the convenience of RNA PCR for their psuedo-scientific modelling and emergency response, they have made most of the subsequent data about as useful as I imagine your cold, dead vagina is by now. 

Old people and compromised people die as a part of a complex chemical system. Without coronaviruses, everybody lives and the resulting strain on ecologies will perpetuate the release of a virus that WILL be indiscriminate, to ease the burden on the chemical processes that support life. 

In short, you are as thick as fibrous hippo shit and should leave the intelligent conversation to those managing to feed themselves unassisted. 

This includes any data you have seemingly gathered too @King Billy

Oh fucking hell, PC. Don't try and argue with these cunts. Especially whilst offering your own theories on the subject matter.

This alone will give the pair of them at least four more months of self indulgent I'm-more-cleverer-than-you-are-actually smugness.

Trust me, I'm a hygiene operative (floor and shitter cleaner). I know when someone has just stepped in a steaming pile of shit.

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Guest Parabolic Cunting
1 hour ago, Roadkill said:

Oh fucking hell, PC. Don't try and argue with these cunts. Especially whilst offering your own theories on the subject matter.

This alone will give the pair of them at least four more months of self indulgent I'm-more-cleverer-than-you-are-actually smugness.

Trust me, I'm a hygiene operative (floor and shitter cleaner). I know when someone has just stepped in a steaming pile of shit.

Not arguing. I'm telling.

Will be offering no more on the matter. Promise.

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Guest Parabolic Cunting
4 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

I look forward to seeing how this approach works out. You might be lucky, I suppose, but it's never borne much fruit for me in the past when I've tried it with Mrs Baws.

I sense you may be right about this where Roops is concerned. Hopefully the cringy fucking cunt will bite.

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4 hours ago, Parabolic Cunting said:

All totally irrelevant questions if the RNA-PCR is not fit for purpose.

Testing for the presence of an RNA sequence does not detect sickness, only whether it exists within a biological sample (amplification). If you scraped my lungs, you would likely find all manner of diseases (certainly coronaviruses), none of which are a threat unless my system becomes compromised, allowing those microbes an environment to thrive / attack, hence the very low mortality of ALL strains.

Having chosen the convenience of RNA PCR for their psuedo-scientific modelling and emergency response, they have made most of the subsequent data about as useful as I imagine your cold, dead vagina is by now. 

Old people and compromised people die as a part of a complex chemical system. Without coronaviruses, everybody lives and the resulting strain on ecologies will perpetuate the release of a virus that WILL be indiscriminate, to ease the burden on the chemical processes that support life. 

In short, you are as thick as fibrous hippo shit and should leave the intelligent conversation to those managing to feed themselves unassisted. 

This includes any data you have seemingly gathered too @King Billy

Yes very well put PC...and a fine annihilation of the Roops cretin..here is the inventor of the PCR test Kary Mullis to tell the only truth about his invention, Kary died a few months before Mr.Covie showed up...Mmm


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5 hours ago, Parabolic Cunting said:

All totally irrelevant questions if the RNA-PCR is not fit for purpose.

Testing for the presence of an RNA sequence does not detect sickness, only whether it exists within a biological sample (amplification). If you scraped my lungs, you would likely find all manner of diseases (certainly coronaviruses), none of which are a threat unless my system becomes compromised, allowing those microbes an environment to thrive / attack, hence the very low mortality of ALL strains.

Having chosen the convenience of RNA PCR for their psuedo-scientific modelling and emergency response, they have made most of the subsequent data about as useful as I imagine your cold, dead vagina is by now. 

Old people and compromised people die as a part of a complex chemical system. Without coronaviruses, everybody lives and the resulting strain on ecologies will perpetuate the release of a virus that WILL be indiscriminate, to ease the burden on the chemical processes that support life. 

In short, you are as thick as fibrous hippo shit and should leave the intelligent conversation to those managing to feed themselves unassisted. 

This includes any data you have seemingly gathered too @King Billy

Fucking hell PC you've done it now. I can hear the tapping of keys and the slurping of several bottles of Merlot, as she scours google, compiling a long, in depth retort to your post.  Good luck old boy.

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9 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

I have no wish to disparage a retired ecologist who specialises in the genetics of mushrooms.

You are obviously passionate about a subject that you know so little about and I applaud your resolve to ask awkward questions to further your understanding of the subject. With this in mind I have compiled a list of questions that are never asked by Mr Steyn to any of his tame guests, perhaps you could contact GB News and ask the following;

1/ What is the rate of deaths due to covid between vaccinated and unvaccinated patients in all age groups?

2/ What is the rate of deaths attributed to the covid vaccinations compered to the virus in all ages?

3/ What is the incidence of myocarditus of vaccinated people compared to those who have covid?

4/ Why has your preferred choice of vaccine (Novavax) has now been restricted to over 18 year olds in the USA?

5/ What is the rate of myocardits post-vaccine of Novavax compared to the mRNA vaccines?

Finally a question for you Billy, what do you think is meant by "excess deaths"?

large.BC53DE84-0557-4942-8CC2-F9D9E3246750.jpeg.b7b8439bc93fd8b7b99c1ce0cf63452b.jpegI hope this answers your long list of questions. If you happen to snap your crayon, or much more likely swallow it before you’ve finished, please let me know and I’ll talk you through how to complete it using your big toe and a palmful of your own shit.

Glad to be of help. 
PS Here’s a little clue if you really really are stuck. 💉

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5 hours ago, Roadkill said:

Oh fucking hell, PC. Don't try and argue with these cunts. Especially whilst offering your own theories on the subject matter.

This alone will give the pair of them at least four more months of self indulgent I'm-more-cleverer-than-you-are-actually smugness.

Trust me, I'm a hygiene operative (floor and shitter cleaner). I know when someone has just stepped in a steaming pile of shit.

When these two cunts are squabbling, if it’s a quiet day with not much wind or traffic noise, open a window and listen towards the south, Killa. That high-pitched frequency you’re getting is Cicero, spinning in his headless grave.

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