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The strange and recent phenomena of people who seemed healthy and wouldn’t in normal times be OK one day and 3 days later be dead.

King Billy

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27 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Never lost a defamation case? Really?

That said, your remonstrating is not only a load of hot air and deflective gibberish, its also entirely irrelevant as it does not alter the fact that Ivermectin is not a suitable medication against covid for reasons previously explained.

Oh sorry I thought you would have realised pretty quick that PV don’t file FOIA requests or rely on gov documents for their stories. The fact that you’ve admitted to searching for proof for fuck knows how long to debunk what I said has amused me no end. I genuinely thought you would not have been so fucking dumb, but I’ve obviously overestimated your intelligence and underestimated your egomaniacal tunnel vision.

Now that you’ve been put right on the Project Veritas thing, I feel it’s only right that I steer you in the direction of Judicial Watch. No need to thank me.

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10 hours ago, King Billy said:

Oh sorry I thought you would have realised pretty quick that PV don’t file FOIA requests or rely on gov documents for their stories. The fact that you’ve admitted to searching for proof for fuck knows how long to debunk what I said has amused me no end. I genuinely thought you would not have been so fucking dumb, but I’ve obviously overestimated your intelligence and underestimated your egomaniacal tunnel vision.

Now that you’ve been put right on the Project Veritas thing, I feel it’s only right that I steer you in the direction of Judicial Watch. No need to thank me.

Indeed, you sound amused...

Nevertheless the penny still has not dropped, has it? Rabbiting on about litigation and FOIA requests by partisan organisations with a false narrative to promulgate is ultimately irrelevant. Its irrelevant as such judicial shenanigans by bad actors are theatre and a charade to impress and keep on side gullible saps. The fact remains that Ivermectin is not the medicinal panacea for dealing with Covid - it never has been and it never will. The bitter pill for you to swallow is that you and countless others have been conned, lied to and mugged. For the first time in your life, grow up, put on a pair of big boy trousers and eschew the weird alternate reality that has been your comfort zone thus far.

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21 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Indeed, you sound amused...

Nevertheless the penny still has not dropped, has it? Rabbiting on about litigation and FOIA requests by partisan organisations with a false narrative to promulgate is ultimately irrelevant. Its irrelevant as such judicial shenanigans by bad actors are theatre and a charade to impress and keep on side gullible saps. The fact remains that Ivermectin is not the medicinal panacea for dealing with Covid - it never has been and it never will. The bitter pill for you to swallow is that you and countless others have been conned, lied to and mugged. For the first time in your life, grow up, put on a pair of big boy trousers and eschew the weird alternate reality that has been your comfort zone thus far.


11 hours ago, King Billy said:

Oh sorry I thought you would have realised pretty quick that PV don’t file FOIA requests or rely on gov documents for their stories. The fact that you’ve admitted to searching for proof for fuck knows how long to debunk what I said has amused me no end. I genuinely thought you would not have been so fucking dumb, but I’ve obviously overestimated your intelligence and underestimated your egomaniacal tunnel vision.

Now that you’ve been put right on the Project Veritas thing, I feel it’s only right that I steer you in the direction of Judicial Watch. No need to thank me.


21 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Indeed, you sound amused...

Nevertheless the penny still has not dropped, has it? Rabbiting on about litigation and FOIA requests by partisan organisations with a false narrative to promulgate is ultimately irrelevant. Its irrelevant as such judicial shenanigans by bad actors are theatre and a charade to impress and keep on side gullible saps. The fact remains that Ivermectin is not the medicinal panacea for dealing with Covid - it never has been and it never will. The bitter pill for you to swallow is that you and countless others have been conned, lied to and mugged. For the first time in your life, grow up, put on a pair of big boy trousers and eschew the weird alternate reality that has been your comfort zone thus far.

For fucks sake give it a rest. You two are making RickB comments interesting.

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Guest judgetwi
13 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Indeed, you sound amused...

, put on a pair of big boy trousers and eschew the weird alternate reality that has been your comfort zone thus far.

Hmmm……I don’t think you should be telling people to “put on a pair of big boy trousers” Mr Roops. Unless of course you have decided to go trannie. In which case “the weird alternate reality” comes into play. 

“Comfort zone” Mr Roops? Not on my watch.

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The German Health Ministry (well known conspiracy theorists) tweeted this week that ‘One in 5000 people is affected by a serious side effect after a Covid 19 jab.’

Fucking tinfoil hat Kraut cunts. I’m just glad I’ve stuck to my guns and never believed any of these silly stories. 🤣💉

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13 hours ago, King Billy said:

The German Health Ministry (well known conspiracy theorists) tweeted this week that ‘One in 5000 people is affected by a serious side effect after a Covid 19 jab.’

Fucking tinfoil hat Kraut cunts. I’m just glad I’ve stuck to my guns and never believed any of these silly stories. 🤣💉

Yet another attempt at misinformation. For reasons best known to yourself you've omitted to mention that the Health Ministry was commenting on the German equivalent of the USA's VAERS and the UK's Yellow Card reporting system, both of which are treated like a honey pot by the tin-foil brethren.

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18 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Yet another attempt at misinformation. For reasons best known to yourself you've omitted to mention that the Health Ministry was commenting on the German equivalent of the USA's VAERS and the UK's Yellow Card reporting system, both of which are treated like a honey pot by the tin-foil brethren.

Trust no one Roops old girl, trust no one, embed that in to your tiny compartmentalized brain ...and for the love of everything sacred, don't trust yourself.

Jake's advice for the day given with full consent..have a smashing compartmentalized weekend.

God Bless.

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14 hours ago, King Billy said:

The German Health Ministry (well known conspiracy theorists) tweeted this week that ‘One in 5000 people is affected by a serious side effect after a Covid 19 jab.’

Fucking tinfoil hat Kraut cunts. I’m just glad I’ve stuck to my guns and never believed any of these silly stories. 🤣💉

I would have thought there would be no way you would be able to take a flight to Turkey and have dental treatment for your set of Rylan Clark-Neals without evidence of any COVID vaccination. Explain yourself.

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2 hours ago, Jake The Muss said:

Trust no one Roops old girl, trust no one, embed that in to your tiny compartmentalized brain ...and for the love of everything sacred, don't trust yourself.

Jake's advice for the day given with full consent..have a smashing compartmentalized weekend.

God Bless.

Understandably I won't be taking advice from a cerebrally-challenged person crippled by having no more than two brain cells, one containing an instruction to move a brush upwards, the other downwards.

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7 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Yet another attempt at misinformation. For reasons best known to yourself you've omitted to mention that the Health Ministry was commenting on the German equivalent of the USA's VAERS and the UK's Yellow Card reporting system, both of which are treated like a honey pot by the tin-foil brethren.


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6 hours ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

I would have thought there would be no way you would be able to take a flight to Turkey and have dental treatment for your set of Rylan Clark-Neals without evidence of any COVID vaccination. Explain yourself.

I took advantage of a loophole in the Turkish Covid travel regulations. By flying (Learjet) in to Istanbul (a small fishing village in the Alps near Tangiers) which had no vaccine requirements, unlike Memphis, Reykjavik, Budapest and Tel Aviv (the four main cities in Turkey), it was only a matter of a short 3 day trek through the Amazon rain forest,  a couple of days in a canoe down the Mississippi, then up Niagara Falls in a wooden barrel, while smoking a huge (locally made) Havana cigar.

If you have anything else you’d like to know about my trips to Hungary, don’t hesitate to ask when you sober up.

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4 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Understandably I won't be taking advice from a cerebrally-challenged person crippled by having no more than two brain cells, one containing an instruction to move a brush upwards, the other downwards.

No lateral movement then? A prognosis that will soon make him a fully patched member of Jewdy's 'Hells Disabled Angeles'. It's a good job that he lives in South London as all members have to live within a fully charged scooter ride from the Clubhouse.

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16 hours ago, King Billy said:

I took advantage of a loophole in the Turkish Covid travel regulations. By flying (Learjet) in to Istanbul (a small fishing village in the Alps near Tangiers) which had no vaccine requirements, unlike Memphis, Reykjavik, Budapest and Tel Aviv (the four main cities in Turkey), it was only a matter of a short 3 day trek through the Amazon rain forest,  a couple of days in a canoe down the Mississippi, then up Niagara Falls in a wooden barrel, while smoking a huge (locally made) Havana cigar.

If you have anything else you’d like to know about my trips to Hungary, don’t hesitate to ask when you sober up.

Was it ‘all-inclusive’, Bill?

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23 hours ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

I would have thought there would be no way you would be able to take a flight to Turkey and have dental treatment for your set of Rylan Clark-Neals without evidence of any COVID vaccination. Explain yourself.

Fuck me, Cunto… this has been done to bastard death…months ago.

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On 23/07/2022 at 14:16, Mrs Roops said:

Understandably I won't be taking advice from a cerebrally-challenged person crippled by having no more than two brain cells, one containing an instruction to move a brush upwards, the other downwards.

You seem a little upset with me, in a robust kind of way.

Oh by the way, i'm not really a decorator, don't know where you got that idea from.

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36 minutes ago, Jake The Muss said:

Oh by the way, i'm not really a decorator, don't know where you got that idea from.

That's a pity, 777s, because your "painting railings" nomination was one of my all-time favourites, and really spoke to the existential angst of the working man.

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5 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

That's a pity, 777s, because the "painting railings" nomination was one of my all-time favourites, which really spoke to the existential angst of the working man.

It also conjures up images of Ali G being wanked off by an old, blind council worker.

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13 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

That's a pity, 777s, because your "painting railings" nomination was one of my all-time favourites, and really spoke to the existential angst of the working man.

I know it was a classic, along with wallpapering ceilings..but i have to be honest now CB.

I can't disclose what my occupation is, as my handler is watching me all the time..i know how Britney Spears feels.

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2 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

The Corner equivalent of cinéma vérité.

I've just seen Terminator: Dark Fate.

You know how Highlander 2 and Ginger Snaps Back, sit on the same shelf? They've just been promoted.

Sarah and John Connor clearly were too Caucasian to save humanity. We've completely negated that in favour of an alternative timeline where a 'woman of colour' takes charge. Kyle Rees has been replaced by a gangling lesbian 'super-soldier' who is clearly being teed up as the love interest for the new saviour of 'wimminkind'. They can shove it up the same fucking arsehole as 'Avengers Endgame'. Utter, utter fucking gay fucking wankers.

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16 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I've just seen Terminator: Dark Fate.

You know how Highlander 2 and Ginger Snaps Back, sit on the same shelf? They've just been promoted.

Sarah and John Connor clearly were too Caucasian to save humanity. We've completely negated that in favour of an alternative timeline where a 'woman of colour' takes charge. Kyle Rees has been replaced by a gangling lesbian 'super-soldier' who is clearly being teed up as the love interest for the new saviour of 'wimminkind'. They can shove it up the same fucking arsehole as 'Avengers Endgame'. Utter, utter fucking gay fucking wankers.

You'll be looking forward to "Black Panther: Wakanda Forever", no doubt?


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4 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Funnily enough, I watched the first one not long ago. It made Captain Marvel look watchable. And the best thing in that was a ginger cat/Flirkin.

Yep, the Wakandans - quite undeservedly - get some near-magical super material from outer space, and what do they do? They hide away inside a ghetto of their own making, turn the vibranium into knives and other weapons, and instigate a royal family lineage based on drug-fuelled death matches. No wonder it went down so well with the BLM contingent.

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