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The strange and recent phenomena of people who seemed healthy and wouldn’t in normal times be OK one day and 3 days later be dead.

King Billy

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9 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

This is the fourth question in as many days in which you're "interested" in my opinion. I suspect that your "interest" is limited to generating a 'gotcha' moment rather than any genuine enquiry or clarification...

Still, what do you mean by "alarming numbers"? Quantify and explain why they are "alarming".

Excess deaths between 1400 and 1500 per week (ONS latest figures using previous 5 year average) in England and Wales currently, (not related to Covid) is slightly alarming is it not? 

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8 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:


This is a puff-piece in one of many EU Corporate Communication's (aka 'the PR department') glossy mags which extol the virtues of EU membership.  At least the EU's PR department had the decency to say, "The information and views set out in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the European Union". However I have an issue with "Our articles are written by independent science journalists." Funny, I thought Ms Whiting was the well known journo who specialises in Italian politics and er...food.

Still, you've cited the article so I'll run with it...

In fact the article is a rebuttal compendium of all the previous lies slavishly regurgitated from the Slackjaw News Service.

Firstly, Ms Whiting describes the mRNA vaccines as "vaccines", not "its not really a vaccine" nor are they "therapeutics"

Secondly, the author confirms that mRNA vaccines do not alter a person's DNA.

Thirdly, nor does the vaccine give you cancer.

Fourthly, corners were not cut in the clinical trials and approval process.

Fifthly, and I am not surprised you made no mention of this, that there is a whole paragraph with a header that says, mRNA vaccines are not entirely new". Indeed they are not as I have previously explained ad nauseum.

The error in your cited article is poor sub-editing or rather no sub-editing. It should have said "the worlds first mRNA Covid vaccine" but because you are a gullible mug you creamed yourself and ran with it. Time for another egg wash bath...

Leaving aside your discussion with KB, I would take exception with your third and fourth points. 

Interferon alpha, produced by macrophages and lymphocytes has been proven to be down regulated in injection recipients. These cells are produced when bacteria or tumour cells challenge the system.

Leaving aside the allegations in the BMJ about Pfizer’s trial involving 44,000 people, they deviated from standard protocol. Long term pre clinical phase 1 safety trials were combined with phase 2 trials and phase 2 trials were combined with phase 3 trials, then terminated early. The placebo arm were then given the injections. 

Currently, all people who are not deemed in the high risk categories are now more than 6 months since their booster or third injection of mRNA, either Pfizer or Moderna. Research has shown that irrespective of which one or combination they had, their vaccine efficacy will be in negative territory. As you know, after 10 weeks post booster, the efficacy is below 10%.

To add insult to those with high risk conditions such as myeloid leukaemia, long term immunosuppressant users etc anti virals are indicated in presence of Covid 19 infection. The run around people are given by NHS services in England to get this simple prescription filled is appalling. Had we done the correct thing at the outset of this pandemic and put the focus on high risk groups, we could have looked after these people properly, instead we went down the road of wasting money on injections many never needed, unnecessary damaging lockdowns and dubious contracts handed out among the chumocracy. 

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9 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

, mRNA vaccines are not entirely new". Indeed they are not as I have previously explained ad nauseum.

An experimental mRNA flu vaccine was tested on mice in the 1990s, and an experimental  rabies vaccine was the first mRNA to be tested on a small number of humans in 2013. There have been hundreds of different mRNA vaccines developed and then abandoned during the last 30 years or so. 
By the way, you have previously stated to me that mRNA vaccines aren’t new, are safe, and have been around for years. Please tell me the name of one mRNA vaccine that has been trialled and safely used on human beings prior to the Pfizer Covid 19 vax in 2020? No doubt you’ll find some experimental product which was tested on 3 human guinea pigs and then given to a dozen confused Africans who all died for some other reason lol the next day, at which stage the program was hastily terminated and the Big Pharma ghouls  hightailed it to the airport at high speed. (Pfizer 1996 Nigeria) 
‘You can trust us. We’re Pfizer’

The Pfizer vaccine was the first mRNA product to receive FDA approval in the US ever.

Johns Hopkin in the US must, along with me and others be wrong in stating that the Covid 19 vaccines in 2020 were the first mRNA vaccines ever marketed? Yes or no?



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1 hour ago, King Billy said:

Excess deaths between 1400 and 1500 per week (ONS latest figures using previous 5 year average) in England and Wales currently, (not related to Covid) is slightly alarming is it not? 

This has caused a lot of head scratching, but if we leave aside the injections, not that I give a shit about those howling anti vaxxer, the cause is multi factorial, healthcare deprivation, psychological distress from relentless government propaganda and the virus itself. Much of this could have been avoided, but was purposefully inflicted by design to cause ill health. 

My main point remains unchanged, despite omicron not causing a hyper inflammatory response in the lower airway, but implications of neurogenesis appear to be real, stay away from this virus as much as practicably possible and steer well clear of these injections if fit and well under the age of 60. They remain two cheeks of the same arse.

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10 minutes ago, The Beast said:

This has caused a lot of head scratching, but if we leave aside the injections, not that I give a shit about those howling anti vaxxer, the cause is multi factorial, healthcare deprivation, psychological distress from relentless government propaganda and the virus itself. Much of this could have been avoided, but was purposefully inflicted by design to cause ill health. 

My main point remains unchanged, despite omicron not causing a hyper inflammatory response in the lower airway, but implications of neurogenesis appear to be real, stay away from this virus as much as practicably possible and steer well clear of these injections if fit and well under the age of 60. They remain two cheeks of the same arse.

The fact that the US, Canada and some other countries are now vaccinating babies 6 months and upwards, who are statistically at as close to zero risk from Covid possible, should alert anyone with a brain that something is seriously wrong, especially as it’s pretty clear now that the vaccines aren’t preventing infection or onward transmission of the ‘busted flush’ Covid 19 virus which has now ripped through the population and become less and less dangerous as natural immunity has increased. 
I expect the U.K. will follow suit soon.

The perfectly timed and totally predictable return of hysterical MSM fearmongering in the US, has of course nothing whatsoever to do with the mid term elections coming up. Who could have guessed that the Covid would reappear right on schedule to justify the same smoke and mirrors skullduggery ie mail in ballots etc. as 2020?

Roops is a massive cunt.

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12 hours ago, King Billy said:

An experimental mRNA flu vaccine was tested on mice in the 1990s, and an experimental  rabies vaccine was the first mRNA to be tested on a small number of humans in 2013. There have been hundreds of different mRNA vaccines developed and then abandoned during the last 30 years or so. 
By the way, you have previously stated to me that mRNA vaccines aren’t new, are safe, and have been around for years. Please tell me the name of one mRNA vaccine that has been trialled and safely used on human beings prior to the Pfizer Covid 19 vax in 2020? No doubt you’ll find some experimental product which was tested on 3 human guinea pigs and then given to a dozen confused Africans who all died for some other reason lol the next day, at which stage the program was hastily terminated and the Big Pharma ghouls  hightailed it to the airport at high speed. (Pfizer 1996 Nigeria) 
‘You can trust us. We’re Pfizer’

The Pfizer vaccine was the first mRNA product to receive FDA approval in the US ever.

Johns Hopkin in the US must, along with me and others be wrong in stating that the Covid 19 vaccines in 2020 were the first mRNA vaccines ever marketed? Yes or no?

KB, stop it - you're jumping around like a cat on a hot tin roof flying off in different tangents, constantly looking for different angles which always seem to be sourced from your Slackjaw news feed which you obviously spend hours on. Firstly you said Covid 19 didn't exist, then it did but the pandemic was actually a plot hatched by the Chinese to dominate the world, next Covid was, after all, 'The Great Reset's' chosen mechanism to financially control mankind. Bill Gates was dragged into the mix courtesy of one of your join-the dots conspiracies. Elsewhere you've just hinted that the Democrats are about to steal another election using a new Covid wave as an excuse. Intermixed in all this we've had an endless stream of scare stories which upon closer examination were found to be totally without merit. Give it a rest.

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1 hour ago, Mrs Roops said:

KB, stop it - you're jumping around like a cat on a hot tin roof flying off in different tangents, constantly looking for different angles which always seem to be sourced from your Slackjaw news feed which you obviously spend hours on. Firstly you said Covid 19 didn't exist, then it did but the pandemic was actually a plot hatched by the Chinese to dominate the world, next Covid was, after all, 'The Great Reset's' chosen mechanism to financially control mankind. Bill Gates was dragged into the mix courtesy of one of your join-the dots conspiracies. Elsewhere you've just hinted that the Democrats are about to steal another election using a new Covid wave as an excuse. Intermixed in all this we've had an endless stream of scare stories which upon closer examination were found to be totally without merit. Give it a rest.

You're the cunt who's been encouraging him over the last two fucking years. Back in the day you'd just use the rolling eyes emoji and that would be it. Not with Billy, though. No, you had to put your righteous knickers on and fight the good fight against disinformation on a website no cunt in their right mind would ever dream of using to form their own opinions.

This whole conspiracy theorist thing he does these days is a direct response to you giving him attention when he says stupid shit. You're both just as bad as each other.

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7 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

KB, stop it - you're jumping around like a cat on a hot tin roof flying off in different tangents, constantly looking for different angles which always seem to be sourced from your Slackjaw news feed which you obviously spend hours on. Firstly you said Covid 19 didn't exist, then it did but the pandemic was actually a plot hatched by the Chinese to dominate the world, next Covid was, after all, 'The Great Reset's' chosen mechanism to financially control mankind. Bill Gates was dragged into the mix courtesy of one of your join-the dots conspiracies. Elsewhere you've just hinted that the Democrats are about to steal another election using a new Covid wave as an excuse. Intermixed in all this we've had an endless stream of scare stories which upon closer examination were found to be totally without merit. Give it a rest.

Answer the question.

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6 hours ago, Roadkill said:

You're the cunt who's been encouraging him over the last two fucking years. Back in the day you'd just use the rolling eyes emoji and that would be it. Not with Billy, though. No, you had to put your righteous knickers on and fight the good fight against disinformation on a website no cunt in their right mind would ever dream of using to form their own opinions.

This whole conspiracy theorist thing he does these days is a direct response to you giving him attention when he says stupid shit. You're both just as bad as each other.

She’s worse than me lol.

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11 hours ago, Roadkill said:

Back in the day you'd just use the rolling eyes emoji and that would be it. Not with Billy, though.

She’s been found wanting and imo not a worthy foe RK. But she is ‘consistent’ lol.  Every time I log in she’s fact checked my latest revelations 🤣 and posted some ‘You’re a mug/ thicko/ Sid Slackjaw/ tinfoil hat weirdo’ nonsensical response, which once I’ve finished laughing at, just spurs me on to enlighten her a little more. I feel it’s my duty now.

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22 hours ago, Roadkill said:

You're the cunt who's been encouraging him over the last two fucking years. Back in the day you'd just use the rolling eyes emoji and that would be it. Not with Billy, though. No, you had to put your righteous knickers on and fight the good fight against disinformation on a website no cunt in their right mind would ever dream of using to form their own opinions.

This whole conspiracy theorist thing he does these days is a direct response to you giving him attention when he says stupid shit. You're both just as bad as each other.

You're right of course, which is why for the past few weeks I have in fact scaled down the fact-checking not only for the reason you allude to but also its now obvious to the vast majority of Corner punters that he is not the current affairs sage that he proports to be.

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17 hours ago, King Billy said:

Answer the question.

The question has already been answered as part of a comprehensive analysis by m'learned colleague. I'm surprised that a punter who isn't a "mug/thicko/Sid Slackjaw/tinfoil hat weirdo" missed this.

As you now appear to be a stickler for 'answering the question' perhaps you could now present an overdue report on your scoop that 194 world leaders were to convene on the 22nd May 2022 and sign over statutory powers to the WHO bureaucrats in Geneva. As I recall you were in a visible state of excitement at the thought of covering me in egg so I'm curious as to why we've since heard nothing from you on this matter.

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1 hour ago, Mrs Roops said:

The question has already been answered as part of a comprehensive analysis by m'learned colleague. I'm surprised that a punter who isn't a "mug/thicko/Sid Slackjaw/tinfoil hat weirdo" missed this.

As you now appear to be a stickler for 'answering the question' perhaps you could now present an overdue report on your scoop that 194 world leaders were to convene on the 22nd May 2022 and sign over statutory powers to the WHO bureaucrats in Geneva. As I recall you were in a visible state of excitement at the thought of covering me in egg so I'm curious as to why we've since heard nothing from you on this matter.


2 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

You're right of course, which is why for the past few weeks I have in fact scaled down the fact-checking not only for the reason you allude to but also its now obvious to the vast majority of Corner punters that he is not the current affairs sage that he proports to be.

You don't even notice you're licking windows, do you?

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3 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

You're right of course, which is why for the past few weeks I have in fact scaled down the fact-checking not only for the reason you allude to but also its now obvious to the vast majority of Corner punters that he is not the current affairs sage that he proports to be.

Any chance of you ‘scaling down’ on other things? Like breathing.

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13 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

You're right of course, which is why for the past few weeks I have in fact scaled down the fact-checking not only for the reason you allude to but also its now obvious to the vast majority of Corner punters that he is not the current affairs sage that he proports to be.

I’m still waiting for you to tell me about these mRNA vaccines which have been used safely for years (ever) prior to the ‘experimental’ Covid cocktails?

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8 hours ago, King Billy said:

I’m still waiting for you to tell me about these mRNA vaccines which have been used safely for years (ever) prior to the ‘experimental’ Covid cocktails?

Your hypocrisy in constantly barking out "answer the question" whilst pointedly avoiding answering any yourself is noted. In fact the history of mRNA has been discussed before and reasserted many times...

On 07/12/2021 at 10:32, Mrs Roops said:

...The AZ jab, whilst a mRNA vaccine, uses ChAdOx1 technology which was developed more than a decade ago. It has been successfully employed in treating influenza and MERS which is another type of coronavirus. Its newish but hardly "experimental". Back to you professor...

With your hypocrisy, selective memory, ignorance, third rate mind, false facts, fake news and bogus science this would, in the normal course of events, mean that your pretty much done here but with your zero cognitive abilities you'll no doubt carry on regardless. So, with that in mind, what happened to your prediction for the 22nd May 2022? Also given that you're not "anti-vax" have you taken the Novavax jab yet? Do tell...

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3 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

If I had a Mrs who wouldn't let things go, and always had to have the last word, she'd get at least one jab per day... And I'm not talking Pfizer, Moderna etc. 

I'm not sure if KB is that way inclined. Still, whilst The Corner is an inclusive church its brave of you to come out of the closet.

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13 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Also given that you're not "anti-vax" have you taken the Novavax jab yet? Do tell...

Of course I haven’t. Why would I?, now that it’s surely apparent to even the most hard line Covid fear addicts like yourself, that I’m not going to die or even get ill from this so called killer virus.🤣 The hoax is unravelling and I don’t believe for one minute that you believe there hasn’t been a huge crime against humanity committed. You’re just like the majority of people who fell for it and can’t now admit that you were caught napping, like a vast number of otherwise seemingly intelligent people.

Two years ago you scoffed at me when I said that Covid 19 came from the Wuhan lab. How’s that going now for you?

You scoffed again when I said that Ivermectin was being used very successfully to treat Covid19.

How’s that going for you now?Now that the FDA have admitted that (through FOIA requests which were denied and only successful when Project Veritas sued in Federal Court), that to facilitate EUA (emergency use authorisation) for the ‘experimental’ mRNA ‘vaccines’😂 which requires that ‘no adequate, alternative or suitable alternatives are available’, the documents show that they (the FDA) were actively engaged (with the CDC and of course their puppets in the leftwing media) in the propaganda war (Horse medicine etc) to shut down any possible way forward except the preplanned vaccine rollout, prompting  the medical authorities in many states to ban Ivermectin completely, a safe and effective drug which has been administered billions of times for a variety of conditions. Suddenly Ivermectin had become dangerous and not allowed, even for lupus patients and others  who’d been prescribed it for years.

Just give up with your looking down your nose Miss Jean Brodie act. I believe what I believe so you’re just wasting your breath and the more ridiculous ‘fact-checking’, which you seem to think proves me wrong lol, (but even you must know proves the opposite) you insist on doing, just shows how desperate you are. 
You could have had me at one time baby but now you can only dream about it. I wouldn’t have turned up anyway😘

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