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The strange and recent phenomena of people who seemed healthy and wouldn’t in normal times be OK one day and 3 days later be dead.

King Billy

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11 hours ago, King Billy said:

El Mundo are reporting that Jose Maria Fernandez Susa Faro, President of International Pharmaceutical giant PharmaMar was this week arrested and charged, as part of a European wide criminal investigation called ‘Operation Jenner’. More than 2200 people, all extremely wealthy and in some cases famous, in Spain alone have so far been identified as having paid thousands of Euros for a saline solution injection, then being added to the register as Covid jabbed. Mmmm? 
Now he and the thousands of others knew the jab was totally unnecessary, except for participating in travel, eating out, and most other human activities which used to be taken for granted, or they knew that actually having the experimental, ‘totally safe, totally effective’😂 wonderjab that Joe Public was being coerced and bullied into, wasn’t a risk they were prepared to take. 
I love it when a conspiracy theory morphes into ‘Didn’t I point this shit out ages ago?’


I'm not too sure why you think your tin-hattery morphs into anything given that you've lied and misinformed from the outset so please explain without the usual join-the-dots fallaciousness that's been the hallmark of your noise. 

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15 hours ago, King Billy said:

El Mundo are reporting that Jose Maria Fernandez Susa Faro, President of International Pharmaceutical giant PharmaMar was this week arrested and charged, as part of a European wide criminal investigation called ‘Operation Jenner’. More than 2200 people, all extremely wealthy and in some cases famous, in Spain alone have so far been identified as having paid thousands of Euros for a saline solution injection, then being added to the register as Covid jabbed. Mmmm? 
Now he and the thousands of others knew the jab was totally unnecessary, except for participating in travel, eating out, and most other human activities which used to be taken for granted, or they knew that actually having the experimental, ‘totally safe, totally effective’😂 wonderjab that Joe Public was being coerced and bullied into, wasn’t a risk they were prepared to take. 
I love it when a conspiracy theory morphes into ‘Didn’t I point this shit out ages ago?’



I should think you'll need to show this article as proof to certain people on here that you're not bullshitting. 

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48 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

I should think you'll need to show this article as proof to certain people on here that you're not bullshitting. 

This chap had taken the first two shots. It was the booster he did not want to have. There are also multiple articles in the Spanish media about the whole fraud.

Looks like it was a nice little earner until the inevitable happened.


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On 09/06/2022 at 00:37, King Billy said:

SADS, sudden adult death syndrome is now racing up the charts as the favourite to top the charts as no.1 fake news excuse for the soaring rate of unexplained sudden deaths in young previously healthy people. I’m currently scouring the internet for where and when I can book a SADS vaccine. Oh bollocks. It isn’t out yet silly me, Monkeypox has hardly even got properly started ffs. We’re not even into the first new variant yet. I can’t wait till Pfizer announce the climate change/racism wonder jab which will understandably cost more than the average three bed semi, but hey ho all you need is a mortgage to pay for it and then  roll up your sleeve and away you go.

Isnt the ‘new normal’ wonderful?

Fuck this shit for now, Bill, i've just remembered something. If Ian Paisley was about now he would be preaching society's impending collapse and would be spot on. The overlords have had enough, well fuck em. Obviously i'll be alright as i'm apparently a big time Bob Dylan like yourself. 

During the opening Watergate statement's a few years ago you dropped a pun about wondering how someone got up the stairs in the first place. For some reason it's just popped into my head and i've just cracked up. Classic line.

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On 13/06/2022 at 08:19, Mrs Roops said:

given that you've lied and misinformed from the outset

Vicky Spitts deceased husband  might disagree with that if only he hadn’t been jib jabbed (unneccesarily) and died from the side effects of it shortly afterwards (as certified by the coroner). Vicky has now, after being ignored by the fakestream media, the incompetent and criminal Government, and every other Covid addicted normie arsehole she tried to talk to about the experimental poison jab, she’s finally become the first person in the U.K. to be told that she’ll be compensated for her and her childrens loss.

Probably just a coincidence that her case has been getting some publicity on GB News for the last few weeks and suddenly the fucking wankers who’ve been totally ignoring her now want to help.

Fuck off.

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8 hours ago, King Billy said:

Vicky Spitts deceased husband  might disagree with that if only he hadn’t been jib jabbed (unneccesarily) and died from the side effects of it shortly afterwards (as certified by the coroner). Vicky has now, after being ignored by the fakestream media, the incompetent and criminal Government, and every other Covid addicted normie arsehole she tried to talk to about the experimental poison jab, she’s finally become the first person in the U.K. to be told that she’ll be compensated for her and her childrens loss.

Probably just a coincidence that her case has been getting some publicity on GB News for the last few weeks and suddenly the fucking wankers who’ve been totally ignoring her now want to help.

Fuck off.

One death does not mitigate your relentless campaign of conspiracy-driven mis and disinformation.

Perhaps you will supply a verifiable link to support your story.

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10 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

One death does not mitigate your relentless campaign of conspiracy-driven mis and disinformation.

Perhaps you will supply a verifiable link to support your story.

‘One death?’ One of many caused by the rushed out experimental MRNA vaccines and recorded on their death certificates and coroners inquests. Even the fake news media are now reluctantly talking about the adverse reactions and deaths which they’ve wilfully ignored until they can’t anymore, even the Boris Bullshitting Corporation. So I don’t think you need me to post a link as I believe you are well practiced in the art of Googling. Vicky Spit is all you need to type in. You’ll also find the names of many other victims of the ‘totally safe and totally effective’ wonderjab and the tragic events which occurred when they did what the ‘science’ told them they should do.

Fuck off.

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13 hours ago, King Billy said:

‘One death?’ One of many caused by the rushed out experimental MRNA vaccines and recorded on their death certificates and coroners inquests. Even the fake news media are now reluctantly talking about the adverse reactions and deaths which they’ve wilfully ignored until they can’t anymore, even the Boris Bullshitting Corporation. So I don’t think you need me to post a link as I believe you are well practiced in the art of Googling. Vicky Spit is all you need to type in. You’ll also find the names of many other victims of the ‘totally safe and totally effective’ wonderjab and the tragic events which occurred when they did what the ‘science’ told them they should do.

Fuck off.

Indeed, I forgot you have the computer literacy skills of a four year old...

Setting aside that it has been explained to you ad nauseum that MRNA vaccines are not experimental, we have been here before...

On 06/05/2022 at 09:08, Mrs Roops said:

Well done, given that 142 million doses of covid vaccine have been administered in the UK thus far, you have just confirmed how safe the immunisation programme is. You've also confirmed how utterly clueless you are. Before you splutter some convoluted nonsense/issue a retaliatory personal insult/post a multi-emoji, you should know three thousand people die in the UK per year from taking aspirin.

...perhaps you would like to chance a conspiracy rant about deaths caused by "experimental" corn plasters?

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1 hour ago, The Beast said:

Yes we have been here before. We have never mass vaccinated using this technology. 

Yes we have...

On 22/01/2022 at 19:34, Mrs Roops said:

...As for your erroneous analysis of the vaccines, mRNA technology has been around for decades and was used successfully in combating influenza and MERS which is another form of coronavirus.


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9 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Yes we have...


Your entrenched position is becoming more and more ridiculous every day. You should maybe look at what the fakestream media are doing ie mostly ignore the evidence coming out and occasionally pretend you were on the right side all along, eventually doing a complete 180’ when you hope everyone has forgotten about you jumping around with your pom poms cheerleading for team ‘lockdowns, masks and experimental jib jabs’. 
Don’t worry. If I’m asked I’ll say you’re a demented fool and you didn’t know any better. It would be hard for anyone to disagree with that so you might be OK.

Fuck off.

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19 hours ago, King Billy said:

Your entrenched position is becoming more and more ridiculous every day. You should maybe look at what the fakestream media are doing ie mostly ignore the evidence coming out and occasionally pretend you were on the right side all along, eventually doing a complete 180’ when you hope everyone has forgotten about you jumping around with your pom poms cheerleading for team ‘lockdowns, masks and experimental jib jabs’. 
Don’t worry. If I’m asked I’ll say you’re a demented fool and you didn’t know any better. It would be hard for anyone to disagree with that so you might be OK.

Fuck off.

What evidence precisely? 130 Covid compensation claimants, of which 20 cases have been referred for medical assessment out of 50 million fully vaccinated people and 149 million doses given thus far in the UK? Talk about being a ridiculous, utterly demented fool. I'd say your entrenched position of a lying, clueless slackjaw-groupie has put you in the same club as Snatch and Monumental Cunt.

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10 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

What evidence precisely? 130 Covid compensation claimants, of which 20 cases have been referred for medical assessment out of 50 million fully vaccinated people and 149 million doses given thus far in the UK? Talk about being a ridiculous, utterly demented fool. I'd say your entrenched position of a lying, clueless slackjaw-groupie has put you in the same club as Snatch and Monumental Cunt.


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1 minute ago, Ape™️ said:

I’m surprised you’re not out celebrating the American idiots deciding that guns have more rights than women. What a fucking country.

The God given right to arm bears and a state government mandated requirement to bear rapist's children and take severely deformed embryos to full term. 

You couldn't make it up. 

I'm buying shares in companies that make knitting needles. This time next year, I'll be a billionaire! 

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7 minutes ago, Ape™️ said:

I’m surprised you’re not out celebrating the American idiots deciding that guns have more rights than women. What a fucking country.

There's no need for abortions in America any more. Just wait until your unwanted child goes to elementary school and falls victim to a mass shooting.

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3 minutes ago, Ape™️ said:

I’m surprised you’re not out celebrating the American idiots deciding that guns have more rights than women. What a fucking country.

I am celebrating the 2 SCOTUS rulings which simply affirm the US Constitution, which is the sole purpose of the Supreme Courts existence (a fact the left hand side of US politics would like to completely disregard).

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4 minutes ago, Goober said:

The God given right to arm bears and a state government mandated requirement to bear rapist's children and take severely deformed embryos to full term. 

You couldn't make it up. 

I'm buying shares in companies that make knitting needles. This time next year, I'll be a billionaire! 

Dr Kermit Barron Gosnell. The perfect example of the ‘Pro life’ side in the US abortion debate. 


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29 minutes ago, King Billy said:

I am celebrating the 2 SCOTUS rulings which simply affirm the US Constitution, which is the sole purpose of the Supreme Courts existence (a fact the left hand side of US politics would like to completely disregard).

I listened to some redneck wanker from Texas on LBC tonight explaining how banning abortion will deter rapists, as it makes getting rid of the “evidence” harder. What a vile bunch of cunts. 

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43 minutes ago, Ape™️ said:

I listened to some redneck wanker from Texas on LBC tonight explaining how banning abortion will deter rapists, as it makes getting rid of the “evidence” harder. What a vile bunch of cunts. 

If those rapists had the common sense to murder the women and bury them under a well built patio this wouldn't be a valid argument. 

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48 minutes ago, Ape™️ said:

I listened to some redneck wanker from Texas on LBC tonight explaining how banning abortion will deter rapists, as it makes getting rid of the “evidence” harder. What a vile bunch of cunts. 

Who, the rapists or LBC?

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