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The strange and recent phenomena of people who seemed healthy and wouldn’t in normal times be OK one day and 3 days later be dead.

King Billy

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11 hours ago, Roadkill said:


Give it a fucking rest, the pair of you. Or I'll have no choice but to demand moderator privileges and throw you both in the cooler.

You've been warned.

Never mind this shit, Killa, have you seen any of the new Picard?

I wasn't overly enamoured with the first series, but so far this one has been quality, not the least because Q is back plus some proper Borg action.

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12 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Never mind this shit, Killa, have you seen any of the new Picard?

I wasn't overly enamoured with the first series, but so far this one has been quality, not the least because Q is back plus some proper Borg action.

That's on my list. I've just started on 'Loki'. Tom Hiddleston makes it just about worth watching, but Disney's influence is intrusive. It centres on an organisation that polices time lines and anomalies. All the characters with authority or ability are 'women of colour', the white males are subservient, inept, or a midget. I'm not even going to bother with captain marvel. That will probably send me over the edge. 

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15 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I've just started on 'Loki'. 

Let me recommend that you don't waste time finishing it. It's fucking garbage.

15 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Disney's influence is intrusive.

See also WandaVision. Also fucking garbage.

15 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

 I'm not even going to bother with captain marvel. 

Captain Marvel is marginally better than Black Panther, although that's obviously damning with faint praise.

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35 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

That's on my list. I've just started on 'Loki'. Tom Hiddleston makes it just about worth watching, but Disney's influence is intrusive. It centres on an organisation that polices time lines and anomalies. All the characters with authority or ability are 'women of colour', the white males are subservient, inept, or a midget. I'm not even going to bother with captain marvel. That will probably send me over the edge. 

I watched it and whilst it started ok, it soon descended into the usual Disney shite.

Walt must be spinning in his fucking cryogenic chamber over what his company has become, although he'd be more than happy that there isn't a Jewish superhero... Yet.


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1 hour ago, Decimus said:

Never mind this shit, Killa, have you seen any of the new Picard?

I wasn't overly enamoured with the first series, but so far this one has been quality, not the least because Q is back plus some proper Borg action.

I've heard good things about more variety in the ships and stuff - fucking hated that generic Guardians of the Galaxy looking piece of shit they were flying around in in season one - especially when they had the audacity to put it up against an original Romulan warbird.

I'll wait for a few more encouraging rumblings before I give it another chance. Q returning is a definite positive, but that first season was a whole lot of bollocks to sift through and I'm not being lured in by nostalgia early on just to be disappointed again. Keep me updated.

Mainly, let me know if any of the main cast actually get more likeable, not just the fan service oldies they bring in for clout. They were a fucking bunch of mopey, alcoholic cunts last season trying so fucking hard to be cool, apart from Picard's Romulan house servants, who we got to see fuck all of anyway.

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1 minute ago, Roadkill said:

I've heard good things about more variety in the ships and stuff - fucking hated that generic Guardians of the Galaxy looking piece of shit they were flying around in in season one - especially when they had the audacity to put it up against an original Romulan warbird.

I'll wait for a few more encouraging rumblings before I give it another chance. Q returning is a definite positive, but that first season was a whole lot of bollocks to sift through and I'm not being lured in by nostalgia early on just to be disappointed again. Keep me updated.

Q is a brilliant character. The only other actor I could think of to play him is James Woods. He would have been perfect at flicking Picard around like a bogie to amuse himself. All that arrogant French cunt had to do was humour him a bit and he would have clicked his fingers and turned the Borg into dust, but oh no! Picard has to be all honourable and by the book and start philosophising about mankind achieving things the hard way. Stupid fucking stuck up cunt. I would have given him a uniform and shit, and got him to take me back to the past and shag loads of birds I fancied and have loads of fun. But Picard would rather act the cunt and sit in his office staring at his starfleet brownie point certificates and playing the fucking piccolo. At least Kirk knew how to have a laugh.

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1 minute ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Q is a brilliant character. The only other actor I could think of to play him is James Woods. He would have been perfect at flicking Picard around like a bogie to amuse himself. All that arrogant French cunt had to do was humour him a bit and he would have clicked his fingers and turned the Borg into dust, but oh no! Picard has to be all honourable and by the book and start philosophising about mankind achieving things the hard way. Stupid fucking stuck up cunt. I would have given him a uniform and shit, and got him to take me back to the past and shag loads of birds I fancied and have loads of fun. But Picard would rather act the cunt and sit in his office staring at his starfleet brownie point certificates and playing the fucking piccolo. At least Kirk knew how to have a laugh.

Sisko, the commander of DS9, just punches the cunt in the face when he shows up - leading to quite possibly one of the greatest lines in Star Trek history:


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7 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Q is a brilliant character. The only other actor I could think of to play him is James Woods. He would have been perfect at flicking Picard around like a bogie to amuse himself. All that arrogant French cunt had to do was humour him a bit and he would have clicked his fingers and turned the Borg into dust, but oh no! Picard has to be all honourable and by the book and start philosophising about mankind achieving things the hard way. Stupid fucking stuck up cunt. I would have given him a uniform and shit, and got him to take me back to the past and shag loads of birds I fancied and have loads of fun. But Picard would rather act the cunt and sit in his office staring at his starfleet brownie point certificates and playing the fucking piccolo. At least Kirk knew how to have a laugh.

If you actually get into the details about it, Q is an incredible bit of writing that shines a light on the creative integrity of the show at large both in the real world and its own universe. Gene Rodenberry was getting too flowery and passive with what he wanted to do with the show - he wanted to phase out the old ways of Kirk and his cowboy diplomacy and make everything a pretty little gumdrop utopia - which clearly shows in the less than stellar first few seasons of Next Generation where they're basically flying about and being morally superior, insisting that the huge fucking space battleship they all live in is only intended for exploration.

The writers pulled a quick one by having Q show up and say straight to their faces just how much their pacifism had weakened them and their primary goal of exploration by introducing them to an enemy that, by design, simply couldn't be diplomatically reasoned with. Q could have just disappeared the Borg like you say, or did he get exactly what he wanted anyway by showing this smug Picard the consequences of trying to explore a hostile universe under the illusion that you could talk your way out of any conflict?

If you look at the events of the Wolf 359 episode, where an entire squadron of Starfleet ships get curb stomped by a single Borg cube, and compare it to DS9, its obvious that Starfleet learned the hard way and stopped being a bunch of smug pansies, still holding onto the Next Generation style of diplomacy for as long as it was viable, but just as willing and able to go full Wrath of Khan if pretty words and cock sucking failed.

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1 hour ago, Roadkill said:

If you actually get into the details about it, Q is an incredible bit of writing that shines a light on the creative integrity of the show at large both in the real world and its own universe. Gene Rodenberry was getting too flowery and passive with what he wanted to do with the show - he wanted to phase out the old ways of Kirk and his cowboy diplomacy and make everything a pretty little gumdrop utopia - which clearly shows in the less than stellar first few seasons of Next Generation where they're basically flying about and being morally superior, insisting that the huge fucking space battleship they all live in is only intended for exploration.

The writers pulled a quick one by having Q show up and say straight to their faces just how much their pacifism had weakened them and their primary goal of exploration by introducing them to an enemy that, by design, simply couldn't be diplomatically reasoned with. Q could have just disappeared the Borg like you say, or did he get exactly what he wanted anyway by showing this smug Picard the consequences of trying to explore a hostile universe under the illusion that you could talk your way out of any conflict?

If you look at the events of the Wolf 359 episode, where an entire squadron of Starfleet ships get curb stomped by a single Borg cube, and compare it to DS9, its obvious that Starfleet learned the hard way and stopped being a bunch of smug pansies, still holding onto the Next Generation style of diplomacy for as long as it was viable, but just as willing and able to go full Wrath of Khan if pretty words and cock sucking failed.

Wolf fucking 359. The greatest threat to the Federation in history and they send a load of Oberths and Mirandas which blow up as soon as you look at them. 

What I never understood is if the Borg wanted to assimilate them so much, why did they only ever send one fucking cube?

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27 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Wolf fucking 359. The greatest threat to the Federation in history and they send a load of Oberths and Mirandas which blow up as soon as you look at them. 

What I never understood is if the Borg wanted to assimilate them so much, why did they only ever send one fucking cube?

I always thought that the Ferengi were a scriptwriters critique on cock-snipping bacon dodgers.

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42 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Wolf fucking 359. The greatest threat to the Federation in history and they send a load of Oberths and Mirandas which blow up as soon as you look at them. 

What I never understood is if the Borg wanted to assimilate them so much, why did they only ever send one fucking cube?

I think there's also the possibility that Q made the Borg interested in the federation. They were just floating around doing generic Borg shit and looking for things to assimilate - the TNG era Federation wasn't exactly impressive in Borg terms, mostly WOK era Oberths, Mirandas and Excelsiors like you say, so they would have been ignored so long as they didn't get in the way of more important shit - which they would have felt compelled to do once they inevitably ran into them anyway.

But then Q goes and drops the fancy new Starfleet flagship right in front of a recon cube from fuck knows where. The Borg even start carving slices out of it as soon as they meet, trying to figure out what the fuck is going on, clearly thinking there's some fancy new technology at work and not space magic. When that doesn't work out, they decide to go and investigate. They're probably confused as to how the Feds can suddenly travel vast distances, but already know them to be an inferior species by their own standards, so they just send one cube to figure out what the fuck is going on - other resources are needed to sculpt the Borg Queen a new pair of tits or some shit. That one cube would have had them all assimilated by the end of the episode if Picard wasn't assimilated in the first place, so from the Borg perspective it was more than enough to deal with everything the Federation could have thrown at it.

Picard and Starfleet learn that fancy morals and an outdated fleet and tactics just don't cut the butter in the harshest way possible at the relatively small cost, in the grand scheme of things, of the Borg taking interest in them a bit earlier than they would have anyway and Q gets to enjoy taking the piss out of every captain of note for the next few decades.

By the way, I know exactly what you're doing, having me spew Trekkie lore across this awful fucking nom, and I'm fully aboard with the plan. Its more interesting than fucking Covid vaccines at least.

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40 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

By the way, I know exactly what you're doing, having me spew Trekkie lore across this awful fucking nom, and I'm fully aboard with the plan. Its more interesting than fucking Covid vaccines at least.

To be brutally honest, I'd prefer reading Ding's archived posts, which I don't say lightly. I'd rather trawl through thousands of incidents of low level sex pestery and wife beating than endure another second of this fucking Covid shit.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Rafa Nadal, who I’ve always considered a great player and admired his humility especially the respect he shows to his opponents whether in victory or defeat, until the Novax Djokovic controversy before the Australian Open that is, when Nadal felt the need to poke his sunburned snozzle in and criticise Novak for his refusal to have the experimental poison jab injected into his body.

Nadal lost the final at Indian Wells the other day, due to mysterious chest pains and could be seen holding his hand tightly over his heart many times and saying that he was having trouble breathing.

The fakestream media have been predictably referring to his ‘pectoral muscle strain’ blah blah blah blah blah. He himself has said he doesn’t know yet what the problem is.

I do hope that he doesn’t have to announce his immediate retirement anyday now, after some ‘previously undiagnosed’ heart condition is discovered, which has been happening to a lot of superfit athletes for the last year and a bit, (totally unrelated to the Batflu jibby jabbies, which are 150% safe of course).

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13 hours ago, King Billy said:

Rafa Nadal, who I’ve always considered a great player and admired his humility especially the respect he shows to his opponents whether in victory or defeat, until the Novax Djokovic controversy before the Australian Open that is, when Nadal felt the need to poke his sunburned snozzle in and criticise Novak for his refusal to have the experimental poison jab injected into his body.

Nadal lost the final at Indian Wells the other day, due to mysterious chest pains and could be seen holding his hand tightly over his heart many times and saying that he was having trouble breathing.

The fakestream media have been predictably referring to his ‘pectoral muscle strain’ blah blah blah blah blah. He himself has said he doesn’t know yet what the problem is.

I do hope that he doesn’t have to announce his immediate retirement anyday now, after some ‘previously undiagnosed’ heart condition is discovered, which has been happening to a lot of superfit athletes for the last year and a bit, (totally unrelated to the Batflu jibby jabbies, which are 150% safe of course).

Mrs pecker and the stubblets have all gone down with slitty eyed chink flu, Billy 

Ive locked them all in shed #2 knowing that at least they won’t stave (it’s where I store the bird food). The question is, should I wait out the 5 days or simply set alight to said shed now (its also where I store a jerrycan of petrol)?

I clearly won’t catch it as I’m hard as fucking nails 

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3 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Mrs pecker and the stubblets have all gone down with slitty eyed chink flu, Billy 

Ive locked them all in shed #2 knowing that at least they won’t stave (it’s where I store the bird food). The question is, should I wait out the 5 days or simply set alight to said shed now (its also where I store a jerrycan of petrol)?

I clearly won’t catch it as I’m hard as fucking nails 

Set the fucker alight ASAP Stubbers. Make sure to wear a mask as smoke inhalation has killed many more people than the fake virus ever did.

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13 hours ago, King Billy said:

Rafa Nadal, who I’ve always considered a great player and admired his humility especially the respect he shows to his opponents whether in victory or defeat, until the Novax Djokovic controversy before the Australian Open that is, when Nadal felt the need to poke his sunburned snozzle in and criticise Novak for his refusal to have the experimental poison jab injected into his body.

Nadal lost the final at Indian Wells the other day, due to mysterious chest pains and could be seen holding his hand tightly over his heart many times and saying that he was having trouble breathing.

The fakestream media have been predictably referring to his ‘pectoral muscle strain’ blah blah blah blah blah. He himself has said he doesn’t know yet what the problem is.

I do hope that he doesn’t have to announce his immediate retirement anyday now, after some ‘previously undiagnosed’ heart condition is discovered, which has been happening to a lot of superfit athletes for the last year and a bit, (totally unrelated to the Batflu jibby jabbies, which are 150% safe of course).

“As it turns out, I have a stress crack in one of my ribs and will be out for 4-6 weeks,” Nadal said on social media after tests in Spain. 


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5 minutes ago, Frank said:

“As it turns out, I have a stress crack in one of my ribs and will be out for 4-6 weeks,” Nadal said on social media after tests in Spain. 


Keep what your tik tok chums post on social media to yourself please. Idiot.

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7 minutes ago, Frank said:

“As it turns out, I have a stress crack in one of my ribs and will be out for 4-6 weeks,” Nadal said on social media after tests in Spain. 


Evening Frank, coming back to London on Friday and I've got a lady turning up Saturday until Sunday. Have you any recommendations for me to take the fine lady? You know somewhere sophisticated but not too pricey...not sure if she's a long term keeper yet, so don't want to spend too much of my hard earned. 

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2 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Evening Frank, coming back to London on Friday and I've got a lady turning up Saturday until Sunday. Have you any recommendations for me to take the fine lady? You know somewhere sophisticated but not too pricey...not sure if she's a long term keeper yet, so don't want to spend too much of my hard earned. 

Frank's Taverna might be an option. Very popular with London's Jewish community.

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6 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Evening Frank, coming back to London on Friday and I've got a lady turning up Saturday until Sunday. Have you any recommendations for me to take the fine lady? You know somewhere sophisticated but not too pricey...not sure if she's a long term keeper yet, so don't want to spend too much of my hard earned. 

Sure. Roughly how old is this bint and where is she coming from? 

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