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The strange and recent phenomena of people who seemed healthy and wouldn’t in normal times be OK one day and 3 days later be dead.

King Billy

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14 hours ago, King Billy said:

‘Totally safe’, and ‘totally free’. Roll up! Roll up! Has your child missed out on the Covid craze which has swept the world for the last 2 years Mums and Dads? Bring your children and babies (masked up) along to The Frankenstein/Fauci Experimental Medical Clinic, for a once in a lifetime chance to play Guinea Pigs and Mad scientists  tomorrow. Free (100% safe) jabs for everyone. Myocarditis testing available for any (unlikely) survivors of last years event.

Posting schoolboy level satire doesn't distract from the litany of lies and misinformation you have been spewing out for the past couple of years. Before you throw another tantrum, let me remind you that you're on record on saying you don't care if the nonsense you post is true or not. Talk about backing yourself into a corner...

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14 hours ago, King Billy said:

The Queensland Chief Health Officer said something interesting about sudden deaths due to Myocarditis in a press conference the other day. I’m sure you’ll be able to find it before the big tech overlords remove it from the internet and chuck it in the bin marked ‘verboten’.

Billy, you're such a plonker at times, what the Queensland Chief Health Officer said was that one of the patients was unvaccinated and that the recent cause of heart infections in young people was probably caused by the Covid-19 virus. How imbecilic can you be?

Queensland confirms two more COVID-related deaths, 11,174 new confirmed cases - ABC News

Anyway, aside from making yourself look like a right twat, what's this to do with your liver DNA non-story?

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9 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

let me remind you that you're on record on saying you don't care if the nonsense you post is true or not.

🤣I don’t need to care. Why would I when you get your big knickers in an awful twist over everything I post.😂

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9 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Billy, you're such a plonker at times, what the Queensland Chief Health Officer said was that one of the patients was unvaccinated and that the recent cause of heart infections in young people was probably caused by the Covid-19 virus. How imbecilic can you be?

Queensland confirms two more COVID-related deaths, 11,174 new confirmed cases - ABC News

Anyway, aside from making yourself look like a right twat, what's this to do with your liver DNA non-story?

ABC News🤣 You really telling me that you believe anything the Aussie fake news broadcast? Ask yourself who funds them?, and try to find one example of them questioning the Covid fraudsters narrative ever. It’s easy to find the whole press conference I quoted, not the edited quotes and false summarisation the ABC made. Wake up you silly girl. Don’t forget you’re supposed to be smarter than all us thickos.😂

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14 hours ago, King Billy said:

ABC News🤣 You really telling me that you believe anything the Aussie fake news broadcast? Ask yourself who funds them?, and try to find one example of them questioning the Covid fraudsters narrative ever. It’s easy to find the whole press conference I quoted, not the edited quotes and false summarisation the ABC made. Wake up you silly girl. Don’t forget you’re supposed to be smarter than all us thickos.😂

Your problem is that you think you're smart whereas your reputation as an easily manipulated conspiracy sheeple precedes you...

I'd imagine that the Queensland Chief Medical Officer has news conferences almost on a daily basis so its disingenuous to say that the conference that you refer to is "easy to find". I suspect that given your past history of lying and misinforming you haven't actually read or viewed the conference that is referred to. Yet again, because you are an easily manipulated mug you've simply regurgitated a piece of nonsense by some Sid Slackjaw who has lead you around by the nose. Unless you provide the link (that is "easy to find") we'll assume that the Chief Medical Officer did not say the words that you purport him to have said. 

Whilst you are providing the link (that is easy to find) perhaps you could also answer the question that have hitherto chosen to ignore - what has this anything to do with your liver DNA non-story?

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4 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Your problem is that you think you're smart whereas your reputation as an easily manipulated conspiracy sheeple precedes you...

I'd imagine that the Queensland Chief Medical Officer has news conferences almost on a daily basis so its disingenuous to say that the conference that you refer to is "easy to find". I suspect that given your past history of lying and misinforming you haven't actually read or viewed the conference that is referred to. Yet again, because you are an easily manipulated mug you've simply regurgitated a piece of nonsense by some Sid Slackjaw who has lead you around by the nose. Unless you provide the link (that is "easy to find") we'll assume that the Chief Medical Officer did not say the words that you purport him to have said. 

Whilst you are providing the link (that is easy to find) perhaps you could also answer the question that have hitherto chosen to ignore - what has this anything to do with your liver DNA non-story?

The liver thing is something that really should have been found had these dubious injections been tested to any degree. This chap gives a fair take on it. Doesn't sound good to me.


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21 hours ago, King Billy said:

ABC News🤣 You really telling me that you believe anything the Aussie fake news broadcast? Ask yourself who funds them?, and try to find one example of them questioning the Covid fraudsters narrative ever. It’s easy to find the whole press conference I quoted, not the edited quotes and false summarisation the ABC made. Wake up you silly girl. Don’t forget you’re supposed to be smarter than all us thickos.😂


6 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Your problem is that you think you're smart whereas your reputation as an easily manipulated conspiracy sheeple precedes you...

I'd imagine that the Queensland Chief Medical Officer has news conferences almost on a daily basis so its disingenuous to say that the conference that you refer to is "easy to find". I suspect that given your past history of lying and misinforming you haven't actually read or viewed the conference that is referred to. Yet again, because you are an easily manipulated mug you've simply regurgitated a piece of nonsense by some Sid Slackjaw who has lead you around by the nose. Unless you provide the link (that is "easy to find") we'll assume that the Chief Medical Officer did not say the words that you purport him to have said. 

Whilst you are providing the link (that is easy to find) perhaps you could also answer the question that have hitherto chosen to ignore - what has this anything to do with your liver DNA non-story?

For fuck sake. I've just remembered what you two remind me of:


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6 hours ago, The Beast said:

The liver thing is something that really should have been found had these dubious injections been tested to any degree. This chap gives a fair take on it. Doesn't sound good to me.


It’s probably not a good day to distract the Ginger Dragon. After Jeanette McKrankies ‘Wimmins Day’ apology for the historical persecution and institutional witchism in the barren, disgusting wasteland now known as Scotland, I imagine she’s been sat all day straddling her broomstick, eagerly awaiting the return of Mark ‘Turtle Head’ Drakeford from his weekly visit to see his rapist son at HMP Cardiff, and issue an identical apology, in an equally ridiculous and totally indecipherable public display of what’s commonly known as shite in the rest of the world.

But I digress. If I found myself urgently in need of a liver transplant and the choice was between Ollie Reed, Bestie, or Drew’s pickled gherkins, or  a thrice jabbed apparently healthy 20 year old, who’d mysteriously (but becoming less mysterious every day) dropped dead, I’d have no hesitation whatsoever in letting someone more deserving than me have the benefit of a few months becoming weaker, yellower and more sunken eyed every day, but still alive. I’d be quite happy on the trolley, on my final journey from the transplant clinic, via the cardiac unit, to the morgue, knowing that my selflessness had been the only decent thing I’d ever done. 

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19 hours ago, The Beast said:

The liver thing is something that really should have been found had these dubious injections been tested to any degree. This chap gives a fair take on it. Doesn't sound good to me.


Indeed, I'd imagine there was a synchronised display of chubbies from the anti-vaxxer brigade and the brethren of tin-hatters when news of the Swedish study first came out. Unfortunately it's a non-story. To be clear, the informed reviews of the study stress that this is not evidence that the Pfizer vaccine combines with or alters liver DNA. To be fair to Dr Mobeen Syed he does repeatedly assert that this is an in-vitro study, the relevance of which will escape the closed mindsets of those who do not possess a basic understanding of micro-biology. The fact that the report is based on in-vitro findings is key because whilst in-vitro studies are important they cannot be used to make any conclusion as to what actually happens in a live human body. Long story short; the report is a laboratory study, not a clinical study.

The details of the study is that a line of DNA was extracted from a surgically removed liver tumour of a Japanese patient in 1987. These type of cells (Huh7) are "immortal" and keep on multiplying and are highly susceptible to HCV (hepatitis) infection. They also have a higher number of chromosomes than normal human cells. In other words, Huh7 cells are not representative of normal human cells, consequently a line of Huh7 is normally used to study liver cancer and hepatitis C and the drugs to treat the diseases. 

This is an interesting study, unfortunately it has been seized upon by actors with little comprehension of the subject matter and who have twisted the context of the findings to suit an agenda. Incidentally, the Pfizer vaccine is designed to be incapable to penetrate a cell nucleus (where DNA is stored) and there has been no evidence that this has happened.

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12 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Indeed, I'd imagine there was a synchronised display of chubbies from the anti-vaxxer brigade and the brethren of tin-hatters when news of the Swedish study first came out. Unfortunately it's a non-story. To be clear, the informed reviews of the study stress that this is not evidence that the Pfizer vaccine combines with or alters liver DNA. To be fair to Dr Mobeen Syed he does repeatedly assert that this is an in-vitro study, the relevance of which will escape the closed mindsets of those who do not possess a basic understanding of micro-biology. The fact that the report is based on in-vitro findings is key because whilst in-vitro studies are important they cannot be used to make any conclusion as to what actually happens in a live human body. Long story short; the report is a laboratory study, not a clinical study.

The details of the study is that a line of DNA was extracted from a surgically removed liver tumour of a Japanese patient in 1987. These type of cells (Huh7) are "immortal" and keep on multiplying and are highly susceptible to HCV (hepatitis) infection. They also have a higher number of chromosomes than normal human cells. In other words, Huh7 cells are not representative of normal human cells, consequently a line of Huh7 is normally used to study liver cancer and hepatitis C and the drugs to treat the diseases. 

This is an interesting study, unfortunately it has been seized upon by actors with little comprehension of the subject matter and who have twisted the context of the findings to suit an agenda. Incidentally, the Pfizer vaccine is designed to be incapable to penetrate a cell nucleus (where DNA is stored) and there has been no evidence that this has happened.

Shall we mow add microbiologist to your ever increasing list of incredible expertise? Or just note that you’re the sites greatest ever googleologist?

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9 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Indeed, I'd imagine there was a synchronised display of chubbies from the anti-vaxxer brigade and the brethren of tin-hatters when news of the Swedish study first came out. Unfortunately it's a non-story. To be clear, the informed reviews of the study stress that this is not evidence that the Pfizer vaccine combines with or alters liver DNA. To be fair to Dr Mobeen Syed he does repeatedly assert that this is an in-vitro study, the relevance of which will escape the closed mindsets of those who do not possess a basic understanding of micro-biology. The fact that the report is based on in-vitro findings is key because whilst in-vitro studies are important they cannot be used to make any conclusion as to what actually happens in a live human body. Long story short; the report is a laboratory study, not a clinical study.

The details of the study is that a line of DNA was extracted from a surgically removed liver tumour of a Japanese patient in 1987. These type of cells (Huh7) are "immortal" and keep on multiplying and are highly susceptible to HCV (hepatitis) infection. They also have a higher number of chromosomes than normal human cells. In other words, Huh7 cells are not representative of normal human cells, consequently a line of Huh7 is normally used to study liver cancer and hepatitis C and the drugs to treat the diseases. 

This is an interesting study, unfortunately it has been seized upon by actors with little comprehension of the subject matter and who have twisted the context of the findings to suit an agenda. Incidentally, the Pfizer vaccine is designed to be incapable to penetrate a cell nucleus (where DNA is stored) and there has been no evidence that this has happened.

Yes another non story about these suspect poisons. Highlight that it is not an in vivo study and all will be well. Considering the mRNA should not be anywhere near the liver in the first place doesn’t matter. We will forget about that minor oversight.

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On 08/03/2022 at 09:02, Mrs Roops said:

Posting schoolboy level satire doesn't distract from the litany of lies and misinformation you have been spewing out for the past couple of years. Before you throw another tantrum, let me remind you that you're on record on saying you don't care if the nonsense you post is true or not. Talk about backing yourself into a corner...

I have to admit that I don't actually read the posts on here expecting to get some inspiring lifestyle advice or any instruction on what to do to live long and prosper. The king is dead, long live the king (Billy).

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....saying that, boy am I glad I had 2x Astra Zeneca and 1x Moderna jab rather than this untested Pfizer shit. Before Covid the word Pfizer meant weedkiller to me.

@King Billy have any studies been carried out to determine if a daily pint of whiskey increases or decreases the effect of the Covid vaccine on the liver, especially in under 16's?

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4 hours ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

....saying that, boy am I glad I had 2x Astra Zeneca and 1x Moderna jab rather than this untested Pfizer shit. Before Covid the word Pfizer meant weedkiller to me.

@King Billy have any studies been carried out to determine if a daily pint of whiskey increases or decreases the effect of the Covid vaccine on the liver, especially in under 16's?

Asking for a friend?

I thought White Lightening was your, I mean your friend's, preferred tipple? 

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4 hours ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

@King Billy have any studies been carried out to determine if a daily pint of whiskey increases or decreases the effect of the Covid vaccine on the liver, especially in under 16's?

There aren’t enough under 16s still living, due to the totally unconnected and unreported spike in heart attacks which has killed more than 99.999% of under 16s, to carry out a reliable study. I guess we’ll never know if a gallon of Lidl own brand a week could have saved the annoying little fuckers. I assume that you didn’t catch Covid in your teenage years, so it obviously worked in your case.

🥃 Bottoms up! 🥃

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44 minutes ago, Goober said:

Asking for a friend?

I thought White Lightening was your, I mean your friend's, preferred tipple? 

You owe RK an apology for something I said to him last night. Try not to keep him waiting long or it might seem a bit rude of you.

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1 minute ago, King Billy said:

 I assume that you didn’t catch Covid in your teenage years, so it obviously worked in your case.

🥃 Bottoms up! 🥃

No, but I consider COVID to be the new VD, which I did catch loads of in my teenage years. No one died of VD though, did they?especially those in care homes. 

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Just now, Cunty BigBollox said:

No, but I consider COVID to be the new VD, which I did catch loads of in my teenage years. No one died of VD though, did they?especially those in care homes. 

There was one care home I read about where a large number of the residents were prone to such ailments. I think Wayne Rooney used to spend a lot of time there visiting his granny (and lots of other peoples grannies).

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