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The strange and recent phenomena of people who seemed healthy and wouldn’t in normal times be OK one day and 3 days later be dead.

King Billy

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27 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

The 6-0 defeat by Bolton and one win in the last five probably didn't help, but it does seem a bit harsh.

The goalkeeper suddenly developing a heart condition after the Covid jab and not being able to play, and the 6-0 defeat couldn’t possibly be attributed to anything other than the failings of the hitherto very successful manager. I’m not a football expert but even I can see that he had to go. I hear that Matt Hancock is rumoured to be odds on for the job.

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1 hour ago, King Billy said:

On Saturday afternoon (29th Jan 2022) nine  EFL championship matches were played. Three of them were stopped due to medical emergencies. Even a diehard Covid fan such as yourself can’t ignore the apparent and so far unexplained rise in these occurrences. I guess it could be some selfish spectator not wearing his mask properly or maybe it’s just the ‘new normal’.

Love you xxx😘

I wonder how many aortic blood clots have been flicked surreptitiously into a mortuary sluice by compliant pathologists during post mortem examinations.

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46 minutes ago, The Beast said:

For this farce to end,  the propaganda peddlers or "fact checkers" need to be expunged. They are the gel that holds it all together.

The British Medical Journal Story That Exposed Politicized "Fact-Checking" (substack.com)

Nadine Dorris the Culture and Media Secretary today floated the idea that it may be necessary to legislate against anyone posting material on the internet which ‘might cause harm’, with penalties of up to 2 years in jail and huge fines for the bosses of ‘big tech’ social media organisations. This Bozo groupie and former reality TV wannabe attempted to explain this plan by waffling on about multi billion pound fines etc etc etc. Blah blah blah. Anyone with a fucking semi functioning brain can see that the intended targets aren’t Mark Zuckerdick, Sir Nick Smegg or any of the Silicon Valley foetus eating, adrenochrome addicts, but any average citizen who dares to post anything online that the tyrants who rule us decide is ‘harmful’. 

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22 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Nadine Dorris the Culture and Media Secretary today floated the idea that it may be necessary to legislate against anyone posting material on the internet which ‘might cause harm’, with penalties of up to 2 years in jail and huge fines for the bosses of ‘big tech’ social media organisations. This Bozo groupie and former reality TV wannabe attempted to explain this plan by waffling on about multi billion pound fines etc etc etc. Blah blah blah. Anyone with a fucking semi functioning brain can see that the intended targets aren’t Mark Zuckerdick, Sir Nick Smegg or any of the Silicon Valley foetus eating, adrenochrome addicts, but any average citizen who dares to post anything online that the tyrants who rule us decide is ‘harmful’. 

This is not the recent news story that has me most concerned, Bilbo. 

Apparently, Suck dick has put [won't] caress-a-dick on notice because a number of plod have been telling black (no pun intended) jokes. 

Apparently, the Met "needs to urgently show it has an effective plan for restoring the trust and confidence of Londoners in the police and to drive out the culture of racism, homophobia, bullying and misogyny". 

If you thought it was already open season on blokes that might harbour anything less than bleeding-heart-liberal opinions, you've seen nothing yet.

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13 hours ago, King Billy said:

On Saturday afternoon (29th Jan 2022) nine  EFL championship matches were played. Three of them were stopped due to medical emergencies. Even a diehard Covid fan such as yourself can’t ignore the apparent and so far unexplained rise in these occurrences. I guess it could be some selfish spectator not wearing his mask properly or maybe it’s just the ‘new normal’.

Love you xxx😘

No worries, Billy - it was anticipated that instead of answering the question, you would simply double-down on the stupidity...

Of the nine EFL Championship matches played on 29th January, one was suspended due to a medical emergency in the stands (Fulham). The other two instances happened in EFL League One and EFL League Two respectively. A total of 32 matches were played in the three aforementioned divisions that day. Many, many more matches were also played in other EFL and Scottish divisions. As it turned out, one of the "medical emergencies" (which suspended play for all of a couple of minutes) was due to a child being taken to the first aid room where he was kept for a few minutes observation before being released (Wycombe). There was a longer twenty-minute match suspension at the same venue due to racist and unruly behaviour by the fans.

Once again you have been played for the mug that you undoubtedly are. This is due to your habit of taking other people's baseless conjecture which you then present as fact on The Corner. Even if in the unlikely event that your "facts" were correct it still wouldn't amount to a hill of beans unless you had a "join the dots" scoop involving Bill Gates, Graphene and 5G transmitters only being situated near EFL Championship clubs.

Let's be clear about this, Billy; contrary to your deluded self-belief that you have a remarkably informed insight, you are in fact easily manipulated, utterly clueless and are bereft of any critical thinking abilities, consequently you are ideal dead-from-the-neck-up conspiracy fodder, a sheeple schmuck.

Stay warm.

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6 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

No worries, Billy - it was anticipated that instead of answering the question, you would simply double-down on the stupidity...

Of the nine EFL Championship matches played on 29th January, one was suspended due to a medical emergency in the stands (Fulham). The other two instances happened in EFL League One and EFL League Two respectively. A total of 32 matches were played in the three aforementioned divisions that day. Many, many more matches were also played in other EFL and Scottish divisions. As it turned out, one of the "medical emergencies" (which suspended play for all of a couple of minutes) was due to a child being taken to the first aid room where he was kept for a few minutes observation before being released (Wycombe). There was a longer twenty-minute match suspension at the same venue due to racist and unruly behaviour by the fans.

Once again you have been played for the mug that you undoubtedly are. This is due to your habit of taking other people's baseless conjecture which you then present as fact on The Corner. Even if in the unlikely event that your "facts" were correct it still wouldn't amount to a hill of beans unless you had a "join the dots" scoop involving Bill Gates, Graphene and 5G transmitters only being situated near EFL Championship clubs.

Let's be clear about this, Billy; contrary to your deluded self-belief that you have a remarkably informed insight, you are in fact easily manipulated, utterly clueless and are bereft of any critical thinking abilities, consequently you are ideal dead-from-the-neck-up conspiracy fodder, a sheeple schmuck.

Stay warm.

I hope you got at least some sleep last night, after what appears to have been a marathon 15 hour fact-checking session, a long one even for you. It’s very reassuring for me to know that you’re always there to do the heavy lifting for me. It allows me to get the breaking news stories out first and then off to bed early, knowing that you’ll be at your post, doing your bit to correct any minor mistakes, even if it takes all night. Your selfless dedication is a constant inspiration to me and a reminder to never give up.

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16 hours ago, Goober said:

This is not the recent news story that has me most concerned, Bilbo. 

Apparently, Suck dick has put [won't] caress-a-dick on notice because a number of plod have been telling black (no pun intended) jokes. 

Apparently, the Met "needs to urgently show it has an effective plan for restoring the trust and confidence of Londoners in the police and to drive out the culture of racism, homophobia, bullying and misogyny". 

If you thought it was already open season on blokes that might harbour anything less than bleeding-heart-liberal opinions, you've seen nothing yet.


16 hours ago, Goober said:

This is not the recent news story that has me most concerned, Bilbo. 

Apparently, Suck dick has put [won't] caress-a-dick on notice because a number of plod have been telling black (no pun intended) jokes. 

Apparently, the Met "needs to urgently show it has an effective plan for restoring the trust and confidence of Londoners in the police and to drive out the culture of racism, homophobia, bullying and misogyny". 

If you thought it was already open season on blokes that might harbour anything less than bleeding-heart-liberal opinions, you've seen nothing yet.

I’m working on a post about this currently, which might hopefully contain one or two facts (always the most difficult part I find). I’ve been considering not bothering with any factual content whatsoever going forward but I’m genuinely concerned about the effect it could have on the Duchess of York’s mental state if she became overloaded with all the late night fact checking she’d feel duty bound to take care of. It’s got me in a right dilemma. I do care about her.

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58 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

David Goodwillie is unexpectedly available too, following Raith Rovers' recent volte-face.

The young lady complainant in the civil case, was apparently so drunk at the time that she couldn’t possibly have consented, the judge ruled. I may be in big trouble if that wino bird I met in the park last night ever wakes up and remembers what I look like. I won’t go out without my hammer in future.

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16 hours ago, King Billy said:

I hope you got at least some sleep last night, after what appears to have been a marathon 15 hour fact-checking session, a long one even for you. It’s very reassuring for me to know that you’re always there to do the heavy lifting for me. It allows me to get the breaking news stories out first and then off to bed early, knowing that you’ll be at your post, doing your bit to correct any minor mistakes, even if it takes all night. Your selfless dedication is a constant inspiration to me and a reminder to never give up.

Excellent Billy, you've found a pair of big-boy trousers to wear. Moving forward, there's no need for you to bawl your head off next time your "minor mistakes" are fact-checked and debunked, is there?

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3 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Excellent Billy, you've found a pair of big-boy trousers to wear. Moving forward, there's no need for you to bawl your head off next time your "minor mistakes" are fact-checked and debunked, is there?

Billy spends 3 seconds making something up... you then spend 3 hours at your keyboard checking and debunking. He's got you on a string.

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47 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Billy spends 3 seconds making something up... you then spend 3 hours at your keyboard checking and debunking. He's got you on a string.


@Mrs Roops fucking pack it in. Your constant bickering with the silly cunt is wearing thinner than Franks wig.

We're sick to the gills of the Irresistible Force Paradox you take great delights in as is driving away seasoned punters and newbies alike. Fucking grow up. 

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6 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Billy spends 3 seconds making something up... you then spend 3 hours at your keyboard checking and debunking. He's got you on a string.

She’s far too clever to fall for that Eric. 
We’re talking about an all round genius who doesn’t bother to open the huge mountain of MENSA monthly subscriptions blocking her hallway, keeps the aerospace industry from collapsing, the wholesale PPE market ticking over, designs the electronics for the motor industry, gives profitability advice free of charge to dead tree salesmen, or deadbeat runaway fathers as she prefers to call them, selflessly gives her old man a Friday night J Arthur, bakes cupcakes and apple tarts for her hitherto unmentioned grown up former child prodigy who apparently makes  Stephen Hawking look about as smart as Joey Essex on ketamine.

And still finds time to fact check little old me. I’m truly humbled.

Eddie’s a very silly man if he lets her slip through his two tone hands.

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I’d like to apologise for any of my previous posts which questioned whether the recent huge increase in heart attacks, sudden unexpected deaths and previously undiscovered cardiac conditions in young people, may be in any way linked to the also recent mass MRNA vaccination craze. Having come to my senses and listened to the sensible advice of Mrs Roops, I’ve had a look at  what the MSM have found out and shared with the public over the last few weeks, to put these ridiculous anti vax theories to bed once and for all……..

’Shovelling snow could cause sudden heart attacks’

’Cheering too excitedly at football matches may be behind recent medical emergencies at soccer events’

’Energy bill price rise worries may cause heart attacks and strokes’ , says ITV GP Dr Amir Khan, ‘Also not turning on your heating will cause your blood vessels to constrict, increasing risk of heart attack.’

’Death during sex isn’t just something that happens to middle aged men, new study finds.’

’Lonely women at greater risk of heart attacks.’

’WATCH OUT! Moving clocks forward an hour could be dangerous for millions of Brits with heart problems.’

’Sticking to alcohol guidelines is bad for your health. Risk of heart problems increased even if you drink less than NHS guidelines, study suggests.’

And all this time I’ve fallen hook line and sinker for the Dr Malone, Dr Peter McCullough etc. nonsense. I’m going to watch lots of Dr Hillary, Dr. Amir, Lorraine and Jeremy Vine from now on if I’m in any doubt about Covid or how many boosters I need to stay safe.

Sorry everyone, for being such a silly Billy. 💉💉💉😷😷😷😘


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14 minutes ago, King Billy said:

I’d like to apologise for any of my previous posts which questioned whether the recent huge increase in heart attacks, sudden unexpected deaths and previously undiscovered cardiac conditions in young people, may be in any way linked to the also recent mass MRNA vaccination craze. Having come to my senses and listened to the sensible advice of Mrs Roops, I’ve had a look at  what the MSM have found out and shared with the public over the last few weeks, to put these ridiculous anti vax theories to bed once and for all……..

’Shovelling snow could cause sudden heart attacks’

’Cheering too excitedly at football matches may be behind recent medical emergencies at soccer events’

’Energy bill price rise worries may cause heart attacks and strokes’ , says ITV GP Dr Amir Khan, ‘Also not turning on your heating will cause your blood vessels to constrict, increasing risk of heart attack.’

’Death during sex isn’t just something that happens to middle aged men, new study finds.’

’Lonely women at greater risk of heart attacks.’

’WATCH OUT! Moving clocks forward an hour could be dangerous for millions of Brits with heart problems.’

’Sticking to alcohol guidelines is bad for your health. Risk of heart problems increased even if you drink less than NHS guidelines, study suggests.’

And all this time I’ve fallen hook line and sinker for the Dr Malone, Dr Peter McCullough etc. nonsense. I’m going to watch lots of Dr Hillary, Dr. Amir, Lorraine and Jeremy Vine from now on if I’m in any doubt about Covid or how many boosters I need to stay safe.

Sorry everyone, for being such a silly Billy. 💉💉💉😷😷😷😘


You need to stop obsessing about this shit. Seriously. 

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3 hours ago, King Billy said:

I’d like to apologise for any of my previous posts which questioned whether the recent huge increase in heart attacks, sudden unexpected deaths and previously undiscovered cardiac conditions in young people, may be in any way linked to the also recent mass MRNA vaccination craze. Having come to my senses and listened to the sensible advice of Mrs Roops, I’ve had a look at  what the MSM have found out and shared with the public over the last few weeks, to put these ridiculous anti vax theories to bed once and for all……..

’Shovelling snow could cause sudden heart attacks’

’Cheering too excitedly at football matches may be behind recent medical emergencies at soccer events’

’Energy bill price rise worries may cause heart attacks and strokes’ , says ITV GP Dr Amir Khan, ‘Also not turning on your heating will cause your blood vessels to constrict, increasing risk of heart attack.’

’Death during sex isn’t just something that happens to middle aged men, new study finds.’

’Lonely women at greater risk of heart attacks.’

’WATCH OUT! Moving clocks forward an hour could be dangerous for millions of Brits with heart problems.’

’Sticking to alcohol guidelines is bad for your health. Risk of heart problems increased even if you drink less than NHS guidelines, study suggests.’

And all this time I’ve fallen hook line and sinker for the Dr Malone, Dr Peter McCullough etc. nonsense. I’m going to watch lots of Dr Hillary, Dr. Amir, Lorraine and Jeremy Vine from now on if I’m in any doubt about Covid or how many boosters I need to stay safe.

Sorry everyone, for being such a silly Billy. 💉💉💉😷😷😷😘


There was another 'medical emergency' at one of the games today.  



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12 hours ago, King Billy said:

I’d like to apologise for any of my previous posts which questioned whether the recent huge increase in heart attacks, sudden unexpected deaths and previously undiscovered cardiac conditions in young people, may be in any way linked to the also recent mass MRNA vaccination craze. Having come to my senses and listened to the sensible advice of Mrs Roops, I’ve had a look at  what the MSM have found out and shared with the public over the last few weeks, to put these ridiculous anti vax theories to bed once and for all……..

’Shovelling snow could cause sudden heart attacks’

’Cheering too excitedly at football matches may be behind recent medical emergencies at soccer events’

’Energy bill price rise worries may cause heart attacks and strokes’ , says ITV GP Dr Amir Khan, ‘Also not turning on your heating will cause your blood vessels to constrict, increasing risk of heart attack.’

’Death during sex isn’t just something that happens to middle aged men, new study finds.’

’Lonely women at greater risk of heart attacks.’

’WATCH OUT! Moving clocks forward an hour could be dangerous for millions of Brits with heart problems.’

’Sticking to alcohol guidelines is bad for your health. Risk of heart problems increased even if you drink less than NHS guidelines, study suggests.’

And all this time I’ve fallen hook line and sinker for the Dr Malone, Dr Peter McCullough etc. nonsense. I’m going to watch lots of Dr Hillary, Dr. Amir, Lorraine and Jeremy Vine from now on if I’m in any doubt about Covid or how many boosters I need to stay safe.

Sorry everyone, for being such a silly Billy. 💉💉💉😷😷😷😘


Calm down Billy, you'll end up with a heart attack at this rate...

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