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The strange and recent phenomena of people who seemed healthy and wouldn’t in normal times be OK one day and 3 days later be dead.

King Billy

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22 hours ago, The Beast said:

This video is a bit worrying. This website https://www.howbad.info/ is useful.


What's more worrying is the latest television appeal for The British Heart Foundation...

We see a perfectly healthy teenage girl playing football, she suddenly keels over unconscious. We then see her in hospital. The message is: 'we need to do research into unexplained cardiac phenomena.'

They are attempting to de-sensitise us to the impending cull. They are preparing explanations for inexplicable heart attacks, blood clots, vascular damage and any other little surprises that will NOT be blamed on the vaccines. If 'Thanos' Gates' depopulation programme comes good, and half the planet are dead in five years time... they'll still be blaming the deaths on coincidence and strongly implying that it's the fault of the unvaccinated. 

The fact that this couldn't, by any logic actually be true, will be completely immaterial. They've become addicted to the lies and learned to love having the burden of choice and personal responsibility taken away from them. We're fucked.

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Guest Lairy Larry
Just now, Eric Cuntman said:

What's more worrying is the latest television appeal for The British Heart Foundation...

We see a perfectly healthy teenage girl playing football, she suddenly keels over unconscious. We then see her in hospital. The message is: 'we need to do research into unexplained cardiac phenomena.'

They are attempting to de-sensitise us to the impending cull. They are preparing explanations for inexplicable heart attacks, blood clots, vascular damage and any other little surprises that will NOT be blamed on the vaccines. If 'Thanos' Gates' depopulation programme comes good, and half the planet are dead in five years time... they'll still be blaming the deaths on coincidence and strongly implying that it's the fault of the unvaccinated. 

The fact that this couldn't, by any logic actually be true, will be completely immaterial. They've become addicted to the lies and learned to love having the burden of choice and personal responsibility taken away from them. We're fucked.

I've just seen that advert for the first time 5 minutes ago. It was some messed up shit.

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13 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

What's more worrying is the latest television appeal for The British Heart Foundation...

We see a perfectly healthy teenage girl playing football, she suddenly keels over unconscious. We then see her in hospital. The message is: 'we need to do research into unexplained cardiac phenomena.'

They are attempting to de-sensitise us to the impending cull. They are preparing explanations for inexplicable heart attacks, blood clots, vascular damage and any other little surprises that will NOT be blamed on the vaccines. If 'Thanos' Gates' depopulation programme comes good, and half the planet are dead in five years time... they'll still be blaming the deaths on coincidence and strongly implying that it's the fault of the unvaccinated. 

The fact that this couldn't, by any logic actually be true, will be completely immaterial. They've become addicted to the lies and learned to love having the burden of choice and personal responsibility taken away from them. We're fucked.

Welcome back Eric. The mass psychosis hasn’t got to me yet. The Roopsfuhrer has passed judgment on me and I’m apparently the worlds first triple jabbed antivaxxer. 🤣💉💉💉
Anyway it’s good to see another sceptic still holding the line against the tsunami of Covid bullshit propaganda which you and I have called out from the start. Proper has stuck his bonce above the parapet and the armoured face mask battalion  have been taking potshots at him but spectacularly missed every time. I guess they’re all still suffering from that ‘Mong Covid’ that’s been circulating under their beds and behind their couches.

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Guest Lairy Larry
Just now, Eric Cuntman said:

No. Now answer the question. And if you aren't Quincy, and you still like the idea of a Walton Goggins avatar... you might consider 'Venus Van Dam'.

What was Tig thinking...


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3 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Welcome back Eric. The mass psychosis hasn’t got to me yet. The Roopsfuhrer has passed judgment on me and I’m apparently the worlds first triple jabbed antivaxxer. 🤣💉💉💉
Anyway it’s good to see another sceptic still holding the line against the tsunami of Covid bullshit propaganda which you and I have called out from the start. Proper has stuck his bonce above the parapet and the armoured face mask battalion  have been taking potshots at him but spectacularly missed every time. I guess they’re all still suffering from that ‘Mong Covid’ that’s been circulating under their beds and behind their couches.

They're all suffering from the realisation that they now have 5 years of uncertainty to look forward to. 

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2 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

They're all suffering from the realisation that they now have 5 years of uncertainty to look forward to. 

The only certainty they have is another dose of the poison vaccine every few weeks till their hearts finally explode. 

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5 hours ago, Wolfie said:

Medieval in a modern world. I wonder how many will spend the rest of their relatively short lives among China's vast network of concentration camps?  

I don't have much hope for them, I'm sure they've all been whisjed off on a lifelong 'holiday' somewhere. Of course they'll be sending messages reassuring their worried love ones, and telling what a wonderful time they're having and won't be back...for a while. 

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13 hours ago, King Billy said:

None of your business. Use your big brain if you insist on poking your beak in.

Its a forum, anyone can say their piece. You may want free rein to spout your nonsense without the inconvenience of being called out but that's not going to happen.

I was in fact doing you a kindness in asking you to back up/justify your assertions but since you won't avail yourself of the opportunity we'll revert to Plan A.

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17 hours ago, The Beast said:

You assume all the deaths are in older and clinically vulnerable, which is not the case. There are still bad batches in circulation now, one in particular  relating to children.

The data engineers and scientists that have spent their own time to put the site and tool together are hardly going to take the matter to the police without having ruled out your explanation. 

The scientist who has a long history of drug development and thus has oversight of drug trials identifies evidence of dose range finding studies in the pattern of deaths and disabilities.

As, I have politely pointed out to you previously, please keep the cheap unsubstantiated insults out of our discourse.


I'm not assuming anything. I was questioning the assertion that all death rates should be evenly spread throughout all the batches. That might be true if all batches were administered evenly across the demographic but in the real world that is not the case. Consequently death rates was never going to be evenly spread.

I've seen the letter to the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police and I'll be surprised if it generates any traction. The complaint was phrased in conspiracy rhetoric without any evidence provided.

As for the "data engineers" they've programmed bog standard Data Scraping software to glean data from the VAERS system. The CDC, owners and operators of VAERS, have repeatedly asserted that all reports are unverified and do not prove that any vaccine has caused an adverse event. 

As for "The scientist" read our old friend Mike Yeadon who aside from having zero experience in vaccine development once postulated that Covid vaccines "magnetises" patients.

Your last para was itself churlish. I spoke as I found.

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1 hour ago, Mrs Roops said:

I'm not assuming anything. I was questioning the assertion that all death rates should be evenly spread throughout all the batches. That might be true if all batches were administered evenly across the demographic but in the real world that is not the case. Consequently death rates was never going to be evenly spread.

I've seen the letter to the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police and I'll be surprised if it generates any traction. The complaint was phrased in conspiracy rhetoric without any evidence provided.

As for the "data engineers" they've programmed bog standard Data Scraping software to glean data from the VAERS system. The CDC, owners and operators of VAERS, have repeatedly asserted that all reports are unverified and do not prove that any vaccine has caused an adverse event. 

As for "The scientist" read our old friend Mike Yeadon who aside from having zero experience in vaccine development once postulated that Covid vaccines "magnetises" patients.

Your last para was itself churlish. I spoke as I found.

As previously explained in my comments, the ADR's are not the issue, as they are self reported and could be trivial like a sore arm and are open for hypochondriacs to have a field day. The deaths are not, they are audited by the CDC.

If you have seen the evidence in its entirety given to Hammersmith CID then please update me on its merit, not just your opinion on one letter. 

Unbelievably, you still quote fact checkers. Even the most compliant during this farce acknowledge these people as a propaganda arm of the pharmaceutical companies with their well established links at executive level and stock interests from certain asset management companies.

You don't offer any comment on the pattern of deaths and their association with dose range finding studies. You have done what you liberally accuse others on here of.... playing the man and not the ball.

My last paragraph was a reminder that I have observed certain standards during our discourse and out of common decency I would hope that is reciprocated. Perhaps this is naivety on my part.

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4 hours ago, The Beast said:

As previously explained in my comments, the ADR's are not the issue, as they are self reported and could be trivial like a sore arm and are open for hypochondriacs to have a field day. The deaths are not, they are audited by the CDC.

If you have seen the evidence in its entirety given to Hammersmith CID then please update me on its merit, not just your opinion on one letter. 

Unbelievably, you still quote fact checkers. Even the most compliant during this farce acknowledge these people as a propaganda arm of the pharmaceutical companies with their well established links at executive level and stock interests from certain asset management companies.

You don't offer any comment on the pattern of deaths and their association with dose range finding studies. You have done what you liberally accuse others on here of.... playing the man and not the ball.

My last paragraph was a reminder that I have observed certain standards during our discourse and out of common decency I would hope that is reciprocated. Perhaps this is naivety on my part.

Now, talk to the penguin or else you're in a world of hurt." (Red Dwarf) |  Red dwarf, Geek humor, Dwarf

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23 hours ago, The Beast said:

...If you have seen the evidence in its entirety given to Hammersmith CID then please update me on its merit, not just your opinion on one letter...

I said I've seen a letter sent to Commissioner Cressida Dick. I can find no trace of a letter to Hammersmith CID. That said, a Certain Dr Sam White together with his legal team, Mssrs PJH Law, did visit Hammersmith and Charing Cross police stations to make a formal complaint. Apparently the Doctor and his team spent six hours at the police stations and were given a crime number for "Misconduct in Public Office" and that "an officer has been allocated the case". Neither the Doctor nor the lawyers are prepared to release details of their conversations with the plod as "it is now considered to be a live investigation" - in other words its the oft-used conspirators line of "we know stuff, but we're not going to tell you". Pure theatre.

23 hours ago, The Beast said:

...Unbelievably, you still quote fact checkers. Even the most compliant during this farce acknowledge these people as a propaganda arm of the pharmaceutical companies with their well established links at executive level and stock interests from certain asset management companies.

You don't offer any comment on the pattern of deaths and their association with dose range finding studies. You have done what you liberally accuse others on here of.... playing the man and not the ball.

My last paragraph was a reminder that I have observed certain standards during our discourse and out of common decency I would hope that is reciprocated. Perhaps this is naivety on my part.

Well, I'd be interested to know which "certain asset management companies" have a controlling interest in mainstream press outlets and agencies whilst having a sizeable interest in pharma. It seems to me that the justification for regaling against fact-checking is "because they're mainstream". Interestingly, I've yet to see a 'fact check' being corrected by you or anyone else. Anyway, aren't you shooting the messenger rather than the message? Haven't you been lecturing me about such practices?

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6 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

I said I've seen a letter sent to Commissioner Cressida Dick. I can find no trace of a letter to Hammersmith CID. That said, a Certain Dr Sam White together with his legal team, Mssrs PJH Law, did visit Hammersmith and Charing Cross police stations to make a formal complaint. Apparently the Doctor and his team spent six hours at the police stations and were given a crime number for "Misconduct in Public Office" and that "an officer has been allocated the case". Neither the Doctor nor the lawyers are prepared to release details of their conversations with the plod as "it is now considered to be a live investigation" - in other words its the oft-used conspirators line of "we know stuff, but we're not going to tell you". Pure theatre.

If the police are investigation a matter it would be prudent not to make any further comment. If any further evidence becomes apparent it would be best to present it to the same officer or detective that is investigating. Pure theatre if it makes you content.

I don't know if  Sam White is a competent clinician, but he is not supine. He didn't have any interactions with the GMC until they disliked him expressing an opinion. The high court overruled this decision by the GMC and said he had a right to an opinion. That was the scope of the case and not the medical merits of his opinion. 

6 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Well, I'd be interested to know which "certain asset management companies" have a controlling interest in mainstream press outlets and agencies whilst having a sizeable interest in pharma. It seems to me that the justification for regaling against fact-checking is "because they're mainstream". Interestingly, I've yet to see a 'fact check' being corrected by you or anyone else. Anyway, aren't you shooting the messenger rather than the message? Haven't you been lecturing me about such practices?

Blackrock and Vanguard have significant interest in News Corp, Disney, Comcast and Time Warner. These four outfits have more than a 50% ownership and control of the USA main stream media. Vanguard have significant interests in Blackrock. Together they have multi trillion dollar interests in many Standard and Poor firms.

The fact check propaganda smear job you used has no author. I doubt any scientist or medical doctor had any input. Is there something you are trying to tell the puntership of this forum with your repeated defence of this circle jerk of controlling propagandists?

If you want to discuss masks, asymptomatic spread, lockdowns, social distancing and indeed these awful obsolete injections that even Arthur Daley would not try to shift at this juncture, crack on. 

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22 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

150,000 deaths for the UK that are related to Covid. I wonder how many have died because of side effects from the vaccine?? Over to you Billy try and persuade me not to have a fourth.

What's your limit on the amount of 'vaccines' you'll have in any given year big Bollock? Covid 19 is going nowhere and we'll no doubt have a 'Deltomicron' super strain in time for next winter, so what's the plan? The 'vaccines' wane after 10 weeks, so is it 5 vaccines a year? Two Astra Zeneca, Pfizer top up/booster and Moderna 4th? It's like a cocktail of shite as opposed to nice Mai Tai.

I'd rather have the Mai Tai, wouldn't you?

You drunken, thrice jabbed cunt.


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58 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

What's your limit on the amount of 'vaccines' you'll have in any given year big Bollock? Covid 19 is going nowhere and we'll no doubt have a 'Deltomicron' super strain in time for next winter, so what's the plan? The 'vaccines' wane after 10 weeks, so is it 5 vaccines a year? Two Astra Zeneca, Pfizer top up/booster and Moderna 4th? It's like a cocktail of shite as opposed to nice Mai Tai.

I'd rather have the Mai Tai, wouldn't you?

You drunken, thrice jabbed cunt.


You don't really understand how viruses work do you. This will mutate into a strain which doesn't kill the host and the human immune system will develop naturally. You know, a bit like the spanish flu virus giving people the symptoms of a common cold nowadays. The vaccines are a temporary acceleration of one of these processes to reduce the number of sub-standard cunts dying when they suffer serious side effects from either the actual virus or the vaccines.

You little prick💉

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3 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

You don't really understand how viruses work do you. This will mutate into a strain which doesn't kill the host and the human immune system will develop naturally. You know, a bit like the spanish flu virus giving people the symptoms of a common cold nowadays. The vaccines are a temporary acceleration of one of these processes to reduce the number of sub-standard cunts dying when they suffer serious side effects from either the actual virus or the vaccines.

You little prick💉

@The Beast

If a drunken bungalow dwelling Norfolk yokel like Drew can grasp this concept why can’t you? Getting jabbed isn’t going to kill you, especially if you’re wearing your favorite tin foil underpants 

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1 hour ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

150,000 deaths for the UK that are related to Covid. I wonder how many have died because of side effects from the vaccine?? Over to you Billy try and persuade me not to have a fourth.

Good point, though it's worth adding the 150,000 includes a greater number of over 70s (https://www.ons.gov.uk/aboutus/transparencyandgovernance/freedomofinformationfoi/deathsfromcovid19byageband), a large proportion of which had chronic health issues prior to catching coronavirus. So, from your perspective above why have you therefore opted for two vaccines and a booster? Are you beginning to regret your choice?

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17 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

Good point, though it's worth adding the 150,000 includes a greater number of over 70s (https://www.ons.gov.uk/aboutus/transparencyandgovernance/freedomofinformationfoi/deathsfromcovid19byageband), a large proportion of which had chronic health issues prior to catching coronavirus. So, from your perspective above why have you therefore opted for two vaccines and a booster? Are you beginning to regret your choice?

I'm merely interested in a balanced view of the stats to confirm I am making the right choice getting vacinated and boosted. If, for example, the government reported that 25,000 people had died due to complications with the vacinne it would certainly re-focus my mind before deciding to get anymore.

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42 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

You don't really understand how viruses work do you. This will mutate into a strain which doesn't kill the host and the human immune system will develop naturally. You know, a bit like the spanish flu virus giving people the symptoms of a common cold nowadays. The vaccines are a temporary acceleration of one of these processes to reduce the number of sub-standard cunts dying when they suffer serious side effects from either the actual virus or the vaccines.

You little prick💉

Doesn't it strike you as odd, that the people who are pushing the idea of total global vaccination, to preserve life... are the very same people who have been insisting for decades that the greatest threat to human life is overpopulation? 

I don't know, none of us plebs do, or probably ever will. But it is really suspicious when you think about it.

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16 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

I'm merely interested in a balanced view of the stats to confirm I am making the right choice getting vacinated and boosted. If, for example, the government reported that 25,000 people had died due to complications with the vacinne it would certainly re-focus my mind before deciding to get anymore.

Even if it were true, I very much doubt the lying cunts would ever report it, as it would undermine the entire medical industry's financial objectives. Are you 70 or over, or is the impression I'm given simply the effects of Strongbow working in harmony with your keyboard?

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1 hour ago, The Beast said:

If the police are investigation a matter it would be prudent not to make any further comment. If any further evidence becomes apparent it would be best to present it to the same officer or detective that is investigating. Pure theatre if it makes you content.

I don't know if  Sam White is a competent clinician, but he is not supine. He didn't have any interactions with the GMC until they disliked him expressing an opinion. The high court overruled this decision by the GMC and said he had a right to an opinion. That was the scope of the case and not the medical merits of his opinion. 

Blackrock and Vanguard have significant interest in News Corp, Disney, Comcast and Time Warner. These four outfits have more than a 50% ownership and control of the USA main stream media. Vanguard have significant interests in Blackrock. Together they have multi trillion dollar interests in many Standard and Poor firms.

The fact check propaganda smear job you used has no author. I doubt any scientist or medical doctor had any input. Is there something you are trying to tell the puntership of this forum with your repeated defence of this circle jerk of controlling propagandists?

Well good luck to plod making a case for wilful neglect by someone in "public office"...

As for your breakdown of who has "significant interest" (I used the words "controlling interest") in various news media conglomerates I would firstly point out that Disney is more of an entertainment business, though they do co-own ABC, also Time-Warner is no more having been bought out by AT&T. Be that as it may, BlackRock and Vanguard own 2.61% and 2.26% of News Corp respectively; Comcast 4.26% & 8.11%, AT&T 5.1% & 7.58%. These amounts of ownership doesn't even guarantee a seat as a non executive director. Incidentally, in the absence of a name to a fact check then the author is the outfit who publishes therefore the most recent 'fact check' was authored by Reuters.

1 hour ago, The Beast said:

If you want to discuss masks, asymptomatic spread, lockdowns, social distancing and indeed these awful obsolete injections that even Arthur Daley would not try to shift at this juncture, crack on. 

Sure, why not? I have previously commented on govt mismanagement and ineptitude most notably on matters of procurement but hey, whaddya got as I haven't been dissuaded by you thus far...

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