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Rivers of Shit

Last Cunt Standing

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I'm relatively okay with neat shit ending up in the sea, after all there's enough of it arriving pre packed on dinghies in Dover, and besides UV light & saltwater are pretty good for destroying the harmful bacteria. I do however have an issue with these fucking water companies discharging into freshwater, especially as most, if not all of these companies are privatised and there's absolutely no competition from rivals that would force them to up their game rather than just please shareholders.

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1 hour ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

In a notable turn up for the books, seems Good Old Enoch was closer than we thought in his predictions for Modern Britain, he just picked the wrong bodily substance.


You Abbo-shaggers have more than enough domestic problems to be worrying about your superiors. An oncoming and deep recession, a fucked manufacturing sector, covid still kicking fuck out of your cities but worst of all, being cut loose by your little yellow masters. Doc, what are you going to do now? China in slowdown with a debt and property crisis. Demand for your minerals evaporating as the slopes demolish new ghost cities and recycle steel and copper as well as sourcing what it may need in the future cheaper from its Central Asian and African ‘empire’. You are aware, are you not, that your iron ore makes up more than 40% of your total exports by value? Well, it’s not wanted anymore…how utterly fucking stupid can a country be, putting all of its economic wealth in one yellow basket. Now fuck off.

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43 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

I'm relatively okay with neat shit ending up in the sea, after all there's enough of it arriving pre packed on dinghies in Dover, and besides UV light & saltwater are pretty good for destroying the harmful bacteria. I do however have an issue with these fucking water companies discharging into freshwater, especially as most, if not all of these companies are privatised and there's absolutely no competition from rivals that would force them to up their game rather than just please shareholders.

Tory MPs defend votes after uproar over sewage proposals



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7 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

You Abbo-shaggers have more than enough domestic problems to be worrying about your superiors. An oncoming and deep recession, a fucked manufacturing sector, covid still kicking fuck out of your cities but worst of all, being cut loose by your little yellow masters. Doc, what are you going to do now? China in slowdown with a debt and property crisis. Demand for your minerals evaporating as the slopes demolish new ghost cities and recycle steel and copper as well as sourcing what it may need in the future cheaper from its Central Asian and African ‘empire’. You are aware, are you not, that your iron ore makes up more than 40% of your total exports by value? Well, it’s not wanted anymore…how utterly fucking stupid can a country be, putting all of its economic wealth in one yellow basket. Now fuck off.

They'll win the ashes so that will keep the cork hatted, XXXX swilling cunts happy for another 4 years.

Paul Hogan's a cunt. 

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15 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

In a notable turn up for the books, seems Good Old Enoch was closer than we thought in his predictions for Modern Britain, he just picked the wrong bodily substance.


Unlike your new landlords flushing millions of tons of coal slag into the Great Barrier Reef…

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On 26/10/2021 at 12:22, Last Cunt Standing said:

In a notable turn up for the books, seems Good Old Enoch was closer than we thought in his predictions for Modern Britain, he just picked the wrong bodily substance.


And now, it’s time for a U-bend, sorry U-turn. Policy defended all weekend, now abandoned like a seafront fish supper. 

It’s almost as though they are making it up as they go along. 


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27 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

And now, it’s time for a U-bend, sorry U-turn. Policy defended all weekend, now abandoned like a seafront fish supper. 

It’s almost as though they are making it up as they go along. 


More daily UK commentary from the Corner’s absent antipodean. The question has to be…why?

It’s almost as if you have a UK obsession.


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Guest judgetwi
On 26/10/2021 at 05:22, Last Cunt Standing said:

In a notable turn up for the books, seems Good Old Enoch was closer than we thought in his predictions for Modern Britain, he just picked the wrong bodily substance.


I make Enoch spot on Skippy. Isn’t that why you shat your pants and ran away like a girl?

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12 hours ago, judgetwi said:

I make Enoch spot on Skippy. 

Somehow Judy I thought you’d be a fan. 

12 hours ago, judgetwi said:

Isn’t that why you shat your pants and ran away like a girl?

The rank sexism aside, I’d have thought someone exercising a choice about where they live and how they are governed would be right up your alley. Whatever makes you feel better though, I’m feeling quite generous of spirit today. Must be the sun. 

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On 26/10/2021 at 05:22, Last Cunt Standing said:

In a notable turn up for the books, seems Good Old Enoch was closer than we thought in his predictions for Modern Britain, he just picked the wrong bodily substance.


You once said to me (or very similar) 'I don't know where you and I got off on the wrong foot, Wolfie'.

Above is a gilt-edged example demonstrating precisely why you and I don't get along.

You decided to settle in Australia, and this is fine. What is not fine is that, once you made the move, you have decided to perpetually berate and launch into non-stop nuclear cunt-explosions on the country which provided you an education and career in medicine (though precisely which dicipline remains a mystery), and a platform from which to live an allegedly successful life. Please give it a fucking rest.

Slowly and insidiously, Powell's words are sadly ringing true. But at least we haven't got 6m Chinese to tolerate (and a total south east Asian demographic of around 8m to contend with), especially as Australia's population totals 25m. Thus nowadays, among the droughts/lack of available fire-fighting water and shark/jellyfish-laden beaches, one in every three people you see will be a pan-faced wokwanker. Lol.

Let's just say I wouldn't want to own a dog or cat in Australia nowadays. Still, I hope it's not too inconvenient having to check underneath your toilet seat for the world's most venomous spiders each time you deliver a Chinese takeaway-formed turd. 

Fuck off.

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7 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

You once said to me (or very similar) 'I don't know where you and I got off on the wrong foot, Wolfie'.

Above is a gilt-edged example demonstrating precisely why you and I don't get along.

You decided to settle in Australia, and this is fine. What is not fine is that, once you made the move, you have decided to perpetually berate and launch into non-stop nuclear cunt-explosions on the country which provided you an education and career in medicine (though precisely which dicipline remains a mystery), and a platform from which to live an allegedly successful life. Please give it a fucking rest.

Slowly and insidiously, Powell's words are sadly ringing true. But at least we haven't got 6m Chinese to tolerate (and a total south east Asian demographic of around 8m to contend with), especially as Australia's population totals 25m. Thus nowadays, among the droughts/lack of available fire-fighting water and shark/jellyfish-laden beaches, one in every three people you see will be a pan-faced wokwanker. Lol.

Let's just say I wouldn't want to own a dog or cat in Australia nowadays. Still, I hope it's not too inconvenient having to check underneath your toilet seat for the world's most venomous spiders each time you deliver a Chinese takeaway-formed turd. 

Fuck off.

They also have very slow cars down there as well. My mate emigrated there 15 years ago and owns a ranch to which he claims it takes 9 hours to drive round. I mean what kind of useless fucking car is that? 

Lol fuck off cobbers 

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2 hours ago, Wolfie said:

You once said to me (or very similar) 'I don't know where you and I got off on the wrong foot, Wolfie'.

Above is a gilt-edged example demonstrating precisely why you and I don't get along.

You decided to settle in Australia, and this is fine. What is not fine is that, once you made the move, you have decided to perpetually berate and launch into non-stop nuclear cunt-explosions on the country which provided you an education and career in medicine (though precisely which dicipline remains a mystery), and a platform from which to live an allegedly successful life. Please give it a fucking rest.

Slowly and insidiously, Powell's words are sadly ringing true. But at least we haven't got 6m Chinese to tolerate (and a total south east Asian demographic of around 8m to contend with), especially as Australia's population totals 25m. Thus nowadays, among the droughts/lack of available fire-fighting water and shark/jellyfish-laden beaches, one in every three people you see will be a pan-faced wokwanker. Lol.

Let's just say I wouldn't want to own a dog or cat in Australia nowadays. Still, I hope it's not too inconvenient having to check underneath your toilet seat for the world's most venomous spiders each time you deliver a Chinese takeaway-formed turd. 

Fuck off.

The good doc and I got off on the wrong foot almost immediately, but within time I came to appreciate his prose and acerbic wit.

Every now and again though he'll go off on a bit of Britain bashing which sets my teeth on edge. Whilst I imagine that politically we're both fairly well aligned, when it comes to Brexit I suspect that he hasn't really moved on and retains the same bitterness I felt in the early days when the country voted to leave the EU.

Fast forward five years, though, and I've come to appreciate the counter arguments of the leave campaign. I don't necessarily agree with it, but I respect the democratic process and accept that it wasn't a case of Little Britain spitting its dummy out. My advice to LCS is to let it go and use his considerable talents to either shit stir in intermember acrimony or bang on about issues the vast majority of us consider to be more pressing.

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49 minutes ago, Decimus said:

The good doc and I got off on the wrong foot almost immediately, but within time I came to appreciate his prose and acerbic wit.

Every now and again though he'll go off on a bit of Britain bashing which sets my teeth on edge. Whilst I imagine that politically we're both fairly well aligned, when it comes to Brexit I suspect that he hasn't really moved on and retains the same bitterness I felt in the early days when the country voted to leave the EU.

Fast forward five years, though, and I've come to appreciate the counter arguments of the leave campaign. I don't necessarily agree with it, but I respect the democratic process and accept that it wasn't a case of Little Britain spitting its dummy out. My advice to LCS is to let it go and use his considerable talents to either shit stir in intermember acrimony or bang on about issues the vast majority of us consider to be more pressing.

Aren’t these the same thing? 

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11 hours ago, Decimus said:

The good doc and I got off on the wrong foot almost immediately, but within time I came to appreciate his prose and acerbic wit.

Every now and again though he'll go off on a bit of Britain bashing which sets my teeth on edge. Whilst I imagine that politically we're both fairly well aligned, when it comes to Brexit I suspect that he hasn't really moved on and retains the same bitterness I felt in the early days when the country voted to leave the EU.

Fast forward five years, though, and I've come to appreciate the counter arguments of the leave campaign. I don't necessarily agree with it, but I respect the democratic process and accept that it wasn't a case of Little Britain spitting its dummy out. My advice to LCS is to let it go and use his considerable talents to either shit stir in intermember acrimony or bang on about issues the vast majority of us consider to be more pressing.

Or, fuck off to Cobber’s Corner and berate abbos about their personal hygiene, the price of kangaroo rides and the general mess that is Australia…over a breakfast of deep fried iron ore that they’re currently drowning in. The daft cunt.

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1 hour ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Or, fuck off to Cobber’s Corner and berate abbos about their personal hygiene, the price of kangaroo rides and the general mess that is Australia…over a breakfast of deep fried iron ore that they’re currently drowning in. The daft cunt.

I don’t think I like your tone. 

As a matter of fact, I’m sure I don’t. You are just another mouthy cunt whose idea of overseas trip is a day trip to the Isle of Wight. 

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19 minutes ago, southerncunt said:

I don’t think I like your tone. 

As a matter of fact, I’m sure I don’t. You are just another mouthy cunt whose idea of overseas trip is a day trip to the Isle of Wight. 

An LCS spat so not much to do with you. I’ve been to Cape Verde so fuck off.

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1 hour ago, southerncunt said:

I don’t think I like your tone. 

As a matter of fact, I’m sure I don’t. You are just another mouthy cunt whose idea of overseas trip is a day trip to the Isle of Wight. 

You start off with three honest words and then follow that by a load of bullshit .. stick to what you do know about .. which is fuck all.

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18 hours ago, Decimus said:

The good doc and I got off on the wrong foot almost immediately, but within time I came to appreciate his prose and acerbic wit.

Every now and again though he'll go off on a bit of Britain bashing which sets my teeth on edge. Whilst I imagine that politically we're both fairly well aligned, when it comes to Brexit I suspect that he hasn't really moved on and retains the same bitterness I felt in the early days when the country voted to leave the EU.

Fast forward five years, though, and I've come to appreciate the counter arguments of the leave campaign. I don't necessarily agree with it, but I respect the democratic process and accept that it wasn't a case of Little Britain spitting its dummy out. My advice to LCS is to let it go and use his considerable talents to either shit stir in intermember acrimony or bang on about issues the vast majority of us consider to be more pressing.

Dec's, what the fuck's going on here? A couple of hour's ago I was almost in tears at LCS' and others cunting of our scooter bound dishonor only to find the thread evaporated.

Are the servers now located in Oregon, or have we pissed the North Korean's off again?

I'm back motherfuckers, and about to verbally break the Joker's shit encrusted fingers.

Allah Akbar.

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21 minutes ago, Major Cunt said:

Dec's, what the fuck's going on here? A couple of hour's ago I was almost in tears at LCS' and others cunting of our scooter bound dishonor to find the thread evaporated.

There's certainly been a whiff of the yellow starred peril stinking up the place recently. The Rat is basically a Zionist apologist these days and there has been some suspicious likes being granted to any and every post that glorifies bent little hats. 

Keep your eyes open and beware. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark and I for one smell a fucking rat.



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1 hour ago, Major Cunt said:

Allah Akbar.

Friday prayers just finished have they? Fuck off and have a wank over Shamima Begum's slack, child ruined, mudslime cunt you fucking rag-head. Or travel up to your favourite northern balti house to have some completely legal and above board sex with runaways.

Fucking knobhead.

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4 hours ago, southerncunt said:

I don’t think I like your tone. 

As a matter of fact, I’m sure I don’t. You are just another mouthy cunt whose idea of overseas trip is a day trip to the Isle of Wight. 

I live just across the water from the IOW Southern, and they are squawking blue murder at the moment. None of the fuckers can move because house prices are through the roof there, Londoners and home counties refugees buying holiday homes for top dollar and pricing the locals out of the market. 

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