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COP 26 Just 7 more days and we’ll all be saved (and fucking broke).

King Billy

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Just seven days to go and we can all relax, breathe a bit more easily and tell the kids they’re not going to die before they leave school. Our heroic leaders from across the world will be arriving in Scotland on hundreds of planes, settling in to their suites at the Gleneagles Hotel, tucking in to their a la carte cuisine, plonking their fat arses in the chauffeur driven electric Jaguar limos which the British taxpayers have kindly paid for them to use, and heading off to the Gorbals for a round of backslapping, finger wagging and non stop media interviews to remind the little people who pay their salaries, that the world is about to end and the only way to prevent this is that you will have to work till you drop, pay all your earnings in tax and say thank you with your dying breath. 
I recall Al Gore predicting in 2006 that we had ten years to save the planet, and being given the Nobel prize the following year. He said that the Arctic ice cap would be gone forever by 2013 Mmmm?  Those poor penguins.

This year was apparently the hottest on record, I kept hearing. The fucking Arctic ice mustn’t have been listening, as there’s almost 30% more of it now than this time last year. Mmmm. Thank God the penguins are safe for now.

Forest fires…. climate emergency 

Hurricanes…..climate emergency

Middle class cunts superglued to the M25…..climate emergency

2 out of the 3 existential phenomena above, have been occurring since time began, and in the case of forest fires,  destroys a fraction of the acreage, compared to  almost every year of the last century and further back.

Ive taken to leaving my Transit van ticking over all night at the back of my house regularly nowadays, and our bin is rarely more than 1/4 full when the binmen come, as I often go for a drive in the car and love throwing bags and bags of crap out the window, 

I guess I’m just old fashioned. I don’t like being taken for a cunt by even bigger and far more obvious cunts.



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22 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Just seven days to go and we can all relax, breathe a bit more easily and tell the kids they’re not going to die before they leave school. Our heroic leaders from across the world will be arriving in Scotland on hundreds of planes, settling in to their suites at the Gleneagles Hotel, tucking in to their a la carte cuisine, plonking their fat arses in the chauffeur driven electric Jaguar limos which the British taxpayers have kindly paid for them to use, and heading off to the Gorbals for a round of backslapping, finger wagging and non stop media interviews to remind the little people who pay their salaries, that the world is about to end and the only way to prevent this is that you will have to work till you drop, pay all your earnings in tax and say thank you with your dying breath. 
I recall Al Gore predicting in 2006 that we had ten years to save the planet, and being given the Nobel prize the following year. He said that the Arctic ice cap would be gone forever by 2013 Mmmm?  Those poor penguins.

This year was apparently the hottest on record, I kept hearing. The fucking Arctic ice mustn’t have been listening, as there’s almost 30% more of it now than this time last year. Mmmm. Thank God the penguins are safe for now.

Forest fires…. climate emergency 

Hurricanes…..climate emergency

Middle class cunts superglued to the M25…..climate emergency

2 out of the 3 existential phenomena above, have been occurring since time began, and in the case of forest fires,  destroys a fraction of the acreage, compared to  almost every year of the last century and further back.

Ive taken to leaving my Transit van ticking over all night at the back of my house regularly nowadays, and our bin is rarely more than 1/4 full when the binmen come, as I often go for a drive in the car and love throwing bags and bags of crap out the window, 

I guess I’m just old fashioned. I don’t like being taken for a cunt by even bigger and far more obvious cunts.



I've got quarter of the way through this but had to stop to point out that penguins are on the other side of the planet, you plum. Sorry Billy, but some other cunt was going to point it out. Better coming from me rather than that wiggy cunt Frank. 

I'll read the rest now.

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1 hour ago, camberwell gypsy said:

I've got quarter of the way through this but had to stop to point out that penguins are on the other side of the planet, you plum. Sorry Billy, but some other cunt was going to point it out. Better coming from me rather than that wiggy cunt Frank. 

I'll read the rest now.

Of course I meant Antarctic. I’ve never claimed to be perfect. That would be going too far, even for me.

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1 hour ago, King Billy said:

Ive taken to leaving my Transit van ticking over all night at the back of my house regularly nowadays, and our bin is rarely more than 1/4 full when the binmen come, as I often go for a drive in the car and love throwing bags and bags of crap out the window,

It's good enough for Tyson Fury.

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10 hours ago, King Billy said:

Just seven days to go and we can all relax, breathe a bit more easily and tell the kids they’re not going to die before they leave school. Our heroic leaders from across the world will be arriving in Scotland on hundreds of planes, settling in to their suites at the Gleneagles Hotel, tucking in to their a la carte cuisine, plonking their fat arses in the chauffeur driven electric Jaguar limos which the British taxpayers have kindly paid for them to use, and heading off to the Gorbals for a round of backslapping, finger wagging and non stop media interviews to remind the little people who pay their salaries, that the world is about to end and the only way to prevent this is that you will have to work till you drop, pay all your earnings in tax and say thank you with your dying breath. 
I recall Al Gore predicting in 2006 that we had ten years to save the planet, and being given the Nobel prize the following year. He said that the Arctic ice cap would be gone forever by 2013 Mmmm?  Those poor penguins.

This year was apparently the hottest on record, I kept hearing. The fucking Arctic ice mustn’t have been listening, as there’s almost 30% more of it now than this time last year. Mmmm. Thank God the penguins are safe for now.

Forest fires…. climate emergency 

Hurricanes…..climate emergency

Middle class cunts superglued to the M25…..climate emergency

2 out of the 3 existential phenomena above, have been occurring since time began, and in the case of forest fires,  destroys a fraction of the acreage, compared to  almost every year of the last century and further back.

Ive taken to leaving my Transit van ticking over all night at the back of my house regularly nowadays, and our bin is rarely more than 1/4 full when the binmen come, as I often go for a drive in the car and love throwing bags and bags of crap out the window, 

I guess I’m just old fashioned. I don’t like being taken for a cunt by even bigger and far more obvious cunts.



They've got it all wrong, this insistence on pushing electric cars through is not the answer. The carbon footprint of one of these electric cars from production to the forecourt is ridiculous and that's not including disposal of the thing. We don't and won't have the capacity to offer reliable and available charging solutions so what's the fucking point. Porsche are working on a synthetic fuel alternative and this is the way forward not electric, who wants a fucking battery powered piece of shit anyways? Give me a V8 anyday. Like our cunt Mayor of London has shat on the diesel car owners with his Ulez expansion (after people were encouraged to buy diesel cars) the same will happen with electric vehicles in the 20 years or so. I'm fed up of these knee jerk reactions that wont make much difference considering China and Russia etc don't give a shit. These electric vehicles are way too quiet also, need to attach a Flymo on the back or something to warn others they're around. 

Fuck diesel cars and fuck electric cars...petrol all the way.


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9 hours ago, King Billy said:

Of course I meant Antarctic. I’ve never claimed to be perfect. That would be going too far, even for me.

Wise up Bill, there’s no bamboo left in China due to deforestation. They’ve never seen skinnier polar bears over there. This is a real issue that needs addressing, urgently…and don’t get me started on them poor fucking kangaroos in Alaska.

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1 hour ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

They've got it all wrong, this insistence on pushing electric cars through is not the answer. The carbon footprint of one of these electric cars from production to the forecourt is ridiculous and that's not including disposal of the thing. We don't and won't have the capacity to offer reliable and available charging solutions so what's the fucking point. Porsche are working on a synthetic fuel alternative and this is the way forward not electric, who wants a fucking battery powered piece of shit anyways? Give me a V8 anyday. Like our cunt Mayor of London has shat on the diesel car owners with his Ulez expansion (after people were encouraged to buy diesel cars) the same will happen with electric vehicles in the 20 years or so. I'm fed up of these knee jerk reactions that wont make much difference considering China and Russia etc don't give a shit. These electric vehicles are way too quiet also, need to attach a Flymo on the back or something to warn others they're around. 

Fuck diesel cars and fuck electric cars...petrol all the way.


They don’t and they can’t, either - particularly the chinks. They are faced with populations living in the style they got accustomed to; any reduction of fossil fuel consumption would result in internal wars and huge die offs. The russkies are using more gas and oil to prop up their economies, while chinks are heavily reliant on coal to keep lights on and export production going.

India is also fucked, their consumption of coal is very large and expanding, and with growing population, I don’t see what they can do to reduce coal consumption, bearing in mind how piss-poor they are. The Indian billionaires had departed and will watch the shit show from afar.

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1 minute ago, White Cunt said:

They don’t and they can’t, either - particularly chinks. They are faced with populations living in the style they got accustomed to; any reduction of fossil fuel consumption would result in internal wars and huge die offs. The russkies are using more gas and oil to prop up their economies, while chinks are heavily reliant on coal to keep lights on and export production going.

India is also fucked, their consumption of coal is very large and expanding, and with growing population, I don’t see what they can do to reduce coal consumption, bearing in mind how piss-poor they are. The Indian billionaires had departed and will watch the shit show from afar.

We are being shat on by this government, their desperate bid to 'lead the way'. Stupid measure like the future ban on non electric car sales will do nothing but fuck this country even more than it is. All this for what? So the Chinese, Russians and Indians can look at us and say 'well that didn't work did it'. This government are so desperate to appear active with regards to the latest environmental trends that aren't looking at the long term effects. 

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12 hours ago, King Billy said:

Just seven days to go and we can all relax, breathe a bit more easily and tell the kids they’re not going to die before they leave school. Our heroic leaders from across the world will be arriving in Scotland on hundreds of planes, settling in to their suites at the Gleneagles Hotel, tucking in to their a la carte cuisine, plonking their fat arses in the chauffeur driven electric Jaguar limos which the British taxpayers have kindly paid for them to use, and heading off to the Gorbals for a round of backslapping, finger wagging and non stop media interviews to remind the little people who pay their salaries, that the world is about to end and the only way to prevent this is that you will have to work till you drop, pay all your earnings in tax and say thank you with your dying breath. 
I recall Al Gore predicting in 2006 that we had ten years to save the planet, and being given the Nobel prize the following year. He said that the Arctic ice cap would be gone forever by 2013 Mmmm?  Those poor penguins.

This year was apparently the hottest on record, I kept hearing. The fucking Arctic ice mustn’t have been listening, as there’s almost 30% more of it now than this time last year. Mmmm. Thank God the penguins are safe for now.

Forest fires…. climate emergency 

Hurricanes…..climate emergency

Middle class cunts superglued to the M25…..climate emergency

2 out of the 3 existential phenomena above, have been occurring since time began, and in the case of forest fires,  destroys a fraction of the acreage, compared to  almost every year of the last century and further back.

Ive taken to leaving my Transit van ticking over all night at the back of my house regularly nowadays, and our bin is rarely more than 1/4 full when the binmen come, as I often go for a drive in the car and love throwing bags and bags of crap out the window, 

I guess I’m just old fashioned. I don’t like being taken for a cunt by even bigger and far more obvious cunts.



I agree with your point on the superbly-paid oracles, themselves producing carbon footprint the size of volcanoes; luxuriating while dictating largely ineffective rules (in the world total) that affect the “other people”. 


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17 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

We are being shat on by this government, their desperate bid to 'lead the way'. Stupid measure like the future ban on non electric car sales will do nothing but fuck this country even more than it is. All this for what? So the Chinese, Russians and Indians can look at us and say 'well that didn't work did it'. This government are so desperate to appear active with regards to the latest environmental trends that aren't looking at the long term effects. 

We have been shat on by several governments, who squandered the UK oil fields and invested fuck all in nuclear, that would provide a good electricity base load, going into oil and gas depletion territory. That’s just for starters. I won’t drone on coal and gas issues as it is getting repetitive on my my behalf. 
As for a ban for petrol cars - they will keep pushing the envelope, depending on the circumstances du jour. Petrol is a large chunk of “waste” from a barrel of oil - a cheap, portable source of energy, available for as long as diesel is in use and can be viably extracted. Getting rid of it makes no sense, unless you have a working replacement up and running.

All I see now is a lot of reality-disconnected bollocks. 

In the future, from a multitude of resource issues, we will have a fraction of cars on roads, no matter which energy source you operate on.

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2 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Wise up Bill, there’s no bamboo left in China due to deforestation. They’ve never seen skinnier polar bears over there. This is a real issue that needs addressing, urgently…and don’t get me started on them poor fucking kangaroos in Alaska.

Canada Geese, Muscovy Ducks and Dutch Elm Beetles in London parks.

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16 minutes ago, White Cunt said:

We have been shat on by several governments, who squandered the UK oil fields and invested fuck all in nuclear, that would provide a good electricity base load, going into oil depletion territory. That’s just for starters. I won’t drone on coal and gas issues as it is getting repetitive on my my behalf. 
As for a ban for petrol cars - they will keep pushing the envelope, depending on the circumstances du jour. Petrol is a large chunk of “waste” from a barrel of oil - a cheap, portable source of energy, available for as long as diesel is in use and can be viably extracted. Getting rid of it makes no sense, unless you have a working replacement up and running.

All I see now is a lot of reality-disconnected bollocks. 

In the future, from a multitude of resource issues, we will have a fraction of cars on roads, no matter which energy source you operate on.

The future for drivers is depressing and makes me appreciate still being able to drive naturally aspirated cars. I dread to think what they'll charge us for the privilege of driving a non electric car in the future...if the bastards even allow it that is. I drive a lot and it's becoming less enjoyable year on year, the simple fact is there are too many vehicles on the roads and that's a result of over population. The excuse they're using in London for the ULEZ charge is air quality yet if that was their true concern they would ban all diesels (essential vehicles excluded) but they haven't as it's all about making money.




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37 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

The future for drivers is depressing and makes me appreciate still being able to drive naturally aspirated cars. I dread to think what they'll charge us for the privilege of driving a non electric car in the future...if the bastards even allow it that is. I drive a lot and it's becoming less enjoyable year on year, the simple fact is there are too many vehicles on the roads and that's a result of over population. The excuse they're using in London for the ULEZ charge is air quality yet if that was their true concern they would ban all diesels (essential vehicles excluded) but they haven't as it's all about making money.




The future for working and middle class drivers is grim, indeed. The top ten, maybe twenty percent, will carry on driving unabated, simply switching to large electric at some point. Money being no object, whatever future “extra” laws come into force, they will be shielded from the reality facing the majority.

I have seen the difference brought on by the ULEZ charge, myself. Fleets of luxury cars cruising as per usual, very few older models of anything, which indicates lack of income to pay the charge, most other vehicles are vans and buses. The charge effectively eliminated the middle driver. 

London is changing so much: it is becoming so much richer and poorer at the same time.

Bar a mega perpetual flooding, the flocking of foreign super wealthy with bags of cash, gold and Bitcoin will continue, pushing out other layers of Londoners . Any policies will be made with that in mind, all the while green-washing changes to policies to make them acceptable.

If you really want to change air quality with true environmental impact in mind and do it equitably, you have to ban all private vehicles from entering and driving in London.
Yeah, I know, pigs might fly.


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53 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

The future for drivers is depressing and makes me appreciate still being able to drive naturally aspirated cars. I dread to think what they'll charge us for the privilege of driving a non electric car in the future...if the bastards even allow it that is. I drive a lot and it's becoming less enjoyable year on year, the simple fact is there are too many vehicles on the roads and that's a result of over population. The excuse they're using in London for the ULEZ charge is air quality yet if that was their true concern they would ban all diesels (essential vehicles excluded) but they haven't as it's all about making money.




I'm guessing in fifty years time car ownership will be basically outlawed. We'll all have to call up self driving, piss smelling, government owned, public use eco carriages to get where we need to go whilst being charged by the minute and having no control over the route taken.

Constantly operating multiple angle cameras and microphones will be a feature (for your safety) and free wi-fi ( that monitors all of your browsing activity) will be provided for your entertainment. Maximum speed will be 30 MPH, unless you're willing to fork over for the premium package that lets you use the fast lanes. Oh, and you'll have to sign a waiver before any trip freeing the government and any third party manufacturers involved in building the thing from any responsibility in the event of a crash.

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16 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

I'm guessing in fifty years time car ownership will be basically outlawed. We'll all have to call up self driving, piss smelling, government  owned, public use eco carriages to get where we need to go whilst being charged by the minute and having no control over the route taken.

Constantly operating multiple angle cameras and microphones will be a feature (for your safety) and free wi-fi ( that monitors all of your browsing activity) will be provided for your entertainment. Maximum speed will be 30 MPH, unless you're willing to fork over for the premium package that lets you use the fast lanes. Oh, and you'll have to sign a waiver before any trip freeing the government and any third party manufacturers involved in building the thing from any responsibility in the event of a crash.

Can't see that working. 

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Based on what the aspirations and thoughts were back in the 1960s, in 50 years time we will own electric cars and plenty of them but the large SUV sized vehicles will have vanished. Big cars will be the size of Ford Mondeos but many more original escort sized cars and most will have charge ranges similar to the distances covered by a full tank of the popular cars of the the 1960s .. around 200 miles, they will also have the power outputs and performances of cars of that era. I would suspect that most bulk containerised freight will be carried by electrified railways to more localised distributions points. Other than an emphasis of people not rushing around so much and a modest slowing of the pace of life things will seem much the same as now.

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20 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

I'm guessing in fifty years time car ownership will be basically outlawed. We'll all have to call up self driving, piss smelling, government owned, public use eco carriages to get where we need to go whilst being charged by the minute and having no control over the route taken.

Constantly operating multiple angle cameras and microphones will be a feature (for your safety) and free wi-fi ( that monitors all of your browsing activity) will be provided for your entertainment. Maximum speed will be 30 MPH, unless you're willing to fork over for the premium package that lets you use the fast lanes. Oh, and you'll have to sign a waiver before any trip freeing the government and any third party manufacturers involved in building the thing from any responsibility in the event of a crash.

We have been fairly constantly watched by cctv cameras for close on 30 years, the big problem with all this monitoring is how to deal with all the information, free wifi would no surprise me but again monitoring would need to be by algorithms and AI and there is good evidence that the latter has reached is limits and arsebook provides proof of how ineffective algorithm can be in dealing with humans. Road speed with be 20mph in urban areas (electronically enforced and motorways it will be 60 mph electronically enforced although doubtless there will be discrte under the counter market mods to get around these issues .. just look at the ebikes zipping around at 30 mph.

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1 hour ago, Roadkill said:

I'm guessing in fifty years time car ownership will be basically outlawed. We'll all have to call up self driving, piss smelling, government owned, public use eco carriages to get where we need to go whilst being charged by the minute and having no control over the route taken.

Constantly operating multiple angle cameras and microphones will be a feature (for your safety) and free wi-fi ( that monitors all of your browsing activity) will be provided for your entertainment. Maximum speed will be 30 MPH, unless you're willing to fork over for the premium package that lets you use the fast lanes. Oh, and you'll have to sign a waiver before any trip freeing the government and any third party manufacturers involved in building the thing from any responsibility in the event of a crash.

Got talking to a friend a while back and he pointed out that what with these 'Driverless' cars not under the control of the occupant it will negate the need for insurance. I am sure the total cunts that are insurance companies will 'work' with their friends in government to keep the cash rolling in at our expense. A pound per mile, another pound for each and every roundabout, fiver to go over a bridge and £100 fine if you put the wrong destination in the App I reckon. Thing is apart from being able to get pissed up, have a quickie, sniffing drugs and yelling obscenities at the police and pedestrians whilst on your journey I dont get the appeal. 

Imagine the Russians hacking the thing and driving you off the cliffs of Dover after said vehicle has wiped out 10 pedestrians whilst 'Allah u Akbar' blasts out of speakers. It's a potential weapon in some hackers hands and I'm steering well clear. 


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50 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Got talking to a friend a while back and he pointed out that what with these 'Driverless' cars not under the control of the occupant it will negate the need for insurance. I am sure the total cunts that are insurance companies will 'work' with their friends in government to keep the cash rolling in at our expense. A pound per mile, another pound for each and every roundabout, fiver to go over a bridge and £100 fine if you put the wrong destination in the App I reckon. Thing is apart from being able to get pissed up, have a quickie, sniffing drugs and yelling obscenities at the police and pedestrians whilst on your journey I dont get the appeal. 

Imagine the Russians hacking the thing and driving you off the cliffs of Dover after said vehicle has wiped out 10 pedestrians whilst 'Allah u Akbar' blasts out of speakers. It's a potential weapon in some hackers hands and I'm steering well clear. 


I see what you did there "I'm steering well clear". 

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9 hours ago, Roadkill said:

We'll all have to call up self driving, piss smelling, government owned, public use eco carriages

If two self driving cars smash head on into each other, who’s fault is it?

Answer…..Ours for allowing all this fucking bullshit to happen.

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13 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Wise up Bill, there’s no bamboo left in China due to deforestation. They’ve never seen skinnier polar bears over there. This is a real issue that needs addressing, urgently…and don’t get me started on them poor fucking kangaroos in Alaska.

No walruses have been sighted in Death Valley, California for several years.

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