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MP Stabbed at Constituency Surgery

Guest Paulie

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13 hours ago, King Billy said:

Who said anything about a ‘forged’ QR code? I certainly didn’t. Nothing whatsoever ‘forged’ about the documents (digital and physical) which Ive travelled to Hungary, Spain and back with, without any problem whatsoever. Do try to keep up. I’m sure someone’s interested.

Quite. Squirm and wriggle as much as you like, Billy two-jabs. Deliberately missing the the point and the gaslighting isn't going to get you out of the hole you've dug for yourself.

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  • 1 month later...
On 19/10/2021 at 09:32, Mrs Roops said:

Billy Two-Jabs, naturally you're upset and embarrassed hence the resorting to old tropes and an exaggerated faux nonchalance. Incidentally as any fule kno NHS QR codes have a shelf life of 30 days so how you managed to managed to enter three countries on a code "sent to [you] months ago" is beyond comprehension. Do not even attempt to spin one of your convoluted explanations either you utter fraud.

Oh fuckity-fuck-fuck, Roops. Two months later and the MSM are all over this, and there was you, magisterially calling myself and Billy ‘liars!’ 
It would appear that you now appear to be, erm…something of a cunt. Suck on this, sister:


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19 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Oh fuckity-fuck-fuck, Roops. Two months later and the MSM are all over this, and there was you, magisterially calling myself and Billy ‘liars!’ 
It would appear that you now appear to be, erm…something of a cunt. Suck on this, sister:


I think you should read what I wrote on the issue and not comment on what you think I said. Suck wind.

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14 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Quelle surprise! No humble apology or retraction…how out of character.

Creating false narratives won't get you out of this one...

If its any consolation I'm truly sorry your intended 'gotcha' moment has ended with egg all over your idiot face. Next time do the research before opening your minnow maggot mouth.

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9 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Creating false narratives won't get you out of this one...

If its any consolation I'm truly sorry your intended 'gotcha' moment has ended with egg all over your idiot face. Next time do the research before opening your minnow maggot mouth.

Let’s delve into ‘false narratives’ shall we?


Mrs Roops replied to a topic in The Corner

G'wan, you're really Monumental Cunt, aren't you? Intimating you've outfoxed three countries with a forged covid passport is complete tosh as well. You've obviously been doubled jabbed.


  •  There it is again in all its glory. Now, I was onside with your opinion and am by no means an anti-vaxxer, so I don’t go along with KB’s views. Several months ago, he stated that he’d travelled on a fake covid passport, I made no comment but you chose to dismiss this and, in effect, called the bloke a ‘liar’ several times. (Which, given your numerous utilisations of an IP checker is a bit odd. I mean, surely you could have proved precisely where he was like you memorably did with JSP, God rest his soul, then spectacularly failed to do with me? I wonder why you didn’t use it to ‘kill Bill?’)
  • My contention that my son and other student cunts have been travelling all over Europe this summer on fake vaccine passports was similarly dismissed as a fantasy and untrue as was my submission that I had travelled throughout Europe and not once, at any border, had your much referred to QR code ever seen a scanner and was merely given a cursory glance. So…now it has actually, belatedly made it onto the BBC and is now widely accepted as a proven fact,tell me…will you for once accept that you were quite wrong on the matter or do you intend to tough out this latest clusterfuck of your own pompous making?
  • The puntership is watching you closely Roops…a diversionary scatter-gun tirade about ‘sycophancy/deep-ends/minnows/spellcheckers’ etc, ain’t gonna work this time honey…(that is dried egg-white on your chin?)
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5 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

...The puntership is watching you closely Roops…a diversionary scatter-gun tirade about ‘sycophancy/deep-ends/minnows/spellcheckers’ etc, ain’t gonna work this time honey…(that is dried egg-white on your chin?)

No dried egg-white on me, however a red lion mark appears to be embossed on your sloped forehead.

The "puntership" isn't watching closely - they're bored to death of this. 

I did request you revisit the discourse on this, instead you chose to be highly selective in presenting a false narrative...

On 19/10/2021 at 09:32, Mrs Roops said:

Billy Two-Jabs, naturally you're upset and embarrassed hence the resorting to old tropes and an exaggerated faux nonchalance. Incidentally as any fule kno NHS QR codes have a shelf life of 30 days so how you managed to managed to enter three countries on a code "sent to [you] months ago" is beyond comprehension. Do not even attempt to spin one of your convoluted explanations either you utter fraud.

If you recall, KB maintained that he traversed Europe on the strength of one QR code given to him "months" previously. Here he admits the QR code was simply an acknowledgement that he he has applied for a covid test. The particular document he refers to has a shelf life of one month.

On 19/10/2021 at 22:32, King Billy said:

😂😂😂You absolute fucking idiot. It’s 2021 luv, Bozo and his cronies are so busy lining their own and all their friends and family’s pockets under cover of the ‘pandemic’ that every cunt involved in it is getting rich like never before. Sucking senior managements cock may have been the only way to get round the rules in your day, but that was then and this is now, so calm down, have an early night and dream about your booster jab (the first of many). 
To save you any further embarrassment PM me and I’ll give you codes for as many prebooked PCR tests as you like, which will be accepted on U.K. passenger locator  forms, without any problem. As for your childish assumption that ‘QR’ codes to prove vaccine status are somehow foolproof? That would also be assuming that all NHS GPs are honest, and not the greedy dishonest fuckers that some of them are. Wake up luv. 😂 

Note here that I am making the point that whether the QR code is authentic or forged is irrelevant.

On 20/10/2021 at 10:22, Mrs Roops said:

10/10 for the deflection attempt. Its not too clear what the scandal apropos The Boris chumocracy with the Innova Medical Group's suspect lateral flow tests and other questionable contracts has to do with the situation we're talking about. Furthermore, I have not articulated any assumption (inferred or otherwise) that QR & 2D bar codes are "somehow foolproof". More to the point, whether they are forged or authentic is missing the point. Even a forged QR code has to have an expiry date imbedded within otherwise its an immediate red flag that would reveal it self even with a cursory inspection. The notion that you crossed three international frontiers on a QR code given to you "months ago" is palpable nonsense...

Here KB is now backtracking and intimates his QR code, an acknowledgement that he has applied for a covid test, is authentic.

On 20/10/2021 at 20:21, King Billy said:

Who said anything about a ‘forged’ QR code? I certainly didn’t. Nothing whatsoever ‘forged’ about the documents (digital and physical) which Ive travelled to Hungary, Spain and back with, without any problem whatsoever. Do try to keep up. I’m sure someone’s interested.

So there we have it,

On 22/11/2021 at 09:26, Mrs Roops said:

I already knew your itineraries DC, I have faults as much as the next person but being stupid isn't one of them. It just seemed strange that you would use your kids for anecdotal evidence when clearly you're a cosmopolitan man of international travel. I needed you to self-dox hence the nudge. As for the IP history you have indeed been to the Balearics, the Aegean and mainland Europe but all at fixed points - no island hopping or crossing several mainland borders. I don't buy that no-one checked your vaccination status or required Covid tests, especially in Spain, a country that has turned the early pandemic disaster around and is now seen as a benchmark for balancing control and prevention. As for KB, he's been itching to get his teeth fixed and isn't that much of a moron to jeopardise his treatment by playing fast and loose with the regs more so that the dental clinic would have insisted he be fully vaccinated before preforming surgically invasive surgery on his mouth. He's been jabbed to the hilt.

So yes, KB's story of crossing three international borders, getting on several aircraft bypassing aircrew who need to be satisfied as to his vaccination status and hoodwinking an understandably cautious dental practice on the strength of a document confirming reciept of a request for an on-line covid test simply beggars belief. 

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1 hour ago, Mrs Roops said:

No dried egg-white on me, however a red lion mark appears to be embossed on your sloped forehead.

The "puntership" isn't watching closely - they're bored to death of this. 

I did request you revisit the discourse on this, instead you chose to be highly selective in presenting a false narrative...

If you recall, KB maintained that he traversed Europe on the strength of one QR code given to him "months" previously. Here he admits the QR code was simply an acknowledgement that he he has applied for a covid test. The particular document he refers to has a shelf life of one month.

Note here that I am making the point that whether the QR code is authentic or forged is irrelevant.

Here KB is now backtracking and intimates his QR code, an acknowledgement that he has applied for a covid test, is authentic.

So there we have it,

So yes, KB's story of crossing three international borders, getting on several aircraft bypassing aircrew who need to be satisfied as to his vaccination status and hoodwinking an understandably cautious dental practice on the strength of a document confirming an on-line covid test simply beggars belief. 

Selective quoting as ever. The ‘cursory’ glance that you suggest will reveal an expired code will not…and a ‘cursory’ glance is all that is given. The very idea that ‘aircrew need to be satisfied as to his vaccination status’ is palpable crap…that check is done long before any passenger makes it airside, and, in my experience, is never done with a scanning device…a cursory glance is all that it gets. As for a Hungarian dental practice being ‘understandably cautious’ are you being serious? That ‘profession’ is as bent as it comes, you should know (allegedly.) Simply wiggling a handful of forints under their noses would have the ‘understandable caution’ disappear like a goulash in a Somalian refugee camp.

You know full well what the argument was about and the fact remains, you were quite wrong. I maintain, you’re as honest as the day is long…in Finland…today!

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1 hour ago, Dead Penelope said:

DC. I have had ham & tomato sandwiches for breakfast .. surely that is far more interesting than wasting your life on a pointless online argument that you are not going to win.

If you don’t mind me saying, Pen…you advising any cunt on pointlessness in life is as hilariously ironic as it gets. Merry Xmas all the same.

PS…wanna buy a blag vaccine pass?

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31 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Selective quoting as ever. The ‘cursory’ glance that you suggest will reveal an expired code will not…and a ‘cursory’ glance is all that is given. The very idea that ‘aircrew need to be satisfied as to his vaccination status’ is palpable crap…that check is done long before any passenger makes it airside, and, in my experience, is never done with a scanning device…a cursory glance is all that it gets. As for a Hungarian dental practice being ‘understandably cautious’ are you being serious? That ‘profession’ is as bent as it comes, you should know (allegedly.) Simply wiggling a handful of forints under their noses would have the ‘understandable caution’ disappear like a goulash in a Somalian refugee camp.

You know full well what the argument was about and the fact remains, you were quite wrong. I maintain, you’re as honest as the day is long…in Finland…today!

I see, aside from being deliberately obtuse over the notion that an application for a covid test will satisfy an airline's covid vaccination requirements, you're also discounting my informed conjecture and replacing same with your own risible, fairy-tale conjecture. Yeah, right :rolleyes:

Bugger off maggot. I'm off work with a longish xmas break but my holiday time is precious and can do without having to deal with your fallacious nonsense.

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46 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

If you don’t mind me saying, Pen…you advising any cunt on pointlessness in life is as hilariously ironic as it gets. Merry Xmas all the same.

PS…wanna buy a blag vaccine pass?

If we are lucky our average lifespan is around 2.5billion seconds .. is all this online arguing with she who can never be wrong worth it .. surely you have better things to do with your time?

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49 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

I see, aside from being deliberately obtuse over the notion that an application for a covid test will satisfy an airline's covid vaccination requirements, you're also discounting my informed conjecture and replacing same with your own risible, fairy-tale conjecture. Yeah, right :rolleyes:

Bugger off maggot. I'm off work with a longish xmas break but my holiday time is precious and can do without having to deal with your fallacious nonsense.

What Billy actually said was ‘as many pre-booked PCR tests as you like’ and he was clearly referring to ‘negative’ tests that have been pre-booked and taken..and you know this. You’re fiddling around the point, twiddling with minutiae in order to points score again. The niqab in the woodpile is….as you torched JSP before failing to lay a glove on me with your magic IP address locator…why on earth have you not used your technical wizardry (wizard’s sleeve?) to destroy Bill’s claims of overseas travel instead of posting reams of shite over two months? Seems incredible really, unbelievable…which of course, it is.

This should be amusing…

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Any dopey cunt can claim to have used faked or stolen vaccine status information but in practical terms you will need to be exceptionally clever and well connected to get away with using that information. Actually travel across Europe has been perfectly possible and not difficult for people with valid documents and information and who were willing to keep within the rules. One big different those is that most European countries have been stricter than in the UK with far more checks and you having to deal with official who you can't ignore or scream fake vaccine at and who cross check you against where you were last checked. Did you know that Christmas tree sellers in the UK are in crisis with vast supplies of unsold stock?

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I've split your post into 2 separate points you raise;-

43 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

What Billy actually said was ‘as many pre-booked PCR tests as you like’ and he was clearly referring to ‘negative’ tests that have been pre-booked and taken..and you know this. You’re fiddling around the point, twiddling with minutiae in order to points score again...

What KB originally said was this...

On 16/10/2021 at 23:47, King Billy said:

Going OK at the moment Old Chap. The whole testing/tracing/vaccine industry is a scam mate. A get rich quick scheme for all Bozos pals. I’ve been to Hungary and Gran Canaria in the last 6 weeks, unvaccinated and haven’t taken a single test. My pal gives me a code for the online form to fly out and the same for the Passenger locator form to return as if I’ve booked and paid for tests. Ive got a QR code and two pages of gobbledygook he sent me months ago which apparently proves I’ve been double vaxxed aswell. It’s all a massive psyop to get  the sheep accustommed to complying with the ever increasing rules. Fuck them.  

Initially he had one QR code given to him "months ago". Then after realising his story didn't make sense, he backtracked, one became many. 

On 19/10/2021 at 22:32, King Billy said:

😂😂😂You absolute fucking idiot. It’s 2021 luv, Bozo and his cronies are so busy lining their own and all their friends and family’s pockets under cover of the ‘pandemic’ that every cunt involved in it is getting rich like never before. Sucking senior managements cock may have been the only way to get round the rules in your day, but that was then and this is now, so calm down, have an early night and dream about your booster jab (the first of many). 
To save you any further embarrassment PM me and I’ll give you codes for as many prebooked PCR tests as you like, which will be accepted on U.K. passenger locator  forms, without any problem. As for your childish assumption that ‘QR’ codes to prove vaccine status are somehow foolproof? That would also be assuming that all NHS GPs are honest, and not the greedy dishonest fuckers that some of them are. Wake up luv. 😂 

Back to the second half of your post;-

45 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

...The niqab in the woodpile is….as you torched JSP before failing to lay a glove on me with your magic IP address locator…why on earth have you not used your technical wizardry (wizard’s sleeve?) to destroy Bill’s claims of overseas travel instead of posting reams of shite over two months? Seems incredible really, unbelievable…which of course, it is.

This should be amusing…

For the simple reason KB's IP data confirms he's been exactly where he says he's been...unlike yours. It seems you are now inferring that KB's foreign travels was possibly a figment of his imagination.

Are you sufficiently 'amused'? Has the penny dropped or are you still going to drag us up yet another dead end?

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2 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

I've split your post into 2 separate points you raise;-

What KB originally said was this...

Initially he had one QR code given to him "months ago". Then after realising his story didn't make sense, he backtracked, one became many. 

Back to the second half of your post;-

For the simple reason KB's IP data confirms he's been exactly where he says he's been...unlike yours. It seems you are now inferring that KB's foreign travels was possibly a figment of his imagination.

Are you sufficiently 'amused'? Has the penny dropped or are you still going to drag us up yet another dead end?

The last vestige of the coward is a crowd. I’m confronting you and you alone…there is no ‘us!’ The fact remains, you were completely incorrect but will not admit it…which has always been your M.O. Your submission that you’d tracked me to Amsterdam was also a complete lie as I was never anywhere near the fucking place. I’ve said it before on here, it’s impossible to argue/debate with a liar and you are most certainly that, Madam..we both know why. Whoever owns this site needs to put you out to pasture…by your own admission you’re actually spending your ‘precious’ time IP checking regular punter’s IP addresses on the off chance you can score points…what an odd, barmy little creature you really are.
I’m sure KB will have his say on the matter, but there’s a distinct chance that like the rest of ‘us’ he’s sick to fucking death of squabbling with walnut-ovaried megalomaniac like you. That said, Merry cunting Xmas and enjoy what’s left of this ‘precious holiday time’ you fancifully referred to. Do pass on my commiserations to the daft cunt who married you.  

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1 hour ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

The last vestige of the coward is a crowd. I’m confronting you and you alone…there is no ‘us!’ The fact remains, you were completely incorrect but will not admit it…which has always been your M.O. Your submission that you’d tracked me to Amsterdam was also a complete lie as I was never anywhere near the fucking place. I’ve said it before on here, it’s impossible to argue/debate with a liar and you are most certainly that, Madam..we both know why. Whoever owns this site needs to put you out to pasture…by your own admission you’re actually spending your ‘precious’ time IP checking regular punter’s IP addresses on the off chance you can score points…what an odd, barmy little creature you really are.
I’m sure KB will have his say on the matter, but there’s a distinct chance that like the rest of ‘us’ he’s sick to fucking death of squabbling with walnut-ovaried megalomaniac like you. That said, Merry cunting Xmas and enjoy what’s left of this ‘precious holiday time’ you fancifully referred to. Do pass on my commiserations to the daft cunt who married you.  

You're clutching at straws but setting that aside, its a bit rich bleating about 'the last vestige of the coward is a crowd' when you previously intoned, 'the vultures are circling' and 'the puntership is watching you closely', but no worries, when I said 'us', I meant you and I. Incidentally, you should know that Admins have punters' IP data listed on every post so no time expended.

That said, I agree with your premise - I did previously remark that the puntership are bored to death of this and given you've had egg over your face two days in a row (your last question was spectacularly dumb) I'll sign off as I don't relish a knock on the door from some safeguarding team.

Finally, as a kindness here's the Samaritans helpline - 116123, I found it scribbled in red on my husband's desktop blotter hidden underneath his noise-cancelling headphones...Stay Warm! 👍

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11 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

You're clutching at straws but setting that aside, its a bit rich bleating about 'the last vestige of the coward is a crowd' when you previously intoned, 'the vultures are circling' and 'the puntership is watching you closely', but no worries, when I said 'us', I meant you and I. Incidentally, you should know that Admins have punters' IP data listed on every post so no time expended.

That said, I agree with your premise - I did previously remark that the puntership are bored to death of this and given you've had egg over your face two days in a row (your last question was spectacularly dumb) I'll sign off as I don't relish a knock on the door from some safeguarding team.

Finally, as a kindness here's the Samaritans helpline - 116123, I found it scribbled in red on my husband's desktop blotter hidden underneath his noise-cancelling headphones...Stay Warm! 👍

Get the stairs hoovered…


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