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Superman now a poof

Stubby Pecker

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In some fantasy bullshite world dreamt up by yanks, Superman has a son who’s bisexual (ie a screaming bender for cock)

The new superpoofs superpowers must be cumfarting his enemies, screeching in an effeminate way and shitting without it touching the sides. His kryponite would be the smell of a fanny, using a condom and beer.

If one were to don the tin foil it’d be easy to see this as a slow leaching of homo normally into everyday life via popular culture especially to those young enough to be most easily impressionable/brainwashed. A subservient breed of limp wristed weak cunts is what they want, something @Wolfieeluded to on another thread. The sooner humanity dies out the better- 100 years at best I’d give it, sooner if Marburg virus kicks off or another deliberate dose of bat flu is dumped on us by the chinks

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44 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Can someone reanimate Charles Bronson and make a film about an ordinary man who is sick of gayness and bummery, and decides to clean up the demographic with a truckload of big fuck off type guns. Just call it 'DIE FAGGOT DIE!'

"Poof Wish". 

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What adventures he'll have - cottaging Lex Luthor, visits to the Terence Higgins clinic to get his blood pumped, raping and abusing his street trade twink 'life partner', before the inevitable drug fuelled internal injury and sexual assault related death at an out of control chemsex orgy. 

Fucking queers.

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4 minutes ago, Paulie said:

What adventures he'll have - cottaging Lex Luthor, visits to the Terence Higgins clinic to get his blood pumped, raping and abusing his street trade twink 'life partner', before the inevitable drug fuelled internal injury and sexual assault related death at an out of control chemsex orgy. 

Fucking queers.

I'm looking forward to the recreation of the opening scene to Superman 2. Instead of pulling the bomb laden Eiffel Tower from the ground and dragging it out into space to detonate safely, he simply shoves it up his arse and exhales a column of black smoke before returning to the 'Fortress Of Spunkydude' to have a nice wank over some pictures of 11 year old boys. 

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9 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I'm looking forward to the recreation of the opening scene to Superman 2. Instead of pulling the bomb laden Eiffel Tower from the ground and dragging it out into space to detonate safely, he simply shoves it up his arse and exhales a column of black smoke before returning to the 'Fortress Of Spunkydude' to have a nice wank over some pictures of 11 year old boys. 

Superman will have to watch himself after he's finished fucking lois lane, the little devaint will be trying to taste his cock.

Edited by Paulie
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15 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I've got a feeling that by the time the film comes out, Lois may well be 'Lewis'.

They're still missing the black poof angle; maybe he can save that Chukka Ummna bender from the evil 'white supremacists' before breaking out the fisting butter, ravaging his brown arsehole and dumping him in the nearest lay-by with his sidekick Stephen Port after the GHB cocktail has done the job.

No-doubt Venables and Thompson will be part of the new look Beast Justice League as well. 

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2 hours ago, Paulie said:

They're still missing the black poof angle; maybe he can save that Chukka Ummna bender from the evil 'white supremacists' before breaking out the fisting butter, ravaging his brown arsehole and dumping him in the nearest lay-by with his sidekick Stephen Port after the GHB cocktail has done the job.

No-doubt Venables and Thompson will be part of the new look Beast Justice League as well. 

Aqua-Man will be towing dinghy loads of stinking, buck-toothed Somali fuckpigs to shore faster than the home office can capitulate to their every whim and savage demand.

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7 hours ago, Paulie said:

They're still missing the black poof angle; maybe he can save that Chukka Ummna bender from the evil 'white supremacists' before breaking out the fisting butter, ravaging his brown arsehole and dumping him in the nearest lay-by with his sidekick Stephen Port after the GHB cocktail has done the job.

No-doubt Venables and Thompson will be part of the new look Beast Justice League as well. 

Fisting butter? Have you access to Quincys shed?

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I can only reiterate what I said on the James Bond nomination, everything is getting the globo-homo treatment. 

At some point, the numbers of cunts watching will be so low the business model will have to change. In other words switch the fucking thing off or don’t go to watch it and it will fall in on itself.

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5 hours ago, The Beast said:

I can only reiterate what I said on the James Bond nomination, everything is getting the globo-homo treatment. 

At some point, the numbers of cunts watching will be so low the business model will have to change. In other words switch the fucking thing off or don’t go to watch it and it will fall in on itself.

Its a very strange bit of super aggressive social engineering coming from every aspect of Hollywood these days.

Wonder if they're all just trying to pull a big Kevin Spacey "yes, we all tried to fiddle kids at some point, but we were drunk and we're gay now, so..."

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5 hours ago, The Beast said:

I can only reiterate what I said on the James Bond nomination, everything is getting the globo-homo treatment. 

At some point, the numbers of cunts watching will be so low the business model will have to change. In other words switch the fucking thing off or don’t go to watch it and it will fall in on itself.

It's purely to get a reaction and stir shit up, for want of a better expression. The cunts could quite easily come up with a brand new superhero, who goes into a public toilet to change into a spunk-encrusted leotard, makes all the bad guys HIV positive, and defeats his straight, white nemesis by farting a giant used condom over him; but they won't. Because sane people will rightly call it out as an absolute shower of shit whilst it fades into obscurity, except perhaps among the poofs and trannies.

What they do instead is hijack current popular characters, and completely retcon a new race or arsebanditry into their backstory hoping it will find a new audience among chutters and indignant minorities, and boil the piss of the old fans of said franchise. This practically guarantees a pushback from ordinary folk, and therefore enforces the need for "awareness" and "societal changes."

As you rightly said, it's best to just fuck the whole lot off and let them have it. At the risk of sounding like a morgue-cheater, 90% of new TV programmes and films are utter fucking wank anyway, whether they're as gay as a scented candle or not.

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They might as well relocate him from Metropolis to San Francisco and put him in a pair of leather chaps. 

Even Spiderman’s a fucking Mexican now, thanks to the multiverse - although, on the plus side, Spider Gwen can spin on my knob whenever she likes. 

Speaking of spinning, Rorschach must be turning in his grave. 

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3 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

They might as well relocate him from Metropolis to San Francisco and put him in a pair of leather chaps. 

Even Spiderman’s a fucking Mexican now, thanks to the multiverse - although, on the plus side, Spider Gwen can spin on my knob whenever she likes. 

Speaking of spinning, Rorschach must be turning in his grave. 

I can't wait to see how they interpret the "Kneel before Zod" scene.

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