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Dave Umbongo

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Just heard this term mentioned on the Radio 2 news. Jessie Nelson of Little Mix has been accused of it in her latest video suggesting she wore fake tan and had her hair done to look like a negress. Apparently, they don't like it and I thought imitation was the sincerest form of flattery. Golly, I can't fucking keep up with these new words and phrases.

Discuss, or fuck off.

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21 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

Just heard this term mentioned on the Radio 2 news. Jessie Nelson of Little Mix has been accused of it in her latest video suggesting she wore fake tan and had her hair done to look like a negress. Apparently, they don't like it and I thought imitation was the sincerest form of flattery. Golly, I can't fucking keep up with these new words and phrases.

Discuss, or fuck off.

Repeat bollocks, you drunken, Drewsday cunt.


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1 hour ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

Just heard this term mentioned on the Radio 2 news. Jessie Nelson of Little Mix has been accused of it in her latest video suggesting she wore fake tan and had her hair done to look like a negress. Apparently, they don't like it and I thought imitation was the sincerest form of flattery. Golly, I can't fucking keep up with these new words and phrases.

Discuss, or fuck off.

Although its repeat bollocks, you bungalow bound piss head, I concur.

Its another case of hypocrisy on the part of the oppressed minority. Black girls want to be lighter skinned but it’s not ok the other way round. No cunt gives a fuck with white kiwis doing the Hakka- apart from being ultra gay of course- if this ain’t cultural appropriation then what is. No cunt gave a fuck when full time ponce Beckham sported an Africans hair do or wore a chinks skirt.

Perhaps we should insist all non Europeans revert back to their traditional looks and dress (malnourished, stinking rags and sometimes chains) lest it offend the natives. Or stop making such a fuss over nothing you uppity ethnics. 

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That Nelson bird is one strange looking rugby headed cunt though. She blew thousands on plastic surgery to make herself look like a chubby barbie doll melted in the oven  and spray-gunned with nutella. What was the point in that, delusional fucking cunt.

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7 minutes ago, Paulie said:

That Nelson bird is one strange looking rugby headed cunt though. She blew thousands on plastic surgery to make herself look like a chubby barbie doll melted in the oven  and spray-gunned with nutella. What was the point in that, delusional fucking cunt.

It's like an organic sex doll isn't it. Cunt like a ripped out fireplace.

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3 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

It's like an organic sex doll isn't it. Cunt like a ripped out fireplace.

I think she was the one whinging about her mental elf last year on some documentary. I hope the fucking wannabe black cunt does a proper impersonation and catches sickle cell disease.

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9 hours ago, Paulie said:

That Nelson bird is one strange looking rugby headed cunt though. She blew thousands on plastic surgery to make herself look like a chubby barbie doll melted in the oven  and spray-gunned with nutella. What was the point in that, delusional fucking cunt.

There was another slimmer one who did that about 20 years ago, he was in her early 40s but had, had the plastic surgery to make herself look about 18 years old. I cannot remember her name, she must be in her 60s by now.

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Cultural appropriation is in itself racist isn't it? 

I mean who's to say what culture whatever stuff is, notionally, from?

The blues.....doom metal......professional football......jeans.....lobster thermidor....fucking hell it's getting mighty crowded, dancing on this pinhead, be it breakdancing, pogoing, the Viennese Waltz, Twist, Boogie or Madison (phew I hope I've covered all bases. You don't want to be accused of racism do you - you could end up losing your job)

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1 minute ago, Eric Cuntman said:

A good 'black fisting' is what gormless, besotted white girls get upon announcing that there's a brown bun in the oven. 

Two black eyes should go somewhere to culturally appropriating with the dad of their unborn sprog. Just before said dad legs in out the door like Linford Christie on nandrolone. To the next gullible white slag of course 

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