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Guest Paulie

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3 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Let me know when you’re around- I’ll notify the police that a beast has escaped the cotswold wildlife park, is worrying children (like you do on the platform) and needs shooting with a elephant gun


fuck off

Why have you got this fixation with cocks and ball tucking .. are you a transvestite?

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1 minute ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Work it out yourself fuckwit

You’ll always require some kind of hand holding here and the only one stupid enough to frott with you is a half blind senile tranny who most here would genuinely have killed

No idea what the fuck you are on about, then again I suspect that neither do you. Construct a legible sentence or fuck off you idle shitkicker.

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9 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

There he goes again spouting utter bullshit, I have the PM fool and I'll be glad to forward it to @Roadkill if he's even interested that is. You really are a twisted cunt aren't you, what happened to you? It's obvious for all to see that Daddy didn't congratulate you enough and this has caused your pathetic need to lick arse (Frank 'The best on here' nomination particularly stands out) and throw a tantrum when I've had conversations with your 'father figures' here. I can't blame the old cunt to be honest as you are no doubt an absolute embarrassment to your family, I really feel for your offspring also...having to look up to a sad middle aged wanker who spends his days on here pissed and using fuck knows what kind of drugs/medication uttering bollocks day in day out. 

You've been told by many here that you are a useless, bullshitting, pile of shit however it seems only you and @Clavo are the only ones who fail to understand. I guess you live in hope that your hero Frank will return and play you again like the pathetic cunt you are. 

You complete and utter failure.

Yours sincerely,




Now I see you. This is a virtual environment and bearing that in mind, know this. I sincerely hope that your parents live a long, healthy and fruitful life. I’m sure they’re very proud of you. Similarly, I hope your kids are thriving and you have a strong and healthy family bond and long may it continue, going forward.

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10 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Work it out yourself fuckwit

You’ll always require some kind of hand holding here and the only one stupid enough to frott with you is a half blind senile tranny who most here would genuinely have killed

Admit it, you are fixated with big cocks .. please tell us more about ball tucking .. are you tucked at present?

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2 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Now I see you. This is a virtual environment and bearing that in mind, know this. I sincerely hope that your parents live a long, healthy and fruitful life. I’m sure they’re very proud of you. Similarly, I hope your kids are thriving and you have a strong and healthy family bond and long may it continue, going forward.


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@Paulie, so as a relative newcomer into this crazy little corner of the internet, what's your overall impression of the place so far? Does the unbridled fury of multiple middle-aged people being consumed by impotent rage as the world they live in slowly and relentlessly changes for the worst around them make up for the shit smeared up the walls and dirty syringes covering the floor?

If nothing else it can certainly serve as a decent venting mechanism - half of the cunts on here would probably be in prison without the place after they blow their tops in the real world and end up knifing some poor soul - the other half would be shitting into colostomy bags as a result of the anger induced stomach ulcers. Reckon you'll stick around and enjoy the show?

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3 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

Does the unbridled fury of multiple middle-aged people being consumed by impotent rage

As you well know RK. I’m not yet out of my teens, so I’m also very interested to know Paulies thoughts on this dilemma, which has almost, but not yet driven me to the point of being consumed by impotent rage. I wish I’d asked him first.

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3 hours ago, Clavo said:

Why have you got this fixation with cocks and ball tucking .. are you a transvestite?

Is this really the kind of response you think is going to do you any favours?

You stupid fucking freak. Did they remove your brain when they went to work on your privates with an axe and a glue gun?

Kill yourself.

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Guest Paulie
6 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

@Paulie, so as a relative newcomer into this crazy little corner of the internet, what's your overall impression of the place so far? Does the unbridled fury of multiple middle-aged people being consumed by impotent rage as the world they live in slowly and relentlessly changes for the worst around them make up for the shit smeared up the walls and dirty syringes covering the floor?

If nothing else it can certainly serve as a decent venting mechanism - half of the cunts on here would probably be in prison without the place after they blow their tops in the real world and end up knifing some poor soul - the other half would be shitting into colostomy bags as a result of the anger induced stomach ulcers. Reckon you'll stick around and enjoy the show?

It's like sitting in a lovely countryside pub, with a roaring fire and a hearty pie n mash supper. Then a biker gang from Rotterdam turns up. Within 30 mins the barman's been glassed, someone's shit in the fireplace, the barmaids have been turned into heroin addicted sex-slaves and you don't want to fucking know what happened to the pie and mash.

It's like that, and why I've fallen in love with the place.

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4 minutes ago, King Billy said:

As you well know RK. I’m not yet out of my teens, so I’m also very interested to know Paulies thoughts on this dilemma, which has almost, but not yet driven me to the point of being consumed by impotent rage. I wish I’d asked him first.

Good move, Billy. Best check he isn't another Pete first - go and shave your legs and PM him the photos - we'll plan our future strategy based on his reply.

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Guest Paulie
15 minutes ago, King Billy said:

As you well know RK. I’m not yet out of my teens, so I’m also very interested to know Paulies thoughts on this dilemma, which has almost, but not yet driven me to the point of being consumed by impotent rage. I wish I’d asked him first.

Keep marching would by my earnest advice dear William of Orange; it's well know that marching and good exercise stamps out latent homosexuality and middle aged frustration.

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9 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

Good move, Billy. Best check he isn't another Pete first - go and shave your legs and PM him the photos - we'll plan our future strategy based on his reply.

I’ve just paid someone to pluck my arse Killer. I can’t even see my legs at the moment. I’ll check my cctv later if the old bill haven't seized the hard drive.

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10 minutes ago, Paulie said:

Keep marching would by my earnest advice dear William of Orange; it's well know that marching and good exercise stamps out latent homosexuality and middle aged frustration.

Farbeit from me to dismiss such well meaning and obviously hard earned advice young man, but perhaps it might be better directed towards the members currently kneeling, open mouthed at your erect newbie penis. Having cleared up that little misunderstanding, welcome to the corner and fuck off.

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Guest Paulie
Just now, King Billy said:

members currently kneeling, open mouthed at your erect newbie penis.

I don't want to experience flashbacks to my first holy communion, so can you please stop with the triggering phrases.

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Just now, Paulie said:

I don't want to experience flashbacks to my first holy communion, so can you please stop with the triggering phrases.

It will make no difference how many likes you give me. I’m not queuing up to swallow your newbie penis. Got that. IT WILL MAKE NO DIFFERENCE HOW MANY LIKES YOU GIVE ME.


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Guest Paulie
Just now, King Billy said:

It will make no difference how many likes you give me. I’m not queuing up to swallow your newbie penis. Got that. IT WILL MAKE NO DIFFERENCE HOW MANY LIKES YOU GIVE ME.


Go on you slag, you know you want to. RIM MY ASSHOLE, NOW!

(like in the post)

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On 06/10/2021 at 11:03, Dyslexic cnut said:

Sage words. I don’t have the talent to get anywhere near that particular moniker, Killer, but @ProfBhas more chance than @Old Chap Raasclaat. My argument with the clown is his constant lies, misrepresentations and generally lack of any originality and individualism. The Gobshite joined and got a kicking from you. He PM’d me to rant about how he despised you and I told him he’d got that wrong. He then went into his now regular ‘snivel-mode’ and the F1 posts started for him to get back onside with you. To then misrepresent this as me contacting him with ‘advice’ is pure shite. He’s the sickly schoolkid in the playground who looks for the biggest gang and joins with them. He hadn’t  been here long enough to have any historical grievance with Pen or Frank but he had a quick look over what the majority were doing and then joined in…cue the ‘Pen’s got a cock and Frank’s a puff’ standard, morose bollocks. Dull & utterly devoid of originality.

How deluded to suggest that I’m all over his profile page when, a quick check of mine sees him as the most recent visitor…he should be roasted alive for this alone. If he removed the letters that make up the name @Dyslexic cnutfrom his keyboard he’d have nothing to say. He’s infatuated and he’s shite, I’m afraid. I’ve said it before, he’s ProfB minus the intellect and charisma. He’ll run away again soon, like he did last time he got his dead Haitian teeth kicked in.


On 06/10/2021 at 11:55, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

There he goes again spouting utter bullshit, I have the PM fool and I'll be glad to forward it to @Roadkill if he's even interested that is. You really are a twisted cunt aren't you, what happened to you? It's obvious for all to see that Daddy didn't congratulate you enough and this has caused your pathetic need to lick arse (Frank 'The best on here' nomination particularly stands out) and throw a tantrum when I've had conversations with your 'father figures' here. I can't blame the old cunt to be honest as you are no doubt an absolute embarrassment to your family, I really feel for your offspring also...having to look up to a sad middle aged wanker who spends his days on here pissed and using fuck knows what kind of drugs/medication uttering bollocks day in day out. 

You've been told by many here that you are a useless, bullshitting, pile of shit however it seems only you and @Clavo are the only ones who fail to understand. I guess you live in hope that your hero Frank will return and play you again like the pathetic cunt you are. 

You complete and utter failure.

Yours sincerely,




Lads, if I'm entirely honest a lot of the stuff I said to both of you when you first joined was to manipulate you both into fighting one another for my amusement. I got bored of the idea halfway through my nefarious plan and fucked off for a bit soon after - as I tend to do.

I certainly don't think I was particularly clandestine about my goals at the time, but if you somehow missed it, this was kind of what I was going for - I'm not saying you haven't annoyed one another on your own since then, but consider the possibility that this might all have sparked from a flame lit by a third party (me) who doesn't really give a shit either way how it goes now and maybe take a moment to think if you really want to continue it to the death.

Either one of you could just drop the matter at this point, and corner rep is really just an illusion, no one no one would really give a shit after a few weeks, aside from the odd spiteful little "you lost, I won" comment thrown in as a convenient dig. Seems like the Roops is circling now and this will only end with both of you coolered if you keep it up anyway.

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